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Let’s take control of your sound with Deezer Connect!

Let’s take control of your sound with Deezer Connect!
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Deezer Legend
  • Deezer "Sonos Master" Legend
  • 402 replies
  • March 29, 2023
Nathan Steeves wrote:

Will there be Connect integration with Hifi streamers like Bluesound, Wiim, Cambridge, or Naim etc have? This would put Deezer on par with Tidal and Spotify. 

I think this will take some more time. First audio system to be supported will be Sonos. And also for this there is still no estimated release time. 

  • Runaway Baby
  • 21 replies
  • March 29, 2023
Superschlumpf wrote:
Beee wrote:

I can't find ‘Deezer Connect’ on my phone. How do I connect my android device and windows computer?

If both devices are online and logged in to the same account, you can use the android device to control the computer. 
Use the speaker symbol at the bottom left of playback screen in the android app. It shows the options for audio output. 
There you will also find deezer connect. 


Ah, unfortunately that is not the case. The speaker icon shows no such option.

Deezer Legend
  • Deezer "Sonos Master" Legend
  • 402 replies
  • March 29, 2023


Do you ise the latest version of Deezer App from Google Playstore?

What‘s the version number of your installed app?

What device and Android version are you using?

System network access is allowed for Deezer app?

  • Lover
  • 61 replies
  • March 30, 2023
Beee wrote:
Superschlumpf wrote:
Beee wrote:

I can't find ‘Deezer Connect’ on my phone. How do I connect my android device and windows computer?

If both devices are online and logged in to the same account, you can use the android device to control the computer. 
Use the speaker symbol at the bottom left of playback screen in the android app. It shows the options for audio output. 
There you will also find deezer connect. 


Ah, unfortunately that is not the case. The speaker icon shows no such option.

Go to settings / audio / audio output and you should see Deezer Connect...

  • Runaway Baby
  • 21 replies
  • April 1, 2023

@Superschlumpf thank you for your reply!

I'm using what I think is the latest version from the Play store. that is. 

I'm using a Redmi Note 8T with Android 11, fully up to date.

The network should check out.


@soakes Deezer connect isn't in list of audio outputs unfortunately.

  • Lover
  • 61 replies
  • April 1, 2023
Beee wrote:

@Superschlumpf thank you for your reply!

I'm using what I think is the latest version from the Play store. that is. 

I'm using a Redmi Note 8T with Android 11, fully up to date.

The network should check out.


@soakes Deezer connect isn't in list of audio outputs unfortunately.

That’s weird.  I have version and Deezer Connect is certainly there.

I wonder if there is anything else that determines whether or not Deezer Connect appears in the app?

  • Runaway Baby
  • 21 replies
  • April 4, 2023
soakes wrote:
Beee wrote:

@Superschlumpf thank you for your reply!

I'm using what I think is the latest version from the Play store. that is. 

I'm using a Redmi Note 8T with Android 11, fully up to date.

The network should check out.


@soakes Deezer connect isn't in list of audio outputs unfortunately.

That’s weird.  I have version and Deezer Connect is certainly there.

I wonder if there is anything else that determines whether or not Deezer Connect appears in the app?


I was thinking that it might have been my (mostly) wired network, so I installed the app on my iPad to see if that was the case. If I check ‘devices’ in the settings, I have no connections. I think I'm doing something very wrong here, but I can't find out what it is!

Deezer Legend
  • Deezer "Sonos Master" Legend
  • 402 replies
  • April 4, 2023


Using the mobile Deezer App you click the Speaker Icon at the lower left. In the menue that will appear you can find the deezer connect option. It will show other devices running deezer if they are online. 


  • Runaway Baby
  • 21 replies
  • April 5, 2023
Superschlumpf wrote:


Using the mobile Deezer App you click the Speaker Icon at the lower left. In the menue that will appear you can find the deezer connect option. It will show other devices running deezer if they are online. 



I think I'm either blind or stupid. I still can't find it.



  • Lover
  • 61 replies
  • April 5, 2023

Nope, it is not there.  That is why I asked the question “I wonder if there is anything else that determines whether or not Deezer Connect appears in the app?”

It’s a mystery to me but I would hope that someone at Deezer has a clue


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • April 23, 2023

How To Control Your Stereo System With “Deezer Connect”

  1. get an old phone you’re not using. 
  2.  attach a USB cable from your old phone into a USB DAC 
  3. plug the DAC into your Stereo System.  [ you need a DAC for high quality sound,  --otherwise just use the “headphone out” jack]
  4. -- now the old phone is acting as a streamer or wireless receiver. 
  5. Sit on the couch with your current phone or tablet.  Control your stereo using “Deezer Connect” 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 5 replies
  • May 25, 2023
Johnathan.Deezer wrote:

Let’s take control of your sound with Deezer Connect!

You asked and we made it! Deezer Connect is here folks!

We know this has been a long-expected feature but the waiting is over and now you
can control your music across all your devices with the Deezer app from your phone.


You can now use your iOS or Android device to control our desktop app,
Deezer web or simply another iOS or Android device.



How does it work?

Tap on the Audio output button (bottom left of the screen), choose
Deezer Connect and control all your music at your fingertips


 What will be the first song you will connect to another device?
Tell me on the comments bellow!

 This is what I have been waiting for!!  Using it now. Works okay. Sounds way better than Bluetooth. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • August 13, 2023

I like to see Deezer connect form windows app to android app.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • August 18, 2023

So I just tried this feature. I'm playing music on my tablet and wanted to skip a song from my smartphone which worked fine. I started Deezer on my phone pressed the speaker symbol in the corner and skipped, worked great! But afterwards I started Youtube on my phone and as soon as I started a playback there Deezer on the tablet stopped. Are you fucking serious? Has anybody of your QA team every tested anything?! Why should a playback on the remote controlling device stop the playback on the remote controlled device ever?! Get your shit together! Fire the product owner, tester and/or developer asap!!!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 4 replies
  • December 19, 2023
Voyd wrote:

Any plans on adding this to the Xbox app in the future (or updating the app in general)?

Wow this didn't age well.

I like deezer, I like the algorithm for discovering new music. But refuse to stream BT to my bluesound and since deezer connect was born dead and is waaay to vague with a roadmap I'm going for Spotify as soon as they have hifi. Kobus and tidal are still 3rd and 4th for me but it pains me to say deezer is going to be second and gone.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 2 replies
  • December 20, 2023

this doesn’t work for sonos speakers


Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 1454 replies
  • December 20, 2023

It won’t be availible for now:



I’m sorry but this feature works terrible from an iPhone to a Windows PC… it is completely inconsistent but most of the times just doesn’t work well… 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • January 21, 2024

I love Deezer but I need better connect options. Vumio claim you don't answer their emails for integration opportunities?

Unfitting or looks like a switch is on the cards for me ☹️

  • Lover
  • 61 replies
  • January 30, 2024

I haven’t bothered to use this feature for months because it was so unreliable.  I checked back now hoping to hear better news, but it seems I am to remain disappointed.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • January 30, 2024

Tried it last night - keeps playing the incorrect songs? The list on my phone is not “synched”?

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • March 31, 2024

Pretty much the same experience for me using the so called Connect app on my Pioneer amp as the previous comments, it won’t connect, it does not even see it, and I am on the same network, I have since ended my subscription and gone back to Spotify, I have used Qobuz before and the connectivity was also bad as there is no connect app but I could still stream from the app using chromecast

And judging by the comments in here the problem is not being dealt with so I doubt very much I’ll be coming back

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • June 4, 2024

I have Deezer playing on a PC and I want to control it.  When I open the app on my phone, there’s no way to connect to what’s currently playing.   Spotify works flawlessly here.


Instead, I open the player on the PC, then play some music on the mobile app.   When I click on Deezer Connect and select my PC/browser from the list, it doesn’t play music, all I get is a warning message on the PC.



Deezer Connect does not appear to be intuitive at all.


Is anyone else getting this feature to work?



Nina Nebo
Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 4647 replies
  • June 4, 2024
Wammy wrote:

I have Deezer playing on a PC and I want to control it.  When I open the app on my phone, there’s no way to connect to what’s currently playing.   Spotify works flawlessly here.


Instead, I open the player on the PC, then play some music on the mobile app.   When I click on Deezer Connect and select my PC/browser from the list, it doesn’t play music, all I get is a warning message on the PC.



Deezer Connect does not appear to be intuitive at all.


Is anyone else getting this feature to work?



 Hi @Wammy !

On your phone you need turn ON in Deezer connect device which will be control your Deezer desktop app



turn ON

 now you can control your music across all your devices with the Deezer app from your phone.


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • June 4, 2024

Hi Nena thanks for the reply.

So it “kind of” works but not really.

I did turn on Deezer Connect on my phone and it appeared to connect to the PC.  However there’s no way for me select a new song, or playlist.  The phone doesn’t display what’s playing on the PC.  The only basic functionality is pause and resume it seems. No way to skip or select a different playlist.

