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New logo: Explanations 💜

New logo: Explanations 💜
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  • Lover
  • 9 replies
  • November 9, 2023

This logo change is a huge mistake!

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 16 replies
  • November 9, 2023

The new redesign; yes its horrible.

What really pisses me off, is that so far I have seen 0 reaction of ANY Deezer staff to the (valid) complaints of the UI redesign and loss of functionality on some parts as well.


Let me remind you, Deezer:

I myself, and many other pay good money for your service. We are active, paying users.

Not adressing the valid complaints of an already established and paying customer base is just wrong.


By now I expected at least one of two things happening:

  1. An apology and acknowledgement of the fact you messed up and will fix it.
  2. A message stating you stand by it and anyone that doesnt like it is free to leave.

I certainly hope you got the balls to do one of these moves.

If you gonna go for option 3 (just stay silent and hope people will “forget and accept” ,

I will not be renewing my subscription for sure.


No one, literally NO ONE asked for a professional company with professional logo to “reinvent” their identity.

Your new logo looks like a gay dating app, the font is straight up ripped from Fortnite, the color scheme stolen from Twitch and your artwork is of the same cheap wannabe quirky and “inclusive” drawings/images are on the level of YoutTube/Dating app bad.



I pay for MUSIC, not to feed an agenda, personal satisfaction of some UI designer or a power trip of some CEO that lost all touch with what made people choose Deezer in the first place.


How to fix this?

Can’t go on a rant without offering a legit solution in my opinion.

1.revert changes,  make this “theme” optional

2.send out a questionare to your active userbase with a simple yes/no question: does Deezer need the new UI/Identity change

3.ask people what they REALLY want to see improved, and start DOING IT.

i have seen a ton of legit suggestions/implementations that can make Deezer the best out there.


long story short:

Waiting for an official reply and any sign of some staff member that they give a f about their (paying) users.

If not seriously addressed I know one thing for sure, I wont be giving Deezer my money when my subscribtion ends. there are (cheaper) alternatives and the differences between the competetion and Deezer gets smaller everytime; hell the competition has an edge now since they don’t have such a horrendous UI.



  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • November 9, 2023
rrh0514 wrote:

The new logo is absolute trash and doesn't convey "music". It looks like childish or like knock off dating app for non binary unicorns. You guys are going to get absolutely crushed with this rebrand. 

Yeah agree with you. Part of the inclusiveness. But it can’t be a mistake, it worked for Bud lite 😆. 

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 10 replies
  • November 9, 2023

FAILURE is the only word that comes to my mind if I had to summarize what I feel looking at this botched interface.

How is it even possible to end up with such a badly-thought user interface? So far, I have barely seen anyone liking these new changes. Deezer made one big UI mistake and it’s not like it’s my daily business dealing with UX and ergonomic aspects: never ever ever ever remove working and appreciated features, never! And if you are stubborn and still want to remove them, you must offer a solid and viable alternative that is very well-thought and fail-proof against 95% of your users. They failed on all these aspects.

I won’t even go to far on the purplish theme and the childish font being used (I am a boomer and discovered it’s very close to the font in Fortnite). The logo is ridiculous, it’s not a dating app, I’m in my forties and look like I’m hanging on Tinder looking for Spring Break friends that could be my kids. Worse: I have the web application being set as the first bookmark entry in the top bar in Chrome, so I have a purple heart all the time being displayed in my browser. I am sometimes screen-sharing things with my customers, probable reaction “hey he’s looking for girls? I thought he was married”. THANKS

The design team should have provided a few colors to pick and replace that purple (trying to Twitch us?) which is hurting my eyes, such highly-saturated color that is enforced without any alternative is a good way to induce rejection in your (male) user base. I am not even sure girls are appreciating it either. The wavy thing is not sufficient to convey anything about music, it does not look like a soundwave, rather some scrambled content... When music is being played and you hover over the song, you have a poor circle-like thing that does not mean anything. Why replace that? Keep the well-proven “square” that is meaning “stop” for anybody on this earth who ever used an audio device.

Was this thing even probed by applying it first to a set of users to get some feedbacks? Microsoft at least gives you the option to try the “new” while keeping the “old”. 

  • Runaway Baby
  • 2 replies
  • November 9, 2023
nikki_13 wrote:

So disapppointed with the new logo and even the font used in the app. It feels it’s for kids whereas before it was sleek and sophisticated. definitely considering moving to Spotify now.

Yes, I'm looking at alternatives too

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 93 replies
  • November 9, 2023

Man, this new design looks really ugly. I wish they would spend some time fixing the horrific casting, but no … they decided to make everything ugly instead. :(


Deeply disappointed.

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 10 replies
  • November 9, 2023

It’s horrible, I don’t want a “heart” anywhere on my desktop, mobile. I don’t want anything that could bring confusion with a dating app or a porn app! Even porn app icons are more pro than this ridiculous musical blob. They should have worked on something to modernize the equalizer icon or somehow linked to it, not come up with a Tinder replacement mixed with Twitch colors.

Wondering if this interface was designed in San Francisco? I am not gender-fluid with blue hairs, I do not have weird pronouns and I don’t read books about gender theory. I am a right-wing boomer and can’t stand this interface that smells like woke spirit.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • November 9, 2023


Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 10 replies
  • November 9, 2023
Sofi S wrote:

I am sad, really. I am feeling betrayed! 

I think I am a Premium user since… 2015/2016 if I am not wrong. All my friends and family use Spotify but I have always been faithful to Deezer.

Who made this decision? An Intern? Please guys, wake up! It’s awful!! Seems like a dating app. 

Considering switching to another musical app here. Seriously, they must fix that urgently.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 9 replies
  • November 9, 2023

Bring the old logo back, please. New one is awful!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • November 9, 2023
Diego Reyes wrote:

New logo doesn't represents and identify me, you should let people choose, at least the color. Now I have to move the app because it looks awful in my principal display. Really considering now to cancel it and get Spotify.

Diego Reyes wrote:

New logo doesn't represents and identify me, you should let people choose, at least the color. Now I have to move the app because it looks awful in my principal display. Really considering now to cancel it and get Spotify.

Completely agree, after years with Deezer it's going to have to go. I just want a music app that says I like music. Not a purple heart that does look like a dating app, or a purple charity.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • November 9, 2023
Gabriel.Eugenio.Dvoranen wrote:

This conversation is for all give your opinion about the new visual identity of deezer

Maybe look at a way to switch to the classic view vs. the new view. I really liked the previous view. I would’ve liked to uninstall the latest version, but it’s not possible. Considering to move to Spotify now. Their view and layout looks like Deezer’s previous one. Good luck!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • November 9, 2023

Deezer, you must know the average age of your users. I'm a 50 year old man, not a teenage girl. This smacks of nieve  marketing. 

  • Creator
  • 15 replies
  • November 9, 2023
Deezer must be desperate to take chances like this, deezer knew this would be alienating part of their userbase and did it anyway in a hope that the total amount of subscribers would be higher. Deezer have not made any features for years that maked the service communicating with other devices. The dysfunctional deezer connect features was a joke, hit and miss working chromecast etc. This has been a disaster in the making. The only thing holding me back from changing streaming service was Deezers best UI. Now is nothing holding me back changing services. They have gone from the best UI to the worst UI. Deezer got 10 days to revert this uglyness, before I cancel my subscription. Maybe I cancel the subscriptions anyway, because this company clearly doesnt have the prioritize right. The countdown has begone

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • November 9, 2023

It’s really quite surprising that this redesign presumably made it through several layers of QA.


The fonts are bad, the logo is inappropriate, the colour is awful, the layout itself looks very janky and half-baked, and some key features are straight up gone. Did anyone think this was an improvement? It boggles the mind...


Do you also feel insecure when favoriting tracks and albums because of all the hearts? The things people get mad about lol :D


Y’all should’ve seen Spotify pushing a redesign and making the entire UI paradigm into a schizophrenic puke puddle with aggressive customer monetization. Deezer just made a new icon and splashed some colors, and everyone just lost their collective shit about a heart shaped icon like it’s infringing on their big boy energy.

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 16 replies
  • November 9, 2023

I want to add that on my Google Playstore review, the reaction to my 1 star review was an automated “give us a chance,we want people to be able to EXPRESS themselves and try it for a while tell us what you think on our community page”

This is just insult to injury since people clearly are voicing their opinion, yet Deezer seems to conveniantly ignore all the complaints.


And please, f off, i dont pay Deezer to “express myself”; i dont pay for social media, i pay to play MUSIC.


I wont be extending my subscription, period.


Looks like a festive Halloween branding. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 5 replies
  • November 9, 2023

The purple really clashes with the dark theme. Purple text on black background is a disaster.

Plus having to fullscreen the app to read song titles because of the insane padding is bad. 

UX should come before making things look pretty.


Terrible new logo and UI looks very weird with those purple hearth everywhere.

The new logo is so bad I had to buy an Icon pack from Play store that still had the old one in - unfortunately I still have to see this catastrophe of an icon on Android Auto as the icon pack can’t change that.


Frankly it’s embarrassing to let anyone else see it - might have to switch music services if Deezer don’t realise that this is their Bud Lite moment….

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 5 replies
  • November 9, 2023

Long-time user of a Deezer Family account. Always took time and effort to explain to Spotify-users why Deezer was be a great alternative. No need to do so anymore. I will switch to Spotify. There is a max to the level of uglyness I can bear several times a day. Sad that presumably sane people have decided that this was the way to go.    

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • November 9, 2023

With the old app I always put random songs on and it played all the songs I have on my account. Not only the favorites, but everything. I can’t find that feature anymore in the new app. Can someone help?

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • November 9, 2023

Yes, the whole “Express themselves” thing is extremely odd, especially considering Deezers current “social” elements are limited (which I have no problem with). If it was a core part of the app experience, I might buy it, but as is…? No, it’s just patronizing.

I just want to listen to music with a clean, inoffensive interface that works 100% of the time and doesn’t try to have too much “personality”. Given the extremely wide taste of “personality” peoples music choice itself already exhibits, it is impossible to decide on a strong brand/app identity which doesn’t clash with users tastes.

With that said, given it has only been ~1 day, I would not expect any sort of response from Deezer. In fact, I wouldn’t expect a response at all. At best I see them quietly rolling out a “normal” font (likely) and toning down the love heart logo (not as likely). I don’t see anything else changing.

(Alas, I also won’t be extending my subscription).

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 10 replies
  • November 9, 2023
PotatoOverlord wrote:

Do you also feel insecure when favoriting tracks and albums because of all the hearts? The things people get mad about lol :D


Y’all should’ve seen Spotify pushing a redesign and making the entire UI paradigm into a schizophrenic puke puddle with aggressive customer monetization. Deezer just made a new icon and splashed some colors, and everyone just lost their collective shit about a heart shaped icon like it’s infringing on their big boy energy.

If it was only the logo I could live with it. But the whole interface is botched and does not look professional. I am not a freaking 14 yo Fortnite player.
