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New logo: Explanations 💜

New logo: Explanations 💜
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  • Tiny Dancer
  • 5 replies
  • November 27, 2023

This company approach to opinions of theirs customers is the worst. Soon you'll lose another paying account.

Deezer Legend
Sinnerman wrote:

Bring back shuffle my music, album info, and the ability to swipe down.

That being said, I feel like the shuffle algorithm was adjusted and seems much better. If it weren't for this one factor, I would definitely jump ship.

If you are using the iOS beta version of Deezer, you should see a Shuffle icon now in the Favorites tab:

Screenshot Favorites in new iOS Beta version

You may also check if the album info when swiping left on the album artwork is already back, not sure.

What was the purpose of this brutal redesign? Antagonize the customers? Then you did well, but please give the option to turn back to the sane design. I will pay whatever amount of money. Please.

Ameli Gavante
Tiny Dancer

I like the new logo and the UI redesign! 

You know… I’ve been working for almost a decade as a software engineer and I am tired of all the flashy UIs or in the other hand the “I want to be like Fcbk” looks and trends.

The new UI help us to get the best of deezer. FEEL the music and Connect through it. I love the new logo. It feels more like a hey we love the music and want to share that feeling than We are just a streaming platform <3 

  • Runaway Baby
  • 4 replies
  • November 28, 2023
Karim Mneimneh wrote:


But let’s be objective and honest about it; do you think this is acceptable? 



Windows icon is smaller than standard? Funnily on Mac icon is bigger than standard size. :D 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • November 28, 2023

tbh, I don't care much about logo. Just need this things.... I can't see album release date, can't see top song from album as well... 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • November 28, 2023

The UI change is fine to me, except some minor changes and natural navigation to change (swap from top to bottom to reduce the player for instance).

What I need is to hide that icon, can you add a feature to replace this heart to something else? I really looks like a dating app, I got some comments about it, people thought I installed a dating app while I am not single, and this is very problematic.

Plus, the icon looks cheap right now on my screen compared to other icons.

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • December 2, 2023

Please give it another thought. This new logo and theme has nothing to do with the old one and is pretty lame. Furthermore many people seems to agree that this decision is not correct.

At least let us chose the old logo and theme from the settings on desktop and mobile.

And come on, I’m sure you can do better than a purple pulsing heart. You gotta be kidding me :-\



  • Runaway Baby
  • 1 reply
  • December 7, 2023
Tom Hill wrote:

Been a user for almost 10 years now. New update gives it a cheap feel in comparison to what it was before. I was horrified when it updated! My partner thought it was a dating app. I'd have to agree thats what the icon looks like. Plus the app colour scheme and design  gives a circus kinda vibe. the main they should have app skin change as option to users....

lyd wrote:

The new redesign; yes its horrible.

What really pisses me off, is that so far I have seen 0 reaction of ANY Deezer staff to the (valid) complaints of the UI redesign and loss of functionality on some parts as well.


Let me remind you, Deezer:

I myself, and many other pay good money for your service. We are active, paying users.

Not adressing the valid complaints of an already established and paying customer base is just wrong.


By now I expected at least one of two things happening:

  1. An apology and acknowledgement of the fact you messed up and will fix it.
  2. A message stating you stand by it and anyone that doesnt like it is free to leave.

I certainly hope you got the balls to do one of these moves.

If you gonna go for option 3 (just stay silent and hope people will “forget and accept” ,

I will not be renewing my subscription for sure.


No one, literally NO ONE asked for a professional company with professional logo to “reinvent” their identity.

Your new logo looks like a gay dating app, the font is straight up ripped from Fortnite, the color scheme stolen from Twitch and your artwork is of the same cheap wannabe quirky and “inclusive” drawings/images are on the level of YoutTube/Dating app bad.



I pay for MUSIC, not to feed an agenda, personal satisfaction of some UI designer or a power trip of some CEO that lost all touch with what made people choose Deezer in the first place.


How to fix this?

Can’t go on a rant without offering a legit solution in my opinion.

1.revert changes,  make this “theme” optional

2.send out a questionare to your active userbase with a simple yes/no question: does Deezer need the new UI/Identity change

3.ask people what they REALLY want to see improved, and start DOING IT.

i have seen a ton of legit suggestions/implementations that can make Deezer the best out there.


long story short:

Waiting for an official reply and any sign of some staff member that they give a f about their (paying) users.

If not seriously addressed I know one thing for sure, I wont be giving Deezer my money when my subscribtion ends. there are (cheaper) alternatives and the differences between the competetion and Deezer gets smaller everytime; hell the competition has an edge now since they don’t have such a horrendous UI.



100% agree with this post, especially this part:
I pay for MUSIC, not to feed an agenda, personal satisfaction of some UI designer or a power trip of some CEO that lost all touch with what made people choose Deezer in the first place.”

I’ve been on the verge of cancelling my subscription because of constant frustrations while using this program.
Seeing our money gets used for useless and unwanted changes only feeds those frustrations.
Listening to user feedback and fixing bugs should be number 1 to form a stable foundation to build upon.
Making decisions based on ideologies that u then force upon paying customers is setting yourself up for failure.

And now you’re increasing the price of our subscriptions “To continue to improve your experience on Deezer”….. mmmmh… That just feels like a smack in the face.

Please decision makers at Deezer, reassess your priorities, leave the politics for some place else and listen to the voices of your subscribers instead of only the niche that aligns with your views.

Seeing those condescending social media posts was the nail in the coffin for me.
I don’t have too much hope, but until management starts acting like professional adults, I won’t be coming back.



Is officially, the Deezer font is same of Fortnite

  • Lover
  • 7 replies
  • December 9, 2023

This new logo looks like a logo of a dating application for transsexualists!

Extremely poor decision!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • December 13, 2023

In my opinion the new logo is totally anonymous

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • December 17, 2023
Jaime. wrote:



  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • December 17, 2023

Similar to most comments here I have made the difficult decision to cancel my subscription. I have no problem with you changing the UI and Logo, things have to evolve. For me personally it feels like I'm maybe a bit old to appreciate it (40 now). This might be a big hit with the younger market.  

I still believe Deezer is a great platform that is doing more than other streaming sites to support artists. As a huge music fan, and one time artist I love that you are trying to do things differently. Unfortunately the logo and Fortnite child like UI makes it difficult for me to have this open on a work laptop. I know that sounds like a stupid reason to leave but the app and web player does look a wee bit embarrassing when it flashes up in work meetings etc.

Just because I don't like it doesn't mean it's rubbish. Keep up the good work on trying to disrupt the industry. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • January 3, 2024

Im really dissapointed with the UI/UX team, who in the world would pass this on as a yes in terms of the logo design, i love the old one !
And of course the fortnite font. 
Atleast if its hard to appeal new customer, why not try to make the old ones stay ?

If there is nothing change in a month or two, well say goodbye to deezer, atleast until everything back to “acceptable range” for me.

  • Creator
  • 15 replies
  • January 3, 2024

In the moment this logo“explanation” was posted I found a new “identity” somewhere else. I have really not been looking back, because my conclusion is and was that Deezer is beyond repair as a Company for now. Coming back to the forum after months away to see users frustrated and Deezers lack of fixing what went wrong bring some bad memories back, so leaving was the right decision ending the pain. I have a feeling this is going to get ugly for deezer. Are they able to come out of the quicksand and make some decisions going  in the right direction before its too late, thats the question? They have lost me, but it seems that others would like to be saved. Im still though wondering how it could end so bad

Alien SuperStar

Hi @Ziggi, your post is against our Community Guidelines, please consider this a warning: 

“We ask that all members of the Deezer community behave in a civil and treat other members with respect and courtesy at all times.

Our community managers and moderators have full discretion to address any behaviour they feel is inappropriate and can remove any content that they feel is unacceptable. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Discrimination of any kind
  • Threatening posts/behaviour
  • Behaviour likely to offend...”

This discussion should have been a constructive conversation.


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 29 replies
  • January 11, 2024

I have made a terrible mistake and updated my app to the purple madness. I had delayed for 2 months. This is just as bad as the 1st time I installed the new version. I do not understand why Deezer have destroyed their own software this way, this is bad almost beyond belief!

Alien SuperStar

Hi @davygravy79, sorry if we didn't meet your expectations.

Are you referring to any specific issues with our Deezer app, or are you discussing the design and login aspects?

If you require any technical support, I am more than happy to help you.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 29 replies
  • January 12, 2024

Thanks for your reply Leonidia. Its particularly the new colour themes that are making the app quite unpleasant to use and the really poor clashing choice of new icon and logo. Possibly its because I have minor colour blindness but the colour choices just look like a dreadful and unpleasant clash. If I set the app in light theme mode it's a little better but for deezer selecting the dark theme which I use for most apps using the strong purple with black background is pretty much headache inducing. It feels like a very visually unpleasant ‘black light’ effect in use.


The new layout also feels inefficient and sparse, plus more than once since the new version upgrade I made recently the interface controls have just stopped responding and I have to kill the app and restart.

Maybe unlike me some people are loving these design choices, for myself, if I switch to using light interface mode and replace the colour clashing icon manually on my phone its just about barely tolerable in use, but still quite ugly compared to v7 even with making those changes.

I just cannot understand these design decisions, I have migrated all my lists to other apps and am trying to make myself used to the Deezer changes just now, as I have been a paying user since 2017. But to me the new choosen aesthetic genuinely makes me wrinkle my nose in response when using and repels me away from wanting to use the app.

Alien SuperStar

Hi @davygravy79, thank you for sharing all the details of your experience.

I've already forwarded all the information to our developers.

Your feedback is really appreciated.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • January 18, 2024

First you remove unique selling poin the audiobook app and now this Logo, are you serious? I think its time to change, thanks for the good times but thats enough. Bye!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • January 21, 2024

I had problems with my girlfriend because the new logo . She confused dezzer app with a date app.
