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Gapless playback between tracks

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  • Tiny Dancer
  • 13 replies
  • January 12, 2018
MusicIsLife1122 wrote:
Deezer not going to implement it soon (Someone from customer support told me) , but they do have Crossfade option so while a song fade out the next one will start .

Well this is a good way for Deezer to lose me and many other customers to Spotify. I will not pay for a subscription to a music service which inserts gaps in the middle of my music, interrupting the song. I can't imagine why Deezer thinks this is at all acceptable. There is a LOT of music which plays continuously from one "track" to the next.

Gapless playback should be almost trivial to implement, I really don't understand why this is a problem for Deezer. If this can't be implemented by a single software developer in under a month, they need to fire and replace their entire development staff.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 13 replies
  • January 12, 2018
How is gapless not an option? It should be the standard!

Can you imagine if we had little gaps inserted throughout movies on Netflix? Nobody would subscribe!!

  • 2 replies
  • January 22, 2018
Been trying Deezer as the attraction was Hifi but unfortunately let down on no offline on PC & MAC for Hifi and no gapless playback at all (crossfade is not a solution !!)
Spotify has had it for years, I'll sit and wait for Spotify to introduce Hifi
Deezer wont be getting my cash, shame they could got well ahead in the game if they did have these features :-(

Try an listening to Sgt Pepper or Abbey Road by The Beatles as an example terrible

  • 2 replies
  • January 22, 2018
Been trying Deezer as the attraction was Hifi but unfortunately let down on no offline on PC & MAC for Hifi and no gapless playback at all (crossfade is not a solution !!)
Spotify has had it for years, I'll sit and wait for Spotify to introduce Hifi
Deezer wont be getting my cash, shame they could got well ahead in the game if they did have these features :-(

Try an listening to Sgt Pepper or Abbey Road by The Beatles as an example terrible

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 3748 replies
  • January 22, 2018
@Hifiphil I moved your topic to this ongoing discussion šŸ˜‰

  • Runaway Baby
  • 3 replies
  • January 25, 2018
Why in god's name have you ripped your classical music as separate tracks which means continuous pieces which are played without pauses have a 2 second pause. It ruins it, especially if it's a slow movement and that a very basic error to make. That's enough to make me subscribe elsewhere.

  • Deezer Staff
  • 708 replies
  • January 25, 2018
Hi Eric!

Sorry to hear that! please share with us the links and we will inform our music team šŸ™‚

Hi, I just got here to let Deezer know (as if they didn't already, via my twitter and facebook posts...) that I'm seriously considering unsubscribing, because the lack of a gapless option is inexcusable. I've been waiting for one year and it's still not even been discussed. Deezer Help and support simply replies "but we have crossfade, try!" as if it was the same thing. First of all, there's no crossfade for Windows 10 and for the Android feature app, and second IT IS NOT THE SAME THING. Try and listen to David Bowie's Diamond Dogs album, or any of Pink Floyd's, or any frigging live album, and you'll see.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • January 29, 2018
Come on Deezer, other services have had this for years! I still want to be able to listen to continuous albums the way they should be listened to? Why would I even pay for a HIFI service when such a simple thing is not available? We've been asking for this for a long time, are you even listening to your users?

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 13 replies
  • February 2, 2018
Deezer has a serious problem at the moment with their lack of gapless playback. Many albums from classical to jazz to rock have albums intended to be listened to as a continuous whole, with no gaps between the tracks. Nobody would watch Netflix if there was a 1/2 second pause every 3-5 minutes, which is video equivlent of Deezer's current situation.

I recently realized a stop-gap solution which would be trivial for Deezer to implement. For albums that are intended to play as a continuous stream, Deezer should offer a "single-track" version that has the entire album recorded as a single track. This shouldn't cost Deezer anything to implement, as they already play licensing for the albums. And it would encourage ongoing subscriptions for those of us who like to hear feature-length albums without interruption.

To be honest, if my audio gear maker (B&O) didn't favor Deezer, I would have abandoned them long ago over this one issue. If Deezer doesn't fix this problem I'll be forced to switch gear, which is an expensive and annoying problem. But my investment in equipment is worth far less if if I get annoying breaks in my music ever few minutes. Bettter to replace my gear than have the listening experience destroyed by periodic gaps in playback.

Summary: Deezer, please make single-track versions of gapless albums available until you are able to make your software play the regular versions without gaps.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 3 replies
  • February 5, 2018
Could have sworn I'd posted about this already but I can't find it now.

Why in god's name have you got spaces between tracks in classical music that is clearly meant to run on with no pause between the tracks? That's the best way to lose your classical listening audience. That and the ridiculous naming conventions.

Eg: glen Gould back keyboard concerto no 5 for instance. Whys there a pause between the 2nd and third movement? Haven't you guys learned to rip gapless yet which the rest of us have been doing for years even at home? It's crass!! The whole albums the same and it's not just classical stuff

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • February 7, 2018
EEAlexHay wrote:

Lack of "gapless" playback should be high priority for Deezer. I honestly have trouble understanding why it hasn't been in place for a long time. It should honestly be trivial to implement.

As others have mentioned, there are many albums where tracks are connected without silence. Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon is a great example, and I respectfully request that you to listen to just 5 minutes of this album. You will hear a break in the music twice in 5 minutes, as if someone paused the album momentarily. I think if you hear the problem, you will understand our concern. (This is not exactly an obscure album: it spent 15 YEARS on the Billboard Top-200 album sales list!)

There are many other albums with this same effect, both rock and classical. Listening with gaps or even crossfades absolutely ruins the flow of the album.

Please help us get this fixed!

Thank you,


Yes, same for my experience with Dark side of the moon and live albums!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • February 7, 2018
Lorenzo wrote:
No. They say crossfade is their approach...

Itā€™s NOT the answer!,

  • Deezer Staff
  • 6123 replies
  • February 8, 2018
Hi everyone, we've passed it on to the team but don't have any details to share just yet. As for now crossfade is the only alternative. I will of course let you know, should I get any update regarding gapless playback! šŸ™‚

  • Deezer Staff
  • 6123 replies
  • February 9, 2018
Ericb wrote:
Could have sworn I'd posted about this already but I can't find it now.

Why in god's name have you got spaces between tracks in classical music that is clearly meant to run on with no pause between the tracks? That's the best way to lose your classical listening audience. That and the ridiculous naming conventions.

Eg: glen Gould back keyboard concerto no 5 for instance. Whys there a pause between the 2nd and third movement? Haven't you guys learned to rip gapless yet which the rest of us have been doing for years even at home? It's crass!! The whole albums the same and it's not just classical stuff

Hi there, I've merged your topics into one šŸ™‚ Mafe asked your for links to the tracks. We're happy to check for the ones you send us. Please note that in general Gapless Playback is not yet implemented in Deezer.

[quote user="Andre::s::D." Keaton]Hi, I just got here to let Deezer know (as if they didn't already, via my twitter and facebook posts...) that I'm seriously considering unsubscribing, because the lack of a gapless option is inexcusable. I've been waiting for one year and it's still not even been discussed. Deezer Help and support simply replies "but we have crossfade, try!" as if it was the same thing. First of all, there's no crossfade for Windows 10 and for the Android feature app, and second IT IS NOT THE SAME THING. Try and listen to David Bowie's Diamond Dogs album, or any of Pink Floyd's, or any frigging live album, and you'll see.

I'll second that. The thing is, any concert experience is ruined without gapless. I came from Tidal because of the music I can't find there (and because of the tons I was paying for and couldn't bother to listen to), but I will leave unless the desktop app sees major improvments (although I could hook it up with JPlay 6.2).

  • 1 reply
  • February 21, 2018
Yesterday I asked Deezer support when they plan to introduce gapless playback.
This is their answer:
Ā»Thanks for your reply.
I'm sorry but I don't have any date to share with you :/Ā«
So itā€™s back to Spotify, then :)
Hopefully they will launch lossless playback soon.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • March 9, 2018
Haven't used my Deezer account for while myself and today I remembered why..... No Gapless audio streaming!!??
It ruins all the great live albums!!!!!

I know I'm going to switch to Spotify if you don't fix it

  • Lover
  • 15 replies
  • March 10, 2018
Really? Why? Spoty has also this big problem.

We need gapless playback as a setting per album - some albums don't need it, other albums are TOTALLY RUINED without Gapless Playback (and Crossfade is not the same as Gapless)...

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • March 10, 2018
Sandra(Deezer Support)
4 Mar, 17:50 CET

Thank you for your email,
Our team is always working on improving the App. If you have posted in the community you will find the answer there as soon as it get fixed šŸ™‚
Have a nice day,
Enjoy Deezer!

This is the reply received flagging that a body of the community have requested this.

Anyone for 'pass the parcel' ? I guess we are too small a group of paying customers to warrant serious effort.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • March 10, 2018
Spotify has gapless audiostreaming, which is great for mixes and live albums, so I don't to which problem you are referring to.

Deezer has the crossfade functionality (not for Android users, and I'm Android user) but even if it's set to "0" there's still a gap which is annoying.

I think gapless audiostreaming must be the standard

  • Runaway Baby
  • 11 replies
  • March 19, 2018
Is there any way that we can get smooth music passes. I mean it could so nice in house parties. Like dj programs. When you change the song current song will turn off the volume then new music will volume increase very slowly

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • March 21, 2018
Just adding my vote for proper gapless playback across all systems and platforms. Currently, Iā€™m auditioning Tidal and Deezer as a possible lossless replacement for Spotify. Tidal (arguably) has the edge on pure sound quality (MQA for some albums), but has horrible UI and UX. Spotify wins on usability hands down, but no lossless. Deezer seems like it could be the happy middle ground, but the lack of gapless is a real knock against it. Too bad.

Just adding support for this getting added. I can remember when iTunes introduced this over 10 years ago people were saying "Finally!", so it's sad to see Deezer so far behind the times with this.

Along with the library limit, this is my only other major problem with Deezer, fix these issues and I'll be incredibly happy.
