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Windows/Mac Deezer Desktop/Web App - Bugs/Issues/Workarounds

Windows/Mac Deezer Desktop/Web App - Bugs/Issues/Workarounds
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  • Lover
  • 22 replies
  • December 28, 2023

Found a few weird things troubleshooting “an error occurred” in the desktop app. (This happens a lot)
when I copied the song link and pasted it in chrome, the page didn’t exist.

Then I went to the webplayer and the song played fine.
But then I saw that some songs are out of sync regarding likes.

Could this have anything to do with downloaded songs that don’t get updated when something changes perhaps? Sometimes the harddrive needs time to wake up, could that be related?

This is the bad link the app gave me:
This one is the working link in the webplayer:

Some other songs that are out of sync still play fine in the app.

I haven’t tried deleting my cache, it’s 142 GB at the moment and I have limited internet capacity here. So I’d like to avoid that unless there’s no other way.

win10, deezer 60.0.20

  • Lover
  • 25 replies
  • January 4, 2024

Please correct the installation file - the program installs in local folders (C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\Programs\deezer-desktop), not in Program Files.


I went all the way this time to try to thoroughly reset everything to get rid of the constant errors in the windows app.
- First I uninstalled the app, deleted the huge download cache, rebooted the PC and did a disk search for any remaining traces of the program.

- After deleting those, I installed the latest version (60.0.30) and rebooted the PC.
- Went into the app, set all my playlists to be downloaded and started playing one of the playlists. (I did nothing else)
- A couple of minutes later, the app became unresponsive and the music that was playing started to stutter and then stopped completely. When I opened task manager, I saw that Deezer was using a quarter of the 8 core 5.0gHz CPU. Other things I tried to do on the PC became sluggish.

Even after quiting Deezer from the task tray, there was still a process running and utilizing 100% of 1 CPU Thread and 2GB of RAM.
I left it running in the hope that it could settle down and fix itself. After an hour of no change I killed the process.

- After rebooting again, I started Deezer and it went straight to 25% CPU usage again. At this point the cache was about 25GB (not close to complete), but nothing was downloading anymore.
I tried playing some songs and the errors started coming in again.

- The next time I started Deezer it started frantically flashing a popup saying the computer seemed to be offline (which was clearly not the case because any other program had internet access without issues.)

- Also a couple of times after being unresponsive for a while, the app completely crashed to desktop (Deezer just disappeared).
At this point I gave up on the desktop app and switched to the webplayer, I really want to make use of the download feature of the app, but that’s clearly utterly broken and unusable.
- I always thought the “an error occurred” had to do with problems in the download cache, but now the webplayer has started showing the errors as well.

- Another annoying bug that I thought was fixed keeps happening: In 1 hour, the flow feature recommended 3 songs and 1 artist that I had excluded already. It even knows it because the option to exclude said “allow this song/artist” now. I thought it was because of the 2000 songs limit at first, but I’m not at that limit for artists yet.

I really really want to use Deezer instead of other services, but the frustrations are getting too big and frequent.
Especially because those are the same bugs that were there when I started using Deezer a few years ago.
And extra frustrating is the lack of communication and transparency on the matter so we don’t even know if someone is working on those bugs. Instead we get an unneeded update on the one thing that was solid and functional, the UI. I’m not talking and don’t care about how it looks or the logo, just the decision to focus your resources on that instead of much more necessary stuff).
And now there’s an increase in price for the already expensive program that feels like a Beta…

I already cancelled my subscription, but I’m willing to come back when someone even tells us that they’re working on fixing those crippling bugs.
PLEASE inform us on this.

Alien SuperStar

 Hi @Akadengdeng thanks for your two detailed message and apologies for the delayed reply.

All these problems reported were shared with the developers and I am waiting for some feedback.

For the first post: “Found a few weird things troubleshooting “an error occurred” in the desktop app. (This happens a lot)
when I copied the song link and pasted it in chrome, the page didn’t exist.”

Can you tell us if the issue is still reproduceable? If so can you send one more example please.

For the second post, can you tell us more about your desktop device:

  • Windows version
  • CPU and Memory 
  • Browser used and version

Regarding the errors messages and offline message, let me ask you couple question more:

  • For the offline message, normally it is related to temporary network connections
  • For the errors messages:
    • On the web, have you try delete cache, cookies and temporary files? Try different browsers and incognito mode? Can you reproduce the same issues in all of them?
    • Still in the web experience, does issue happens with any kind of content?
    • On the Desktop app the error displayed is normally associated to content download in one audio quality and trying to stream in a different quality. Could that be the reason for the error?
    • Still on the desktop experience, does issue happens with any kind of content? 

Again thanks for all the details.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • February 4, 2024
saibot wrote:

I can’t close the lyrics view, that X button on the upper left corner does nothing. Win 11, app version 5.30.520. The only thing that helps in this situation is clicking on Queue button.

The issue still is there. The X button on the upper left corner in the lyrics view still does nothing.

  • Lover
  • 115 replies
  • February 4, 2024
saibot wrote:
saibot wrote:

I can’t close the lyrics view, that X button on the upper left corner does nothing. Win 11, app version 5.30.520. The only thing that helps in this situation is clicking on Queue button.

The issue still is there. The X button on the upper left corner in the lyrics view still does nothing.

I’ve 6.0.60 and few (minor) versions back this issue has been fixed for me.

  • Lover
  • 25 replies
  • February 11, 2024

When the player is in mix / proposal mode it is not possible to add the desired song to the queue at the moment - the context menu is missing "Add to queue" etc. 🙁


  • Lover
  • 25 replies
  • February 11, 2024

An additional problem with adding a track to Mix/Proposition is related to the problem that releasing a single track to listen to, triggers MIX mode. Below are pictures before Play and after Play is started:


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • February 14, 2024

I am a new Deezer user who connects using multiple types of devices, i.e., Android, Windows, and Chrome OS.  I began noticing today that playlist edits done with an phone using your Android app did not carry over to your web player in Chrome and playlists displaying in a different order on my Android phone vs your web player.  It seems like something isn’t syncing correctly, as I’m using the same sorting options in both instances.  Reloading the page and clearing my browser’s cache was not effective. Please advise.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • February 15, 2024
ck3 wrote:

I am a new Deezer user who connects using multiple types of devices, i.e., Android, Windows, and Chrome OS.  I began noticing today that playlist edits done with an phone using your Android app did not carry over to your web player in Chrome and playlists displaying in a different order on my Android phone vs your web player.  It seems like something isn’t syncing correctly, as I’m using the same sorting options in both instances.  Reloading the page and clearing my browser’s cache was not effective. Please advise.

This also happens in the opposite direction when making changes to playlists with the web player, i.e., it does not result in playlist order changing with the Android app.  Again, same sorting options and tried basic troubleshooting steps apart from logging out and logging in again, which wouldn’t seem necessary if things are syncing properly.  I’m currently in my free trial with Deezer, and something like this would be a deal breaker in terms of continuing as a paid subscriber if it cannot be corrected.  

Runaway Baby
  • Runaway Baby
  • 9 replies
  • February 18, 2024


there is a problem with the cover art resolutions in both the web and desktop app (no issues on the android app).

When viewed from the queue the cover art have a lower resolution compared to both the album page and lyrics page.

low resolution cover art


high resolution cover art


high resolution cover art



On the web app I’ve been receiving a General error message while streaming. Has anyone experienced this type of issue?

Alien SuperStar

Hi @archaic_email, thank you for your message.

Could you please share the error message you received?

Leonídia.Deezer wrote:

Hi @archaic_email, thank you for your message.

Could you please share the error message you received?

It seems to have subsided and I coincidentally forgot to screencap it lol. I’ll post an update if the issue reoccurs. 

archaic_email wrote:
Leonídia.Deezer wrote:

Hi @archaic_email, thank you for your message.

Could you please share the error message you received?

It seems to have subsided and I coincidentally forgot to screencap it lol. I’ll post an update if the issue reoccurs. 

@Leonídia.Deezer  Good morning, the error message has been coming back today. 

It’s been several occasions where I will be streaming then the music abruptly stops with the message. I can resume playback at the start. The issue has occurred for both Webplayer and MacOS application.




Hello Deezer, I have a question why the Deezer app on my iPad keeps cutting out music every few seconds. what is the cause is a new i pad. It works perfectly via the Linn app

Alien SuperStar

Hi @archaic_email are you still experience the same error message? If so please give it a go with our latest version 6.0.90 -

Also for the browser as workaround, try different browsers or alternatively use the incognito mode to see if you don’t get errors.

Hi @rudi.fonteijne thanks for the post. Are you in the most Deezer version for iPad? and or iOS system is update?

Does the issue happens on Wifi or on mobile data?

Could you try to proceed with these two steps:

  • Clear cache on Deezer app, Settings, Data and Storage. Also have your smart cache configured for 2GB
  • If that didn’t improve the experience, please remove the Deezer app, reset your device and install back again.

Hope that works for you.

Leonídia.Deezer wrote:

Hi @archaic_email are you still experience the same error message? If so please give it a go with our latest version 6.0.90 -

Also for the browser as workaround, try different browsers or alternatively use the incognito mode to see if you don’t get errors.

Hi @rudi.fonteijne thanks for the post. Are you in the most Deezer version for iPad? and or iOS system is update?

Does the issue happens on Wifi or on mobile data?

Could you try to proceed with these two steps:

  • Clear cache on Deezer app, Settings, Data and Storage. Also have your smart cache configured for 2GB
  • If that didn’t improve the experience, please remove the Deezer app, reset your device and install back again.

Hope that works for you.

Just running through the application now and it seems to be working great so far 😄

  • 6 replies
  • April 19, 2024

The Windows Desktop app crashes when moving the window. I’ve seen other threads mentioning the same thing going back several months. I’ve tried both the app from the Microsoft store and the one downloaded directly from The version is 6.0.110, running on Windows 11 Enterprise, 23H2, with 32GB RAM. Is there any fix for this? I’m trying Deezer out as a potential replacement for YouTube Music but the lack of stability leaves a lot to be desired and I’m not encouraged by the fact that this seems to be a long standing issue reported by other users and there hasn’t been a resolution

Alien SuperStar

Hi @razorsoup, sorry to hear that you're experiencing this issue.

I've already shared your information with our developers.

They couldn't reproduce the issue on Windows 10, but they're currently trying to replicate it on Windows 11.

Once I receive feedback from their side, I'll update you.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

  • 6 replies
  • April 23, 2024
Leonídia.Deezer wrote:

Hi @razorsoup, sorry to hear that you're experiencing this issue.

I've already shared your information with our developers.

They couldn't reproduce the issue on Windows 10, but they're currently trying to replicate it on Windows 11.

Once I receive feedback from their side, I'll update you.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

I have checked the main.log located in C:\Users\myname\AppData\Roaming\deezer-desktop\logs but recreating the crash doesn’t cause any new entries to be written to the log. I cannot reproduce the issue with any other Electron app. I can reliably recreate the issue with either version of Deezer, by either moving or resizing the window.

  • Lover
  • 115 replies
  • April 24, 2024

  • 6 replies
  • April 24, 2024
Leonídia.Deezer wrote:

Hi @razorsoup, sorry to hear that you're experiencing this issue.

I've already shared your information with our developers.

They couldn't reproduce the issue on Windows 10, but they're currently trying to replicate it on Windows 11.

Once I receive feedback from their side, I'll update you.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Just wanted to note that I just updated to 6.0.120 and still having the same issue.

  • 6 replies
  • April 30, 2024

These errors appear in the main.log file sometimes. Are they related to the crashing when moving or resizing the window?

[2024-04-30 09:10:43.343] [error] WindowState: Cannot properly determine the display id.
[2024-04-30 09:10:43.344] [warn]  WindowState: The position is out of bounds.


Today found, that all downloaded data at PC was removed, and smart cashe was cleared. But im’not doing that manualy. Deezer 6.0.120
