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Deezer desktop app repeatedly giving me error "MS3000" when I try to play something from My MP3s through a playlist.

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  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • October 9, 2024

Same problem, the reading of music favorites stops whenever one of “my mp3” are next.

This happens on web browser (chrome) from windows (not on my iphone, where I downloaded locally all my favorite songs)

Ok, since already the fix is worked on I don't need to say I have encountered this issue as well. 

Hello. I have the same problem. I think that 300 mp3 downoloaded have disppeared. I dont know if thre is  the same problem with Spotify. 

Runaway Baby
  • Runaway Baby
  • 16 replies
  • October 16, 2024

It’s been a couple of weeks now, is there any further information at all? I have so many uploaded mp3s on my playlist and not a single one works now.

sushigal007 wrote:

It’s been a couple of weeks now, is there any further information at all? I have so many uploaded mp3s on my playlist and not a single one works now.

The only workaround I know is to delete the MP3s from your playlist, and then re-load them from the “My MP3s” page. Unfortunately, that’s a temporary solution at best.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
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  • October 17, 2024

@sushigal007 I don’t have an ETA for a fix but our devs are working on it.
Thanks for your patience and apologies for all the inconvenience

Same issue. To be honest, with Deezer being even more expensive than before and with really bad Deezer app for Mac, I am thinking of stopping my subscription.

Everything is more frustrating than it used to be, Deezer is obviously ignoring all of us with these issues, and doing something about it.

What is the point to be subscribed to it without the benefits?

I will monitor to see if you will fix this, otherwise I am moving on. There is no point for being subscribed to the app with the support team who doesn’t care and is not able to fix the important issue. Any serious tech org would put this in the backlog and fix it months ago...

  • Author
  • Runaway Baby
  • 5 replies
  • October 20, 2024
thebabymonster wrote:

Same issue. To be honest, with Deezer being even more expensive than before and with really bad Deezer app for Mac, I am thinking of stopping my subscription.

I’ve been considering this for a while, too. I subscribe to music providers for one reason, and that’s the convenience of use; I could manage my music for free, but that brings with it a lot of hassle. I stopped using and paying for Spotify when the app stopped doing what I wanted from it, and if I have to wait much longer for this fix then I’m going to be quitting Deezer too.

The most ridiculous part is that when I contacted Deezer customer service about the MS3000 error before this thread gained traction, the response I got was very obviously written by ChatGPT, even including something along the lines of “try contacting customer support for more tailored information” as a suggestion. I’d have rather been told “we have no idea what that error is” than have such a lazy approach to customer service for something that I pay for.

Dausora wrote:
thebabymonster wrote:

Same issue. To be honest, with Deezer being even more expensive than before and with really bad Deezer app for Mac, I am thinking of stopping my subscription.

I’ve been considering this for a while, too. I subscribe to music providers for one reason, and that’s the convenience of use; I could manage my music for free, but that brings with it a lot of hassle. I stopped using and paying for Spotify when the app stopped doing what I wanted from it, and if I have to wait much longer for this fix then I’m going to be quitting Deezer too.

The most ridiculous part is that when I contacted Deezer customer service about the MS3000 error before this thread gained traction, the response I got was very obviously written by ChatGPT, even including something along the lines of “try contacting customer support for more tailored information” as a suggestion. I’d have rather been told “we have no idea what that error is” than have such a lazy approach to customer service for something that I pay for.


Agreed. Seriously considering going back to Spotify, with this fiasco.

Celtic Botan
Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • October 20, 2024

Same issue, on desktop and phone app, and I’m also subscribed to the app. I’m getting so frustrated with Deezer lately because I have so many uploaded MP3s that just won’t work, and it’s been SEVERAL WEEKS already.

Like, I know it’s not that simple bc coding and etc etc, but… uploaded MP3 were working before. They were fine. What changed and the most important question, why not change BACK? Cause whatever update this was, was terrible. And again, it’s been weeks and weeks and nothing has changed.

I like Deezer because I like the interface a lot better than Spotify for example, and Deezer had presented issues before, but this is legit the first time I’m genuinely considering moving on to another app.

@Dausora, @IACowboysFan1970, @Celtic Botan, thank you for your feedback.

Glad we are all sharing the same opinion.

I mean, seriously, when they started seeing so many people complaining, they could have just rolled back to the version when this worked. This is a normal way of developing SW/apps nowadays, shouldn’t be too difficult. And also, one should know when to use genAI for answering their customers and when to bring in humans to help.

I got into Deezer very early on, when they were still a start up. I heard about them on the french music festival (Rock en Seine) and I felt that supporting the “little guys” is more important than spotify. I even advertised it to my friends in states and canada and many of them moved to it.

But now, none of this makes sense anymore. How disappointing.


Let’s see if somebody reads this and understand how serious this is and FINALLY does something about it.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • October 21, 2024

Rollbacks can be easy but it’s not always so clear. It may not be obvious which update triggered the issue if it was a cascading effect, which it looks like might have been the case. Reverting all updates in bulk can cause its own set of troubles.

Now besides that, adding my own testimony of having this trouble. Would really love for it to get resolved soon since it’s a regularly used feature I use that has been completely broken for a while now.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • October 21, 2024

Same issue has been driving me up the walls for well over a month now. Not expecting much in the form of an update or fix just yet however, seems whatever dev capacity they have is overworked or understaffed (probably both). Issues can take several months to fix and feature requests are rarely followed up on.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • October 23, 2024
Jaime.Deezer wrote:

@edboon it is present on mobile too and I believe the error there is MS0675.
Our devs are working on both and hopefully there will be a fix soon

Hi Jaime, 

Is it possible to give an update on how the progress of the devs is going for fixing this problem?

The issue is still there.

Bart Lolkema wrote:
Jaime.Deezer wrote:

@edboon it is present on mobile too and I believe the error there is MS0675.
Our devs are working on both and hopefully there will be a fix soon

Hi Jaime, 

Is it possible to give an update on how the progress of the devs is going for fixing this problem?

The issue is still there.

I’d like to know, too, especially since there was a huge update of Deezer in the Windows Store this am (10/24), but the issue with uploaded MP3s is still there. ​​​​​​​

Alien SuperStar

Hi @thebabymonster @Dausora @IACowboysFan1970 @Celtic Botan @kueller @Storm Dualon @Bart Lolkema, thanks for checking in!

Unfortunately, there’s no news on this yet.

Our teams are aware of the issue, but it requires more technical investigation.

Sorry for the wait, and I’ll keep you posted if there are any updates!

  • 11 replies
  • October 26, 2024

Try going to Favorites > Playlists> My MP3s and changing the sorting order for the playlist in the top right corner of the playlist screen. That works for me on mobile to get around the MS3000 error and such, because it's a new issue every day with this app.

For some reason mp3’s work correctly on Chrome browser but not on the phone app

  • Author
  • Runaway Baby
  • 5 replies
  • October 31, 2024

Weird fix here and I haven’t tested it to a great extent so I’m not sure how reliable it is (or if I’ve even guessed the cause right), but I noticed a few days ago that one of the songs from My MP3s showed up in my queue and actually played correctly. It was nice, but I wasn’t sure why it happened. This happened a few more times.


Well, it’s just happened to me again right now, and I realised that every time a song from My MP3s actually plays correctly now, it’s when I’ve used the Deezer Connect feature to change music on my PC via my phone, and the shuffle play has put one of My MP3s in my queue.


In case it’s important, I always do this AFTER getting an MS3000 error, because the error completely stops my music from playing and I got sick of going back upstairs to restart Deezer on my PC just to then go back downstairs. I also have all the songs downloaded on my phone, though I’m not sure why that would change anything.


Hope this helps someone.

  • Author
  • Runaway Baby
  • 5 replies
  • October 31, 2024

Funnily enough, Deezer Support’s implementation of ChatGPT told me the exact same thing when I emailed them 😂

I pay for a monthly premium subscription, but all we get from the team is that the developers are aware of this problem, with no resolution.

Thousands of users like myself have spent many years uploading MP3s, but for the past year we can’t get access to them. 

These generic answers are not cutting it. What is going on?

Same issue, on desktop and phone app, and I’m also subscribed to the app.

I'm very frustrated. If I can't use my music, I'm leaving. I'll give it until the end of the month, if it hasn't been fixed I'll go somewhere else.

Interesting-Windows Store shows a new update for Deezer, but what are the odds that the error is fixed?

My answer: Slim, and none. And slim has already left town. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 6 replies
  • November 21, 2024
IACowboysFan1970 wrote:

Interesting-Windows Store shows a new update for Deezer, but what are the odds that the error is fixed?

My answer: Slim, and none. And slim has already left town. 

I have a feeling they did something as out of nowhere, MP3’s I uploaded a while ago started to download and are playing fine on desktop app, website and app (finally!). Maybe this is just for me, but it looks like they have nearly fixed this issue.

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  • Community Manager
  • 5125 replies
  • November 21, 2024
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Indeed ​@Hadi Amrane I have been told by developers today that the problem has been fixed.
Just make sure to update the desktop and mobile app to the latest version.
Thanks for your patience :) 
