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- [FEEDBACK] What do you think of "Flow"?
[FEEDBACK] What do you think of "Flow"?
- January 16, 2019
- 347 replies
- Alien SuperStar
- 473 replies
We wish to collect some of your feedback on Flow, that's why we are opening a new dedicated thread for you to share your feelings on this feature.
Do you like it? Why? What do you think we are missing?
Please be as detailed as you can in your comments, cheers!
I was also at first disappointed with the recommendations, but you need to learn Flow. Play play play, everything you love and give hearts to your favorite songs and playlists and albums, add as many of your favorite artists and play play play and ban artists you don't like and Flow will soon catch your note. I am very satisfied. But you have to make friends and devote time to it.
Yes, indeed. Let it learn.
On first day lame, now it is much better than Google’s Feeling lucky which was okay, but always played same favourites over and over and over again. On Deezer I hear new tracks, new favorites, old classics over and over and over again. Today I paid ONE YEAR in advance for this great service.
Pay 10 months and get 12 months is their annual discount. I paid years for Spottily and then GPM receiving no discounts for loyalty. This is my new home for hard dance music since 29.06.20.
They gave me option to keep 2 months I already had trial. They suggested next time I need to cancel with them, go free, and buy annual again with discounted prices unless they give better ways.
I like flow, I like mixes, this service is good bargain at 99,90 a year for this amazing quality.
It works like a charm when something is great.
This is great, worth to pay.
347 replies
- Chart topper
- 2597 replies
- April 7, 2021
Flow is not horrible but its very much the same over and over.
I might have liked a 90's song because it keeps spamming me with 90's songs. I don't dislike those but I never listen to it either. For now i’m skipping, disliking etc but it keeps giving me 90's hits.
Also it's the same every day, over and over. Its like deezer's flow has a total of 100 songs and puts those on repeat. For example the Harry Styles song plays 2 times a day.
I'd like to listen to classic rock and slow blues, Pink floyd, Led zeppelin etc but there is too much pop music in there..
Also fire the one that came up with the idea of not adding a "play all by artist” button, inexcusable and pretty much a basic feature
Me too.
I get spammed by 90’s songs.
I could be noted why. I liked one remix from DJ Gollum featuring DJ Cap.
This is crazy good track to appreciate 90’s, but problem is this is HARD DANCE and 90s are soft.
I think Masterboy triggered it.
Perhaps I will remove like from this song so it won’t trigger anymore.
Please do some research on your likes. And delete. You still can keep it on lists without affecting flow. You need to avoid any of that from affecting your flow or skip them really quick.
Sorry for any inconveniences.
- Runaway Baby
- 5 replies
- April 8, 2021
Flow is what got me to pay for Deezer. I tend to listen to so many genres that are generally considered incompatible. I felt like Spotify was thrown off by my musical taste and literally ended up suggesting any song under the sun. I was hating most songs and stopped using the platform altogether.
As others mentioned already, if you keep giving feedback to it about what you love and what you never want to hear again, it really learns and improves and the result is just amazing. I discovered so much music through flow and other discovery playlists so thank you guys for what you do. I also managed to convince my mother that flow is much better than the equivalent from Spotify and she actually swapped from Spotify to Deezer. She is very happy with her Flow playlist as well because every time she had the chance she actually gives feedback for the songs. It is also nice to do it so it gets saved in the favourites playlist if you ever forget what it was called.
Nice job guys, I wish more people actually tried Deezer so that the social features would actually be more useful.
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- April 8, 2021
Me too
The good news for you is that Flow is getting more improvements this year, and I can't wait to reveal these to you! Stay tuned and thank you for your lovely support.
Enjoy Deezer!
- Tiny Dancer
- 2 replies
- April 20, 2021
I’m really tired to get always the same tracks in the Flow… Then I have to click on “don’t recommend me this track” even if I love it… BUT I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT EVERY SINGLE TIME. Change your algorithm please. Or add a “I’m tired with this song” button that keep it away for 1 month.
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- April 22, 2021
Thanks for the feedback and the idea around "I'm tired with this song", really appreciated it.
For your current experience with Flow, please try clearing the app's cache and then when you get the tracks, remember to skip them straight away. That will give Flow the input it needs not to recommend it again, for a while. Please report it back to me when you seem appropriate, I'm sure Flow will improve for you.
- Lover
- 32 replies
- April 23, 2021
To be honest I dont use it often. I dont like it so much since it plays too much of my music and only very little new songs. so, for me its only a duplicate favourite list.
What I miss is the “hear this” function you guys decided to kill a few years ago in favour of “Flow”.
When I had the “hear this suggestions” I discovered so many albums and I increased my music range a lot. I prefer albums to single songs.
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- April 24, 2021
Thanks for the feedback
Personally, I'm a big fan of the Monday Discovery list. I always get a few new favourites every week, so you should definitely check it out.
Also, we'll have a few important improvements to Flow very soon, where you'll be able to control a bit more on your discovery level, instead of a balanced mix between favourites and unknown tracks. Worth checking it out as I know you're a big supporter of our service!
Have a nice weekend.
- Lover
- 32 replies
- April 24, 2021
Yes, the Monday Discovery was nice to find out. I've been using it lately.
The hear this was a big loss to me. It gave entire Albums I still hear to this day, all based on my previous play.
A couple of songs don't really define an artist. If I really, really like the songs, I usually click and drill down on the Artist and hear his/her albums. It was just more convenient and more artist-focused.
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- April 26, 2021
It was a big loss not to you but to quite a few users
Our teams think, for now, that you can get good artist-focused recommendation via the section 'Similar Artists' in the artist profile.
But I also admit album recommendations are missing from our platform, and your comments are a big contribution to the discussion
- Lover
- 37 replies
- April 29, 2021
Flow have some issues with picking music from the likes playlist.
I notice a lot when I listen to music that flow playing the same song from a album that isn't from the artist.
For example I liked a song from this album from the weekend:

I get the same song from a "collectors" album like this:

This happening a lot in the flow radio station.
It looks like Flow understand that I liked a song from the weekend ( for example: Alone Again ) but don't playing the song from the album what is in my library or liked playlist.
What I also notice is that sometimes flow playing the same song from the artist that I liked. But then I get on the flow radio the non expliciet version. And not the expliciet version I liked and added to my library.
I hope this can be changed because this is really confusing. And gives a lot double versions in my library from 1 song.
- Lover
- 37 replies
- April 29, 2021
Flow have some issues with picking music from the likes playlist.
I notice a lot when I listen to music that flow playing the same song from a album that isn't from the artist.
For example I liked a song from this album from the weekend:

I get the same song from a "collectors" album like this:

This happening a lot in the flow radio station.
It looks like Flow understand that I liked a song from the weekend ( for example: Alone Again ) but don't playing the song from the album what is in my library or liked playlist.
What I also notice is that sometimes flow playing the same song from the artist that I liked. But then I get on the flow radio the non expliciet version. And not the expliciet version I liked and added to my library.
I hope this can be changed because this is really confusing. And gives a lot double versions in my library from 1 song.
Another example from the flow recommendations:

Here you see I have another version from this song in my favorite playlist:

- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- May 1, 2021
Thanks a lot for this
I agree, it is a bit confusing. I've forwarded your feedback to our devs in the recommendations teams. Our Flow will get a few improvements this year so this is very useful
- Anonymous
- 0 replies
- May 1, 2021
I sometimes have the phenomenon that titles repeat themselves. Always following the same pattern:
7 tracks
3 tracks
7 tracks from just now in exactly the same order
is that crazy or magical?
Anyway, I love my flow.
Some screenshots:

- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- May 4, 2021
It's very odd
I wonder if you do a cache cleanup on the app, once in a while, this stops?
- Tiny Dancer
- 5 replies
- May 5, 2021
I’ve been using deezer for 2 years and I found flow to be really interesting. I basically only use Deezer hearing the flow playlists, so in the beggining, it repeated several songs. But when I searched for my favorite artists and songs and liked all of them, the playlists got a lot more accurate and in tune with my tastes (extreme metal).
Since that, this 2 years experience is being amazing for me. I’m the kind of person who likes to discover new bands every day or week, so flow became an excelent tool for me.
The only downside that I saw (as mentioned above) is that it will repeat the same song if the song is in several compilations.
Now, a quick question for anyone who can answer: Sometimes, flow will recommend a song from some artist. After liking the song (i love that heart button), flow won’t recommend other songs from this artist, only the one I liked (unless I go to the artist page and add to my favorites). Is that normal? Flow is recommending only this song because is the only songs from the artist that is close to my taste?
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- May 6, 2021
Firstly, thanks a lot for the feedback, super nice
Secondly, it is normal because Flow will base your tastes on songs, primarily. If you like more and more songs from the same artist, perhaps it's best to favourite the whole artist in your library
- Star Wo-Man
- 459 replies
- May 6, 2021
Well, my story is long, but lets say that it has two points:
- The first one was when 2k exists. I started playing songs in Deezer, using playlists,flows, mixes, until i had an error. Later, I knew it was because of the 2k limit. And I tried different things to avoid it: to begin with, i deleted all 2k songs and started from 0, adding only the best favorite songs ( i have best favorite songs and favorite songs, translated with stars, lets say 4 stars is favorite, and 5 stars are the best). My target was to go slowly, very slowly adding favorites ,making sure i couldn’t live without listening those , because if I could or I get bored , then, they weren’t really the best for me . I created playlist with the first letter of the song, but i filled them quickly. So my next step was to include a seccond letter of the song. As a result, i got more playlists and didn’t reach each 2k limit . I had some of them with 1 song. I knew Deezer’s flow works with your favorites songs,artists,albums….the problem was that i reached the limit in songs and artists, so Flow wasn’t going to improve. I started listening playlists, and also Radio when it was launched! Friends also recommended me songs, some of them from Deezer but the rest were from other streaming apps. In that case, i had to search them individually, or use songcatcher to identify and add them to one of my two letters playlists.
- The second point in my Deezer’s history was recently, when favorite limit increased. Then, things changed. I decided to remove my favorite songs library to start from 0 with Flow and I noticed, as others say here, that it played some songs one time and other and other. I was in freemium mode, which allows you to skip 6tracks per hour.
So imagine that i spent those 6 tracks per hour limit just with songs i had already listened to. And the funny thing is that after skipping , it could give me a new song or continue playing songs I had also listened, and what is worse, i couldn’t skip! . In other words, the free time i had, was spent by skipping songs and discovering 1,2,3 or 4 per day. Too slow and Flow wasn’t improved.
Then I took a decision. Listen again to some of the most popular playlists to add new songs to my favorite zone . Doing that, I kept most of the 6 skipped tracks per hour and only spent with songs i didn’t like. That worked and my library increased.After that, I started creating mixes from songs of my favorite section to discover new ones, until I realized after some time of adding most of them that they repeated themselves again!! Omg!! .
I returned to Flow and it was improved, not so many already-liked songs played together, it gave me new ones and I could breath, finally. Recently, my subscription was changed to HiFi and I’m able to skip already-liked songs and songs I don’t like. Making it faster for algorithm to know more about me.
So in conclusion, at the end, Flow understand me, or it seems from what I see. Definetly, new 10k limit will help to improve the system. Maybe you ask why I didn’t transfer songs from other streaming services to Deezer? Considering that i have 26k in some of them, as a result of years and years discovering music in different streaming services, and sending songs from one to another and from the another to the one.
Well, my answer is easy: if i had done that, then i would have filled 10k limit at the moment, and that means that i would have gone back to the first point: using again the playlist with 2 letters of the songs system and Flow would be, again, in a deadlock because I couldn’t add more songs!! It would have improved , of course, but taking into account that i have 26k favorite songs (approximately) and Deezer “only” accepted 10k, it would have lost the 16k remaining.
That’s one reason. The other one is that i want to see how many time (months,years) take me to reach 10k limit with songs I knew, and new ones! I want to enjoy again pressing heart icon one time and other and other, after years without doing so. And when I filled the 10k limit, and transfer to other streaming services (just to know how many songs in total i have, for playing i prefer Deezer, by far ! ), i’ll probably hit a new record.
By the way, playlists with the first two letters are still on my library. Sometimes i remove songs with heart iccon filled , as they are in favorite zone, and deleting from those playlists translates in that i will have more space in the future when i have to return to this system: having 10k favorite songs + ( 2letters playlists * nº of songs in each one)
For now, i added 1914 songs and increasing...
- Chart topper
- 2597 replies
- May 7, 2021
Well, my story is long, but lets say that it has two points:
- The first one was when 2k exists. I started playing songs in Deezer, using playlists,flows, mixes, until i had an error. Later, I knew it was because of the 2k limit. And I tried different things to avoid it: to begin with, i deleted all 2k songs and started from 0, adding only the best favorite songs ( i have best favorite songs and favorite songs, translated with stars, lets say 4 stars is favorite, and 5 stars are the best). My target was to go slowly, very slowly adding favorites ,making sure i couldn’t live without listening those , because if I could or I get bored , then, they weren’t really the best for me . I created playlist with the first letter of the song, but i filled them quickly. So my next step was to include a seccond letter of the song. As a result, i got more playlists and didn’t reach each 2k limit . I had some of them with 1 song. I knew Deezer’s flow works with your favorites songs,artists,albums….the problem was that i reached the limit in songs and artists, so Flow wasn’t going to improve. I started listening playlists, and also Radio when it was launched! Friends also recommended me songs, some of them from Deezer but the rest were from other streaming apps. In that case, i had to search them individually, or use songcatcher to identify and add them to one of my two letters playlists.
- The second point in my Deezer’s history was recently, when favorite limit increased. Then, things changed. I decided to remove my favorite songs library to start from 0 with Flow and I noticed, as others say here, that it played some songs one time and other and other. I was in freemium mode, which allows you to skip 6tracks per hour.
So imagine that i spent those 6 tracks per hour limit just with songs i had already listened to. And the funny thing is that after skipping , it could give me a new song or continue playing songs I had also listened, and what is worse, i couldn’t skip! . In other words, the free time i had, was spent by skipping songs and discovering 1,2,3 or 4 per day. Too slow and Flow wasn’t improved.
Then I took a decision. Listen again to some of the most popular playlists to add new songs to my favorite zone . Doing that, I kept most of the 6 skipped tracks per hour and only spent with songs i didn’t like. That worked and my library increased.After that, I started creating mixes from songs of my favorite section to discover new ones, until I realized after some time of adding most of them that they repeated themselves again!! Omg!! .
I returned to Flow and it was improved, not so many already-liked songs played together, it gave me new ones and I could breath, finally. Recently, my subscription was changed to HiFi and I’m able to skip already-liked songs and songs I don’t like. Making it faster for algorithm to know more about me.
So in conclusion, at the end, Flow understand me, or it seems from what I see. Definetly, new 10k limit will help to improve the system. Maybe you ask why I didn’t transfer songs from other streaming services to Deezer? Considering that i have 26k in some of them, as a result of years and years discovering music in different streaming services, and sending songs from one to another and from the another to the one.
Well, my answer is easy: if i had done that, then i would have filled 10k limit at the moment, and that means that i would have gone back to the first point: using again the playlist with 2 letters of the songs system and Flow would be, again, in a deadlock because I couldn’t add more songs!! It would have improved , of course, but taking into account that i have 26k favorite songs (approximately) and Deezer “only” accepted 10k, it would have lost the 16k remaining.
That’s one reason. The other one is that i want to see how many time (months,years) take me to reach 10k limit with songs I knew, and new ones! I want to enjoy again pressing heart icon one time and other and other, after years without doing so. And when I filled the 10k limit, and transfer to other streaming services (just to know how many songs in total i have, for playing i prefer Deezer, by far ! ), i’ll probably hit a new record.
By the way, playlists with the first two letters are still on my library. Sometimes i remove songs with heart iccon filled , as they are in favorite zone, and deleting from those playlists translates in that i will have more space in the future when i have to return to this system: having 10k favorite songs + ( 2letters playlists * nº of songs in each one)
For now, i added 1914 songs and increasing...
I enjoyed reading it, thanks!
I used too Freemium for my first day which was 29.06.2019, and I was not happy with this 6 time skip, so I bought annual Premium. After it ends I will get Hifi Family from Deezer to try new stuff.

My Deezer has 2010 favourite tracks right now :)
- Lover
- 98 replies
- June 5, 2021
Still, the recommendations should be more accurate, like launching track mix of a specific song should give more similarities, more work needs to be done here.
I’m not saying that those mixes are so bad but comparing to other streaming platforms, I think deezer comes third in terms of playing similar songs after Spotify and YouTube music.
- Chart topper
- 2597 replies
- June 5, 2021
Still, the recommendations should be more accurate, like launching track mix of a specific song should give more similarities, more work needs to be done here.
I’m not saying that those mixes are so bad but comparing to other streaming platforms, I think deezer comes third in terms of playing similar songs after Spotify and YouTube music.
FLOW will be improved at some point later. Thank you.
- Tiny Dancer
- 3 replies
- June 7, 2021
I enjoyed Flow until this evening. I wonder if there was a sudden and major change in algorithm.
I listen to post rock / indie / britpop. I have some two dozen artists and 400+ favourite tracks that accurately reflect my preferences.
Suddenly today Flow started offering me chains of similar songs that may be nice but don’t interest me very much, or worse. First it was synth pop, some very well known major hits that I note but wouldn’t want to listen to one by one. Then suddenly it started giving me modern hits that I truly hate, and I had to dislike these. Then some songs that I’m used to. Then it went terribly wrong again: it gave me a chain with Metallica / Nirvana / Queen etc., their hits that I never liked, never had a single track of these artists before, and I was quite satisfied not to have these artists in Flow. I never gave any hints that I wanted any of these tracks.
Very strange that the tracks Flow started to offer today were similar while Flow used to be diverse.
My list of disliked tracks / unwanted artists seems to have doubled within an hour.
The latest playlist I clicked on was post rock. Tried a new album by James, no tracks added to favourites from it. No new tracks added to favourites in two weeks.
Flow used to be really accurate.
Any idea what may have happened?
If this trend persists I’ll have to stop using the service.
- Runaway Baby
- 7 replies
- June 7, 2021
I enjoyed Flow until this evening. I wonder if there was a sudden and major change in algorithm.
I listen to post rock / indie / britpop. I have some two dozen artists and 400+ favourite tracks that accurately reflect my preferences.
Suddenly today Flow started offering me chains of similar songs that may be nice but don’t interest me very much, or worse. First it was synth pop, some very well known major hits that I note but wouldn’t want to listen to one by one. Then suddenly it started giving me modern hits that I truly hate, and I had to dislike these. Then some songs that I’m used to. Then it went terribly wrong again: it gave me a chain with Metallica / Nirvana / Queen etc., their hits that I never liked, never had a single track of these artists before, and I was quite satisfied not to have these artists in Flow. I never gave any hints that I wanted any of these tracks.
Very strange that the tracks Flow started to offer today were similar while Flow used to be diverse.
My list of disliked tracks / unwanted artists seems to have doubled within an hour.
The latest playlist I clicked on was post rock. Tried a new album by James, no tracks added to favourites from it. No new tracks added to favourites in two weeks.
Flow used to be really accurate.
Any idea what may have happened?
If this trend persists I’ll have to stop using the service.
Same thing here. I have about 80 metal and prog artists fed into it and it keeps giving me just nothing that I want. I am literally skipping about 12 songs in a row to hear something I want :(
And on Saturday it seemed to have been significantly better playing a bunch of stuff that I was loving and at a significantly better variety than I’ve previously seen.
I dont know if you are messing with the algorithm without telling anyone but I’m going to cancel if this keeps up as this is my work radio and the reason I’ve been using Deezer :(
- Tiny Dancer
- 3 replies
- June 8, 2021
Strangely enough it reverted back to normal. Possibly it was broken and didn’t take my favourites into account yesterday. Ugh, that was so horrendous.
- Runaway Baby
- 7 replies
- June 8, 2021
Strangely enough it reverted back to normal. Possibly it was broken and didn’t take my favourites into account yesterday. Ugh, that was so horrendous.
Same here again. Thank god, I hate 90s nu metal and after the 4th limp bizkit song (just ewwww) I had to skip yesterday I thought they messed up flow royally. The worst part is flow could definitely use some massive improvements (stop picking the same few songs from each artist), but whatever happpened yesterday was the worst.
- Runaway Baby
- 7 replies
- June 9, 2021
Feed has been amazing today, hearing lots of new things and haven’t heard any of my old repeats. Dont know if this is helping, but I’m about to upgrade my trial to the HiFi plan and switch away from Spotify completely mostly for Flow, so I’m a bit personally invested haha.
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