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Scrobble from Deezer not working

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  • Tiny Dancer
  • 6 replies
  • October 5, 2018
Rafael. wrote:

Remy77077 wrote:
Just want to report I have all the same issues as others in this thread. Using Deezer on the web mostly, Chrome on a Mac.

  1. Scrobbles taking a long time to appear at all (hour+ delay)
  2. Sometimes the same track that was listened to once being scrobbled 10+ times in a row inaccurately.
Hi there, thanks for the message. These are known issues that the devs are aware of. We will keep passing the feedback on to LAst FM too. Sorry thats has been taking so long to get fixed!

And when can we expect this feature to be fixed?
Your devs have started working on this fix at least 10 days ago (according to the posts in this topic) so I hope the fix will be deployed soon because these scrobbling issues are pretty frustrating (at least for me, a scrobbling junkie). 😞

  • Deezer Staff
  • 6123 replies
  • October 6, 2018
Hi there, we can't really give you an ETA for it. Our teams are very busy with a lot of different tasks and we can't give you a timeframe for any fixes. But they're aware of it and we'll let you know once we know more. Thanks a lot for your patience! 🙏🏼

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • October 8, 2018
Hi, since the beginning of October , no scrobbles at all. I've been listening to Deezer mostly in my Chrome browser on my backup computer and it just stopped scrobbling.
Somebody also mentioned that some tracks have been multiplied in scrobbles, also happened recently. A track I've only listened to once has been scrobbled at least 10 times in a row. Sometimes they also appeared hours later, but now, nothing since 1st of October.

I've tried unlinking and linking, but it still does not work.
Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 3824 replies
  • October 9, 2018
HI @Lucelia.Mascarenhas sorry about that. If unlinking and reconnecting does not help there must be another issue. I am following up on this with the developers. Please bear with us until we get an answer 😉

  • Lover
  • 27 replies
  • October 10, 2018
Same problem. Tried in web player, disconnected/connected, then installed various Chrome extensions, and tried with Deezer desktop app. No scrobbling.

The songs I listen to don't appear on for a few days now. I read on the support forum from it has to do with your Is there any news about that? If I can't scrobble my songs, I'm affaid I have to leave Deezer.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 33 replies
  • October 10, 2018
I will just add to the list of known issues:

  • certain tracks not scrobbling at all or way too late (from a couple hours to more than 24 hours later) and then being scrobbled disorderly in the timeline
  • problems with the ampersand (&) symbol in artist, song and album names (i.e. the same being omitted most of the time - "Boy & Bear" becoming "Boy Bear")
  • certain tracks scrobbling up to 40 times when only listened once
  • tracks uploaded under "My Mp3s" on Deezer (i.e. tracks not available on Deezer and uploaded by the user) not scrobbling at all
Would be great to find a solution to this, as it is definitely not an isolated issue and seems to affect many users.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • October 10, 2018
Mirtma wrote:
Same problem. Tried in web player, disconnected/connected, then installed various Chrome extensions, and tried with Deezer desktop app. No scrobbling.

Yep, I tried an extension too and it didn't work.

And now, two days later after trying it out, just ONE scrobbled track appeared.

  • 1 reply
  • October 10, 2018
walter.dijkshoorn wrote:
The songs I listen to don't appear on for a few days now. I read on the support forum from it has to do with your Is there any news about that? If I can't scrobble my songs, I'm affaid I have to leave Deezer.

I notice the same problem pls solve it deezer

Same problem.

  • Lover
  • 6 replies
  • October 10, 2018
Here too!

I double checked and is linked. Looks like scrobbling works well when I use the iOS beta app but not from my browser. 😕

  • Runaway Baby
  • 7 replies
  • October 11, 2018
Hello, Deezer staff, please respond.

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 18 replies
  • October 11, 2018
It really irks me how Deezer staff always seems to treat this issue like an isolated problem, when obviously it is not.

I've been using since 2009, actively scrobbling all this time. I'm not a fiend for accuracy, I'm fine if my scrobbles appear a few hours later. But I do want to continue building my library: it's serves me as a historical reference point to my listening habits, as well as a quick reminder if I wanna find something that I've listened recently.

The current state of the Deezer's scrobbler makes this impossible and is unacceptable. Please, approach this issue with severity it deserves. Millions of people are using's services, and having them constantly malfunctioning with Deezer is not a light issue.

Web version, Win Store version, Desktop app (these on 2 different PCs), mobile... my scrobbles appear with a huge delay, if at all. Will they appear sometimes in the future, are they lost forever? I have been willing to put up with Deezer's various bugs and quirks and whatnot, but these add over time. I like it, despite it all. But I'm now at the point of looking to switch platforms...

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 8634 replies
  • October 11, 2018
Hi Guys, I'm sorry about that! Deezer is aware if this issue and we are passing this on to our devs and they will be in touch with Last FM to know what is happening. I will keep you guys updated as soon as I have any more news about it!

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 18 replies
  • October 11, 2018
Until this gets resolved, just wanted to share a manual way to keep your library updated: Universal Scrobbler

I've been using the tool for years now, and it has never failed me. Used it all the time when I was listening through a dedicated player. Basically, it allows users to scrobble tracks/albums on demand by pulling the info from databases such as MusicBrainz or Discogs. You can also scrobble manually (single on in bulk).

It's not an ideal solution, but still better than nothing.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 6 replies
  • October 11, 2018
Luka.Urbac wrote:

  • certain tracks not scrobbling at all or way too late (from a couple hours to more than 24 hours later) and then being scrobbled disorderly in the timeline
  • problems with the ampersand (&) symbol in artist, song and album names (i.e. the same being omitted most of the time - "Boy & Bear" becoming "Boy Bear")
  • certain tracks scrobbling up to 40 times when only listened once
Would be great to find a solution to this, as it is definitely not an isolated issue and seems to affect many users.

These are exactly the problems I am facing. I last used deezer at the beginning of the week and swiched to a browser extension so I can listen through bandcamp and scrobble something until these problems get fixed.

Anyways, some tracks started appearing in my profile today, but somehow I get the feeling that not all tracks are submitted in the right order. Hopefully this will happen in some kind of way :)

Even if this isn't related to the topic at all, what is it about the mp3 upload section?
Do I must own the rights of mp3 tracks or can I upload them even though I am not the owner / band of those files, because I have seen that there are some releases by a few bands that are missing and I don't want to get copyright problems.

Deezer Legend
The new web player layout of Deezer does not work with the browser extension anymore, see this thread:

Furthermore the new player does not have as an option in its settings anymore, only Facebook, Twitter and Google+, so it might have been disabled altogether, see my related posting on Get Satisfaction:[settings][filter_by]=all&topic-reply-list[settings][reply_id]=19799416#reply_19799416

By the way, the URL embedding tool on this forum is broken, it cannot understand long URLs like the one above.

@TheBazzTian: Uploaded MP3 files can be ripped tracks from official CDs as well, but there also is a 2k tracks limit for them.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 33 replies
  • October 12, 2018
TheBazzTian wrote:

Luka.Urbac wrote:

  • certain tracks not scrobbling at all or way too late (from a couple hours to more than 24 hours later) and then being scrobbled disorderly in the timeline
  • problems with the ampersand (&) symbol in artist, song and album names (i.e. the same being omitted most of the time - "Boy & Bear" becoming "Boy Bear")
  • certain tracks scrobbling up to 40 times when only listened once
Would be great to find a solution to this, as it is definitely not an isolated issue and seems to affect many users.
Anyways, some tracks started appearing in my profile today, but somehow I get the feeling that not all tracks are submitted in the right order. Hopefully this will happen in some kind of way :)

Even if this isn't related to the topic at all, what is it about the mp3 upload section?
Do I must own the rights of mp3 tracks or can I upload them even though I am not the owner / band of those files, because I have seen that there are some releases by a few bands that are missing and I don't want to get copyright problems.

I can confirm that some tracks have started appearing today. Hopefully, this is solved soon. I am also going though my phone, laptop and bandcamp libraries, while waiting for a fix.

As to the MP3s, you can upload them directly from your computer. Go to My Music --> Click the dropdown menu under your username (starts with Highlights, ends with More...) --> Choose My Mp3s

Hope this helps.

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 18 replies
  • October 12, 2018
An additional piece of info reported over at forums regarding the same issue: scrobbling works from the Deezer web player, but ONLY when using the old skin, and with with the addition of the Web Scrobbler extension (for FF and Chromium-like browsers).

If using this, perhaps it's best to unlink your account from Deezer. At least I've done so.

  • Lover
  • 33 replies
  • October 12, 2018
V_Shaft wrote:
An additional piece of info reported over at forums regarding the same issue: scrobbling works from the Deezer web player, but ONLY when using the old skin, and with with the addition of the Web Scrobbler extension (for FF and Chromium-like browsers).

I have tried this both with Firefox and Chrome, using Deezer with the previous Flash player, but with no success - WebScrobbler is still not identifying the tracks. However, WebScrobbler has now implemented support for Deezer HTML5 and it should be included in the next release. That could come tomorrow, or in months from now, I have no idea about that.

I find this very frustrating too. API has been the same for years and it should not be too complicated for Deezer to maintain its support. For me it's a key point to keep paying to Deezer.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 6 replies
  • October 12, 2018
Just to confirm what V_Shaft wrote: couple of weeks ago I noticed that scrobbling works only when the old skin is used. So, if you unlink the account in Deezer settings and just use the scrobbling extension, then every song you listen to in your browser should be scrobbled to

But in case you are a premium user and use Deezer on the smartphone as well - then we are back to the square one (I use iPhone and have not found a scrobbler that works for songs played in Deezer on iOS; and if I unlink the account from my Deezer account - that means no scrobbling for me).

  • Lover
  • 33 replies
  • October 12, 2018
Aha, got it: Flash vs. HTML5 player and old vs. new skin are two different things. Now I managed to deactivate the new skin and WebScrobbler indeed works again.

And yes, I too am using Deezer on multiple platforms so finding a patchy solution for one medium does not solve it all.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 7 replies
  • October 12, 2018
Renne wrote:
And yes, I too am using Deezer on multiple platforms so finding a patchy solution for one medium does not solve it all.

Me as well. I use Deezer in Mac (as an app) and Android smartphone and scrobbling isn't working nowhere. Totally sucks.

My account is connected to It use to work well when I listened thought the web app ( It's is not working in the new mac app (

Deezer Legend
It might be possible that the official Android app is still able to scrobble Deezer, but you have to enable that option in its settings. Unfortunately this does not work with the official iOS app from, as far as I know.
