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[FEEDBACK] What do you think of "Flow"?

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My flow experience has been iffy, sometimes it nails the exact song that I had been searching for and sometimes it doesn't. Flow has been playing 90s/20 rock all the time that I don't necessarily want to listen to, it has also been suggesting almost all Mexican music which I don't want. When I press the don't suggest again button, most of the time it will come back anyway and play the exact songs I said no for. I feel as if they should have a clear cache button for the Deezer flow feature and have it so you can delete the artist you want to hear from there as well as the genre.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • September 3, 2019
Hi there @randomguy2876

Thank you for your feedback. Sorry it hasn't been what you expected. For more info on how to improve your Flow, please see here.
For the cache button suggestion, please vote for the idea here.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 3 replies
  • September 25, 2019
my problem with Flow: I have rock music and classical music. It ain't possible to choose between those in Flow

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • September 26, 2019
Hi there @vos58

Thank you for your input and feedback. Please vote for this idea here, we'd like to see it happening too 😉

  • Runaway Baby
  • 18 replies
  • September 27, 2019
I recently discovered that the flow algorithm uses terms used in the deezer search.

I was looking for a song title just to get some information about it and its artist - I did not play that song and that song has nothing to do with any music I listen to.
After starting deezer and flow the next time one of the first songs played was this particular song.

This makes the search useless as I have to be afraid that my flow will be ruined just by searching for music - even without playing it.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • October 1, 2019
Hey @Razorblade

Thanks for your detailed feedback - I'll be passing directly to the Flow and Search teams. Could you please tell me which app version you used when discovering this? We've had planned improvements deployed, it could be there's something wrong.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 18 replies
  • October 1, 2019
Thanks for getting back to me.
I noticed that some time ago with a previous app version -
Meanwhile I updated the app to the latest version but haven't used the search function since then. 😬

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • October 4, 2019
Thanks for the details @Razorblade. Could you please try the search just for a comparison? Our updates normally address different parts of the app.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 1 reply
  • October 9, 2019
I really like it but geez it needs the ability to queue a "next track" so bad.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • October 10, 2019
Hi there @billiecodes

Thank you for the feedback, we'll pass it on to our Flow teams 👍🏼

Recently, the Flow algorithm just changed, and now every other song is something I'd NEVER listen to, it's just soooo far from everything I've liked or listened to, ever. Basically, it rendered Flow useless to me, as I need to go back to Deezer every 4 minutes (ie. after each track).
Previously, I had no such issue, it was working as it would need to work.

Anybody else experienced something like this?

khaled mostafa
it has very bad experience all it does is it recommend previously liked tracks and repeat it over and over that is about 90% of what flow is and the other 10% it recommends different geners of music all on one queue which is very annoying

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • October 15, 2019

Hi there@khaled mostafa @Kovács Dávid 

Thank you for your feedback. The good news is that we're currently working hard on taking Flow to a level above. Please bear with us and stay tuned 👍🏼

  • 2 replies
  • October 17, 2019

I enjoy Flow, but if you don't add things to you favorites often it gets quite repetitive.  Also I might hear a song that I like and would want to hear more similar to it, but I don't like it enough to add it to my favorites.  I would suggest an option to do another quiz as with sign up to update preferences, as there are new artists and artists I didn't know about before using Deezer and also a 'Like’ button option.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • October 17, 2019


Thanks for the suggestions and input. We'll be passing this to our Flow teams 😉 in the meantime, please check our ideas forum for related feedback so that you can vote and support them!

  • Runaway Baby
  • 18 replies
  • October 20, 2019
Rudi wrote:
Thanks for the details@Razorblade. Could you please try the search just for a comparison? Our updates normally address different parts of the app.


So far this didn’t happen again - I tried several times. 

But I see that others are also complaining about Flow being quite repetitive and that there are songs in Flow from different genres that have nothing to do with ones music taste. 

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • October 21, 2019

We're working on it @Razorblade thanks for your continued feedback!

  • Runaway Baby
  • 11 replies
  • November 7, 2019

Flow is decent. However, when you listen to a wide variety of genres, the playlist can get weird. Listening to a soft indie track and then the next song a black metal track doesn’t “flow” well. I think it should be fine if the main Flow playlist has a mix of everything you listen to, but the “a mix for you” ones should be more similar and each should be a little different. For example, if you were serving up “mix for you” playlists to me, it would make sense for one to be all indie rock or similar tracks, one to be hip hop, one to be slower r&b, and one to be black metal tracks. It makes more sense to me to be in a playlist of like songs, then if I want to switch genres I can go to a different “mix for you”.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 11 replies
  • November 7, 2019

Also, I’ve noticed that sometimes edited versions of tracks will pull into my Flow. Could you only include edited versions if the user turned off Explicit in their settings? I would never want to hear an edited track. 

  • Lucky Star
  • 260 replies
  • November 13, 2019

For the most part, in my case, covering a few dozen genres and over a hundred sub-genres in my library, I’ve been very impressed. Very accurate! Which is especially impressive given I’ve only been a customer for a couple of weeks so had little time to tell you what I dont like (I did migrate my whole library from Tidal though so you do have a bit of data. 
But, while you might think I’m not fussy about music, quite the opposite. I’m VERY fussy, often not liking most recommendations from friends. I just like music across every genre. 
The only exception is my suggestion in “Got Ideas?”. Far too often you play me the same song in Flow and Discovery. Introduce a timeout before repeating the same song. 
But the recommendation Flows, listing specific artists, have been great. I’m in the middle of finding a bunch of new punk and hardcore. I haven’t been played a single track I didn’t like for over an hour. And I’m serious when I say I’m fussy. I love Bad Religion, but hate NoFX. I love old Pennywise but not a lot of the new stuff. It just seems spot-on. 
Anyway thought you need some praise for the good job you’re doing. 
While you cop a lot of criticism, the fact that people even bother sharing their feedback shows how much respect they have for you. You just need to look at their feedback with new eyes and walk in their shoes. 9/10 they have legitimate concerns and with your passion I know you can deliver. Your service is great. 

someone told me once, when you’re juggling, don’t drop the crystal ball. You can drop the rubber ones, but if you drop the one crystal ball, you’re stuffed. Always recognise the crystal ball. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • November 14, 2019

Hello, honestly flow is one of the reasons I subscribed to Deezer in addition to the large Arabic music library it has. That said, Deezer works well mostly yet, it does not seem to get yet that removing a song from favourites shall kind of decrease how often it plays in the flow, I do get that removing a song from favourites or skipping it would most probably not remove it from the flow, yet if I hear Katy Perry’s “Never Really Over” or Elissa’s “Wala Baad Snin” agian in the flow I will just lose it, and I have removed both from my favourites a relatively long time ago and skipped them multiple times.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • November 14, 2019

Thank you for your detailed feedback @teqteq @Zaid Bawab we agree there's a lot of work to do with our Flow - but we're also proud of what we achieved so far. It's thanks to your suggestions that we know how to approach improvements. Flow is learning more with users input at the moment, and once our ban feature gets fully released, it should be even better :thumbsup_tone2:

Luis Fernando Marques
helene.deezer wrote:

Hi all,

We wish to collect some of your feedback on Flow, that's why we are opening a new dedicated thread for you to share your feelings on this feature.

Do you like it? Why? What do you think we are missing?

Please be as detailed as you can in your comments, cheers!


Dear Helene,

Flow is not working in CarPlay… 



  • Lucky Star
  • 260 replies
  • November 16, 2019

One thing I’ve realised since posting and from other threads is that there’s a lot of confusion about what “Flow” actually is, and what a “Mix” is. Everything I mentioned was actually a “Mix”. “Flow” just seems to be the one predictive automatic playlist right?

I’ll have to play around with Flow more and report back. Seems good though. Seems to keep updating. 

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • November 17, 2019

Hi there @teqteq @Luis Fernando Marques 

Thanks for the added feedback - I'll pass it on to the relevant teams here :thumbsup_tone2:
