
Deezer Free version - Deezer plays only one song then stops on Deezer Desktop App and Web Version

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“noone tried to silence your opinion, he just told you to shut up”!!!!

Hahahahahaha - I rest my case.



Yep… I’ve got the same problem. I gave Deezer a shot, but I see I’m not the only one with this bug. I’ll try Youtube Music instead.

“noone tried to silence your opinion, he just told you to shut up”!!!!

Hahahahahaha - I rest my case.



dude you just took a piece of what i said and complitelly ignored the rest

Hi there @Riaan.Brink @Aj David @ostapkmn @Kari-anne Myburgh 

Thank you for your patience and for reporting the issue here. I've carried out some maintenance on your accounts so could you please restart your network or mobile connection/device and try again :thumbsup_tone2:

Would you please run maintenance on mine? I’ve been experiencing these issues since yesterday. @Rudi 

Same here, started yesterday and I'm unsure how to fix it. Just plays 1 song, then stops. If I skip the song immediately, I can go to the next one, and this lasts for about a minute before the song Deezer is currently playing cannot be changed. I can restart the song, but I can't go to any other song and it won't play the next ones. Any advice? I don't want to stop using Deezer…


Same here on my Desktop app. Could you also please fix my account? This seems to be a general issue… I’m a bit confused how this has to do with single accounts…

BTW: I already deleted the cache and restarted the Desktop app, but it didn’t help...

Same here on desktop app on the free version. Uninstalling / reinstalling app does not solve the problem. Web app seems to be working fine though. I had the same issue in the past and the problem disappeared over time. Now it’s back again.

I suspect a broken ad stream, because no ad is playing and the song progress bar changes its color as if it was playing an ad. Also, when an ad plays, the controls for next/prev etc. are blocked which is exactly is happening here. So basically the app behaves as if it was in ad playing mode and it seems to be stuck in there and it can’t get out of it because the ad does not play. 

I’m experiencing this issue, too, as of about 24 hours ago, and I’ve had it in the past. One thing I think might possibly be related is that I’ve got two Windows installations on the same machine as I’ve got to use some specific software for work which conflicts with a newer version I need for personal use. I think, but can’t be certain, that the last time I hit this issue was when I first started using the second Windows installation or came back to it after a period of not using it, and I hit the issue again yesterday when switching back to my main Windows installation having briefly used the work-only one having not touched it for a while.


It could just be a coincidence, though - I see other people have reported the issue in the last few hours despite this thread being left alone for months beforehand.


I’ve also experienced this problem for the last 3 days. The only thing that works is to reload the web, please fix it soon.

Thank you.

Hello! I’m currently having this issue and i’ve tried everything under the sun to fix it, i’ve tried shutting and reopening the app, restarting my computer, clearing the cache, uninstalling and reinstalling, logging out and back in, but nothing is working and its driving me insane, i’ve been trying to fix it for almost 2 hours now, please help me


Same for me..Windows 10 and Deezer desktop app version 4.32.40 with free account..the web player works fortunately..

Same for me..Windows 10 and Deezer desktop app version 4.32.40 with free account..the web player works fortunately..

Same on My side, maybe ad problem, I use vpn to work and maybe desktop app goes crazy with the ad on different Languages, I´ve listen to English, French, Catalán and Spanish so I don´t Know If I could solve the problem, please let me Know if there is a fix I preffer Desktop App than Webapp. Thanks in advance, I´m free user.

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Hey @HubDee @GeoTrianto @Skeletiko 

Thank you for your reports and for your patience. I can assure you that this is a bug because our Free offer works differently than a paid one, nothing other than that.

It's a specific issue and it has been reported :relaxed:

Hey @HubDee @GeoTrianto @Skeletiko 

Thank you for your reports and for your patience. I can assure you that this is a bug because our Free offer works differently than a paid one, nothing other than that.

It's a specific issue and it has been reported :relaxed:

ok ty

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I believe it's related to what our @bluezzbastardzz Legend said here but I'll confirm it as well because we've made some changes to the Free behaviour in the mobile apps.


I believe it's related to what our @bluezzbastardzz Legend said here but I'll confirm it as well because we've made some changes to the Free behaviour in the mobile apps.


i just checked and it is still not working

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Thanks for the comments everyone, @smeagol75 @Andrea.Amoroso @tiziana.minerva.9 @AnyOldName3 

I'll pass your feedback on, certainly :thumbsup_tone2:

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Hey @Libbzy 

Sorry to hear that!

Is this happening on your browser as well? Could you please confirm if you're on a free version of Deezer or not?

Userlevel 7
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Hey everyone,

I've merged all similar comments to this thread here.

If you're on a Free subscription offer from Deezer, this is a known issue that is under investigation. If you're on a paid version of Deezer, please let me know - it should be unrelated.

Thank you all for your understanding!

Hey @Libbzy 

Sorry to hear that!

Is this happening on your browser as well? Could you please confirm if you're on a free version of Deezer or not?

Hey! I’ve since read the comments from this merged post, i see that the issue isnt only with me :sweat_smile:, I didnt even THINK to use the web browser version, silly me, thank you!


got this problem half a year ago on google chrome in windows on two PCs in a desktop application and a web resource.
I am using the free version. I agree with the words above, apparently failures occur when the track with advertising is turned on.

It is surprising that there are so many problems with users and the developers still have not fixed the problem, given that free users also bring in revenue for the company through advertising.

I don’t want to write that I have to look for an alternative, but the problem has been described for about a year and couldn’t it be influenced in any way?

can you do something soon?

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Thanks for your patience everyone and @Максим Зиньков @Libbzy 

Our developers have sorted out a hotfix version for the desktop app, to be released soon (4.33.1) keep an eye on it and let me know once you've got it :relaxed:

Yep me too, on the Windows Store App. Will only play one song and then stops. On version

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Hey @JaySea 

Do you see the same happening if you use Deezer on your browser?

Hey @JaySea 

Do you see the same happening if you use Deezer on your browser?

Hi @Rudi , no the web player is fine, just the desktop app is broken. Oddly if I click around inside the app, like going to preferences or clicking other tabs like browse or playlist, the music starts playing again for another couple of songs before stopping until I click around again. Almost like an inactivity timeout
