For some reason the desktop app (OS 😵 doesn’t keep me logged in, so I periodically need to sign in again.
Doing so requires spending 2-3 minutes clicking on pictures of traffic lights and fire hydrants.
This is absolutely ludicrous behaviour for a *desktop* app. Honestly, the desktop app shouldn’t auto-logout at all. If you are so worried about robots, then switch to 2-factor authentication or something.
Best answer by Rudi
Hi all,
Thank you for all the answers provided so far - very helpful! Our developers who are investigating this problem have asked for more info from you to speed up the process. Could you please tell us:
Do you have to log in every time you relaunch the app or is this happening every time the app gets an update?
When you get logged out, can you log back in straight away or you need to restart the app?
Have you downloaded the app from the Windows Store or using a direct link for the .exe file?
Let us know the most you can, it can help us fix this quicker
I have the same issue will ask you for user name and pw (plus annoying recapcha as all above), but since 3 months now - this is happening very often, for people like me using password managers (not integrated very well on windows platform yet), pain in the a**.
I have been with spottily for 2 years before deezer and never experienced anything like that.
The most annoying part of Deezer for me is the fact that you cant control playback from many devices (and I’m not talking about playback from many devices - controlling the playback from different devices) spotify is brilliant in that respect.
You will be playing music on your android phone - and you connect to deezer on you desktop app - mobile playback will be stopped - and you cant control the playback from your mobile phone - like pause, volume up/down - you have to get to your PC to control this - where on Spotify you can pick if you want to continue on the device you connected first - or play from new device - but even then you can pick and control playback from any device - like pause/play/volume/skip tracks etc.
I'm on free trial - but wont buy this definitely and will give a go to Tidal as they offer a very good HiFi audio - for audiophiles - way to go - deezer hifi quality - not comparable to Tidal’s in my opinion
Also I don’t know if anyone realised - playback from web player seems playing louder on my PC then desktop app - both playing from the same speakers
Thank you for all the answers provided so far - very helpful! Our developers who are investigating this problem have asked for more info from you to speed up the process. Could you please tell us:
Do you have to log in every time you relaunch the app or is this happening every time the app gets an update?
When you get logged out, can you log back in straight away or you need to restart the app?
Have you downloaded the app from the Windows Store or using a direct link for the .exe file?
Let us know the most you can, it can help us fix this quicker
Deezer updates work fine. Last time it happened after a windows update.
I don't remember being logged-out during use, but occasionally when I open the app I need to go through the captcha selection process. Once that is finished it logs on like normal.
Hi @Mark.Brok thank you for providing us with further information. I forwarded every detail to the developers in charge. Sorry this has not been fixed yet. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Same here, for a few weeks already. Really irritating.
It is even more frustrating as we have a family account protected with a strong, unfriendly password that my kids have to reenter nearly every single time (and of course, they can’t).
Never seen this in Spotify to which I was subscribed to before.
Just cannot open the desktop client, and as someone said before, puting the captcha AFTER the password doesn’t help security.
Hello @OlivierH, thank you for your feedback. We understand it’s really annoying, especially in your case with a family. Our teams are aware that many users are displeased and we hope they will soon come up with a solution or an improvement of the user experience on that regard. Have a nice weekend
second - i have a question about repetitive log in request from the app in 2 cases :
1- if my phone is always logged in to the app why everytime i exit the community part i have to re- enter my credentials ? It’s enough that i will go out for a second to check what somebody suggested here ..when i will go back to reply a topic it will ask me for credentials again …
2- the windows app (on win10) is randomly asking me for credentials after the 4th /5th time i close the app , it will remember me a few time closing the app and re-opening but then ask for credentials on same pc with the same app (no updates or something made lately)
Honestly, needing to log in (Mac OS) on desktop every so often (enough to be annoying!!!) and clicking images of buses is not how I want to spend my Sunday morning. This is basic user experience 101. This is not rocket science. Please, eliminate captchas forever when I’m logging into my computer on the Deezer app. I am secure. Just load up the program when I launch it like most every music streaming service does. Thanks! Sorry for my frustration but this needs priority sequencing!
Thank you for your support and for your patience. We know it can be frustrating so please bear with us until we get this issue sorted, our developers are working on it
@dig on mobile, could you logout, reinstall the app, login again and let me know if it helps?
So frustrated about these logouts and captchas. Your BA’s, Product Designers & development team should be fired. Them cannot do their job properly. In 2020 and you’re still using useless captachas after successful sign in into PAID account (who will use paid accounts for bots and spamming over deezer ecosystem?)
when you have: 1. remember me checkbox. 2. reCaptcha. 3. Drag to verify 4. verify via SMS code, etc.
thread exists for 3 months, and you still haven’t fixed it yet. For when this issue planned to be fixed? What are solutions you’re planning to use? Maybe you’d like to share with angry community? It cost 5 mins to create an account in spotify/apple music, youtube music and get rid of these god damn captchas. But we’re still here. We want app to be great. So think about it.
Thank you for all the answers provided so far - very helpful! Our developers who are investigating this problem have asked for more info from you to speed up the process. Could you please tell us:
Do you have to log in every time you relaunch the app or is this happening every time the app gets an update?
When you get logged out, can you log back in straight away or you need to restart the app?
Have you downloaded the app from the Windows Store or using a direct link for the .exe file?
Let us know the most you can, it can help us fix this quicker
I have to login almost every day. I have the family package. It is not related to updates. I do however have the app on my work and home computer but it still logs out of my home computer over weekends when I was not at work.
I would not mind logging in if the app would keep my details and if you would change the racaptche to the newest discreet version. The old version is time consuming and annoying. The password is only Authenticated after the recaptche so if you enter you password incorrectly then you have to do the whole process again. Rather update to the newest recaptcha and allow for autofill to remember details.
We completely understand your frustration and your feedback is the best tool we have to ensure our developers have all they need to improve this situation
my Windows deezer application keeps disconnecting. it can take 3 to one week but most of the time, I need to login again, and fill a boring very slow captcha.
What can cause the disconnection ? it these a way I can remove the captcha. I don’t see how that’s a protection since it only allows one account playing music at once
Worst log in procedure of all apps/programs that I have used... It’s not enough to have to fill out username and password EVERY TIME I use the desktop app (Windows 10), but I also have to spend a minute clicking on images??? Fix it or lose customers!
Hi @bobbob601, hi @Ohmexx, hi @m_timo we are really sorry for the current Login experience on the Deezer Desktop App. Our developers are having an Operation Cobra meeting in order to find a solution for this. Apologies for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.
Hi @bobbob601, hi @Ohmexx, hi @m_timo we are really sorry for the current Login experience on the Deezer Desktop App. Our developers are having an Operation Cobra meeting in order to find a solution for this. Apologies for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.
In Taxi, Operation Cobra was a total failure. I do hope the team has a better solution ;-)
What could we do to help to postpone the issue. For instance, on Windows, how do I know if it happens after an update ? Do we need to share some logs ? I’m a dev and I know that it can be very hard to pinpoint the issue without a clear repro
Thank you for replying and for the screenshot, it's a first for me
That actually means that we're trying to sort out why the app is prompting logout frequently. A different authentication method is in our scope too, but because it'll take longer to introduce, there's a clear urgency in fixing the logout.
Although we can't be sorry enough, we'd be very sad to see you go!
Hey @bobbob601 thanks for your support, just posting here or sending us a PM about your experience is enough for now. Our devs have been asking us, staff, to test and provide logs as well - because some of us are experiencing the issue too. But I'll be reaching out to you in case they need more specific tests, so let's keep in touch.
PS.: thanks for understanding the ordeal. Let's hope it isn't the same Operation Cobra, right?
There’s no need for auto-logouts, captchas nor mfa. Deezer has all the information on their end from requests from the apps themselves to understand if there is some nefarious activity going on with a login. We can’t do anything in the app without that information going to Deezer. So, the amount of data Deezer has about everyone’s activity is enormous, and clearly enough to identify any bad actors. There are several data and AI frameworks to help them understand these patterns. In fact, these systems do a much better job of identifying problems than a captcha does at preventing the same.
If I had to guess, Deezer failed to research best practices when they thought they had a problem, and instead of investing in a framework to help identify the problem, thought adding a captcha would solve “it”. Because they never identified IF they had a problem, or WHAT the problem was, they pointed to the captcha, saying “SEE! WE DID IT!”, and refuse to admit failure to solve anything because they failed to identify a problem in the first place or educate themselves on best practices in the same. Whichever manager specified the captcha as the answer is invested in that answer and is refusing to admit failure, and so all us customers have to suffer for that person’s pride and ego. Anyone who has been around commercial software development for any time will recognize this management pattern immediately.
I would present this is why Deezer commonly releases features that do not deliver to reasonable expectations, and take unreasonable amounts of time to achieve production quality, if ever. I present Flow’s inability to isolate seasonal music from its recommendations as an example. Any software designer would identify this as a 1st version required feature. Though it has been pointed out uncountable times since the release day of that feature, Flow still throws in Christmas music today.
Both of these examples are indicative of systemic failures of management at Deezer. The failure to adopt appropriate software design practices is simply a symptom of the greater management issue. Unfortunately for us consumers, management culture issues are almost impossible to correct even when there is the will do to so. That will, however, must come from the top, from the people who created the culture in the first place, and so change in this fashion almost never happens.
Proof is resident in this problem in the first place. Clearly this captcha was a bad design decision. The evidence is abundant in this post alone. There’s no rationale that justifies its existence. Yet, Deezer thinks it’s ok to keep saying it is “fixing it” (by doing nothing), when the simple, easy, rational fix is to remove it. Deezer management has stomped it’s foot down on a clearly false premise, and is unwilling to admit their mistake and change direction.
In all likelihood, Deezer will not change. It will continue to release second-rate software that sorta, but just doesn’t work as expected, which promises greatness, but delivers average at best. If you think this is good enough for the money you send them, then Deezer is possibly the correct streaming service for you. For the rest of us, who expect quality service for our money, and expect increasing quality through time for our investment, Deezer will never be that. We should look to other streaming services
I can’t log in after entering the e-mail and password, they show me an infinite number of pictures where I have to guess motorcycles, cars, buses, stairs, traffic lights and other rubbish. I understand that someone needs to train artificial intelligence, but you may do it without my participation, I pay money every month in the hope of getting a good service, and not spend hours on the screen, guessing where the fucking traffic lights and pedestrian crossings are in your shitty photos!
If for some reason you do not want to provide me with paid services, then return my money to me, and I will never again use your fucking service and will not bother you again.