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▶ REPORT HERE: Error in a track/song/album

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There’s an error in the track “Kingsly” by The Republic Tigers. The track is originally 5:41 minutes long, but here on Deezer it’s only 5:05 minutes long. Right towards the end the song cuts and then there’s over 30 seconds lost.

Tiny Dancer

Leet Mob - My Story


On Deezer is 2:42

On Spotify is 3:26

On Apple Music is 3:26

On Tidal is 3:26

On Youtube Music is 3:26

On Apple Music is 3:26


Why Leet Mob - My Story on Deezer got 3 / 4 cut of the song? Why?

Tiny Dancer

Deezer song link:

It only 2:42 long and you can hear the cut off at 2:42. The full song is 3:26 long.


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • June 26, 2021

The song Words, Hands, Hearts from Yellowcard's Lights and Sounds skips at several points In the song 

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • June 28, 2021

Hi there @Tenk 

Please clear the app's cache first, to see if it helps. If it doesn't, then please post the link for the song here :wink:

Have you tried clearing the cache as well, @OlympicAssEater?

Tiny Dancer
Rudi wrote:

Hi there @Tenk 

Please clear the app's cache first, to see if it helps. If it doesn't, then please post the link for the song here :wink:

Have you tried clearing the cache as well, @OlympicAssEater?

Yes. Cache cleared and also check it through deezer web as well. Leet Mob - My Story is 2:42 long on deezer which is not the full song.



  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • June 28, 2021


Rudi wrote:

Hi there @Tenk 

Please clear the app's cache first, to see if it helps. If it doesn't, then please post the link for the song here :wink:

Have you tried clearing the cache as well, @OlympicAssEater?

Well i tried it on both my computers and my phone and cleared the cache. on computer it just spits out an error at the first skip point

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • June 29, 2021

I've requested the content above to be sorted out @Tenk @OlympicAssEater thank you! :relaxed:

Tiny Dancer
Rudi wrote:

I've requested the content above to be sorted out @Tenk @OlympicAssEater thank you! :relaxed:

Did they fix it yet? I already submitted a support ticket about this since Jun 22 and since then the rep on the support ticket still waiting from the music catalogue team. It has been 7 days now and no fix. How long will it take to fix one track like bruh this is slow as heck. I am not sure about the deezer support from this on now because it is really slow to fix an issue like bruh.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 1, 2021

Hey @OlympicAssEater 

It could be that the delay has been caused by the labels or distributors. We really appreciate your patience! Stay tuned and keep me posted :pray_tone2:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • July 2, 2021

Artist : Passenger 

Album: Young as the morning, Old as the sea


Home; If you go; The long road; Fools Gold.

A number of songs on the album are skipping and sound as if they’re in faqt forward? I’ve cleared the cache, restarted the app but they still sound awful.



  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • July 3, 2021

Hello Deezer staff,


I want to report two songs which contain errors. 

Kraantje pappie- met z’n tweeën 

Kevin- beetje moe 


please fix this issue and send me a message when it is solved, so I can enjoy these songs again. 


Artist: Indifferent Guy

Album: All Night Long


The song sometimes just skips to random parts or just don’t play,  on my playlist its even 35 seconds for some reason. Around 1:44 is the first “break” then around 2:48 another one

Tiny Dancer
Rudi wrote:

Hey @OlympicAssEater 

It could be that the delay has been caused by the labels or distributors. We really appreciate your patience! Stay tuned and keep me posted :pray_tone2:

Deezer have not fix it yet for like 2 weeks now. What censored taking you guys so long to fix one song and this one simple issue? I cannot imagine this level of support if I have some serious issues. When are they going to fix it or you guys not bother to fix it at all, let be for real though. I don’t have time to keep messaging you guys every single censored day to ask when fix and status update on my ticket support. This level of support censored I have ticket support about this issue for like 2 weeks now, and send the ticket # to your pm. Cristiane deezer support on my ticket support doesn’t help good. He/she just say wait and wait then they will fix it soon then wait……….


Hello, I have quite a few reports about errors in albums:  This album is missing a lot of tracks, it is not an EP. It should have 12 tracks. This artist’s catalogue is a complete mess. This compilation by them has major mastering inconsistencies. The volume is all over the place, even though it should have one consistent mastering for the whole compilation, regardless of the “volume normalisation” feature. It is weird because this compilation is perfectly represented on Spotify, so I suggest you message the label to provide you with the real 2015 Remasters that they used for Spotify. 

Other albums with such mastering inconsistencies are: and

Also, this album is redundant in their catalogue because it’s a duplicate and incomplete


These two artist profiles should be combined (the same): and


This track is a duplicate of this track instead the first one should be a 1 minute instrumental, a completely different track, which is one again, done right on Spotify.


Lastly. these 3 albums have 2 second gap at the end of the tracks, which should not be there because it should be played with gapless transitions:


This one also has a small but noticeable gap between tracks:


Other than these errors, everything else is fine, great app and great support. Hope all of this will be fixed.

Is this thread still active or should I report this somewhere else?

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 13, 2021

Oh, wow! @Neworder1111 My apologies!

I liked your reply and forwarded everything right away. I was under the impression I had replied to you.

Our catalogue teams did some of the stuff you asked above, which was pretty cool in that sense. Thanks a lot for your contribution and for your patience :relaxed:

Tiny Dancer

@Rudi THEY STILL HAVE NOT FIX MY ISSUE. It is almost a month now. What the fuck with this level of support . I have send you my ticket # via pm to you. Send two replies asking for status update 2 days ago, and no response. Are you guys fixing this or not? It like a month now to fix one fk song and one simple issue. I paid premium, and this is level of support I get?! 

Leet Mob - My Story on deezer is not a full song. Full song is 3:27 long, not 2:42 long on deezer.

Tiny Dancer


is the music team department or whatever it called fixing my issue right now or what bruh? Like this kind of support and level support disappoint me bruh. Ya want to make me wait like 20 fk years to fix one basic issue I have.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 17, 2021

Hi @OlympicAssEater 

Sorry you feel that way.

Once more, it isn't our team fixing the songs, but the labels/distributors. We're waiting for them to redeliver the content to us, fixed.

Thank you :thumbsup_tone2:

  • Runaway Baby
  • 1 reply
  • July 19, 2021


I've found two songs mixed up in a recently uploaded album of Башня Rowan:

this track should be called Мавританский король:

while this track should be called Кошка, которая...:

Can you please fix the names?


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • July 21, 2021

Alphaville - Forever Young - nasty cut at @ 0:45 


Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 21, 2021

Hi there @little_ash 

Thanks for letting us know. I've now requested the whole album to be resent to us by their distributors :thumbsup_tone2:

Hey @jakopriit can you check the remastered version?


Tiny Dancer


This taking too long. Send multiple tickets about this and reply to ask for status update on the original ticket and all of them got ignored. Not even a single word or sentence reply back. You guys just simply ignore my ticket, question, and concern. Is this how you treat a customer pay for your service? Just ignore it. Bad customer support and customer support is a joke. More joke than Apple and Spotify customer support that I experience so far.  Leet Mob - My Story on deezer is incomplete song, it is only ¾ of the song. Go with another provider or the provider that Apple music and spotify use for this track. I doubt they already redeliver it by now. This level of service is ridiculous and unacceptable. This is one song.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 29, 2021

I'm sorry for the time it's taking for this to be sorted @OlympicAssEater 

All I can do is once more urge our teams to try and get a result earlier. Apologies for the experience.
