Our Desktop/Web app can improve, and we need your help
This is the topic dedicated to all problems you may face when using our desktop and web apps, big or small.
What should I post here?
if the app is acting in an unusual way, when you click on the menus and buttons, for example
if the player is displaying error messages, or if the playback is interrupted, let us know
if you're unable to login, or if the app kicks you out, we need to be aware too
if it simply crashes on you, when you connect or not to a device, it's better to leave a comment
if you have tips or workarounds to share, they'll be very welcome too
This topic is intended for version 4.20.0 and above, and for our browser version of Deezer
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Hi there @Logan_A totally useful, thank you for the feedback, I've passed it on.
Hi @Roman Sofronov could you please tell us which version of the desktop app and your OS?
Hey @Lukianos could you please confirm if you have 5.30.10 as @moxy mentioned here?
The application on the pc consumes a lot of RAM, and so it has been for more than one year! Spotify consumes nothing by comparison. Please fix this bug! And in general, the application that on the PC and on the phone slows down, the eternal loading of the track, and this is with a 300 megabit Internet! I use a few Hi-Fi subscriptions and don't want to switch to other services because of these bugs.
@Rudi@moxy Double-checked the app version and it hadn’t updated yet, all is working well now. Thanks!
@Rudi Deezer 5.30.10 + Windows 10 20H2 (19042.1083), and I use default motherboard’s DAC Realtek ALC887 with external DAC Creative Sound Blaster Play 3.
Hi there @Eezer
Sorry about that. Could you please try uninstalling the app, and searching for %appdata and deleting any Deezer folder you can find. Restart your computer and then redownload the app, reinstalling it
OK, I’ve done this. Several times. I am still getting this issue where the music just freezes randomly. Today it has been particularly frequent - I’m listening to 4 songs max before it happens. If I do nothing the music starts again after about 2-3 minutes. It only does this on my PC app, I have no problems streaming to other devices from my phone app.
On latest web UI (may have been present in prior versions), shuffling does not work while casting. Can work around this by enabling shuffle prior to casting. However, once casting, the shuffle button turns off and can’t be turned back on again.
On latest web UI, it’s not possible to re-queue an already played song by dragging in the queue list. The song is skipped over even if placed after the currently playing song, and clicking on the song plays the song above it. Screen recording here.
Thank you for all your patience and feedback @hmnd@Eezer@Roman Sofronov@P.S
windows 5.30.60 lyrics still don’t sync after first time
Hello @JohnPower
Thank you for reporting this.
Have you tried to uninstall the Deezer desktop app and re install it again from our download website?
As music is about the ears not the eyes , Deezer is the only platform I would clearly pay my hard earned money for ,
Now one last time Deezer - at the very least , please fix the below on the Windows App ,
Playlist tiles - Do they have to be so big ?? , At-least give us the option to change to a list view , It’s really annoying.
Offline mode - A button to activate offline mode would solve so many issues , surely an offline switch is essential for a platform that offers offline mode , wouldn’t you think so ??
Uploaded MP3s - Give us a way to organise our uploaded MP3 files , it’s Pretty much 101 in any software Library of MP3s ,.
Paying HIFI subscribers who use the Windows App , are clearly serious music listeners , we are not children , we don’t need huge big colourful icons . We want a professional looking U.I for a professional sounding service. You have made the android version superb , it’s got everything you need for a mobile device. Yet when it comes to Windows app , you simply do the opposite and leave out everything it needs .
Why have threads like this and never implement one single suggestion , pull your thumb out and give us a better U.I
How about Hifi subscribers get a different U.I altogether, that would make your HIFI package extra special , no-one else has done this before.
I am the administrator of a Family Hi-Fi plan: there are 5 other independent accounts associated with the plan, each with their own credentials. No one knows each other's credentials, not even me as an admin.
When I log in with my account and look at the list of linked devices, I see those linked to all family members, not just mine. This could be "normal", since I am the plan admin, although it is NOT possible to tell from the list which account a device in the list is linked to. I also think that such a list is useless: even for the admin, I think it is still better to see only those associated with his own account and not those of others.
The other problem is that the other accounts also see ALL the devices of all the accounts (obviously by logging in with their own credentials, NOT mine), not just their own, and they can also remove them from the list. This happens if they access Deezer from a PC because in the mobile app they do not see the "Devices" entry in the settings. I think this behaviour is not correct. Don't you? Is it possible to make each independent account only sees its own devices and not those of others?
@Ian Cahill thanks for all your feedback and suggestions. I have passed all the info to our developers now and I hope we can see some of your ideas implemented in future updates of the desktop app.
OSX version: 11.6 (20G165)
Deezer version Version 5.30.70 (
Got the last updated version and now I keep getting: “Your Computer seems to be offline. We’ll keep trying to reconnect” even though my iMac is connected w/o interruptions (and there are no connection issues with other devices). This only started after the new version was installed and music streams w/o interruption (no buffering at any Audio Quality setting).
Wishing you all a fab weekend ahead...
That’s weird @Cupart thanks for reporting the problem. Can you please provide a screenshot with the error message?
That’s weird @Cupart thanks for reporting the problem. Can you please provide a screenshot with the error message?
Hey @Jaime.
Here are some screenshots as requested.
I’m not sure where should I write about this, but once in a while sound goes mute on Deezer Web on Edge Chromium mVersion 94.0.992.47 (Official build) (64-bit)] on Windows 10. It doesn’t matter which artist, once every five or something songs sound goes off, even though the player goes on as if it were playing.
The current workaround is to skip back and forth some songs until the music starts to play again.
Hey @PedroBrasa have you tried with a different browser such as Firefox or Chrome? Do you get the same error? Thanks
Apologies for the late response @Cupart. Are you still experiencing the same problem?
Hi, Jaime, I didn’t try with other browsers. I’ll give it a try someday when it happen again (it doesn’t always happen) and I have the time to spare in tests.
Am I the only one not getting the new Sunday and Monday playlists this week? I don’t seem to have any issues with the subscription, playback or algorithms. The last weekly playlist that successfully updated was the Friday releases playlist.
That’s weird @Gaffer13 Can you please provide a screenshot of your view in the app? Thanks
It looks normal - except the playlists are the same as a week ago, which I can’t show because I don’t have a screenshot made a week ago.
I already reported this to customer support, and the representative told me there was an issue on their end, and now it’s fixed. The playlists are still the same for me though - so maybe I’ll need to wait one more day for daily playlists and until Sunday/Monday for weekly playlists.
OK, daily playlists updated successfully. Sunday and Monday playlists are still the same - but will probably update on Sunday/Monday.
The whole UI is messed up on the web player and adding a song to my playlist became overcomplicated. Why the hell do I have to click … then add to playlist then my playlist instead of the + button then the playlist?