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I have experienced an error in a couple of tracks. How and where do I report errors?

The error in question is that the song jumps back to an earlier verse at a certain point of the track. Then, when there's 0:00 mins secs left of the track left it doesn't stop, but carries on playing until the song is over.

It's been doing this for "Enemy Inside" by Dream Theater (studio album version) and "In the name of love" by U2 (the best of...-album)
Hi there, I've checked here and it seems fine (good U2 throwback btw 🙌) so maybe it was something when the songs were loaded on your device. Try clearing the cache and giving it another go and it should work.
Can anybody tell me how do I report a song to be fixed? It jumps from half the song until almost the end. Thanks!
Hi Mario, can you give us the name of or the link to the song? We're happy to check 🙂

Same problem.

It could be interesting to have a link to easyly give an error in album, artist or track naming.

For exemple, in deezer we can find two different artists :

Elephant sessions and The Elephant sessions

But there is only one good name : Elephant Sessions

So you have to merge both without forgotten Fans number.

Same problem.

It could be interesting to have a link to easyly give an error in album, artist or track naming.

For exemple, in deezer we can find two different artists :

Elephant sessions and The Elephant sessions

But there is only one good name : Elephant Sessions

So you have to merge both without forgotten Fans number.

Thanks for letting us know!!! I asked the right department to have a look and merge the profiles 😉
What is the best/official/preferred/fastest way to report broken tracks, this thread or a support form?

I have found one in Solti's recording of Mahler's Symphony No. 8, it is the first track of the second part which does not start at all, gives me an error popup right away. Interestingly this only happens in HiFi mode, with audio quality at 320kbps MP3 the track plays fine, so only the FLAC file seems to be broken:

All other tracks on that album play fine in HiFi mode in the desktop app.

Another one is Peter Gabriel's "Of These, Hope" from the "Passion" soundtrack, same problem with HiFi version stopping in the middle with an error message vs. 320kbps playing flawlessly :
Something wrong with the album.

There was time, when all songs was planning.

But now pop up error window


I would like to report an error in the track Blind by Prettymuch. The first 20 seconds of the song plays but then it repeats the first 20 seconds directly after that, and cuts out 20 seconds of the song later on. Would really appreciate if you could correct this malfunction as soon as possible.

Thank you
Songs by the artist LÉON ( ) are being incorrectly added to a different artist page leon (


These tracks should not be listed under this artist
This track is broken big time. It's supposed to be Beethoven but at the start of the track and halfway through there are completely different music or sounds. Makes one wonder how it was even produced in the first place to cause this???
There's an audio error in the last 25 seconds of the song Dodji by Knock Out. It's all jumbled up and makes my ears hurt. I reported the error several times on the PC application (because Android app doesn't have that option) more than 10 days ago. And no, my audio file isn't broken, I redownloaded it and the song is still broken.
Come Together song by Gary Clark Jr. Song skips at 1:25.
Song becomes silent at 3:43
Song goes silent at 2:05
Aso this one (on the same album, Game Theory by The Roots) is silent at 1:16
Hello?! Is anybody reading this at all? I reported a problem with a song 5 months ago and it's still not fixed! Is this what I'm paying for??

Dodji by Knock Out


There's an audio error in the last 25 seconds of the song Dodji by Knock Out. It's all jumbled up and makes my ears hurt. I reported the error several times on the PC application (because Android app doesn't have that option) more than 10 days ago. And no, my audio file isn't broken, I redownloaded it and the song is still broken.
As far as I know, the catalogue team of Deezer reports errors in broken tracks to the provider, i.e. either the label or distributor who have to deliver new fixed tracks or rather the whole release then. If they don't do that in time, everybody is waiting.

Reporting such errors as a user is possible in threads like this one, but also in the "..." track options of the desktop app and web player. You can choose "Audio problem" and also "Other" in the dropdown menu which lets you describe what kind of audio problem there is with the track.

As far as I know, the catalogue team of Deezer reports errors in broken tracks to the provider, i.e. either the label or distributor who have to deliver new fixed tracks or rather the whole release then. If they don't do that in time, everybody is waiting.

That's a really nice way of shifting responsibility onto others. Except, it's Deezer who takes my money, not the track provider. So it's Deezer's responsibility to put pressure on whoever is responsible for providing clear and error-free tracks to actually provide them, sooner rather than later.

I'm not interested in excuses, I'm interested in results. It's almost 2020 and in times when technology has advanced as much as it is, being unable to provide error-free mp3 files is laughable. I hate to be as melodramatic as this, but if this track remains broken for a few more months without a VALID explanation (publisher's building disappeared in a blazing inferno so the original recordings were lost, for example) then I will seriously consider cancelling my Deezer premium subscription and finding an alternative.

And before you call me childish for saying something like this over one song, I'll tell you it's not just one song that bothers me, there are several other issues with Deezer that I have a problem with. This song was simply the straw that broke the camel's back. And yes, I reported the error in this song at least 10 times in the desktop application (and tried repairing the file several times) but nothing changed so far.

These days, everybody is praising A.I.

Couldn’t Deezer run an automated series of validity and sanity check over the files?

This would catch invalid mp3 files with format errors, and some of the audio glitches in valid mp3 files.

just my 2 cents

Hi there @popovichh 

Thank you for your honest feedback. Apologies you're still finding issues with the track you needed to be fixed. You say that it's our responsibility to liaise with the distributors to get tracks amended, which we agree with. We've got a huge catalogue and that delays this process sometimes. All I can ask if for your patience and understanding.


Hi @lb201911 there are automatic checks but there are also things we do manually because they have to be done that way, for varied reasons. So thank you for your feedback, it's important.

The songs Spirit Walker and Lullaby are not playing and showing an error message.

Also, Blue Balloon is spelled incorrectly as Blue Baloon.



Hello @Fracai, we would need the links to all these tracks with an error or a mistake in the title to forward it.

Thank you for the feedback!

There is a song from the The Dells - On Their Corner song "Since I Found You" that will play for maybe 1:50, then flash this.

No clearing of smart cache does the trick.

Please review and fix

this track is failing all the time

Hey @DLB 

Sure, we can help to fix that. Can you please post us the link for the track so that we can look at the specific one?

Hey @Jacket's Pub 

Thanks a lot for letting us know. I'll be reporting that straight away!
