
My podcast is not updating on your platform

  • 11 October 2018
  • 40 replies


I produce the School of Podcasting

My show has more episodes, and your platform stops in 2017. How do I get your platform to show my latest shows. Also are you making a copy of my file, or are you connecting to my media host?


40 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi David, we don't know anything about making a copy of files as we don't have this kind of info here.
I can contact the right department and ask about the latests episodes. Just to make sure, you have newer episodes, but can't see them?

Your Transformation Podcast

My podcast is not updating on your platform



Userlevel 7
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Hey there, Greg @Gregory Favazza 

Thanks for reaching out to us. Your podcast seems ok ( could you be a bit more specific?

Hello, @Rudi and @Rafael. 


It seems that my podcast isn’t updating either. Here is its link:

As you guys can see in the picture below, my show has already 2 episodes available on Spotify. 

However, just one is available on Deezer.

Can you guys assist me with this issue?

Thanks a lot,




Userlevel 7
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Hey @Leandro_Paulo 

Thanks for reaching out and for your patience. Both your episodes are now available on Deezer :wink:

Hey @Rudi, how are you?

Plase, help me with this issue..

The same problem described in previous posts is happening with my podcast, Deezer is not updating. I posted the fourth episode since yesterday, it's accessible through Spotify but hasn't updated on Deezer.

My podcast’s name is Talking to Improve Podcast by Heleno Alves


Userlevel 7
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Hey @Heleno Alves da Luz 

All good here, thank you. Hope you're well too.

I can see that Episode 4 is actually available. Let us know if you need anything else :wink:

Hey @Heleno Alves da Luz 

All good here, thank you. Hope you're well too.

I can see that Episode 4 is actually available. Let us know if you need anything else :wink:

Hey @Rudi all good here too, thanks!

That’s ok man! Now I can see/hear my Episode 4!!

Thanks so much!

@Rudi this seems to be an ongoing issue, why? 


Please check the Third Coast Bass Radio Podcast and update. 

Userlevel 7
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Hey @Third Coast Bass Radio 

Episode 1 to 18 are here, is there any missing?



same for me my podcast is not updating….episod 50 is out since 1 week now..

eric mixtape podcast



Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hello @eric mixtape 

Thank you for reporting this.

I’ve checked your podcast on the system and the RSS feed seems to have some issues.

Please contact our Deezer Customer Care team with an updated RSS feed, so they can updated it on the system,

Enjoy Deezer! :bulb:


Stange because on iTunes podcast it is up to date and I can see the release 50…

And this is the same RSS feed

what shall I do ?



Userlevel 6
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Hello @eric mixtape 

Please contact our Customer Care team; they will be able to help you to solve the issue.

Enjoy Deezer! :nerd:

@Alfredo.  @Rudi Hi guys,

i have the same issue with my podcast. While it is updating on all other platforms - it is just not updating correctly on deezer. The title has a “?” that should not be there the the first episode is nowhere to be seen.


Is it possible to take a look at this?

Thanks, Nicolai


Userlevel 7
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Hey @NicolaiR please get in touch with  our Customer Care team and one of our agents will help you to fix the problem.

It seems that my podcast isn’t updating either. Here is its



Hi there, 

The latest episodes of our show are not on Deezer:

Can you help us out?

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Hello there @maartenpodcast 

most of us here are subscribers and can’t address your issue.

open a support ticket here so you can be helped.





I’m also having the same issue. My podcast Real Talk with Oumaima Lou has a lot of new episodes but they’re not showing up on deezer. 


Please help as my listeners are complaining. 

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Oumaima Lou, thank you for your message.

Could you please send the link to your podcast - RSS Feed URL?

Yes, here is my RSS and the link to my podcast on deezer. 



same problem here 0/


can you help me?




Hello, I have the same issue, my piodcast has more episodes and new look, but in Deezer is still as it is since day 1. I went to check in your documentation and it says that updates take up to 24 hrs. This time has definitely pass over 170 hours already. Can you please help me make it work? This is my podcast:

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Martziano I have updated your podcast and I can see 3 episodes now.
Please let me know if everything’s fine now.
Thanks :) 
