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My Deezer account is being used by someone else

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  • March 20, 2021

I’m going through the same problem. I’m listen to a certain song then it changes like someone is using my app. This is getting me really annoyed. I need help! Now I’m listening to Apple Music just to not go through this annoying thing of having the song I’m listening to changed all the time.

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  • March 21, 2021

Hey @serena ryan @wbrfilho apologies for the inconvenience.
I have killed session in all devices where the account could be open and I sent you a password request link to your email. Please click on the link and enter a new password.
If the problem persists, do not hesitate to contact me again.:relaxed:

Hi Jaime, I’ve had strange activity on my account recently with songs coming up on my recent play which I don’t (or ever would!) listen to….I suspect my account has been hacked or something so I’ve reset my password. Is there any way of finding out where the account was used? I have no unknown devices appear on my account…...

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  • March 21, 2021

Hi @MarcusPull I have updated your account and sent you a link via email. Please click on that link and proceed to reset your password. After that login again and let me know if that works.
Thanks :)


Jaime. wrote:

Hi @MarcusPull I have updated your account and sent you a link via email. Please click on that link and proceed to reset your password. After that login again and let me know if that works.
Thanks :)


Hi Jaime, I already reset my password just before you had a chance to reply….I assume anyone who had access without my consent will now have to try to log in again? How do I find out who or where the account was accessed?

  • 1 reply
  • March 23, 2021

I went to my just heard playlist and found a bunch of songs I’ve never listened to. Is it possible someone hacked into my deezer account? I found a phone I haven’t used in my linked devices and unlinked it and changed the password..but why wasn’t I notified if someone tried to log in from an unknown device and how can I even know if this happens again?

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  • March 23, 2021

Hi @nym23 I have made some adjustments in your account and also sent you a password reset link via email. Please click on that link, reset your password and login again
That should fix the problem.

I have reset my password, unlinked my Google account, unlinked all devices, but when I log back in on the app on my mobile phone and try and listen to music I get the ‘The Deezer account is currently is listening mode on another device’ message (even if it can’t be, because no other device is linked?). Perhaps this is a software bug? Although I have got loads of random stuff in my Recently Played list, so suspect it’s been hacked. Has Deezer had a data breach? There seems to be a of lot of people this has happened to.

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  • March 24, 2021

Hey @MarthaMatthews I am sorry to hear that.
I just did something extra which is to close session in any device where your account could be open. I also sent you and email with a password reset link. And in order to fix the problem I need you to click on that link, reset your password again and login to the account after that.
Thanks :relaxed:

Someone else is using my deezer and I don’t know how to fix it but my music keeps stopping 

and they’re adding favorite tracks 


Changed password + email adress and removed all connected devices but i still can’t use my account.

It seems i can’t do anything about someone else using my account. Is there a way to stop that as soon as possible ? I saw this isn’t something new with Deezer but for some reason it keeps happening.

I hope this issue will be solved fast. I don’t intend to pay a subscription for someone else.


Ps : who should i contact for help ? Is this forum the right place or there is a special support email adress or something ?

Lucky Star

Hi @Pierre.Poirier welcome! I'm sorry you're facing troubles with your account right now. Unfortunately you're not the only one having this problem. 


Copied from a fellow community Legend: Moderator @jaime  was able to resolve this issue for another user earlier today, and send out a password change link. If the issue persists, it should be fixable centrally.


Hopefully you're helped soon! 

Same thing happened to me and my account only allows one device to be connected, which is my own phone. I don’t understand how this is happening. Just changed the password, but it makes no difference, since the other person is already logged in.

Alexandre Soares wrote:

Same thing happened to me and my account only allows one device to be connected, which is my own phone. I don’t understand how this is happening. Just changed the password, but it makes no difference, since the other person is already logged in.

Twice now, since after I reset the password.

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  • March 26, 2021

Hi @Pierre.Poirier I have killed session in all devices where the account could be open and I sent you a password request link to your email. I know you already reset tour password. However, in order for this to help please click on the link and enter a new password one more time.
That should fix the problem :relaxed:

I cannot play a song for more than a few seconds before getting a message that someone else is listening. I have only a single device listed on my authorised list and I have also changed my password, yet it is still happening. Really frustrating!! Judging by the other comments this not a one off either.

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  • March 26, 2021

Hi @Alexandre Soares I have closed session in all devices where the account could be open and also sent you a password request link to your email. Please click on the link and enter a new password one more time. Then login again.
That should work :relaxed:

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  • March 26, 2021

@rossandrewedwards I have killed session in all devices where the account could be open and I sent you a password request link to your email. Please click on the link and enter a new password one mor time and that should be enough.

If the problem persists, do not hesitate to contact me again.:nerd:

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  • March 28, 2021

Hi @Amazinglycrazie I have made some maintenance in your account and sent you an email. Please click on the link on that email and proceed to reset your password . After that login again to your account.
That should work :nerd:

The music stop and a someone else listen message popping up. I changed my password and there is only my phone assigned to Deezer. The error still appears even though nobody else has access. I can not listen music more than 3 seconds. 

Hi @Jaime., I have been a Deezer customer since 2012. In the last couple of days, I discovered that someone else (that I clearly don't know who) is using my account. I have already changed my password, and just to feel safer, even my email. There aren’t any other linked devices, but nothing changed: Someone else is still using my account. I can see it from the recent played songs and even on Last.FM, which is linked to my Deezer account. I’m really disappointed: We trust you and we are happy to pay you even to keep our data safe (and the fact that this could happen even to other tech-companies doesn’t justify it). Also, my “flow” that I have built in 9 years is completely destroyed. Now, it makes me listen to only songs that I don’t like. I ask you if is possibile to kill all the other sessions and make sure that no one else is using my account. Thank you.

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  • March 31, 2021

@antonio marquez bordas I did some maintenance in your account and sent you an email with a link. Please click on that link, reset your password and login again with the new password. 
That should fix the problem.
Thanks :)

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  • March 31, 2021

Hi @Antonello Parzanese I am really sorry about this. Even if you changed email and password previously if there is another person who accessed your account and left that session opened it will still have access.
That’s why I have closed all session where your account could have been opened. And now if you proceed to reset your password again with the link I sent you via email and login again the problem should be fixed.
Thanks for being a valued user of Deezer and apologies again for all the inconvenience.

I found that I needed to download the latest version from the APP. store. Once I done that all was fine. It was just dumb luck that I came across this idea. So my problem is solved.
