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Replied by Deezer

Group/sort playlists/albums/artists/genres into folders

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Yuri Be
  • Lover
  • 38 replies
  • November 6, 2019

completely agree

  1. Possibility to “tag” albums in own way like: listen again, 5 of 10, LabelName. So, every album can has more than one tag and it’s very flexible way.
  2. Same style as playlists for tracks, but for albums.

Or something better? I'm almost completly sure that like/unlike is not enough for big music collection.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • November 10, 2019

Hey @Yuri Be 

Thanks a lot for the suggestion. I think it definitely complements the idea. We'll pass it on, our team is looking into tags :wink:

  • Lucky Star
  • 260 replies
  • November 11, 2019

Wow this would save me a lot of time organising playlists. But not folders. Meta-tags! That way it could be person, label, sub-genre, country, etc. but let me select multiple tags too (eg I might want to hear songs from a few similar sub-genres). 

Oh but following on from @Yuri Be , have pre-defined tags set by Deezer, but the ability to add your own tags on top of that would be great too. And when you add a song to favourites, there’s a button on the notification to add tags. 


A feature that would benefit the power users of Deezer greatly, would be the addition of folders for playlists.

This would allow users to create a more structured archive of all the playlists they have in their collection. What would make it even more useful is if you could shuffle all playlists tracks in a given folder. This is something Spotify had, that they ripped away from users and it never made it’s return again.

It would be awesome to see this feature make a return on the better service :wink:

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • December 9, 2019

Hey there buddy @solstice_outcry 

Very good suggestion, thanks a lot. I've moved it here so that you can improve an existing idea with your detailed comment. Please register your vote as well :wink:

Your idea makes me think of something similar: folders - for albums and artists.

Imagine if we could create a collection (or a folder) of albums, like a pile of CDs. I would create a collection with my favourite electronic albums and other collection with my favourite progressive rock... And I wish we could play through in random, in order or like one song of each album (randomly)… 

The same idea of collections could also apply to artists. A collection of my favourite artists from the 70’s…

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • December 19, 2019

Hi there @Benoit Robert 

Great feedback and suggestion, linking with the idea you created :wink:

The good thing is that our product managers are looking into this next year, because we want to make it more personalised for you :thumbsup_tone2:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • December 21, 2019

I need a folder (or way) to separate playlists that I create from curated and/or user created playlists.  

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • January 18, 2020
Flo.Deezer wrote:

It would be great if you could group playlists like into folders

I would love a way to create separate folders in all areas of the playlists section to organise the number of playlists I have. Especially ‘My Playlists’ to organise my playlists into different genres and types etc.. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • January 21, 2020

I'm reluctantly navigating from Amazon Music to Deezer or Spotify. 

Sidenote* deezer needs crossfade bad

I'm nostalgic for the old organization of Apple and Amazon music. 




Sometimes I want to listen to an Album from an album with only the selected favorite tracks from it, not the whole damn album.


When I go to my Artist list I only want to see list of albums and songs I enjoy from the artist.


What I dont get about these new music apps is that there is alot of manual labor put in to create your own playlists. And that's cool, though. It enriches the deezer algorithm learn your flow.

But I miss the basic music organization of your own unique library that existed in old guard music apps.


This is something that both deezer and Spotify lack.

Is Deezer brave enough to bring this back?



  • Lucky Star
  • 260 replies
  • January 21, 2020

Yeah I do prefer the system of just adding Tracks, and then Albums and Artists are just derived from that.

  1. Add a track to Favourites - the Album and Artist now appear in your list
  2. Add and album to Favourites - all the tracks are added to your Favourites, and still the Album and Artist are derived from this.
  3. There’s not really any need to add an artist to Favourites.

If you organise this way, you can still get to an album or artist to play all of their music.

But the way things are in Deezer and others where you separately add the album and artists is annoying. You can’t shuffle albums or artists anyway. And maybe you only like half of the songs on an album, yet there’s no way to play just those songs from the album. You either play the tracks, or you play the whole album.

I think Apple Music organises this way still. I thought Spotify did too but must be wrong.

I’ve personally never understood the Deezer-style model. It just leads me to never use the Albums and Artists pages basically.

Though this is different to the suggested Idea we have here so I guess I’ll add it as a new Idea!

  • Lucky Star
  • 260 replies
  • January 21, 2020
Stargift wrote:

I'm nostalgic for the old organization of Apple and Amazon music.

Added this as a separate idea. I agree totally.

Please vote!


Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • January 23, 2020

Thank you for your feedback @teqteq @Stargift @racsotunes - much appreciated. We'll be passing it on to the right team at Deezer :thumbsup_tone2:

  • Lover
  • 20 replies
  • January 30, 2020
teqteq wrote:

Yeah I do prefer the system of just adding Tracks, and then Albums and Artists are just derived from that.

  1. Add a track to Favourites - the Album and Artist now appear in your list

I disagree completely. There are plenty of single tracks I like from artists or albums that I couldn’t care less about as a whole.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • February 3, 2020

Thanks for adding to the discussion @tjgavlick :wink:

  • Lucky Star
  • 260 replies
  • May 20, 2020

Yeah the playlist folders on Spotify is absolutely great. I’m not sure about the need for folders on favourites, but for all of my playlists it’s awesome. They were so hard to use before. I think I have over 200 though so kind of weird like that (sub-genres, and various mixes). 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • June 5, 2020

yes please deezer, i need to sort my albums in folders,

and while you’re at it you could add a textfield to each album where I can put my notes to it, that would be great

  • 22 replies
  • June 16, 2020

This is must have. Only folders can organize playlist.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • June 23, 2020

Adding Playlist Folder would be great.

Allowing to organize Albums in Folders would be amazing

Adding custom user-defined tags would be revolutionary. No streaming service has that feature.

  • Lucky Star
  • 1595 replies
  • June 24, 2020

Hello @dmw66, you mean your own personal tags for your own library? That’s a very interesting suggestion :slight_smile:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • June 25, 2020
Kevin Deezer wrote:

Hello @dmw66, you mean your own personal tags for your own library? That’s a very interesting suggestion :slight_smile:


Yes. If you think about it, creating folders to organize your playlists is kind of the same idea, because you would pick the folders name. What I’m suggesting is that instead of forcing playlists into folders, you create tags or labels that can be applied to albums or playlists and when you click on tag you are shown everything with that tag (it would be similar to a filter). The advantage is that an album or a playlist can have multiple tags/labels.

  • Lucky Star
  • 1595 replies
  • June 26, 2020

@dmw66 Thank you for the explanation, this is very clever in my opinion, and as you said, with this suggestion we wouldn’t have to change the whole architecture of the current library, we could add those tags to the filters that already exist.

Thanks for taking the time to share this with us :slight_smile:


At the moment, when I go into the PC application, there is a problem with finding the desired playlist. Covers are too large and the names are poorly readable - you have to scroll for a very long time to find the right one. I have been waiting for a long time for the function of grouping my playlists into categories and for a more convenient presentation (to reduce images or make a table) - this would allow me to clean up my collection and find the desired playlist faster.

  • Lucky Star
  • 1595 replies
  • June 29, 2020

Hello @aleksy-airlight, can you provide us with a screenshot to show us that problem?

Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • June 29, 2020

It would be nice to have a Group By feature for a specific Playlist… Group by Genre being the default)


Users can then create a new Playlist from any of the grouped Genre for example..


This is useful when you have a huge favorite playlist and want to either play a certain mood or want to quickly create a new Playlist from a specific Genre
