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Deezer and Chromecast Audio problems

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Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • September 25, 2019
Hey @Austar

Thank you for your honest feedback. We're also working on bringing HiFi across other platforms. So we just need a bit more of your patience. Our product managers and devs are much more focused on what users bring to the community - in order to improve the app. But we can't make everything happen from one day to another, due to our size and capacity.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 2 replies
  • October 3, 2019
I almost ended to send my chromecast audio back to seller because of this problem. I don't understand why is taking you so long to fix this. I upgraded my plan to HiFi 2 months ago. Biggest mistake ever.
I'm curious, if you know about this problem, why you still have chromecast on supported devices on your website? How about our monthly fee we paid for this? I mean we paid extra for something that doesn't work.
I'm going to search for other streaming services.
Thank you!

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • Answer
  • October 7, 2019
Hey @Adrian.T

Sorry to hear that. The good news is that we've already put months into getting a new Chromecast integration off the ground. This is because we're aware our current integration isn't as stable as our users deserve. But we're really excited for what's coming, so please bear with us if you can, we'd like you to give us your feedback once it's in place 👍🏼

  • 2 replies
  • October 19, 2019

Pessima interazione con Chrome cast audio. Mancate partenze delle tracce e blocchi continui. Sono appena tornato a Deezer HiFi ma al termine del mese dovrò disdire. Peccato...

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • October 21, 2019

Hi there @Giac 

Sorry for my reply in English - Italian isn't supported in our community at the moment. Thank you for your honest feedback. Like I've mentioned above, we're working on bringing a new integration, which will hopefully solve many problems :wink:

  • Runaway Baby
  • 3 replies
  • October 24, 2019

Chromecast audio issues on Android.. the audio drops every 4 to sec...shame on Deezer..I subscribed in HIFI plan but with no use..I cannot listen to chromecast 16 bit flac songs..unfortunately....shame on you

  • 2 replies
  • October 25, 2019

Peccato Rudy, la qualità sonora anche e soprattutto su Chromecast è ottima anche col solo Premium e surclassa i concorrenti. Utilizzerò l'account Premium di mia moglie che volevo sostituire col mio HIFI. Ma così è insostenibile....

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • October 25, 2019

My hifi-sub is useless since i cant use it with my stereo with cca. How long will we have to wait, a sollution has been on its way for a year now...? Btw, thanks for at least trying to give som info Rudi, appreciate it!

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • October 26, 2019

Hi there@Greenmusik @Giac @Rogernehme 

I hope to bring more news by the end of this year, along with more exciting features. Our new Chromecast integration should follow a new Google protocol and this should improve the whole integration much more 👍🏼

Hi @Rudi, any news on the chromecast improvements in the app? The last Deezer version doesn’t solve the problem the app loses the connection with the chromecast audio after a short while or after switching apps. Chromecast keeps playing the selected list but the app can’t control the list without re-connecting manually in the app. Strange: the Google Home app does keep control of the deezer-connection…


Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • November 27, 2019

Hi there @Robert Van de Wiel 

Thanks for reaching out. We're aware of that connection issue.

Well, we haven't been given a specific date yet but some mechanisms were already introduced to our Beta apps - so the team hasn't stopped working on it. We're expecting more updates about this before the end of December - very exciting times for us, as we expect the new integration to offer more and be much more stable. Thank you for your support and for your patience :thumbsup_tone2:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • December 11, 2019

Tic toc, tic toc...

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • December 15, 2019

Good to hear, i really Hope this will Work soon. I want to get rid of the crappy, never working Bluetooth Connection to my Hifi. All other Chromecast Apps i am using currently Work Well. Other Audio Apps Had Problems in the past AS Well, seems to be tricky to implement.. good luck.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • January 5, 2020

Also had issues with the deezer-chromcast connection(more then 1,5 yar ago already!) 

i started using the apple aiport express lile a charm

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • January 8, 2020

Thanks for sharing it @petje glad to hear that you found a way to work with it in the meantime :wink:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 5 replies
  • January 9, 2020
Rudi wrote:

Hi there @Robert Van de Wiel 

Thanks for reaching out. We're aware of that connection issue.

Well, we haven't been given a specific date yet but some mechanisms were already introduced to our Beta apps - so the team hasn't stopped working on it. We're expecting more updates about this before the end of December - very exciting times for us, as we expect the new integration to offer more and be much more stable. Thank you for your support and for your patience 👍🏼

@Rudi  Any news?      I tried Deezer again today - didn’t get more than 5 minutes of music through a chromecast audio before it stopped - switched to the Google home integration which worked briefly until I tried to skip a song and then it stopped and did nothing. I gave up.

I’ve cancelled Tidal (no Google Integration), cancelled Spotify (awful chromecast integration, stupid design choices)  so it’s between Deezer and YT Music if Deezer can sort out casting.    YT Music is well behind Deezer in so many ways, but at least the cast integration and Google home integration works *all* the time.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • January 13, 2020

We're still waiting for updates from our team @Andrew.Chick. But I know we've done substantial work on this already, and that's why we're using Google's new protocol - so that we can be ahead of the competition on this :smirk:

Thank you for your support and for your patience!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 4 replies
  • January 18, 2020

I've just upgraded my account to HiFi tier and it was a big mistake. I stream music via Chromecast Audio to speakers and it's main  and the most important function for me. Unfortunately this function is completely useless in Dezeer. I see info "loading" very often, it's impossible to listen music. I'm very disappointed. I had Tidal HiFi earlier and there is no comparison to it. I like layout of Dezeer but if you don't fix the problem I have to return to Tidal. Interestingly, this problem doesn't  occur so often at HQ tier. 

Rudi wrote:

Hi there @Robert Van de Wiel 

Thanks for reaching out. We're aware of that connection issue.

Well, we haven't been given a specific date yet but some mechanisms were already introduced to our Beta apps - so the team hasn't stopped working on it. We're expecting more updates about this before the end of December - very exciting times for us, as we expect the new integration to offer more and be much more stable. Thank you for your support and for your patience 👍🏼

Hi @Rudi . Any news on your end, passing the end of december? 

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • January 23, 2020

Hi there @jaxa 

Sorry you're disappointed. But we're working on this, rest assured.

Same here @Robert Van de Wiel it's been over 9 months now, and more and more mechanisms have been added to our latest releases of the mobile app. We should expect more news in the next couple of months - I'll keep our community informed :thumbsup_tone2:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 4 replies
  • January 26, 2020

Rudi, thanks for info. I like your stuff, but with problems using it via Chromecast Audio it's useless now for me. I'll be waiting for fix it. Keep your work and give an info when it will be ready for use.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • January 28, 2020

100%, @jaxa. It's been over 9 months of development so far, I think we're getting closer :wink:

  • Runaway Baby
  • 1 reply
  • February 2, 2020

Hej wszystkim, posiadam receptor denon avr x 2600 I chcę poprzez to urządzenie odtwarzac pliki muzyczne z deezer ale nie poprzez połączenie telefonu bluetooth tylko poprzez sieć ale jakoś nie potrafie tego dokonać, zna może ktoś jakiś sposób.

Z góry dziękuję. Rafał 

Deezer Legend

Hi, the Chromecast connection is still being fixed and updated to a new version, but not released yet. Maybe your Denon AVR is able to use Chromecast instead of a Bluetooth connection?

@Rudi Deezer & you are full censored. All hifi subscribers not using Sonos shold be compensated for the time that CCA implementation hasen't worked. HIFI subscription is useless without cast functionality.
