Remote control music on another device / Device discovery
- November 11, 2017
- 416 replies
- Rafael.
- Noam Asulin
- Rob Igo
- Tomek
- ymns3321
- slavakraynov
- solstice_outcry
- KingPrince
- pius2804
- Qchmqs
- Kodiak
- LeonLaci
- Mark Percy
- King
- Lorenzo
- jpb
- markec600
- Daniel Körner
- DenalB
- Tony Smith
- AlexKornitzer
- Mihi
- Renne
- walker
- CoCay
- aahlborg
- zerospace
- 981
- SkipperSnail
- inSided-sso
- poluz
- abovebeyond
- Stessull
- seslash
- michal.wiatr
- EEAlexHay
- Norwind
- Samuel_Silva
- mikeltm
- varshik
- J.R.Arndt
- marinescucandrei
- RobSnob
- SwedishViking
- gbentley
- Nossus
- iljafranken
- Anders
- vbtop
- adyjayex
- Dreamweaver08
- ahmeterenodaci
- ndrs
- Anthony.Morgan
- itoledo
- leomou
- Dersteppen
- AudioRob
- lmacovei
- taliandr
- TicTacTime
- UGatDeezer
- FelixV
- Lucasp
- sbewers
- hockdudu
- matt0509
- I-NOZex
- defafa
- Lovre
- Alper.SIMSEK
- FriskyProdigy
- Sebastian Geymonat
- Barmad
- elektroinside
- TedGrassman
- Sakhumzi N.
- melonella
- brk
- HermoHelmet
- hafgrimmar
- G. Mowdep
- kimdh08
- zork
- Rudua
- mrwebs
- Charles.Oliveira
- marvinlenard
- teddy_pardo
- thewildman
- squeakyhammer
- JeJ
- Kåre
- cdrw1024
- svartpelz
- David.Rippon
- jwalsh99
- krosdk
- Carlos.Martinez
- 4min
- Toujkou6936
- Joesix
- ChrisX01
- cybernoetics
- Fazs
- Luis Fernando Marques
- ydumais
- Fr33Fun
- shamanbo
- nzuzee
- celediw
- Louisbenhammond
- Vicente Gomis Seglers
- sebu0815
- Shadow V.
- Andreas.Ahlqvist
- Wild Penguin
- dreatern
- Buckie
- Olly Green
- cornelis
- TOMillr
- losnad
- mtk
- PandoraFalke
- cjp1959
- Hafiy.Sufri
- Ron Yona
- Dr. Jefferson
- NautillusSs
- KierC
- Gnopps
- Klaus Wohl
- Timo.Heinrichs
- casaralph
- Chiron1969
- wunderhund
- Varun.Asthana
- Jason Vaz
- Notsoldyet
- n1r
- jaysoncerbas
- aaaantoniaaaa
- dzusikar
- Afiq NO Sawan
- Nick_001
- darkdevil1988
- Danial
- jozhaa
- viktor-235
- bema52
- just a tech
- lonm
- Douglas Busacker
- Maksim.Dan'ko
- Henry James Cinco
- Caio Everton
- moerger
- 9s1q2uvji9cf
- Jessica.Deezer
- picharras
- nemterest
- nicoleb_
- yenrios
- Alex2b
- Fernando.GM
- Sebastian.Buitrago.Vergara
- ASoto
- meso
- Wardeneo
- Stun
- cowudders14
- jojosousaafr
- WuWup
- jsour
- Gautier
- Kenny Johnson
- T-bond
- Gaa1009
- Vladimir Georgiev
- rvdplas
- José.Saraiva
- Jesus.Alonso.Pacheco.Cruz
- AdvanTech
- Gabriel.Carvalho
- hazielhage
- LuisM
- Jaroslav Tuma
- Unitra
- Dominik_Egert
- stryba
- Polo48
- GeorgeThomas
- gree
- MadRebel
- raph-stabil
- Thibault Ketterer
- bincho
- Clement13730
- dannilundgren
- Ruud.
- eejay65
- Kolawole.Temitope
- Shiftyllama
- kzg
- vmarci21
- Laurent-B
- GregP
- Julien H.
- Wessel.Verheijen
- HyperX
- factoroften
- sbuzzo
- olixilo
- Daniel.Guernieri
- ZSkiraly
- Liam_Bridge
- tristanewing
- Bert4Breakfast
- Merlin71
- Nike.Tufjo
- Petya Kohts
- skirem
- Deezerjdev
- brbi
- iblindi
- gimmie.5
- Milena Dimitrova
- Roman M
- Grimrian
- Jarek.Z
- soisearach
- Scorsi
- Gints Grinbergs
- serak1
- stepal
- Bakyt
- border
- kdkd
- AidaAbas
- Saleh.Ahmed.Otten
- Stepan Trnka
- Rudi
- neuromask
- hal41
- magweg
- isaac.cabello.97
- Dakyne
- altean
- Mr_morgue
- hben050
- StephenB
- Andrew.Allen
- bounzle
- Fabio Janson Angelini
- daniel-d
- christianlambert
- Arthyxe
- rbt2008
- josenicomaia
- Laurentiu.Stamate
- Andrey.Nikanorov
- mdrzaic
- Glenh
- Kedrigerncz
- Guillaume Comte
- Tom Muster
- mammoth
- Gianluca Cangemi
- benj0c
- Uloga
- Eliezer.Reyes.Cabrera
- PetroLviv
- boria
- dombomb17
- salad
- Jhomkarlo
- nir19
- Dojiyi
- liviu
- DennisN
- Stefan-cz
- Alonso_05
- arthur.keesen
- ListenInAwe
- Milikitaun
- Snir.Turgeman
- carlos.winter
- Pizzaman
- Marcelo.Marcotullio
- Vinicius Oliveira
- Anna-Louis
- Megingelos
- falkboehm
- rattlehead245
- udy
- boutschneck
- Igor Santander Angelini
- BilliAlpha
- windrose48
- Daniele Genito
- shockalit.mousse
- bogdangrosu2000
- Adel.Krashenninnikov
- gwharrington
- cirilobeto
- pepr
- nemanja.zdravkovic5
- Smthng
- pmcerqueira
- liorbi
- theGic
- unclnis
- Reynalda Marsetya
- GardenLegs
- abo_galstyan
- Menny
- Shen.Nguyen
- Michel Baratella
- HelpfulRapha
- Jonas156
- Cnek
- LazySounds
- David.Zaberca
- andrewvroom
- victorxdeath
- Eduardo Peredo
- Redster
- TimTim32
- nobody
- Rodrigo Tavares
- VivienH
- João Eudes Lima
- seballero
- siyib56
- meuvoy
- tehaloy234
- defoz343
- triplexone
- Deezel
- marcus.kueppers
- burnallatonce
- MarcoG
- mateushonorato
- Timoty.Moor
- DeeFoC
- mushsup
- deabo
- ZaYp3r
- Ivers
- joho
- Kaktus0506
- rz942306348932
- Willian Almeida
- adoparsons
- indirrana
- Tim Johnson
- V2ivii3nHiFi
- Arahizzz
- Marcin.Bartnik
- daniloff
- Chubolicious
- Demar2k19
- Cristopher
- lowbig
- Jordan Jones
- dzzd
- pichiel6
- injatimi
- MusicLover750
- RoobyDoobie
- Shawmut
- Petr Hank
- dave_it
- jeremiahlee
- Ludoa12
- thegut
- piotrek.znowu
- vrbanekbranko
- Solaris07
- Reuben Botha
- Ma.St
- xenergie
- markandre2106
- cogscides
- Mohamed_Yonko_Talaat
- claus59
- kacgal
- willyvaldezz
- ppkrf
- Zobie
- chuanito
- Sytze Schalk
- Alexis LAMART
- Isogi Maru
- sebtix
- dlchamp
- ostapski
- Raif Coonjah
- PeSchroe
- Ivan Brajkovic
- Imsure87
- Jader Dalmas
- Mikhail.Sobol
- milo88
- perkoxcar
- Paul Bridgland
- E.Balázs
- KwiinParas
- NoiceLOPO
- nikvst
- osayamen omigie
- Omar Montaser
- eric885522
- RenanBul
- Vent1narc
- aeltab
- Stephan1827
- mathevsouza
- Sonicbliss1208
- Hizium
- Niv Behar
- omri
- alfalco
- Anftsv
- Riza Fahmi
- Samuel Tremonti
- shadowseeker27
- Steven Kelly
- izhidkov
- Timo.Volkenrath.
- Shidairyu X
- Krzysztof.Gruszko
- Ender1988
- FlyingPeeWee
- Doud-bx3
- tounin
- Lyle Vincent
- Weeez
- rmtmckenzie
- Alexey Prusov
- kimjonas
- Rick-Anthony
- Rolanddekok
- elstupid
- Csacs
- Natalio
- toonarmytel
- swinxnl
- tessa.
- Marwan.Tohamy
- szymekjablo
- JesperK
- Sailor.G
- doubouil
- Alchymoto
- franksj_deezer2
- skrnavi
- scastrillo
- stevenomes
- Alchymotome
- htkblazer
- dizzy
- hrnndzian
- JanT
- ta2744_2
- Ido Moshe
- davanaton
- nommy
- Eledzdo
- Inad74
- alex84
- Megan Firth
- Teun.Buter
- ongakufi
- Eihab Abdel-Rahim
- oof_101
- montetrebol
- olaf5235
- sergio-74
- Timur Yarosh
- Octavio Huerta Carrillo
- Rodrigo.Laisequilla.Ramos
- Holly.C
- James_Hackett
- Seeje
- Marc999
- lilado
- yumoose
- kamikadzem22
- Gerd Ceder
- korg250
- Estéfano Vechietti
- Clem25
- ron_damon
- Ivelin
- Moej90
- Coksi
- dennox
- Axouuu
- eknoes
- jeremysprite
- leok
- Dangles91
- karollo
- teqteq
- Tecko
- Felipe Saraiva
- Laurent Meliot
- Johan.Devondel
- Horstorm
- Andrew.Snejovski
- MattNicholas
- deezerama
- magnus4ever
- antoniodtv
- Oskko
- Arnaud Thévenet
- WiMank
- Harlly.Dela.Cruz
- Arla0
- Padlex
- Devrus
- krzyp
- ThoricIntegral6
- FONTAINE Frederic
- Netto
- Rháfaga Barros
- Servos
- user1589
- Ovidiu Moraru
- Rickard Sundberg
- Darkblue87
- Tim Dutton
- Damir89
- Fyutins
- adizo
- Enik
- TimNBG
- Jeremy5150
- siroderap
- Nessan
- Ioana Morarescu
- SS's Deezer
- Daniel DS
- Mark Phillipson
- Ralf van der Enden
- arsen123
- Eonwe
- Xavier Pantin
- Matthew Plotas
- sahar kroglen
- timmken
- Tobiias
- Latz
- homam_gamer
- Anton.Shopin
- Lukas161
- p3p
- Florian.Scherl
- dude101
- rambe
- Emartas
- theclaretfloyd
- Henri2h
- Odrahcyr
- woobilicious
- TravelingLight
- Edward Stevens
- Mycrow
- ariel.levin.733
- lukaafx.
- iact0
- katro
- Sonda
- MatevzFa
- MusicIsLife
- ocustomer
- Tokadon
- Sean.Brugge
- Dennis Ameling
- ZanzibaRrr
- Lina B.
- Andrewarc
- amit vij
- OzGlobal
- DamionGans
- Giulio Terracciano
- raccoonsarecool
- Skriand
- Andre Osokin
- Totobal
- bloemenprinses2
- f_oste
- Rebel
- ghz
- cloy3
- Tahoebear
- robkarot
- Sergey Dudin
- patellia
- Markus_no
- Mi imamo Se fajn
- Jluvian23
- MaliBratDzordz
- Xenevis
- LukasSpielt
- Martijn.Keymis
- Steel Samurai
- Stingraynl
- dockland_hh
- Shanksta
- rafmoles
- Santiago Andres Del Zotto
- simoninderkummen
- Vedran
- vlb047
- yxa
- mnkdk
- hybridstasis
- mat9
- periklis
- Vogelfrei
- Michael.Wolfshtein
- johan-sson
- norby
- miiaow
- musiks4mmler
- Dracor22
- stijn cabuy
- haykgalstyan
- AvivOK
- uygardilek
- PullUpSelecta
- Diaconescu Florin
- elka
- blendkrasniqi
- Cesar Augusto García López
- Silvestrus
- GrgurPajalic
- yurakgn
- timontimon
- fjz222
- MauriGuzman
- kaze.hi
- Boni
- pfb201
- TheEnds
- Nagard
- schaade-music
- Eduardo Luiz Caixeta
- Sergio Moreno V
- tremiand
- Hockney
- Mladjoni
- patrikkesic
- Farhanito
- Gabriel.Eugenio.Dvoranen
- Placido09
- Xander
- alohabobo
- Reiscracker
- dablais
- Spiriq
- Jon Paul
- Gilad.Garon
- Francois.Hill
- Yossi Kozay
- Snozzlebert
- Specd
- eitam1
- Jannes
- bfritsch
- Lukas Lu
- hpguru
- amoshi
- count
- Hexagon
- chavezdaniel
- bullon
- frgabriel
- Renato Ribeiro
- paulryan
- Cloink
- DeenOub
- arivas
- dams.alex
- donutnotnut
- Masa
- blumack
- Nir Parisian
- philooo
- Valakin
- Ivan Jokanovic
- fatih-akbulut
- Minimoon
- Piotr T. Zubrzycki
- flightsim9192
- Allen Graves
- Patrick_314
- strixaluco
- Oberon
- andrewjk
- Fajea
- atvking
- Sammael
- SeaOfGreen
- ukku
- AnTom
- Fahmi B Mukbil
- BerndO
- dylanaver
- uahummer
- Anatolio0320
- Freezer
- p3te_hill
- kalendar
- bulatovicm
- ifeher
- OneFineDay
- Tanto4
- McZab
- Vytautas Krutulis
- DJ-Deezerlinchen
- vikmind
- raoulK
- Julio.Rangel
- Sevete
- querta
- Pembroke
- tiro0815
- jvanderheide
- odav99
- Yossi
- john_mayer_1
- Evil_Acid
- R-jac
- henkeslasher
- tmunzer
- Giorgos Pappas
- JelStIy
- popkorn95
- алексей.мельник
- avguytx
- DaBlanco
- Gwenddoleu
- Papa.Lazarou
- yves dm
- Jul
- hkohl7273
- Sashgeahkovv
- Cpt.Slow
- remip
- Paul W75
- Kael
- Celianlemaignen
- PocketD
- Mumma
- MoneyintheD
- taravasya2
- Антон Илларионов
- DrWongKC
- fdmerle
- bdnsz
- Mikelite
- Vojtěch Hořánek
- groomon
- equi
- jplmail
- Dawg
- Momir Stanišić
- Martin van Stek
- legalax
- deezertrentetrois
- Tobias Rauer
- romiletto
- Phil Grenfell
- Qinz
- JakobG
- Samuel Smolenski
- Vadim S. Barkovsky
- Eisbaer50
- egauthier
- martynonline
- zakketto
- cazzzac
- pashmak
- Rhys Green
- Grabthar
- Gotgi
- SoylentWhite
- LN102
- William Reed
- ingowerner
- kepolo
- elcontador
- barthou12
- htpc23
- Math
- normonline
- drkoetter
- Happyjack 1
- Banana Baboon
- nikin
- zupodaniel
- Deezgi
- Emmanuel69
- darrenthompson84
- Steviemidnight
- welttronauten
- Listener3000
- 9MZ@
- Bartvm
- ChristopherVMT
- Gabriel Felippe Mateus
- Mettalicat
- ipmusic
- Welby18
- Swythan
- KasperD
- Knochensalat
- Ramiro Blacha
- mattanja
- ShieldsUpRedAlert
- Felipe Ripardo
- Mr. Dreamfold
- joetheschmoh
- Manu Joye
- barinov200000
- chris88
- besbos
- Atscha
- artistro08
- Francisco.Bombella
- myheartisoffline
- Ricardo Mass
- Asyrani Lin
- sthome
- donatom3
- francisg
- Aldrick3598
- Jan Slováček
- yur
- y.u.kio
- Roy_c
- MikeyV
- stephane.bauer
- mrosq
- Hoppo
- lovelogo
- Tarık Alp Onar
- nyredlaner
- ianhyzy
- scoddy
- André de Souza Genaro
- Arafat Hossain
- nibbler311
- Peccaa
- Harmonie
- bpedman
- maximiliend
- Niek
- pkeoghan
- FridoDasBrot
- Fullmetalvanity
- Armics
- iAmFinn
- Bendik Vignes
- Josh.Griffin
- agent4126
- David Artus
- Kurosagi93
- Oleksii S.
- emat
- Tom.williams134
- Ramkury
- ronuh
- RobertoWMS
- Alejandrososa
- WilZA
- markhankins
- Catalin Marin
- Nikla3
- Master_Jedi_
- femetal
- Tropis Life
- tech.stuff
- Yordan
- Christer Heen Skotland
- JM008
- yauhen
- Eran Itzhacki
- gb2500
- squire23
- Ni_Ko
- babythunder7
- aceofdaves
- Hotery
- The Resolute
- Kevin Morrison
- neechee
- adam.winschberg
- Steve Meadow
- Aymen
- Roman.Mzh
- Sarancha Evgeniy
- DP4
- __dsssadre__
- Viacheslav Mrykh
- Mr_Ieskela
- FalconFour
- uglyjustin
- Deoradh
- VedArt
- Ярослав Шаталин
- DDD1
- Jeferson Rodrigues
- Stijnl
- adiasarahma
- zedprotect
- Олег К
- Tiago Donoso
- aoliver
- Pablo Mucciolo
- Hamilton.Júnior
- Trzema
- mkgl
- Eugenio.Realini
- Jéremy Monpull
- kübra şanlıer
- matulicana
- przemnet
- xavier_wharton
- DiscoDrum
- Ilya Blentsov
- dairan
- bramazzotti
- braun4p
- liayetienne
- lm41
- holgerwacker
- Dahaniel
- mournfulpigeon
- Voyd
- RoelieRules
- danielmain
- Chris Hoy Poy
- Rantanplan81
- John Candido
- 23shortstop
- Haju
- Sergio.Jungers
- Vincent Revenboer
- Nathan Steeves
- roderickvd
- wvannus
- morgan.johnston
- Krzysztof K
- FlyingChipmunk
- adrianpmurphy
- NickAM1025
- Ubi
- philjames
- contralateral
- mccannr1
- Vx76
- JeroenV
- Andreas Holzapfel
- ToniToni
- Uxorious
- Rodrigo Campo Dall'Orto
- Bluetopia
- Slibbo
- Daniel.Madão
- why123321
- Siplex
- vdata
- cj.allen321
- pascoa341
- Mike Roedema
- p341
- jammi
- Pavel.Kokoshnikov
- nikolas
- baronb
- Mordie
- matt.kintsugi
- Saturn8x
- renni
- lahue
- Jingah
- nearfaraway
- Andreas Stoltz
- MariuszC
- dead2thewind
- Anne Honime
- aymeric3086
- sschnick
- nolag
- aeromir
- cbnz
- ArtemUa
- Tuliol
- peterhartmanuk
- yustme
- zark
- SupermanBatman
- Andrés Felipe Sánchez
- M.Bilalll
- Andre Berzins De Negreiros
- sino
- Mike Cordingley
- rbdl
- Adam Ogiliev
- odnari
- andivogi
- Geomy
- pink yellow blue
- moot
- dhane german
- Florian.Ackermann
- Nathan.Pearce
- Beorn
- Vlekkie
- mitsiklas13
- Snain
- DaveTrev
- Sterf
- Cervajz
- h_brennhaeuser
- Victor Bombella
- TheJanzap
- ZomboBrain
- musicfanatic815
- craigus195
- captainborracho
- ShishKebabsMin
- Animatron
- klappspaten
- lolfloppydisc
- oliblob
- Temak
- wittao
- Dishit
- Funk
- p1lgrim
- Akun Jitu
- TurnItUp
- kunahk
- Ondpe
- Mantas Dapkus
- rauschfrey
- Gr00ty
- JerSev971
- Xavier Raynaud
- Rayke
- Matti De Bruyne
- Nikosleov_2
- ericpbutcher
- aceman404
- Jiri.Vanek
- edwinas2
- aosh
- Wooky
- AsdfQwertz
- jacob1122
- Matt07
- adam.vickers
- ragguts
- Henri Beijer
- Luis Eric
- Kuba
- Valdemar Landberg
- bild
- Maksym Yashchenko
- Fukhan04
- imaginasis
- Matthew Rand
- bratman
- Bg.goran
- Tobias.Kuhrke
- Solidmighty
- Unr3aL
- frki16
- Jarod
- Gnawer
- lordgoomy
- Nicolay Eckhoff
- Miroslaw wojciechowski
- Gondes
- ursobrian
- Lukasz124
- Elipsus
- psionic
- Sjoerd
- greensteru
- Emphyrio
- cr57
- frusc
- reimicahann
- Georgekg
- Karol Ruszala
- Jobj
- Stephen McNeill
- Laurie Bermond
- ViniSouza
- Jonas Berggren
- Alex_is_a_friend
- Matt Hilliard
- Molleton
- marcocapo79
- yan_kos
- yann.
- Sebideluxe
- paul_rwhite
- kujojotaro
- tino.l
- Thaq
- Przemek
- Uka Sz
- swave
- nonsubscriber
- Damian.Kos
- jrad
- falseShepherd
- Nicorng
- Vizion-HUN
- duvnell
- Jens_Crazy
- Jemuel Marengo
- P-Kay
- Bdouble0
- Guizp31
- Vincent51
- Biloot
- Terence Haddock
- Kyrunx
- clembes
- joshu42
- matches
- Leonardo Yepez
- Willard
- imaxverem94
- Alex073
- stoat42_
- Emil Jung
- Thomas.Klug
- maxarasta
- nilID
- gantor
- M M
- Rugni7
- strahinjas
- Bebouz
- Karel Vrancken
- Deep Doshi
- Pleuvinz
- Anonymous
I like to control the music of the pc using my cell phone, and it would be great if Deezer had this option.
Hey folks!
Great news! We finally launched it!
Please have a look on our new feature “Deezer Connect”! Where you can control your devices from your phone IOS or Android.
What will be the first song you will connect to another device? 📱🕺🏼💻
416 replies
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- July 11, 2020
- Star Wo-Man
- 459 replies
- July 13, 2020
There are a number of factors that have kept me loyal to Deezer over the past few years. I recently migrated from a family account to a Hi-Fi account.
I have used several other streaming services:
1.Rdio. The best ever. Deep social interaction (I have friends on Deezer that I met on Rdio); remote control; amazing curation; album liner notes; download to the mobile controlled by the computer; displayed the number of times we heard a track; and option to add a tag with the musical genre to the album, which made it easier to search for an album in your library. Anyway, it was perfect, but unfortunately, it was annihilated by Pandora.
2. Google Play Music. A good interface but both the mobile and desktop applications were very slow and full of problems.
3.Apple Music. A good curation. An efficient algorithm to suggest new releases according to our profile. However, mobile application has a too unfriendly interface and the worst sound quality of world. A shame.
4. Amazon Music HD. No comments. A disaster.
5. Spotify. Some good features as social interaction, built-in equalizer but it has no Hi-Fi quality. It is not my favourite interface but apps are fast and efficient. In the end, the service loses points for not delivering a high-level sound.
6. Tidal. I'm finishing the test month this week. Tidal offers a great app for mobile and desktop. Fast in both environments. Clean and friendly interface. It has interaction with Plex. However, in my point of view, Tidal loses to Deezer in two aspects: it does not have a built-in equalizer; and offers no social interaction. However, I consider it a strong competitor if they implement a built-in equalizer. It makes a huge difference in sound quality.
Undoubtedly, for me, Deezer remains the best streaming service today: it has a great interface; it has, although restricted, some social interaction; allows you to configure the covers of the playlists; it has a built-in equalizer; and delivers excellent sound quality. I could take care of some aspects: improve the algorithm to suggest new releases (it's a horror); improve the desktop application, which continues to present a series of chronic problems; the mobile app often takes time to load music; the interaction with CarPlay is very unfriendly and puts the user at risk when driving; and ... does not have remote control functionality.
I understand the technical, economic and legal limitations for implementing a remote control for Deezer. However, I believe that, after the availability of a Hi-Fi plan, it is time to look more closely at this point. The Hi-Fi subscriber usually uses cable connections to get the best performance from the sound system. Hence, the remote control is essential a better user experience.
You have done a great job and I hope you will surprise us soon with good news about the remote control.
That's all, folks.
Very complete!
I agree with you. I have also tried those, except Rdio, and also Qobuz,Napster. Pandora isn’t available in my country.
This is my opinion for every plataform:
- GPM/YM: is great to upload songs, have up to 100k library size, it recognizes music. Disadvantages: no HiFi, no lyrics, not so many playlists, Google’s always opening and closing services, they don’t hear you, no desktop version.
- Qobuz: fantastic sound quality, desktop version, human-made playlists,good UI,they hear you. Cons: full of bugs when loading,playing; also no idea about library size. Some prices are very expensive.
- Tidal: love sound quality, also has a desktop version. But UI is worse than others, library is set to 10k, no lyrics, no music recognition.
- Spotify: each day is becoming better and better. Now you can add as many songs as you want to your library, there’s desktop version, social interaction, lyrics, music remote control,crossfade, two persons plan . Things I don’t like: no HiFi, no music recognition.
- Napster: I can’t remember now because I tried it too many years ago. I suppose it didn’t have a good UI, no music recognition, no lyrics, no social elements integrated.
- Amazon: I’ve tried it a few times. UI is a disaster as you say, you can’t import, no music recognition, no lyrics, no social elements, they don’t hear you. Sound quality could be the only positive thing apart from their 60million songs.
- Apple: they have lyrics, human-made playlists, integration with Apple ecosystem, 100k limit library size, option to dislike. Although there is no music recognition integrated (have to use Siri), Android version isn’t updated at the same rhythm , no HiFi. They had social integrated before, but now they don’t. In my opinion, another problem for Apple is Apple-haters, because Spotify, Tidal, Napster,Deezer,etc are music streaming brands, let’s say neutral for users, but Apple is a technology brand. That means that if you don’t like its products, prices,design , you, probably, won’t try Apple Music.
- Deezer: lyrics,song recognition,songcatcher, HiFi, they hear us, cheaper individual HiFi plan compared to the rest, dislike option, desktop version, they changed the way to pay artists. As negative points 2K library size , music remote control and tiny details like: doesn’t show you if a track is in a playlist, can’t set a song as alarm or ringtone. It had social integration, you could see what your friends were listening to. But now, only comments and stateeztics.
I have no doubts that Spotify and Apple will have HiFi, as Amazon did, don’t know when, however, Spotify lately is working hard so won’t be weird to see it this year.
Deezer is almost perfect, has some things to improve but is on the way, and once they killed 2k limit, users will feel free like a bird as Nelly Furtado’s song. Family HiFi plan is another point that we have been waiting for a long time. To be honest, Deezer resources aren’t the same as Apple,Spotify,Amazon, so I understand it takes more time for them.
- Lover
- 52 replies
- July 13, 2020
Great observations,
I never used Napster, Qobuz or Pandora. These last two are not available in my country.
It is interesting that our comments are complementary. And this is essential for a more complete view of the applications. Only in this way can we contribute for having increasingly better services that meet the needs of a large and diverse profile of subscribers.
I totally agree with you. I believe that, soon, all services will have HiFi quality. Then, the price, UI and other aspects - such as music limit, lyrics, music remote control, social interaction, Desktop app - will rule.
I've been thinking about the social interaction aspect: Deezer is the best at that point. We can send messages to our followers (all or some in particular) while suggesting songs, albums or playlists. In addition, we can see what they are listening to if we go to the profile page and check the playlist called "Recently Played" (or something like that, I don't know what it's called in the English app). I used it a lot to discover new songs. At this point, Deezer is really better than Spotify, which offers a superficial social interaction ... but the advertising seems to be better than the business itself.
Surely, now that Deezer killed 2k limit, users are free as a bird as a Lynyrd Skynyrd's song. :-)
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- July 15, 2020
Thanks for adding really really good feedback
Your previous reply was seen by a lot of people here at Deezer
The good news is that we're actually tackling this favourites' limit at the moment (even though it may take some time) and there's another big project on social sharing too. We're very excited and when we have more concrete info, we'll be eager to share with our community!
- Lover
- 19 replies
- August 16, 2020
Hey, Im too lazy to read everything and just wondering if this is something the team is planning on working on or is working on?
I do want to control my Deezer App on PC using my Phone just like how Spotify can.
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- August 18, 2020
Nice to hear from you again! Thank you for reaching out.
Yes, this is in our plans. But it takes considerable developing time, so we'll need more of your patience before we get there
- Lover
- 19 replies
- August 19, 2020
Nice to hear from you again! Thank you for reaching out.
Yes, this is in our plans. But it takes considerable developing time, so we'll need more of your patience before we get there
- Tiny Dancer
- 2 replies
- August 20, 2020
Good Afternoon,
I have been using the paid subscription service on Spotify for many years and being an audiophile use the casting function from within their app on my network streamer always.
I was tempted to try the free one month subscription to the Deezer Hi-Fi and signed up. I initially done my first tests using HEOS and was blown away at how much better the sound quality is when compared to Spotify. I immediately downloaded the PC app only to find out that a vital feature I use all the time was missing.
My mind had been made up that I was going to cancel my Spotify subscription and continue with Deezer until It became apparent that I would not be able control the sound output source from my PC as I always did previously from my PC.
I now have the quandary of deciding whether to continue with Spotify due to the convenience of use or to live with the inconvenience of constantly having to fiddle with HEOS on my phone to have the superior sound quality of Deezer.
The ease of being able to just change the streaming music from the app on my PC as I am working is a real deal changer, so please count this as a vote for this function to be added.
- Tiny Dancer
- 4 replies
- September 22, 2020
Is it possible to say anything about the developers timeline regarding this topic?
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- September 23, 2020
Not yet, but it's officially on the cards for our teams to develop it.
Really appreciate your honest feedback. It's gonna happen at some point in the near future, I'm confident about that. In regards to HEOS, we're also supporting their devs in getting HiFi streaming via their app. Stay tuned
- Tiny Dancer
- 2 replies
- September 23, 2020
Many thanks for the response
The convenience of using Spotify did tip the balance and I have stayed with them. and cancelled my Deezer account.
As soon as the full streaming functionality is introduced, I will definitely switch across but not until then I am afraid.
Best regards
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- September 24, 2020
Thanks for the honesty, Tony
- Lover
- 17 replies
- October 2, 2020
This is a must have feature, to be able to control the music played on XBOX or Laptop through my phone!
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- October 3, 2020
- Tiny Dancer
- 2 replies
- October 3, 2020
there should be an option to direct stream (cast) music to Amazon’s speakers. Like in spotify. Choose device, play, control, etc.
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- October 5, 2020
Thanks for supporting this
I've moved your comment here so that you can support an existing idea. Please vote above, this is a super thread that generates a lot of traction for the idea and it has been very useful to our developers
- Tiny Dancer
- 3 replies
- October 9, 2020
Is there an possibility to connect Deezer to home network via Wi-Fi? Connecting phone to my home system via BT, program becomes lagy… Skipping song forward or pressing to next song, action takes few seconds. If you take phone few steps away, music plays with interrupts. I’m using iOS and Windows desktop programs.
All home systems is on same network. Receiver Marantz SR7012
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- October 10, 2020
Not yet, but thank you for your support - we really want to deliver that option in the near future. Please vote for the idea above
- Bezi since 2017
- 2433 replies
- October 11, 2020
Voted !
Deezer came a long way in the last year so hopefully we’ll that feature as well .
- Tiny Dancer
- 4 replies
- October 12, 2020
New customer here.
First thing I did is upvote this feature request.
Coming from Spotify, I am spoiled now, because in my apartment, I have an AV Receiver with build-in Spotify Connect and don’t need any streaming device connected to it.
I could live with controlling one device that is connected to it, e.g. my XBox or Firestick. But no remote control at all is a bummer for me.
- Tiny Dancer
- 2 replies
- October 12, 2020
Hi! At home I have a Yamaha audio system which has connectivity with different protocols (i.e. Airplay); they provide a platform called MusicCast to connect all compatible devices and platforms and play music, in which they include Deezer. However, the latency and restrictions of MusicCast makes it a little uncomfortable to use (which is independent of Deezer, of course); but, having the option to connect to Deezer from their app, and even in device’s firmware, I’d think that the road is partially set to make more things between Deezer and Yamaha.
In the other hand, I just found that Spotify has a playback button that let you connect directly with the audio system and control your music more comfortably, without using MusicCast as intermediary. I think it may be a good idea to improve this connection between devices and Deezer in order to make it more attractive for current users :)

- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- October 13, 2020
Thank you very much for the feedback and screenshot. I've moved your comment here so that you can vote for this super popular idea. The more votes, the more we can push for it to be developed quickly
- Tiny Dancer
- 4 replies
- October 14, 2020
If you need screenshots from spotify - watch spoiler.
Connect is spotify`s killer feature. I'm listening to a song on my computer and I can control the playback with my phone.
I like deezer but it’ll be much better with this feature.

- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- October 15, 2020
It's on our wishlist too
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- October 16, 2020
Just moved from Spotify and like many others, gutted that I can’t control sonos from the Deezer app.
More people need to vote this one up the list! 🙂
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