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Our Desktop/Web app can improve, and we need your help :desktop:

This is the space for all those improvement calls you kindly make to us when looking at how to make our desktop and web apps better platforms.

What should I post here? :thinking:

  • if the app needs User Interface or User Experience (UI/UX) enhancements, let us know
  • if the app should be compatible with certain devices or audio outputs, we're with you
  • if there's a cool integration we should consider, shout out
  • and if any feature is missing, don't forget to mention

This topic is intended for version 4.20.0 and above, and for our browser version :floppy_disk:

For bugs and other issues, please see here :thumbsup_tone2:

I see you have taken my suggest! congrats!


Come on, Deezer. Make the playlist folders and quick access on the left panel. Please. We really need it. 


It was a very good suggestion @Alblinux - thank you, the credit is also yours!
@FiftyFour thanks for that, there's also an idea in the ideas forum for that - have you voted for it? 

What's the difference from ideas one?

i have one idea:
choose cache folder, why? because at this way we can have the cache in other place and not in SSD( damaging it) and splitting it onto cache of music and downloaded music cache so we can choose if we want cache in HDD or wherever we want and downloads in other place.

my idea is because I have one laptop with ssd, if cache is choosen to be in ram I avoid write/reads on my ssd  and downloads in ssd so I avoid the download each time I open deezer. Maybe the election of cache but without downloads is  good too.

Hey @Alblinux 

Here you make small suggestions for improvements, not feature requests. Your suggestion for cache is really good, you can also vote here to add support to an existing idea :wink:

I don’t understand. Your iOS app is so great, why is your desktop app so crappy? It’s super ugly! And absolutetely not smooth  :( 

I’m afraid there’s no way to improve it. You should start from scratch again. Change design. Change framework on background.

Hi Deezer team!


I have an idea about adding ‘current track’ actions to the tray icon menu. Something like this:


Maybe not this much folded sub-menus (too many clicks and moves), or just add to the playlist which was updated most recently or something like this. I think it may be useful while exploring new playlists/albums having the app minimized.



We would if we could @jirikovoego - but because our resources are limited to all features that have been requested, it's hard to give the development hours to build an app from scratch. It's not out of the question, but I can tell you we won't work on that for now - thank you for your kind feedback, it's much appreciated:thumbsup_tone2:

Pretty cool feedback @ymns3321 thanks a lot! I've forwarded that on :wink:

I was thinking it would be great to let us lock the deezer app when we are inactive just listening.
I mean sometimes I put a playlist to play and my friends go and change the song.
And well that is annoying...would be great to add some kind of pin code to unlock  deezer.

I know this can be done with thid party apps but would be nice to have it already there.

And I am talking about the desktop app on Mac and Windows.

Would be great to be able to go beyond 100% volume on deezer for some songs…
Actually VLC has already this feature and I use It A Lot…
Its All About Those Small Details Nowadays :)

Well in Windows the deezer icon in the taskbar has color but in Mac Os its black and white!
This Is Just a small detail I noticed that would be great if it gets fixed?


Thanks a lot for another good suggestion @Sergi.Sanz - I've moved it here to our brand new thread for improvements to the desktop app :wink:

Would be great to be able to go beyond 100% volume on deezer for some songs…
Actually VLC has already this feature and I use It A Lot…
Its All About Those Small Details Nowadays :)

I believe this could be better suited for the desktop app, no? @Sergi.Sanz 

Because somehow the app needs to control the device's settings as well. I use it on VLC too but haven't seen that option on mobile phones yet :thumbsup_tone2:

Can you please add crossfade and gapless playback to the Mac desktop app, sometimes there's a three second or more  gap between tracks which sounds awful.

Spotify desktop app has it so its obviously possible

It literally is terrible and I only use it because spotify won't let me use it while I have discord open. So, the issues go on like this:


  1. Why the hell do I still, AFTER TWO YEARS, don't have the option to make this app close when I press the close button? The way it works now is stupid af, needing me to go the f**** notifications tab and end the process there. This is stupid and should not be up by default and it's a SIN that I don't have the option to turn it off;

  2. Why the heck can't I select my output devices? This is SO BASIC, like, it just breaks the app in so many ridiculous ways;

  3. Why can I not select where my music is dowloaded? I have THREE DIFFERENT STORAGE DEVICES!!!;

  4. Why do I not even have a goddamn settings tab for how it interacts with the OS?


In conlusion, the theme here is: GIVE ME MORE OPTIONS. Right now I feel like this is apple's wet dream, on which the company decides everything they want me to use. I don't want an app that chooses things for me, I want an app that lets ME choose the way I want it to run.

I asked this sometime ago but they censored me like other times before…
The mac icon in the mac menu bar is in black and white kind of gray

but the windows icon is perfectly in color and I wish this could get fixed?
Its all about the small details nowadays….

I would like to know why my post was literally censored ?

Hello @Weareqpr, yes it’s possible, the gapless has just been integrated to the mobile app, it should soon be available on the desktop app as well :slight_smile: We’ll let you know on the Community once that’s the case.

Have a nice day

Hello @Weareqpr, yes it’s possible, the gapless has just been integrated to the mobile app, it should soon be available on the desktop app as well :slight_smile: We’ll let you know on the Community once that’s the case.

Have a nice day

When available on Android and Web? And crossfade news?

Hello @hpguru, we’ll let you know once we have the news ourselves :slight_smile:

Hi @ArialCCAA, thanks for the honest feedback, we’ll make sure to forward it to the development teams.

Have a lovely day

Hello @Sergi.Sanz, we do not censor messages, one of the rare exceptions being when they contain personal details, however in that case it is for your own safety. We do however merge topics together in an effort to keep the Community organised, and it’s a lot of work. You can find the message you’re referring to above in this thread.

Have a nice day

When you use the volume up/volume down hotkey in the Deezer desktop app, the volume goes up or down by 10 out of the max possible 100. This is far too much in my opinion.

I suggest adding a setting to customize how much the volume increases/decreases when you adjust it with a hotkey. So if you set that setting to 2, hitting the volume up hotkey would make your volume go from 40 to 42, then 44, 46, etc. (as an example)

There has been a few topics discussing something similar recently @iCeCoCaCoLa64 thank you for your contribution, I believe it could be a positive change as well :thumbsup_tone2:
