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 Our Desktop/Web app can improve, and we need your help :desktop:

This is the topic dedicated to all problems you may face when using our desktop and web apps, big or small.

 What should I post here? :thinking:

  • if the app is acting in an unusual way, when you click on the menus and buttons, for example
  • if the player is displaying error messages, or if the playback is interrupted, let us know
  • if you're unable to login, or if the app kicks you out, we need to be aware too
  • if it simply crashes on you, when you connect or not to a device, it's better to leave a comment
  • if you have tips or workarounds to share, they'll be very welcome too

This topic is intended for version 4.20.0 and above, and for our browser version of Deezer :floppy_disk:

Hi @razorsoup, sorry to hear that you're experiencing this issue.

I've already shared your information with our developers.

They couldn't reproduce the issue on Windows 10, but they're currently trying to replicate it on Windows 11.

Once I receive feedback from their side, I'll update you.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Just got an update from the Windows Store (v6.0.220). The desktop app no longer crashes as often as it used to, but it seems like the bug still exists

No updates yet I am afraid, but I have passed the feedback to our devs.
Apologies for the inconvenience

Sorry @Jaime.Deezer, I don’t trust you anymore! When you start digging at this community, you can find dozens of promises about reworking the desktop app or huge update with fix many issues till the end of current year.

Years have passed and nothing has changed! The app is still crap full of bugs. My favorite one is when the app crashed (it’s quite often), the electron process stays in background with consuming all CPU resources, so laptop battery is gone almost immediately :(

Hi @razorsoup, sorry to hear that you're experiencing this issue.

I've already shared your information with our developers.

They couldn't reproduce the issue on Windows 10, but they're currently trying to replicate it on Windows 11.

Once I receive feedback from their side, I'll update you.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Just got an update from the Windows Store (v6.0.220). The desktop app no longer crashes as often as it used to, but it seems like the bug still exists


I was wrong… the bug is still acting as usual.

The desktop player crashes if the window is dragged by the mouse.
