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Replied by Deezer

Group/sort playlists/albums/artists/genres into folders

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Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 3748 replies
  • April 16, 2018
trabihans wrote:
I have a lot of cd's, and different kind of music, everytime I must scroll and search for a special disc... It would be nice if could search in my chapter Jazz for example....

There's an ongoing topic about this idea, so I moved yours into it 🙂

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 14 replies
  • April 18, 2018
What I'm missing in Deezer is the ability to somehow select albums without adding them to "My music".
I listen a lot of new music in many genres and need to distinct new music from favorites.
E.g. I spend 30 minutes per week to look for new releases, trying 1-2 songs from release and select those albums which I would like to listen. All next week I listen new music, old favorite music - and here problems arise. Sometimes I want to listen something new in certain genre - sometimes I want to listen something from my favorites. How can I determine is this a new album or one of favorites? How to find something new in jazz in what I want to listen?
The queue in Deezer is only one, is easily overridden and cannot be filtered by genre/album/author.
Only option now is to open an album, select all tracks and add them to certain playing list (like jazz_later) but it is not very convenient.
What I propose is to add a tagging system. It will help users to organize a music library in convenient and robust way. I can mark new music by "Interested" tag, other can define more precise tags, other can define rating system etc etc etc and all this can be easy filtered.

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 3748 replies
  • April 19, 2018
alone wrote:
What I'm missing in Deezer is the ability to somehow select albums without adding them to "My music".
I listen a lot of new music in many genres and need to distinct new music from favorites.
E.g. I spend 30 minutes per week to look for new releases, trying 1-2 songs from release and select those albums which I would like to listen. All next week I listen new music, old favorite music - and here problems arise. Sometimes I want to listen something new in certain genre - sometimes I want to listen something from my favorites. How can I determine is this a new album or one of favorites? How to find something new in jazz in what I want to listen?
The queue in Deezer is only one, is easily overridden and cannot be filtered by genre/album/author.
Only option now is to open an album, select all tracks and add them to certain playing list (like jazz_later) but it is not very convenient.
What I propose is to add a tagging system. It will help users to organize a music library in convenient and robust way. I can mark new music by "Interested" tag, other can define more precise tags, other can define rating system etc etc etc and all this can be easy filtered.

Hey there, I feel like your idea is a lot like this existing one, where the tags would work like folders too, so I moved it here 😉 Check it out and don't forget to show your support voting for it.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 14 replies
  • April 19, 2018
Ana. wrote:

alone wrote:
What I'm missing in Deezer is the ability to somehow select albums without adding them to "My music".
I listen a lot of new music in many genres and need to distinct new music from favorites.
E.g. I spend 30 minutes per week to look for new releases, trying 1-2 songs from release and select those albums which I would like to listen. All next week I listen new music, old favorite music - and here problems arise. Sometimes I want to listen something new in certain genre - sometimes I want to listen something from my favorites. How can I determine is this a new album or one of favorites? How to find something new in jazz in what I want to listen?
The queue in Deezer is only one, is easily overridden and cannot be filtered by genre/album/author.
Only option now is to open an album, select all tracks and add them to certain playing list (like jazz_later) but it is not very convenient.
What I propose is to add a tagging system. It will help users to organize a music library in convenient and robust way. I can mark new music by "Interested" tag, other can define more precise tags, other can define rating system etc etc etc and all this can be easy filtered.
Hey there, I feel like your idea is a lot like this existing one, where the tags would work like folders too, so I moved it here 😉 Check it out and don't forget to show your support voting for it.

Ana, what I'm looking for is ability to select albums without adding them to "My Music". Folders can help if their content will not be present in "My Music". You know, apples and oranges )

The only way to save a song at the moment (as far as I can tell) is either by adding it to a playlist or to 'Favorite' the song. I'd really like to have a music library and a separate "Favorite Tracks" category. Something like Spotify's '+' button that does just that. I'm aware that I can create a playlist for my library but it'd be so much more convenient if I was able to achieve that with a single click.

I don't think this feature is missing due to any legal issues since there are a lot of music streaming services that have it (Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music to name a few), please correct me if I'm wrong though. This service seems pretty great and it's the first potential alternative I've found to Spotify and it seems like a really basic feature to provide users with.

It would be nice if you can group your playlists.
For example, if you have a couple of playlists only with Future House, it would be nice to group them and give the group an individual name.
Then you can easily access all your Future House playlists with one click.

Same with playlists which are meant for road trips, parties, etc. Group them, give the group a name, open the group and only find the playlists which will fit to your current mood.

Exactly like you would group layers in Photoshop.

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • May 29, 2018
Many users have a collection that contain hundreds of albums or more. Therefore I think that it would be a nice feature if we were able to create subdirectories (folders) in the albums division that we can name ourself. It is a nice way to keep order and would simplify to rummage and finding content.
Just think about it. 😀

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 3748 replies
  • May 31, 2018
Hey @ThE BIT that's actually a popular suggestion. Take a look above and don't forget to vote for it to be implemented 🙂

this is something i would love - upvote!

  • 1 reply
  • June 15, 2018

I would like to be able to put my playlists into folders as well very much.
My amount of playlists would otherwise be way too long.

Merci beaucoup!


A feature to put all of the favorites into categories for quick listening instead of having to look for that particular genre in your favorites.

Good Day,

Please create a folder mechanism to organize our albums and even playlist. For example, I want to create a "Jazz" folder and put in there the "Albums" or "Playlist" I want to group, not songs. Playlist is a good tool, i can put in there songs i want but it's really insufficient. I want to listen my music more effectively. How come this is still not developped??

Looking forward to hear from you.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 9 replies
  • July 18, 2018
I also support the creation of a feature which allows me to organize my albuns and artists. Call it Tagging, call it forlder, whatever. I want to be able to group albums by topics defined by me.

Plase invest in this feature.

PS: I must be honest, I have already been searching for alternatives with this feature or even been thinking going back to my good old MP3 collection, where I find immediately what I want to hear thanks to my organization.

Lucky Star
  • Author
  • Lucky Star
  • 3824 replies
  • July 19, 2018
Hi @hur.ozan.cerrahoglu sorry for my late reply. Your idea already existed as you can see in this topic. Please vote for it and hopefully we can implemented it soon 😉

Lucky Star
  • Author
  • Lucky Star
  • 3824 replies
  • July 19, 2018
Hi there, yould you please have a look at this idea and tell me if you mean this:

If so please vote for it and we close this topic as we need to make sure not to have duplicates 😉

There are different tracks in my favorites. Like sometimes I like to listen speed metal and another time I like to listen some classics but seldom I want to mix them. Also, I'd like to listen not just random speed metal or classics, but suggested according to my tastes. It would be great to have an option for that. Yep, there are "moods" and "genres" in browse mode, but not in the favorites and flow. Also, suggestions algorithm is quite bad at guessing my mood, so I'd like to be able to help it with some menu in the app.

  • Deezer Staff
  • 6123 replies
  • September 18, 2018
Hi there, sorry for the late reply. Have you checked the Flow tabs already? That's what those tabs do 🙂

Anja wrote:
Hi there, sorry for the late reply. Have you checked the Flow tabs already? That's what those tabs do :)

Yes, sure. But it's not quite the same. I want an option to filter my favorites collection by genre/artist/time/etc. Without any suggestion besides what is already added to my favorites. There are times when I want to explore something new (and I'm happy to use flows and other options at that time) and there are other times then I want to stick to what I already know and like. But I do not want to manually create playlists from tracks already in my favorites just to randomize it later, it's time consuming and it's what computers are for...

Playlist folders please! Slightly shocked this was not possible. Abundance of chaos prevails until amended!

  • 1 reply
  • October 9, 2018
Flo.Deezer wrote:
Hi there, yould you please have a look at this idea and tell me if you mean this:

If so please vote for it and we close this topic as we need to make sure not to have duplicates ;)

DearDeezer, do you have plans to implement a map structure? Timing? grtz

Runaway Baby
  • Runaway Baby
  • 1 reply
  • October 22, 2018
Adding my name to the list.

This is quite a critical feature to me. I was elsewhere where they did have this feature (but screwed up something else, so I moved to Deezer) but I'm going crazy having to go through hundreds of playlists every time to find what I want. I really don't need to see my xmas playlists between January and November, for example, but generally it's just tough to find your stuff without a proper sorting feature.

@Flo.Deezer Can you tell us whether or not this feature will come to Deezer at some point and whether that will be in weeks, months, years? Is it even considered to add such a feature?

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 4 replies
  • November 1, 2018

I love making playlist and categorize my favorite musics. Sometimes I add a song to a wrong playlist, I don't found a song in playlist where should be there, so I have add again, and I have to check my other playlists to delete the previous wrong adding.
This would be more comfortable and clear, If after I click to "+" button and I see my playlists, there would be a sign where the song is already added( for example a check symbol or bold font or anything)

And an other way or other options. I can see the song what i add to my favorites with a heart, but I would prefer If I can see the playlist too, for example with a little picture of the playlists. That should be optional and the users can be switched off if they want.

Thank you if you read my suggestion!

  • Runaway Baby
  • 9 replies
  • December 7, 2018
Yes to this one, big time! Tagging albums and playlists would be a huge improvement.
I currently have about 150 albums in my profile and already now it's starting to be off-putting to find the ones you'd want to listen now. Can't imagine what a chore it'd be with e.g. 1000 albums in the collection given how poorly especially classical music and compilations are labelled.

Deezer Legend
+1 from me as well, also Spotify has this in their desktop app, although they disabled playlist folders in their mobile apps, I think, or at least the feature to play a folder in shuffle mode which would be nice, too.

Related to that idea would be an easy option to add a complete album to a playlist with one click. At the moment we have to select all tracks of an album with the related check box, and only then we can add all selected tracks to a playlist.

  • 1 reply
  • December 15, 2018
I also add my vote for this feature to be implemented.

I will go directly with the first streaming provide that implements it!

All since the begining of time I have requested from leading streaming services (Spotify, Tidal, Deezer) to add some feature for organizing albums into personal folders. It is hard to believe how slow progress has been over the last 10 years since Spotify started... Nothing happens. I guess the reason is that we, who need a way to organize our 750 favourite albums, constitute only a few percent of the listening community. The rest 99 % only listen to the recent pop hit playlists...

We can probably wait forever to get this feature. I have given up.

Better to collect vinyl's and order them in the bookshelf.