
Scrobble from Deezer not working

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Userlevel 7
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It is a known issue with the internal scrobbling option, please see the Deezer Scrobbling FAQ on the support forum which also describes a workaround by using the Deezer web player and the Web Scrobbler browser extension or external Android scrobblers instead.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

I did an account and it scrobbles from laptop and phone.

You can see my here. Make sure to look into it with glasses or salt, as you may not recognise ANY music I play here. It’s far from something you hear on the radio all day...

I add feedback about this settings page. The advertised Google+ is discontinued, can remove?

Userlevel 1
Additional details from my experience: the issue has been worsening in the last couple months, both on the Android app and the web player (I'm using Firefox on Linux). It seems to happen mainly when the Internet connection gets unstable, so maybe it's a good idea to this into account.

My profile:
Userlevel 7
Badge +1
Additional details from my experience: the issue has been worsening in the last couple months, both on the Android app and the web player (I'm using Firefox on Linux). It seems to happen mainly when the Internet connection gets unstable, so maybe it's a good idea to this into account.

My profile:

I've passed this on to the team already. I'll let you know once I have news 🙂

Hi @pedropgone I’m scrobbling right now with no problems. What issue are you having, perhaps we can help then?

Userlevel 7
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The web player has been updated in terms of the available account settings which also includes the connection. Now it can be found under the “More” tab and then “Sharing preferences”, see this new screenshot:

Your account settings also have two new tabs: “Notification preferences” where you can choose between several options for notifications including followed artists, and “My apps” where you can manage your connected external apps. That is why the former “Alerts & sharing” tab has been split in two parts and moved. Also note that the available settings in the desktop app look different and lack some of the options.

Userlevel 1

Hey @athenatria 

Not yet, but I've chased our teams for more info - hopefully it can get fixed very soon - keep your app(s) updated :thumbsup_tone2:

thank you so much for your response @Rudi. Can you please update us in this thread when the issue has been fixed? Thank you for your efforts in reaching out to your team as well. I have been waiting for the fix for more than a month. haha.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Yesterday the internal Deezer scrobbling option was lagging for a few hours, so no new scrobbles were shown on your profile. It took a while to submit the queued scrobbles then, but today scrobbling is working normally again.

OK, I’ve got another problem combining with the same issue from scrobbling. Now I just noticed that "My MP3" tracks do not scrobble. I was using BlackPlayer for android for listening to my offline music but, now I was wanting to combine my online playlist on Deezer with my unique mp3 collection, so I uploaded some of my songs, and when I play them the scrobbling no longer happens... FOR A VERY LONG TIME. So: not only my MP3 (which are fully named and organized) are not generating scrobbles, ALSO playing my mp3 stops the scrobbling of any other song on Deezer for a time that seems to be arbitrary. I hope this helps for coming to a full scrobbling diagnostic that also gets this and other problems (duplicates, no scrobbling-now and no mp3 scrobblings) to an end.
OK, I’ve got another problem combining with the same issue from scrobbling. Now I just noticed that "My MP3" tracks do not scrobble. I was using BlackPlayer for android for listening to my offline music but, now I was wanting to combine my online playlist on Deezer with my unique mp3 collection, so I uploaded some of my songs, and when I play them the scrobbling no longer happens... FOR A VERY LONG TIME. So: not only my MP3 (which are fully named and organized) are not generating scrobbles, ALSO playing my mp3 stops the scrobbling of any other song on Deezer for a time that seems to be arbitrary. I hope this helps for coming to a full scrobbling diagnostic that also gets this and other problems (duplicates, no scrobbling-now and no mp3 scrobblings) to an end.

If it's not clear, I'm talking about MP3 uploaded and played on Deezer.
Userlevel 7
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Yes, currently it is broken. See my reply in this support forum thread.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7
Hi @Luka.Urbac

I've checked this and unfortunately the answer is no 😕
Userlevel 7
Badge +8
I guess I was just irritated by the missing icons for the three dot dropdown menu, Quote and Like in Opera which only show empty placeholders for the images. I just checked with MS Edge, and they are there, so maybe only an Opera/Chrome problem. Also I can edit my own postings with Opera again, so no big deal.

And yes, scrobbling worked for me again as well today.

Could you please keep an eye on 5.0 release @Alopen and let us know how it performs? Thank you for your support!

Will do - any idea of when that will launch? 

Userlevel 1
Disabling native scrobbling for now. I hope some day this gets fixed.
Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Are you a family member, but not the account owner? Unfortunately those cannot see the option in the Sharing Preferences and have to use external scrobbling apps like the Web Scrobbler browser extension.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7
Thanks for coming back @bluezzbastardzz

Keep me posted about any changes you notice. Clearing the cache could help with Opera/Chrome. I've had to clear mine today as the community backend wasn't working as usual.
Userlevel 4
Same problem. Tried in web player, disconnected/connected, then installed various Chrome extensions, and tried with Deezer desktop app. No scrobbling.
Userlevel 4
Badge +1
I will just add to the list of known issues:

  • certain tracks not scrobbling at all or way too late (from a couple hours to more than 24 hours later) and then being scrobbled disorderly in the timeline
  • problems with the ampersand (&) symbol in artist, song and album names (i.e. the same being omitted most of the time - "Boy & Bear" becoming "Boy Bear")
  • certain tracks scrobbling up to 40 times when only listened once
  • tracks uploaded under "My Mp3s" on Deezer (i.e. tracks not available on Deezer and uploaded by the user) not scrobbling at all
Would be great to find a solution to this, as it is definitely not an isolated issue and seems to affect many users.
Userlevel 7
Badge +8
Right, hard refreshing the Deezer community site in Opera with Ctrl+F5 solved the problem, the icons are back now.

Last night had a general problem with displaying scrobbles which is solved by now, so all your previous Deezer scrobbles from last night should be listed as well.
I'm getting duplicate scrobbles right now which means that the internal Deezer scrobbling seems to be working at the moment, as I am using their web player with the browser extension.

When I listen on the web I always get double scrobble on and it's kinda annoying. I just tried Deezer desktop app on my laptop and the scrobbling works! Finally!
Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Deezer scrobble not working properly:

It won’t show Now playing track as it plays, only as it played. Also it did not transfer proper meta data. For example DJ Gollum Remix is often out, and it can be seen as I listen original mix which is not the same. It also makes hard to know which remix of a track is most popular as they all register as “original”. This could be fixed. As a workaround remove Deezer scrobbler and replace it with WEB Scrubbler Chrome extension and on phone with Scrubble app. They will include info.

If you listen hard dance music with DJ’s remixing tracks, it can be in one release from 1 to 20 remixes of different DJ’s, with Deezer default scrobbling all as original track. Not good.

The songs I listen to don't appear on for a few days now. I read on the support forum from it has to do with your Is there any news about that? If I can't scrobble my songs, I'm affaid I have to leave Deezer.
I notice the same problem pls solve it deezer
Same problem.
Userlevel 2
Here too!

I double checked and is linked. Looks like scrobbling works well when I use the iOS beta app but not from my browser. 😕
