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- ▶ REPORT HERE: Error in a track/song/album
▶ REPORT HERE: Error in a track/song/album
- April 1, 2018
- 368 replies
- Tiny Dancer
I have experienced an error in a couple of tracks. How and where do I report errors?
The error in question is that the song jumps back to an earlier verse at a certain point of the track. Then, when there's 0:00 mins secs left of the track left it doesn't stop, but carries on playing until the song is over.
It's been doing this for "Enemy Inside" by Dream Theater (studio album version) and "In the name of love" by U2 (the best of...-album)
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368 replies
- Alien SuperStar
- 2557 replies
- August 30, 2023
Indeed, there seems to be an issue with track 2 on the album "Any Day Now." I did some system updates to see if they resolve the situation.
As for the second scenario you mentioned, I wasn't able to replicate it on my end. In my case, when the second track concludes, there's a skip to the third track rather than the fourth.
- Tiny Dancer
- 2 replies
- September 6, 2023
Indeed, there seems to be an issue with track 2 on the album "Any Day Now." I did some system updates to see if they resolve the situation.
As for the second scenario you mentioned, I wasn't able to replicate it on my end. In my case, when the second track concludes, there's a skip to the third track rather than the fourth.
I just checked and track 2 is still broken
- Alien SuperStar
- 2557 replies
- September 19, 2023
Unfortunately, what can be done on our side I have done it, which is to request to distributor to redeliver the album. Now we need to wait.
In the meantime, if you have this track in Mp3 you can uploaded to your favourites.
- Community Manager
- 5130 replies
- September 20, 2023

Thanks :)
- Runaway Baby
- 6 replies
- October 3, 2023
You have an issues under the band name “cactus”. You literally have about 5 different bands from multiple different genres mixed up together; it’s a complete joke.

- Community Manager
- 5130 replies
- October 4, 2023
Could you please let me know which are the albums corresponding to the band Cactus in order to separate them from other bands with the same name?
- Runaway Baby
- 6 replies
- October 15, 2023
I noticed a mislabeled album recently.
The album titled "Big Bad Voodoo Daddy" is actually titled "Americana Deluxe". The release date is listed as 01/01/1998, and it should be 02/24/1998 (or 24/02/1998 alternately)
Thank you for your attention,
- Tiny Dancer
- 2 replies
- October 16, 2023
the song “Dancing Through Sunday” by AFI on their album “Sing The Sorrow” cuts off at 41 seconds and goes to the next track.
- Tiny Dancer
- 2 replies
- October 27, 2023
checking to see if this thread is still alive as it’s been almost a couple of weeks for me and another person without reply or resolution; and I see you’ve replied and fixed others’ issues that posted in other threads in the last 24 hours. I’m sure you’re busy, so I do appreciate your time. Thanks.
- Community Manager
- 5130 replies
- October 29, 2023
You can report the problem directly in the app as shown in the following pic:

- Community Manager
- 5130 replies
- October 29, 2023
I have listened to the song on Web (Chrome), Desktop app and Mobile app and could not reproduce the problem. After 41’ it keeps playing until the end.
Could you please reinstall the app and/or delete cache and try again.
If the problem persists please let me know and if possible sent me a video with it.
Thanks and apologies for the delay
- Runaway Baby
- 6 replies
- October 29, 2023
You can report the problem directly in the app as shown in the following pic:

Thank you for your efforts in assisting me.
This option does not appear on my Deezer app in any location I've been able to find yet.
Here's what I can see:

Where else might I be able to find the "Report a Problem" option?
Thank you for your time and attempted assistance.
- Community Manager
- 5130 replies
- November 3, 2023
I think I forgot to mention that you have to do it on the web version or the PC/Mac desktop app.
- Lover
- 9 replies
- November 4, 2023
The explicit versions of the album “Loud” by Rihanna contain the clean version of the song “Love the way you lie (Part 2)”.
- Community Manager
- 5130 replies
- November 5, 2023
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- November 14, 2023
Hello, scrolling through my loved tracks, I’ve found out that one of my favorite song has been « stolen » and renamed?
The song no longer appears on the OG artist’s page and is now displayed on someone else’s (artist that I’ve never heard of).
The original song is « ACID RAIN » from LORN which has now been renamed to « Lorn Speed » from Kristiwa Napa.

The song is exactly the same. Can you guys do something about that?
- Tiny Dancer
- 2 replies
- November 27, 2023
My new release Vagão is listed on the wrong artist profile.
Please move to my profile.
- https://deezer.page.link/RLF7Lc9fktwZu12B8 - Vagão
- https://deezer.page.link/d9KePkdremQRsYzc7 - correct artist profile
- Tiny Dancer
- 1 reply
- January 17, 2024
Track stops at 3:14, error message. I’ve reported this issue many times during last 2 years. But it’s not getting fixed by reporting through the track options. So i’m trying here.
Link to track:
- Tiny Dancer
- 2 replies
- January 26, 2024
our new single ended up on different profile. This is the album:
And this is the correct artist:
Can you please move the single?
Thank you very much
- Community Manager
- 5130 replies
- January 28, 2024
- 1 reply
- January 29, 2024
There are several tracks that say I am featured in them but it is a different artist. Can I remove them from my artist page please?
My artist page:
Kevin Kerr
- Community Manager
- 5130 replies
- January 30, 2024
The problem has been fixed now
- Tiny Dancer
- 7 replies
- February 12, 2024
Helllo, my artist page has many incorrect releases on it which are not mine, please help resolve.
And these are the incorrect releases -
if someone could fix this for me id be very grateful, thank you
- Tiny Dancer
- 4 replies
- April 19, 2024
clicking on the album Rock Now by Various Artists results in “Error An error occurred, please try again later”. I can still add to the queue though...
- Runaway Baby
- 6 replies
- May 5, 2024
This is not particular to just this album but Beethoven Piano Trios by Trio Alterna, there are three piano trios each with three movements. The order on the album is incorrectly listed like
Trio 1 movement 1
Trio 2 movement 1
Trio 3 movement 1
Trio 1 movement 2
Trio 2 movement 2
And so on. This means if I want to listen to all three movements of say trio 1 in a row, I have to manually skip passed the wrong tracks in between movement. It should be like this
Trio 1 mvmt 1
Trio 1 mvmt 2
Trio 1 mvmt 3
Trio 2 mvmt 1
Trio 2 mvmt 2
And so on. This is greatly annoying and I cannot be the only one to find it annoying.
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