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Let’s take control of your sound with Deezer Connect!

Let’s take control of your sound with Deezer Connect!
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Deezer Legend
  • Deezer "Sonos Master" Legend
  • 402 replies
  • January 18, 2023


Ok, it should work if both devices are on the latest app version and the app is open in the foreground on both devices. 
Please check if there are any android restrictions active for accessing the device / deezer app over network. 
Also try restarting the devices and if necessary also reinstalling deezer app on both devices. 

  • Lover
  • 61 replies
  • January 18, 2023

After some faffing about I managed to get it to partially work.  With both devices open, the S21 could see the S7 and I could select it.  Then I managed to control it by skipping to the next track.  It seemed like a mighty triumph but it was to be short-lived.  As soon as the S7’s screen shut down, the music stopped and all control was lost again.

A few more tries brought little success.  I’ll keep trying but this whole thing seems very unstable.

  • Lover
  • 61 replies
  • January 18, 2023

I tried something different.  I have Deezer running on my Mac as well.  I think it is the latest version (5.30.400) but it doesn’t seem to have any mention of “Deezer Connect” in its preferences.  I can attempt to control it from my S21, but it doesn’t work.  The Mac version of Deezer keeps getting popup erros “An error occurred. Please try again later”.


  • Lover
  • 61 replies
  • January 23, 2023

In other words, Deezer connect is effectively useless


Deezer Legend
  • Deezer "Sonos Master" Legend
  • 402 replies
  • January 23, 2023
soakes wrote:

In other words, Deezer connect is effectively useless


Hey, I’m sorry that there’s a problem on your side using deezer connect. But for me and other users it works the way as shown on the pictures in the initial post of this thread. 
Webversion and desktop client don’t have an option for dc because they can be controlled but can not control other devices themselves. 
I think there could be a firewall issue or something like this on your mac preventing to control it with dc. 
Have you tried to control the webplayer on mac (with different browsers)?

Is the desktop client on latest version? Please check for updates…

And be sure that there’s no software blocking network access. 

  • Lover
  • 61 replies
  • January 23, 2023

Thanks for your response, Schlumpy.  I think my network setup is very standard, so if I am experiencing problems I’m sure that others are too.  I don’t care that I can’t control my Mac Deezer using my phone, but it is interesting that I get an error when I try to do so.  (By the way, that error persists until I turn control off again before I can use my Mac Deezer again…. or I might even have to restart Deezer.)

Have you tried to control the webplayer on mac (with different browsers)?

Interestingly… I just tried this and it looked like it worked, but then it jumped to another song, then back to the original song… and that kept happening.  It’s like there is a conflict of some sort… who is really in control!?

I really do want to control my S7 from my S21, and, as mentioned previously, this seems to be possible, but it is certainly unreliable… and the above seems to be a clue.  I have noticed that the controls (eg. skip to next song) flash on and off as though they are being enabled and disabled...

I’m not sure what else I can try… but I am now sure there is some sort of conflict that I need to resolve.

Deezer Legend
  • Deezer "Sonos Master" Legend
  • 402 replies
  • January 23, 2023


Sounds very strange… i just can tell you that this isn’t a general problem. To go deeper into this issue i suggest reaching out for the support team. They will inform the devs about it and hopefully they can help. 
Did you try to reinstall the app ob all devices including a device restart logging in again to your deezer account?

  • Lover
  • 61 replies
  • January 26, 2023

I have submitted a support request.  I hope they can help :-)


  • Lover
  • 24 replies
  • January 26, 2023

This is awesome. Honestly great feature thank you!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • February 4, 2023


I installed the Android app to remote control the Windows 10 app.
Both the devices see each other in the same wifi, so one stops the other when start to play, but… there’s no remote control from the android mobile.

In my Windows 10 profile I can see my mobile, but in the window there’s no way to choose the other device.

When I start the Android app, I can tap on the “output devices” and I can choose “Deezer connect”, but then the circle still round and round, and it dowsn’t see the Windows application running.


I uninstalled and re-installed both.

Is there sometring more I can do?
It is important for me to still use Deezer!
Thank you!   

Deezer Legend
  • Deezer "Sonos Master" Legend
  • 402 replies
  • February 4, 2023


Maybe there’s a problem with the windows desktop client for deezer. Please try using deezer web player from a browser page. Let’s see if you can use deezer connect this way. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 6 replies
  • February 5, 2023
Superschlumpf wrote:


Maybe there’s a problem with the windows desktop client for deezer. Please try using deezer web player from a browser page. Let’s see if you can use deezer connect this way. 

I tried to use the web player, and it has a different behaviour:

  • the chrome web app can see the Android app and vice versa
  • it seems they fight each other to control the song to play.

I describe you the tries I’ve done:

  • 1) uninstall and then install again the Android app: it make the same… the two applications  “fight each other”
  • 2) install the chrome extension : now the
    • Android app doesn’t find the chrome webapp running and still round the circle
    • I have only one device playing 
  • 3) uninstall the chrome extension: it doesn’t go back to the point 1… it makes the same as point 2

Can you give me an advice?



  • Tiny Dancer
  • 6 replies
  • February 5, 2023

(addendum) I also tried to open the webplayer with Firefox, but it is not reachable from the Android  app

  • Lover
  • 61 replies
  • February 5, 2023

I also have the “fight each other” scenario.  It is not clear who is in control and which song is playing.

Sadly, Deezer support seems to be of the level of “have you tried turning it off an on again”.  They ask questions which are clearly irrelevant given my scenario.  I will keep trying because this is a feature I really want to work.

Deezer Legend
  • Deezer "Sonos Master" Legend
  • 402 replies
  • February 5, 2023


What “chrome extension” are you talking about?

You just need to open Deezer website in a browser tab and log in with your premium account.

Now you should see the browser as a Deezer device if you use die Deezer connect feature from within the mobile app.


I tried a few minutes ago and had no problems controlling the following devices from my iOS Deezer app on iPhone:

  • iPad Deezer app
  • Windows Deezer client
  • Deezer web player in MS Edge tab on Win PC
  • Mac Deezer client
  • Deezer web player in Safari tab on iMac

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 6 replies
  • February 5, 2023

This is the extension I was talking about: 


I thought there could be some problem/conflict for cookies or password that came from my first/last Deezer free account, so…. I made another test: 

  • open chrome in an anonymous profile
  • logon with my family account.

 In this way my Android app

  • shows again “chrome” as option for the connect
  • but sadly it starts the fight again with the browser player.

This should mean it doesn’t depend on cookies or the “Deezer control” chrome extension

Is there any other test I can do?

@soakes I know it could be a little bit frustrating make tests, but… consider that it is not so strange to make tests to set up a sw! 

Deezer Legend
  • Deezer "Sonos Master" Legend
  • 402 replies
  • February 5, 2023
albesco0 wrote:

Ok, this extension could be the problem. It's NOT an official Deezer application. The official Deezer feature is called “Deezer connect” and is part of the mobile Deezer apps to control each other or Deezer web and desktop player.

This third party extension is used to control Deezer FROM chrome browser, not ON chrome browser.

I suggest to remove this extension or try edge browser which works well on my side. 


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 6 replies
  • February 5, 2023

I’ve made a brand new Edge install.

Sadly it makes the same:

  • the Android app can see the Edge player
  • as I connect it, the “fight starts” again



Deezer Legend
  • Deezer "Sonos Master" Legend
  • 402 replies
  • February 5, 2023
albesco0 wrote:

I’ve made a brand new Edge install.

Sadly it makes the same:

  • the Android app can see the Edge player
  • as I connect it, the “fight starts” again



Ok, i just can talk about using Deezer app on iOS device.

If it's an Android problem you can try using the beta app for Android.


btw… what exactly do you mean with “fight starts”?

Normaly you open Deezer web player on browser page without playing anything.

Then open the mobile app and start playing something. During this open the Deezer connect menu and select “microsoft edge”. Audio playback should stop on app and continue on web player.

  • Lover
  • 61 replies
  • February 6, 2023
Superschlumpf wrote:
albesco0 wrote:

I’ve made a brand new Edge install.

Sadly it makes the same:

  • the Android app can see the Edge player
  • as I connect it, the “fight starts” again



Ok, i just can talk about using Deezer app on iOS device.

If it's an Android problem you can try using the beta app for Android.


btw… what exactly do you mean with “fight starts”?

Normaly you open Deezer web player on browser page without playing anything.

Then open the mobile app and start playing something. During this open the Deezer connect menu and select “microsoft edge”. Audio playback should stop on app and continue on web player.


This is my experience:

  • I open Deezer on Firefox on a Mac.  For some reason a Miley Cyrus track is displayed in the play bar
  • I open Deezer on my Samsung S21.  This is a new installation.  I start paying Flow… Beauty and the Beast by the Mayan Factor start splaying nicely.
  • I go into audio settings, Deezer Connect and select Firefox
  • The music stops playing.  Beauty and the Beast is displayed in the web app play bar.
  • The S21 play bar starts flashing (specifically the >| skip to next song button starts flashing).  If I click on the play bar, it displays more info about the song … both the next song and previous song controls are flashing.
  • I press play again and it starts playing on the S21

Sometimes I get a blank error message on the web app after I try to control it.


Deezer Legend
  • Deezer "Sonos Master" Legend
  • 402 replies
  • February 6, 2023


Could be a bug… but have you also tried what i suggested in my last post?

Android beta app and / or using a different web browser…

  • Lover
  • 61 replies
  • February 6, 2023

It’s surely a bug.

I just tried it using Safari… exactly the same lack of success.

There seems to be a conflict - either between which device has control or which song is considered to be the current one.  Sometimes the “now playing” bar alternates between the song I have selected and a previous one.

No amount of “have you tried turning it off an don again” is going to resolve this.  I realise it works for many people, so I’m really hoping there is a workaround - or a fix.


  • Lover
  • 61 replies
  • February 6, 2023

I have beta version if that makes any difference

Deezer Legend
  • Deezer "Sonos Master" Legend
  • 402 replies
  • February 7, 2023
soakes wrote:

I have beta version if that makes any difference

Yes, this could make a difference because beta is beta… 😉

But surely latest release also could have the bug. 
I can’t test it because i am an Apple user. 

  • Lover
  • 61 replies
  • February 7, 2023
Superschlumpf wrote:
soakes wrote:

I have beta version if that makes any difference

Yes, this could make a difference because beta is beta… 😉

But surely latest release also could have the bug. 
I can’t test it because i am an Apple user. 

Well.. it was your suggestion ;-)  ...but of course I have tried it with the latest non-beta version as well.

The point is (and I would very much like the Deezer support team to hear this) that if there is a bug with a particular setup, then it *is a bug*.  Trying it out on different configurations might be interesting and even useful, but suggesting doing so is merely delaying the inevitable - actually investigating the behaviour and trying to understand it.

I don’t want to labour the point, but as a software developer myself, I have an intuitive understanding of what might be going wrong whenever someone reports an undesired behaviour.  I would only ever suggest trying something if I thought it might actually have a chance to make a difference.

I don’t know where to go from here.  I know that Spotify remote control works reliably. :-(

