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Windows/Mac Deezer Desktop/Web App - Feedback for improvements

Windows/Mac Deezer Desktop/Web App - Feedback for improvements
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Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
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  • February 15, 2021

Hi there @JohnyV3 @Paulo Magbanua 

Thanks a lot for the feedback, top-notch.

@Paulo Magbanua we're in agreement, and our team of devs too. Gapless has been developed since last year, it should be here soon. Bug fixes come and go, that's true. But this year we'll take large strides to improve the desktop client with some major changes in the background. Development work will take time because they're major, but the most important thing is that we're aligned with what you said :relaxed:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • February 15, 2021

Hi All! I think this was mentioned elsewhere as well, so I apologize if it is redundant, but I would love to see an exclusive mode option to get bit perfect playback and bypass the computer audio. Tidal, Qobuz and Amazon Music all have this implemented and at least with my setup the difference in sound quality with it on is very noticeable. Cheers!

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • February 16, 2021

Hi there @Josh.Moore 

I think you're right, there must be a topic about it. Are you talking about the desktop app selecting a different output source than the computer's default?

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • February 16, 2021

Yes, that is correct. I guess it is kind of two things: being able to select a different output source (external DAC) and then also having the option to give the app exclusive access to the device. I am more than a little foggy on the technical details, so they could be one in the same. Here is a look at what I mean in the Qobuz desktop app in case that is helpful:


Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
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  • February 17, 2021

Hey @Josh.Moore 

Gotcha, please vote for the ideas below:

They will help us set up the required platform for that if we develop it :relaxed:

I don’t know if this is the right place to ask, but is there a way we can see a somewhat more transparent version of what bugs/features are being worked on, and timelines?

@Rudi you’ve been doing a great job at managing people’s complaints and expectations, but perhaps something that you can point to with regards to updates can help everyone.

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
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  • February 27, 2021

That is a very good question @Paulo Magbanua I'm actively working towards that, trying to be more and more transparent with our community. It's difficult because in tech a lot can change from one day to another and we also face our own challenges when developing features and fixing bugs. I'm hoping to add a 'Product Updates' feature to our community this year, from our provider, InSided. It's a tool that will enable community managers like myself to keep the community updated with certain developments here at Deezer.

So around Deezer, the community is actually the best place to find out updated info on our platform. And the best place to ask if the info isn't available.

At the moment I can tell you that we're working on improving our SDKs (for existing and future integrations), our desktop app (improving performance, fixing bugs and adding new features), our player (for all apps), among other important developments. This is the year when Deezer decided to kill these annoying bugs once and for all, and also to improve our connectivity. If you have any specific question, please feel free to send me a PM :wink:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • February 28, 2021


The keyboard shortcut to zoom in on MacOS does not work for me. Zooming out is fine. I also find that the amount I have zoomed in occasionally resets, unfortunately I do not know how to replicate it.

Could the key shortcut “cmd + ,” be assigned to opening settings please? It’s like that in every other mac application. 

Native mac trackpad swipe gestures to go back/forward on pages would be nice. If it saved the previous page’s last layout/scroll status that would be amazing.



Would love to see crossfade options added. 

Zooming out on smaller resolutions leaves a lot of unused black/white space on the side of songs in playlists/album views.

Could we see more than just a few songs from an album at a time, or an option to load them all? It’s tedious to have to click “See more tracks” and then go back only to find the last page isn’t where I left it.


Thanks for your time.

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • March 1, 2021

Thanks a lot for the feedback again @Draked 

Crossfade for desktop is on the plans and our major updates scheduled for this year are bound to solve the problems with shortcuts and zooming the view.

Plus, there's a lot of support for tracking back where you left (position) as well. Please stay tuned, we're looking forward to these improvements but there isn't a clear timeline for them yet. I'll keep everyone informed!

  • Runaway Baby
  • 6 replies
  • March 9, 2021

@Rudi Yeah! I really dreaming about control PC version from my smartphone. Deezer often recommend me blocked tracks in every days playlists and I hate go to my PC every time for skip that tracks. So this is really needed functionality.

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
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  • March 10, 2021

I think 2021 will be a great year for Deezer @Humanoiz stick around and you'll see some of these worries of yours getting sorted :wink:


  • Runaway Baby
  • 6 replies
  • March 12, 2021

We can’t add tracks for play next when playing Flow. When you want listen some tracks by new artists you can’t add them to the playlist in the Flow.:confused:

  • 1 reply
  • March 13, 2021


Recently I aquired a set of KEF LS50 Wireless 2. With the KEF app there is support for these speakers and the sound is amazing. 


Upon downloading and installing Deezeer and login i noticed that there is no option to stream directly over wifi from the computer to the speakers. 


However looking at your competition, Tidal this function exist. Is this something you would consider to bring in your app? 


Pls see screenshot from Tidal. Below you can see 1. is the speaker i pressed on Tidal and on 2. it is the LS50 Wireless II speakers connection. 



  • Runaway Baby
  • 1 reply
  • March 13, 2021

Dark / Light Mode Auto Switch:

Can you use the windows night light state to switch the app from light to dark mode etc?



Would it ever be possible to allow for the addition of winamp style visualizations?

Lucky Star

Here are some issues i’ve discovered lately

  • no searching possible in the mp3’s
  • no sorting possible in the mp3’s
  • latest uploads have no alphabetical order and appear in the bottom of the list

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • March 17, 2021

Hey @Feejus 

Yes :relaxed: we're working on that this year! Stay tuned.

Hi @Humanoiz that's feedback for Flow, not the desktop app. Noted :wink:

Hey @robotstefan 

Dark/Light mode seems feasible, will pass it on. For visualizations/equalizer, please vote here:

And finally @Martijn.Keymis for MP3s I'm not sure if we'll prioritise it this year. However, the other sorting options are available on Web, so they'll come to the desktop app once we've released our major updates planned :sunglasses:


I have searched  this thread but might have missed if this has already been mentioned.

I have three suggestions:

  1. it would be good to have toolbar/deskband mode, so that user can see what is currently playing and use simple controls without requirements to switch to main window. Something like this (this is foobar deskband controls)

    Or maybe some kind of API (not deezer API, but instead desktop app API), so that third party developer can send commands to desktop app, that way it would be simple to implement toolbar controls.

  2. can you make volume slider accept input from mouse scroll wheel.

  3. some kind of visual feedback of current volume, without requirement to hover mouse pointer over volume button

Since there seems to be no way to edit post.

Addition to #2: would be great if there was posibility to assign global hotkeys to some actions, for example to change deezer app volume without openning window at all.

While I can only speak for myself, I generally prefer to keep global volume constant, and only change in app volume in media applications.

PS. My system is Windows 10.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 7 replies
  • March 20, 2021

Hi! These are the things that IMO keep the Mac desktop app from being virtually perfect (apart from already mentioned gapless playback):

  • There's no hotkey to highlight the Filter field (which is strangely also labeled "Search", the same as the global Search field)
  • Zoom in should be [Ctrl/Cmd =] instead of [Ctrl/Cmd +], or maybe even both, since some keyboards have numpads; mine doesn't
  • Sometimes, on a relaunch, Deezer seems to forget which zoom % it had in the last session; but if you try to zoom in/out again, it works as if it suddenly remembered. Example:
    • Run Deezer
    • Go to "Albums"
    • Zoom out to 80% or something
    • Quit Deezer and launch it again; zoom will be visually at 100%
    • Go to "Albums" again
    • Zoom out once; now we're at 70% instead of 90%

Lucky Star

Please take a look at this picture:

Look at this arrow:                        :arrow_up: ​​​​​

This is at the top of my screen. Is this:

the equivalent to the minimi on other computers?

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • March 22, 2021

Amazing feedback @tyllerj @Andrey Nikolaev 

You're true fans of the desktop app like me!

@Andrey Nikolaev

Number 2 and 3 seem like essential features. Number 1 sounds pretty cool, so can I ask you to create a topic for votes in the ideas section here?

It should remember the zoom, I agree @tyllerj 

I'll pass everything on now. Have a great week!

@studilaroche33 that's the menu bar on Macs, so yes - I use Brave too, by the way :smile:

Lucky Star
Rudi wrote:

@studilaroche33 that's the menu bar on Macs, so yes - I use Brave too, by the way :smile:

Haha, we use Brave because it is the safest browser we could find, look at this, I really like it because of this:

Click on this, it right next to the address bar, this is really cool:

This is what it shows if you click it, it blocks ads & trackers! It IS AMAZING!!!! 

Lucky Star
studilaroche33 wrote:
Rudi wrote:

@studilaroche33 that's the menu bar on Macs, so yes - I use Brave too, by the way :smile:

Haha, we use Brave because it is the safest browser we could find, look at this, I really like it because of this:

Click on this, it right next to the address bar, this is really cool:

This is what it shows if you click it, it blocks ads & trackers! It IS AMAZING!!!! 

I’m really lovin’ Brave!

  • Runaway Baby
  • 4 replies
  • April 8, 2021

On the web app at least - I haven’t used the desktop app - the transport controls are uncomfortably far from the center where the playback position and track details are located. The Deezer website is adaptive, and on a 4K screen, this can be even more annoying as the distance can be bigger between the two sections. More so when the window is maximized.


Maybe also have the album art on the left of the playback and track details section to separate transport controls.

Alien SuperStar
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  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • April 10, 2021

This is very interesting feedback for us @jjd I've passed it on, straight-away, verbatim. Thank you for your contribution! :relaxed:
