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DEEZER CATALOGUE - something is missing :mag_right:

We're really sorry to know the tracks you love isn't on Deezer. Not all artists and rights' holders choose to add their music on our platform. We always respect their wishes so some music isn't available or might be temporarily removed. 

Some of the reasons for this are: 

RIGHTS' HOLDERS :microphone:

If an artist has a large discography with different rights' holders controlling different albums you can sometimes find gaps in the catalogue - if a certain rights' holder hasn't yet agreed to allow the music they control to be streamed online.

TERRITORY :globe_with_meridians:

Streaming rights are also defined by territory - country, region, location. The tracks that appear in the search box when you're looking for music are the songs that are available in all territories. In a small number of cases, a user in a different country may not have access to different tracks so an "unavailable in your country" message appears when they try to listen to it. 


We're constantly updating and re-negotiating our agreements with rights' holders and thousands of tracks are added to our catalogue every single week.

You can try a couple of things:

  • Add your MP3 collection to Deezer :calling:
  • Contact the artist via their social media channels and request for the tracks/albums to be added to Deezer, we take care of the rest :nerd:


Hi @Anneywf please check the info above regarding missing songs or artists and if any track is not available in our catalog you can always add it to your library as an Mp3 :relaxed:

There’s a few MAMAMOO EPs/Albums that are still missing. They’ve been requested before in this post (that’s how I found it). I’ll mention 3 EPs because I like songs from them but I’m sure there’s more than 3 actually missing:

MAMAMOO - Yellow Flower

MAMAMOO - White Wind

MAMAMOO - Red Moon

If anyone knows why these aren’t available please let  me know.

Thanks a lot for this @Kanami I'll ping our teams about this once more! Hopefully it can be added soon enough.

I have a song but, sadly:sob: it is for a game so… it shouldn't be (like it is) on any streaming service.

I have a song but, sadly:sob: it is for a game so… it shouldn't be (like it is) on any streaming service.

Actually multiple.

Hey @Rudi 

Thanks for your support.

The artist profile is:

What’s the problem with Apcalyptica’s track Reign of Fear? It’s not available for a long time in Deezer

Thanks @MohamedSheba I've passed your request on :relaxed:

We've got a lot of gaming content on our catalogue @studilaroche33 :relaxed:

I've reported your query @Lancy, thank you for letting us know!

We've got a lot of gaming content on our catalogue @studilaroche33 :relaxed:


Deezer is a superb app for music listeners like me, but some of the other artists’ catalogue are missing, like GFRIEND and SUNMI. I’m a big fan of them and I want to listen to their whole discography using Deezer. Can you possibly add their discography to the app? Thanks.


Let's try "annoying" the labels for that @Chatuu thank you for your support! :relaxed:

the latest four albums for Amr Diab for example are not existed on deezer 

Hey @Alaa Youssef 

Thanks for reaching out about this. Our user @MohamedSheba already requested this, so I've passed it on. This can take a while to get sorted with the distributors :relaxed:

Let's try "annoying" the labels for that @Chatuu thank you for your support! :relaxed:

Thank you so muuuch. <3

Hey @Rudi 

So as I understand, you are the responsible people for this and it’s your job to get the agreement with the artists.
Therefore, please do what is needed, to make all tracks from this album available:

Thanks in advance!

It doesn't work like that @nikipedia 

Some rights holders' don't allow us to display the content in certain territories. It's at their discretion.

But I'll pass on your feedback to our teams. Thank you and have a great weekend!

Hi, in Madonna catalogue miss these album:

  1. Confessions on a Dance Floor (Non-Stop Mix version)
  2. I'm Going to Tell You a Secret (album)

Please add it in Hi-Fi quality :relaxed:   thanks!

granrodeo have only one cd in deezer,yet spotify and youtube music have their whole discography

granrodeo have only one cd in deezer,yet spotify and youtube music have their whole discography

Hi @golexa I know how frustrating it is when you can’t find the music you want. Unfortunately, the decision where to make music available is in the hands of the publishers and other copyright holders. Deezer and other streaming sites have no direct control over these decisions, and another artist’s work may be better represented on Deezer than on some other services.

However, Deezer is always keen to offer the music its listeners want to hear, and I am certain this omission will be looked into.

Happy listening, and best wishes.

What's their label, @golexa? Can you send me the link for the artist profile on Deezer?

What's their label, @golexa? Can you send me the link for the artist profile on Deezer? this is their artist profile and their record label is lantis

SUNMI’s discography and some of GFRIEND’s are already in the Deezer just like I asked. Thank you so much @Rudi for making it happen. Deezer is the best! 

Hiromi iwasaki has nothing on deezer,yet spotify has her whole discography,her labels are victor entertainment and imperial and her deezer profile is

Any chance a band called Desert Rose can be added? Specifically the Sands of Time album ..  It’s already on all the other streaming services .. :)



Thank you all for your contributions @ishtak @golexa as usual, I’ve passed your feedback to our catalogue teams :relaxed:
