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New logo: Explanations 💜

New logo: Explanations 💜
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  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • November 9, 2023

The design is flawed on so many levels it’s a bit puzzling. As many have already said before me, yes, it does look like a badoo redesign through and through with fortnite font sprinkled in, from icon(s) to the player. But apart from that, the design just doesn’t work together at all, I don’t see any clear design language (apart from making everything rounded, probably the biggest graphics design clique of this century), the color scheme is also all over the place, the most offensive being the “player progress bar” color changing with every song….seriously, who in their right mind thought this is a great idea, did deezer hire PC component manufacturer designers who think RGB rainbow mode on everything by default is a creative design choice? Where did this come from and why?

This is challenging Discord for the worst redesign of this decade, and that’s saying something.

I’ll be honest, I am not gonna cancel my subscription over this, I’m a spotify convert with nowhere better to go (tidal & MQA are sketchy, Qobuz is no available in my region, don’t even get me started about Google/Youtube), but I am disappointed. And to everyone saying you’re gonna switch to spotify because of this redesign, come on, are you serious, do you know how spotify looks, with it’s beautiful gradients™ all over the place?

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 29 replies
  • November 9, 2023

“Hell, let’s make it a rainbow!”


It previously pretty much WAS a rainbow logo, with a rainbow of colours in the interface!


This high saturation pink/purple colour and love hearts is just dire. It's now actually less “woke” looking and much much worse to use with worse fonts and colours.


I don't care/ not care much on the whole woke front, but this all looks terrible.


I am syncing out all of my lists this evening in anticipation of leaving.



Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • November 9, 2023

Alright so, i have been a longtime Deezer user (since 2016), and a new community user. Now, i actually liked the old Deezer logo with the bars and capitalized text. And now, everything is purple, and the logo is a freakin’ heart, and they’re using what looks like the Fortnite font, and it just dosen’t look good at all.

Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 1474 replies
  • November 9, 2023
PotatoOverlord wrote:
Twitching_Badger wrote:

Each to their own - if you like the redesign good for you, but Deezer asked for feedback from users about the new look, unfortunately for them it's largely negative 

Fair enough, my rant was not intended to invalidate the concerns of people here but rather asking people to chill before posting and not to overblow the issue. Sure someone may dislike the new color scheme and thats perfectly fine, but I’ve been reading the forum for two days already and it sounds like some people are personally and mortally offended by it, and that baffles me.

What really sucks tho is that Deezers forum seems to be a in a state where it is barren enough to feel that their staff is not really present here unless to make a news post, yet enough people know about it to come in and complain as soon as something goes wrong. People who are ok with Deezer don’t bother with the forum, why would they if its not really active?

I have to agree with you @PotatoOverlord . I’ve been reading these last 2 days so many messages here about how terrible the logo is, how terrible the new Deezer looks like. And like you said, the people that are okay with Deezer aren’t posting any messages here (or not a lot). It has never been this busy here on the Deezer Community for a while.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 6 replies
  • November 9, 2023

It’s fucking HORRIBLE! Hey, Deezer idiots, stop! We aren’t 12 year-old girls! For God’s sake, the world has gone mad.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 6 replies
  • November 9, 2023

Hey! Deezer ****! Don’t know what kind of absolute and utter ******** you guys are there, but NO ONE wants this ridiculous 12-year-old-girl purple heart all over their phones. Completely ridiculous. Stooooop!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • November 9, 2023

Totally agree. The redesign is extremely bad for deezer core product (app and we app). Seriously what is wrong with you deezer.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • November 9, 2023

Personally I will give it a week and cancel my subscription if they keep it like that. If they can distroy their product so much I really don't know why I'm paying for that.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • November 9, 2023

I'm not a fan of the stupid purple heart app icon, so will consider cancelling my subscription and moving elsewhere.

I'm guessing YouTube Music is going to be my next home, but I was wondering where you guys are likely to move to, or if you will hang around to see if the Nobs will listen to the criticism?


Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 1474 replies
  • November 9, 2023
Diego Reyes wrote:

New logo doesn't represents and identify me, you should let people choose, at least the color. Now I have to move the app because it looks awful in my principal display. Really considering now to cancel it and get Spotify.

Okay, you don’t the new logo, no problem. Everyone can have their own opinion. That’s a good thing.

But why does Deezer has to give the option to change the icon (or the colour)? I didn’t liked Instagram’s logo when they changed it a few years ago. So? I really dislike Spotify’s colour style (green, juk) and layout, should Spotify give the users the option to change it? Can we change the Facebook logo? Or X, I liked the Twitter logo better.

It’s a decision Deezer made. And maybe they might change it again when reading the complaints here, but we don’t know for sure.

And best of all is, nobody forcing you to stay. If you don’t like it, okay, there are plenty of other music streaming services for you.

  • Lover
  • 112 replies
  • November 9, 2023

Hi @Yula,

Was the new design the “big rework of our webversion and desktop app” you told us about a year ago?

As far as we can tell, nothing seems to have changed under the hood… can you tell us whether technical changes are up to come?


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 6 replies
  • November 9, 2023
Motty wrote:

I'm not a fan of the stupid purple heart app icon, so will consider cancelling my subscription and moving elsewhere.

I'm guessing YouTube Music is going to be my next home, but I was wondering where you guys are likely to move to, or if you will hang around to see if the Nobs will listen to the criticism?


Apple Music , единственный сервис где flow работает отменно .

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 6 replies
  • November 9, 2023
davygravy79 wrote:

“Hell, let’s make it a rainbow!”


It previously pretty much WAS a rainbow logo, with a rainbow of colours in the interface!


This high saturation pink/purple colour and love hearts is just dire. It's now actually less “woke” looking and much much worse to use with worse fonts and colours.


I don't care/ not care much on the whole woke front, but this all looks terrible.


I am syncing out all of my lists this evening in anticipation of leaving.

Yeah, I don't get why people are up in arms about whatever “woke” thing. It doesn't look woke, it's just ugly. Not everything is a political statement, it's just a bad design. I've cancelled my subscription for now though, parts of the interface no longer fit on my phone screen and I hate the font. I'd come back if they revert the change.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 6 replies
  • November 9, 2023

Ну если тут починят flow тогда еще можно будет подумать , остаться или нет . Хотя скорее у  Spotify появится Hi-Fi чем тут починят flow 😅

I think they hired Elon Musk to design this logo. Looks like generic pin art and that is being polite.

Isadore Michas wrote:

I think they hired Elon Musk to design this logo. Looks like generic pin art and that is being polite.

They designed Deezer update.

I think the logo is wrong decision, maybe even app a bit messy, but you should give it time.

I personally trialing Free Deezer now just because of hype here and it works, but I wouldnt pay for it at all.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 3 replies
  • November 10, 2023

Subbed since 2016.

The most recent, forced, update turned my Deezer logo into a purple heart.

I am not subbing to a dating app (and not a homosexual one either).


Who the hell thought of this change?!

Roger Flores
Runaway Baby
  • Runaway Baby
  • 8 replies
  • November 10, 2023

The new Deezer update is not what most users were expecting. Personally, I don't care about the colours or the icon/logo of the app (which looks like Badoo! if you wanted the heart, at least you could  melt it with a pair of headphones).

Now, what really matters to me as a user are the playback functions and the audio quality the app offers. That's why:

1. why did developers remove the CROSSFADE? This feature is important for many, many users, if you talk about giving a great user experience, this feature is essential.

2. Why are the album art/covers smaller on the playback screen? Many people like to see album art.

3. Why is it no longer possible to go back to a playlist by pressing the playlist name at the top of the playback screen? This was a very useful shortcut.

4. Why the features of an album (e.g. year of release, length, most popular song) are no longer available by swiping the album cover to the left?

Developers simply removed many BASIC features in a music app.


Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • November 10, 2023

I second this. The new logo looks to me like some sort of knock-off Undertale logo, and I feel like the old (desktop) UI was arranged in a better way as well (can’t say about mobile since I’ve simply refused to update my mobile app)

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • November 10, 2023

From the heart icon that looks like an Undertale knock-off or some crappy dating app, the Fortnite font, the awful colors and the overall inferior UI, I find this redesign horrible and am thinking of switching to a competitor

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • November 10, 2023

Está horrible es un diseño muy maricón deezer la quiero y no la voy a cambiar por esto pero no se la tiren.

  • 10 replies
  • November 10, 2023
hubbacake wrote:

It’s fucking HORRIBLE! Hey, Deezer idiots, stop! We aren’t 12 year-old girls! For God’s sake, the world has gone mad.

Seriously, I have not seen design so bad since Did they hire the team of angsty teens from VampireFreaks as designers?

  • 10 replies
  • November 10, 2023

It’s terrible. I hate it. It ruins the look of my home screen. This isn’t and I’m not a 16 year old goth.

  • 10 replies
  • November 10, 2023

No one in their right mind could possibly think this looks good:

It looks AWFUL. I already removed half my shortcut widgets and moved them all to a secondary page on my home screen so I don’t have to look at them all the time, but I’m still very unhappy with how this has ruined the look of my phone. Why purple? Why TWICE the size of every other icon? The rainbow EQ icon worked. It matched every theme. This is terrible. Just awful.


  • 10 replies
  • November 10, 2023
Hasanat.Munim wrote:

The new vision for Deezer is to create an experience services platform around all things music, where we give people opportunities to express themselves and to connect with others.



So their goal is to become the old MySpace? 🙄😖🤦🏽
