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Replied by Deezer

Group/sort playlists/albums/artists/genres into folders

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  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • August 6, 2024

I’m currently on a trial and honestly, I was shocked that there is no feature at all to organise playlists!

The fact that this thread was created already 6 years ago and has loads of upvotes while still not even being on their roadmap does not fill me with confidence that Deezer is listening to its users.

Please implement tags or folders for playlists!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • September 7, 2024

6 years later and deezer is still not able to implement folders. Thats hilarious. That’s a huge shame!

Hey Deezer, is there a ticket in your system to implement that feature?

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • September 12, 2024

Really need folders to organise playlists and favourite albums. It gets unmanageable when into the hundreds of each of these.

Deezer - with the number of votes for this feature, is it because it is too technically difficult to implement?

Just started to try out Deezer as I am interested in switching from Spotify for ethical reasons. Not having folders for playlists makes organising music a nightmare. I’m really surprised this basic feature isn’t available on Deezer especially seeing that this thread is at the very top of the feature requests for years. It sounds like a minor feature, but I have a couple hundred playlists to migrate and if I can’t organise them into folders then that would be a dealbreaker for me switching.


Adding my vote to this. Organising albums into folders in particular would be a godsend.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 5 replies
  • January 28, 2025

I am hoping this feature gets added as well!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • January 28, 2025

If this became the most voted for feature request, would Deezer implement it?

I still love the app, but not having folders is frustrating and makes me consider leaving. If Spotify wasn’t evil, I’d be gone.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • February 1, 2025

I’ve just started a trial to get away from Spotify and, after playing with Deezer’s UI and a quick web search here I am…

So after 6 years still no way to organize playlist? That’s seem like a basic feature…


I think my free trial won’t be renewed and I’ll talk people trying to switch to another service out of using deezer.

Does somebody know of another service with this feature? Seems like Qobuz don’t have it either.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • February 2, 2025

Hi Deezer team,

In a Deezer trial as well. 
Joining all the other users to ask the possibility to create folders to organize the (numerous) playlists I imported.
Not having this Folder feature can be a real brake for people coming from other platforms, especially when they import like me their playlists: it’s a mess without folders!

My ideas of user stories below (since that’s my job in another company).
It doesn’t have to be fancy, first focus on the “MUST” and it would be already a HUGE win for your users.

Folder creation, modification, deletion

  • MUST - I can create a folder with a name. This name must be editable later.
  • SHOULD -  I can add a folder description. This description must be editable later.
  • SHOULD - I can add a custom picture. This picture must be editable later. If no custom picture, display a default image. 
  • MUST - I can delete a folder. If playlists were associated to this folder, they are not deleted: they only return to their initial unmapped state (not associated to a folder).

Folder/playlist display and navigation

  • MUST - In the “Playlists” overview page (Favorites > Playlists), I only see folders and unmapped playlists (not associated to a folder).
  • MUST - By clicking on a folder, I have access to a “Folder” page. There, I can see all playlists associated to this specific folder.
  • SHOULD - I see and have access to the folders from the left-bar section showing Playlists (desktop)
  • MUST - In the “Folder” page, I see that playlists are sorted alphabetically by default.
  • COULD - In the “Folder” page, I have other possibility than Alphabet order to sort the playlists (Alphabet ASC or DESC, Add date ASC or DESC, ...).

Folder/playlist mapping

  • MUST - I can associate my playlist only to one folder (keep it simple).
  • MUST - I can add an unmapped playlist to a folder: from a unmapped “Playlist” page, I can find a button in the menu (...) to add it in an existing folder
  • SHOULD - I can add an unmapped playlist to a folder: from a unmapped “Playlist” page, I can find a button in the menu (...) to create and add in a new folder - if chosen, that opens a “Folder creation” pop-up or page. Once the folder is created, it adds the playlist inside directly.
  • MUST - I can move a mapped playlist to another folder: from a mapped “Playlist” page, I can find a button in the menu (...) to move the playlist in another folder.
  • SHOULD - I can move a mapped playlist to another folder: from a mapped “Playlist” page, I can find a button in the menu (...) to move the playlist into a new folder - if chosen, that opens a “Folder creation” pop-up or page. Once the folder is created, it move the playlist inside directly.
  • COULD - I can move a mapped playlist to another folder: from the “Folder” page, I can move a playlist into another folder.
  • MUST - I can remove a mapped playlist from a folder: from a mapped “Playlist” page, I can find a button in the menu (...) to remove the playlist from this folder.
  • MUST - I can remove a mapped playlist from a folder: from the “Folder” page, I have a way (button for ex) to remove a playlist from it
  • SHOULD - From the “Playlists” overview, I can drag and drop an unmapped playlist into any existing folder
  • COULD - From a “Folder” page, at the bottom, I have suggestions of unmapped playlists to add them. 

Now, you have a beginning of user stories to work on.
You also can have concrete examples of Playlist folders on Spotify or Tidal.

Hope this feature will arrive soon.


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 4 replies
  • February 18, 2025

Commenting on this, folders are becoming an absolute must. As someone with a lot of playlists, they're absolutely not easy to find in the current UI. 



Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • March 8, 2025

Well obviously this needs more comments. An absolute show stopper not having the options to sort your playlists in some kind of structured way. This is such a basic feature, literally every music application had this implemented 20 years ago...

Alien SuperStar

Hi ​@pencilled_robin ​@Ezr ​@randompunter ​@Ludo_veek ​@Lyhloutee ​@Daan Borrias ​@repa!

 Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts and ideas with us! 😊

I’ve passed everything along to the team. Your feedback is super helpful, and we’re always working to make Deezer better.

Keep an eye out for updates! 🎶🙏

  • 1 reply
  • March 12, 2025

With the current events regarding Spotify I expect more people been interested in Deezer. 

But if you are after 7 years still struggling with a basic feature like “Folders”, the music-nerds will not switch and rather go to Tidal. Please pull yourself together, it’s not that difficult.

I’m testing Deezer right now but I will rather not switch. Too less features. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • March 15, 2025

Seriously, wtf. Evaluating moving from Spotify and this is a dealbreaker for us. My wife and I prepare several hour-long playlists every month that we alternate between on the road (we are in the car a lot), and we keep them forever for reference and revisiting. Both of us have hundreds of them, on top of our personal playlists of various topics, that serve as the source for creating our road playlists. In Deezer it’s all just a big mess.
