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Option to Not Minimize/Close to System Tray

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Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • January 9, 2020

Hi @Donald.Eastwood 

Firstly, thank you for your honest feedback. Secondly, I'm sorry you feel that way and the option isn't available at the moment. I've passed your comments to the team of devs here at Deezer :thumbsup_tone2:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • January 12, 2020

Had to create account here just to ask support for this idea, moved from spotify because of the same reason of devs changing things and not listening to user feedback about functionality, please do not follow their path and make it optional!

I have a family plan and it’s bothersome to explain to mom and sister how to do something that should be quite simple (Closing deezer.)

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • January 14, 2020

Hi @Angel_FI 

Thank you for your input and support. I get you, I also have to often guide my mother to do simple things on the computer as well :sweat_smile: 

Our devs are aware this should be an option, and no one is opposed to doing it, but it hasn't been prioritised over other features everyone is so keen about. I'll still bang the drum about this one, and hopefully it can be developed this year :thumbsup_tone2:

  • Lucky Star
  • 260 replies
  • January 16, 2020

I think there are a few things that need to be added no to cover those not liking the change, those liking the change, and those that want this function only on minimising the window:

  1. Shrink to System Tray when clicking Close
  2. Shrink to System Tray instead of Minimising window
  3. This option is mandatory in all cases and would have made this a much less jarring change for all: System tray notification when closing to System Tray, to say it’s still open in the System Tray (this is basically a standard) - generally it also says “Click here to permanently disable this message” (which then requires a further option in App Preferences to re-enable it).

It’s so important when making a change to consider the UX impact of changing what is a habitual behaviour in the app. I feel the better way to do this would have been to leave X as closing the application entirely, but when you added the option to Close to System Tray that should have been announced in a pop-up the first time, and ideally offering the user the option to enable this feature from the pop=up.

The flip-side dilemma you have now is that you can no longer go and set this feature disabled by default, so you should add a pop-up when the option is added to Preferences to notify people of it being added, and then ideally offer them the option to disable it from the pop-up (but mostly, just get the option added as a priority above all else).

I’m a bit puzzled why features like this are being added when there are so many critical issues with Deezer (Back/Forward buttons still don’t work, 2000 Favourites limit, etc).

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • January 19, 2020

Yeh I’m not angry since it does what I want - but it’s not normal. I’m a lot more used to “minimize to system tray” and “close closing”.

I guess you need an option.

  • Lucky Star
  • 260 replies
  • January 21, 2020

Egh! So sick of having to click 3 times every time I want to close Deezer...

  • Runaway Baby
  • 10 replies
  • February 25, 2020

alt-f4 does the trick

Rudi wrote:

Hi @Angel_FI 

Thank you for your input and support. I get you, I also have to often guide my mother to do simple things on the computer as well :sweat_smile: 

Our devs are aware this should be an option, and no one is opposed to doing it, but it hasn't been prioritised over other features everyone is so keen about. I'll still bang the drum about this one, and hopefully it can be developed this year :thumbsup_tone2:

Hi Rudi,

Today I revisited this topic as it's been 3 months since I shared my frustration and since then, nothing changed...

I do not mean to be disrespectful… But it seems very strange to me that changing what has been the default behaviour in Windows for as long as Windows has existed (that is, X means closing an app) must at some point have been a priority item yet removing this annoyance just doesn't make it. Somehow the devs must have believed this “feature” is something the whole world had been waiting for and so removing it is not a priority. * Sigh * I don't know what to say without potentially coming across as agressive. So I'll stop here… Just adding that hopefully “this year” means sooner rather than later or I may lose confidence in the Deezer development species...

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • March 4, 2020

Hi there @rene.schluter 

Thank you very much for your honest feedback. You don't come across aggressive, we understand your frustration :sweat:

To be entirely fair, this was a requested feature by so many we didn't plan to add an option to disable it with the time that we had. But your support adds weight for it to be worked further. In view of this, I'll be passing your comments straight to our developers :thumbsup_tone2:

  • Runaway Baby
  • 13 replies
  • March 5, 2020

Would be nice to have a choice between close and minimalize with the X! Kinda weird though, because it was not like this before… Commercial trick? Or what is the reason?

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • March 8, 2020

Hi there @Amazon62

I believe I've explained that above - we could only prioritise the feature, but not the option to deactivate it. I've taken your comments into consideration and will pass them to the right teams here at Deezer :thumbsup_tone2:

joined deezer - this month - improvement on sound quality over spotify so this is great but reading through this thread makes me wonder what the masterplan really is. Its obvious to everyone that uses a desktop platform for its premium audio that any app that lurks in the background when you’ve actively shut it down without any explanation is up to something.

And from what i’m gathering briefly from this forum they slipped this through with the update that was promoted mainly for the new ‘dark mode ‘look’.

and with only 25 votes of protest Deezer have succeeded, 25 votes wont get any thing moving but some hot air..

It would have taken a lot of code and alterations to co-ordinate the technical upheavel - although on the surface it could appear like an off-the-cuff whim.. And #Rudi presents something along those lines.

We all know by now how the game is played and no-one has the energy to specifically shut an app down evertime its used through a terminal or system tray bullshit. But isn’t Rudi a fully paid member od the Deezer  team and takes his instruction with his his morning coffee ? With nearly 7000 messages/replies to date  if he isn’t - he’s a nutjob - Either way - I cant hear him.

I gave Deezer my Hand by installing the app instead of sandboxing it within the browser,

- Bad manners at best -

The Honeymoon is over.

Stalling Tactics -   -  To subdue any protests -

‘ Here children, Look - Dark Mode’

children - ‘Wow, its Deezer only  darker..  it’s all dark now tee hee- ‘

And Rudi is the go between  -  i’d say he’s getting well paid for the service he provides… And the pictures  of him - friendly cartoon face - not one bit intimidating,

also he never talks from any co-orperate point of view - like he’s thinking out loud. 

He’s good - And the game here is clever - There’s much at stake - Especially if its  a global operation.

I hadn’t seen of them - conciously till last week.

Hi Rudi, Deezer colleagues,

It's been 2 months since I contributed my last post to this thread and 5 months since I contributed my first. I noticed that in the meantime, this thread is 8 months old.


I appreciate you're always responding in a constructive way and I very well realize you're just the messenger… And we should not shoot the messenger.


BUT let's be fair and objective here: nothing changed in the past 8 months and all our feedback has remained unheard. Did the behind-the-scenes person who gets to decide what gets prioritized for a given iteration even bother to read our feedback in person? Does he or she truly believe that reverting to standard Windows behaviour (that is, close button = close the application) is such a lot of work? Because frankly, I don't buy that nonsense. And I'd be very interested in having a conversation with the product owner of the desktop app of Deezer and tell him or her that he or she prioritized useless features in the past (that is, altering standard Windows behaviour), does not seem to be listening to her end-users and does not seem to push back hard enough when his or her development team claims that reverting back to standard Windows behaviour is complex and a lot of work. Because really, it is not.


Rather than receiving a third constructive reply and your commitment to reverting our feedback to the development team (because frankly, this does not seem to have made any impression on the development team whatsoever), I'd like to understand from the product owner why he or she did not manage in the past 8 months to get our request planned for an iteration.

Our request should be quite easy to implement. There is a lot of benefit. As multiple Deezer customers who took the time to write up their feedback and who remained largely ignored mentioned: the average mother does not understand why Deezer keeps on playing music after you click  on the close button, and it takes unhiding the system tray icon, right clicking the Deezer icon and selecting “Quit Deezer” to close the damn app. Each and every damn single time.

Does the product owner of the Deezer desktop app even use Deezer on desktop him/herself? Probably not, and probably he or she should try it for a couple of days. He or she would find quitting Deezer is a damn frustrating experience and we as paying end-users deserve better!

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • May 2, 2020

Hi @rene.schluter

You're right in some many aspects of your reply - thank you for being honest. It means a lot to us.

Yes, the teams also use the desktop app and to be honest this feature is in the shortlist of improvements the app needs. I can tell you honestly that it hasn't been prioritised mostly because of the recent bugs we've been having with logout, HiFi, for example. Right now all of them are aware this should be an option and they're also looking for new ways to improve the user experience, once that stuff has been fixed. That's when this will crop up again.

All I can ask is a bit more patience, and will keep adding comments like yours to the discussion - thank you once more!

Hi rene.schluter and rudi,

I just joined deezer using the windows app and am now already frustrated that deezer is not closing down when usign the X. This is one reasing I will not prolong my free months with a subscribtion. I am sorry but this issue is almost a year old and nothing has happened. So no subscribtion for as long this issue is not solved. Best regards.  Albertus

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 6, 2020

Hi Albertus @bert.peelen 

Thanks for sharing your honest feedback with us. I've chased our devs for an update on this and if there's a plan for this, I'll be sharing here in due course :v_tone2:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • September 20, 2020

Found this when googling for a setting to change the behaviour. It’s infuriating.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • September 20, 2020

The desktop closes normally when i press the x at the top corner of the window my music continue to play but when i close the app by the x when i hover the deezer icon on the task bar the music stops and deezer is totaly closed

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • September 21, 2020

Hi @Feathers @Flydexo 

Thank you for your feedback. This is on the cards, and once I get an update I'll be sharing with everyone here :wink:

Hi Rudi,

How many times have you said reverting back to default Windows behaviour was on the cards? How many times did you promise to get back to us once you would receive feedback?

5 months ago you responded that until that point, this had not been prioritized due to the focus on bug fixing. Is the team still working on bug fixes?

It's now been a year since the first post.

You must realize that at this point, you and the Deezer team lost all credibility. Who are you trying to fool here?

I find it utmost arrogant to not listen to the feedback of your customers. Perhaps you all forgot that we as Deezer subscribers are paying for your jobs. Without subscribers Deezer would not generate any income.

On smartphone Deezer still has the superior user experience - in my opinion. Otherwise, I would have cancelled my subscription months ago.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • October 27, 2020

Hi @rene.schluter 

I'm really sorry you feel that way.

Our team is constantly introducing new features and fixing bugs. I understand you may have lost credibility, but we haven't given up on this one. We do take user feedback very highly, now more than ever - I dare to say more than most companies out there for sure. But I also ask you to bear in mind that our communities aren't the only source of feedback, and that we're unable to follow all the requests at the same time, we have to put them in a specific order. This order can also change if something gets broken or suddenly a huge majority of users ask for a specific feature. I just hope that you understand this is our reality, especially taking into consideration our size. You are, nonetheless, at the centre of what we do - 110%.

The good news is that our team went back to the board on this feature, for Windows users at least. The devs have always been in agreement about having this as an option. But to get developed they need green lights from the product managers who have to juggle all improvements and fixes at the same time. Rest assured, before you replied here I had spoken to 2 leads at Deezer who were interested in carrying out the feature to the end - hence my message above, on the 21st.

Subscribe to the topic, we'll keep you informed :v_tone2:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • November 13, 2020

a year later… 

is the option there and just hidden or is it really that difficult to add an actual fucking exit button?

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • November 30, 2020


  • Lover
  • 115 replies
  • January 19, 2021

