
Windows/Mac Deezer Desktop/Web App - Bugs/Issues/Workarounds

Windows/Mac Deezer Desktop/Web App - Bugs/Issues/Workarounds

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Userlevel 1

Sorry, scratch #1 please. It works through the desktop app, it’s just very misleading because there’s no visual feedback on upload.

  1. When you click on ‘Select MP3s’, then select the files you want to upload, then they start uploading (silently) and you scroll all the way down, it only goes down 40 tracks and the files being uploaded appear as 41, 42 and so on. When you then click on the new files, Deezer plays different tracks (apparently the real 41, 42 and so on). Restarting app/refreshing page helps
  2. In addition to #4 there’s also no sorting in the MP3s tab, so it’s actually impossible to find anything in this tab
  3. Group operations are impossible in the MP3s tab. You can’t click on one track, then hold Shift and click on a few tracks down so it highlights the range of tracks. Instead you have to tick the box on every single track, which is extremely tedious
  4. There is no way to organise your playlists (folders, hierarchy, collections etc). If you have many of them (I have about a hundred) it becomes extremely difficult to navigate. Also the only available view mode in the playlist tab is tiles, so you can’t put them in a list and sort in different ways. Good news is that the search box actually works.

Application from windows store (5.20.0) running at Windows 10 (rev19043.1052) suddenly crashes anddisappears at least one a day after a few hours of listening. It started to happened probably when I switched to HIFI subscription

Userlevel 7
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I actually appreciate all comments here @alex_the_v it's also good to know your whole process in listening, step by step.

The truth is that our MP3 feature hasn't been updated for a long time and we're finding it hard to prioritise improvements to it at this moment. There's a lot of demand for fixes and other features you may spot here in the forums.

With that in mind, there are major updates scheduled for the desktop app this year. Please stay tuned and you'll see! :relaxed:

In the meantime, I'll let the teams know about what you've said.

Userlevel 7
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Hi there @BaronVonCoco @BBB_theuser 

Thanks for letting us know about this. We're currently releasing our 5.0 version which shouldn't have these issues any longer. Could you please keep an eye on the update and let me know how the app performs? 

Have a nice week ahead! :relaxed:

Userlevel 7
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Hi @oldrecord It seems to be intended, but I have asked to our developers and as soon as I hear back from them I’ll let you know.
Thanks for your patience :)

Really high RAM usage on Mac OS Apple Silicon using the Deezer app, it uses the most ram on my machine!



It’s definitely a memory leak because the RAM just keeps going up!



Userlevel 7
Badge +5


Now, that you have opened your own thread, i suggest keeping all specific comments there. 


Userlevel 1

Morning. When I listen to this song over the windows desktop app, I hear a loud beeping sound at about 0:34, at 1:36 the playback stops and this error message pops up. A restart and waiting until later like it says didn’t help. Doesn’t matter if it’s in online or offline mode, just doesnt work.
Edit: Works fine on the phone and the web page.


Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Thanks for reporting it @Fabian Grimm it played fine on my side. Try deleting the app's cache and trying again. Keep me posted!

Hey @gbrohammer yes, this is a recurrent problem we have with our app. But don't worry, it's been on our devs' radar for a while now and we've got some important updates this year, in hope to improve the performance of the app drastically :wink:

Hi @gemhigs it should be working all the time, maybe you spotted something unusual. What's your app version, please?

I am using Version 4.20.21 of the Deezer Windows App with a family subscription. I am the primary member of the subscription.

Since the last update, my app by defaults signs into another member of my family, regardless of how many times I have signed out and in, it still defaults back to the same family member.  It also at times switches to this family member midway through playing a song.

I have tried reinstalling the app, but still, the problem remains.

PS. I am very happy that the constant “Captcha-ing” in order to log in is a thing of the past though :-) 

Userlevel 3

There is no more flow in windows desktop app, it still exists in webplayer though.

Hello @Akadengdeng sorry for the late answer.

Did you get Flow back? It is only necessary to update the Desktop app to the most recent version - here’s the link - HERE

Let me know if all is back to normal

Hi Leonidia, the flow feature is back now after updating.

Userlevel 1

Problemy, które widzę i są do naprawienia:

  • Playlista regularnie się psuje pokazując np tak jak na screenie nr, a potem nagle 22, a sama playlista rozrosła się prawie dwukrotnie. Dopiero całkowite wyłączenie i ponowne włączenie Deezera powoduje, że wraca wszystko na swoje miejsce. Ale po jakimś czasie dzieje się podobnie.
  • Przydałoby się tak jak w aplikacji na Androidzie płynne przechodzenie pomiędzy utworami oraz czasowy wyłącznik.
  • Możliwość kopiowania i wycinania utworów za pomocą ctr+c i ctr+v oraz zaznaczanie ich klawiaturą.
  • Dodatkowe możliwości sortowania poprzez odwrócenie listy i wygodniejszy sposób wrzucania piosenek do kolejki (np jednym przyciskiem)

Hi, the version is 4.32.20. 

There doesn't seem to be any pattern of when it appears and when it doesn't. Tried the usual when it doesn't appear of logging out and back in again but that doesn't solve the problem. 

Userlevel 3
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@Rudi 4.32.20 desktop Windows 10 still crashing 🙂 This issue is not always but if there it’s max. one time on a day.

@gemhigs I have same issue but I think it can be Windows bug because on Spotify I had it too.

Userlevel 1

Bug on Mac desktop app v4.33.1.23:

  1. Go to "Playlists"
  2. Scroll down a bit
  3. Open any playlist
  4. Click the "Back" button
  5. The screen scrolls a bit, but we're not back to the list of playlists; sometimes if we click "Back" enough times we are brought to the page we were before doing step 1

It doesn't happen EVERY time, but repeating the process a few times is usually enough.

Not entirely sure if this is a bug bug or just a bug I liked that's been fixed.

It use to be that if you clicked on another song while in repeat 1 it would leave you in repeat 1 and change to the new song, it seem in the last few versions that this behaviour has been “corrected” (?) to the same as if you click skip/previous in that it changes you to repeat all.

If it is a bug bug could I please get it added to the list of things to fix. 

If it was a bug I liked any chance of this being a user setting, say default to the current behaviour of change to repeat all on song change and then a second option for stay on repeat 1 on song change (regardless of if you click on one or hit skip/previous)

Thank you for your time :smiley:

Userlevel 1

Thanks for reporting it @Dave.Farmer 4.27 is in the oven right now, please keep an eye for it and let us know how it performs too - it'll be good to compare :thumbsup_tone2:

Will do. Let me know if I can provide any additional info (logs etc.) to be of help.


Userlevel 1

Thanks for reporting it @Dave.Farmer 4.27 is in the oven right now, please keep an eye for it and let us know how it performs too - it'll be good to compare :thumbsup_tone2:

Will do. Let me know if I can provide any additional info (logs etc.) to be of help.


I am 20 minutes in to my Monday Discovery playlist on Hifi-Quality using 4.27. 

Still windows 10 Home 2004 build 19041.572

No instances of buffering at the start of a track so far! I’ll keep you updated as the day goes on.

Userlevel 1

Thanks @Rudi, works great again now.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6


There is a bug on playlist search. It does not search all the tracks from it.

I search for Ti-Mo Remixes and there’s plenty of that, but it just can’t find as well on many other names. The search is useful, it just somehow does not work all the time somehow.

It also can not find Rocco or Bass-T. Many searches just does not work even if list.

I think this is a bug, fix please.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hey @neechee 

Thanks for the feedback. We're fixing the navigation controls, don't worry!

I've forwarded your comments.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us @Hockney are you on 5.20? That could be the reason!

Hey @corny the button is getting fixed soon, I've been following the progress of it internally - all good.

Our version 5 and above is much better to get things sorted.

Hi @coypu nice to hear from you again! Could you please confirm the version? Perhaps all you need is a fresh install. Removing the app and the Deezer folder from appdata and then restarting your computer before installing 5.20. I've got HiFi playing fine on my side - so it could also be a problem with the tracks. Give me more info if you can and we'll get to the bottom of it!

@AndréZijlmans you need to update it, that's the old version.

@GeezerGuy that shouldn't be an issue of the desktop app itself - but a problem with our recommendations. I'll forward your feedback and I'll request for your user-cache to be cleared to see if it helps.

@Sławek Romecki that's not very constructive, you didn't give us any details to see what's affecting you - sorry you feel that way!

@JohnyV3 try a fresh install, please. And don't forget to restart your Windows before downloading and installing the latest version. This one is much more stable!

Userlevel 3

Another bug: when I open any playlist in the desktop app, the app turns black (not in chrome player).
I’m not sure but it seems more errors happen when I remove songs froms playlists.
Also some songs in playlists won’t download and the app crashes when trying to play those songs.


I get a weird error when starting the app on Win 10. Just did a clean install. Thought it would help but it didn’t. Getting the same error after reinstall. Note: I did update my Windows a couple of hours ago, so maybe there is an issue with one of the updates or. maybe there is an issue with that I run an SQL server, which I need for work purposes and there is a clash between the app and the server, since the error look like an SQL server issue?

More on the error here:

Also note that the version found here: works fine. The version here is 4.32.20.
Looks like only the version on MS store fails to start and produces the bottom error.



Anyone else having issue that moving window crashes the app? This is in windows 10, app version 5.20.0. Tried reinstalling but that didn’t help



I have this issue for a couple of months already.

Currently also at the most recent version

I have 3 displays: 2560×1440 @ 125% scale, 2560×1440 @ 100% scale, 1920×1080 @ 100% scale.

Any attempt to move the main window causes the same crash as you recorded on video. Even jump-moving to other monitor (Shift+Win+←/→).  Resizing the window leads to crashes. too.


Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Hi @archaic_email are you still experience the same error message? If so please give it a go with our latest version 6.0.90 -

Also for the browser as workaround, try different browsers or alternatively use the incognito mode to see if you don’t get errors.

Hi @rudi.fonteijne thanks for the post. Are you in the most Deezer version for iPad? and or iOS system is update?

Does the issue happens on Wifi or on mobile data?

Could you try to proceed with these two steps:

  • Clear cache on Deezer app, Settings, Data and Storage. Also have your smart cache configured for 2GB
  • If that didn’t improve the experience, please remove the Deezer app, reset your device and install back again.

Hope that works for you.

Just running through the application now and it seems to be working great so far 😄
