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Have the option to disable Track Mix

  • Runaway Baby
  • 7 replies
On desktop if I do search and get a list of tracks, that becomes the queue of what will play. Makes sense, and I have automated recommendations turned off so I don’t get anything else.

The iPhone app has decided that search results represent a “track mix” and so then goes and plays other things that weren’t in the search result. There is no “queue”, instead I get just a history of what’s playing.

I CANNOT EMPHASISE ENOUGH how much I do not want this behaviour. One of the key drivers of getting a paid subscription was so that I could have full and absolute control of what played on the app. If you take that away from me because you think that your algorithm’s decisions about what to play are so f**king important that they should override my personal choices, then I’m not sure why I’m bothering to pay. I could get random shuffling for free.

When I want Flow or some kind of mix, I will choose it. Don’t create one because I pressed Search. SEARCH MEANS I’M SELECTING.

23 replies

  • Author
  • Runaway Baby
  • 7 replies
  • September 14, 2019
I mean, just 2 days ago I explained to a friend that a key reason I preferred Deezer to Spotify was that I had full control over what played and found queue management effective. Bad queue management where things I didn’t want to play again were stuck in the queue was the whole reason I looked for alternatives to Spotify in the first place.

So you are quite literally damaging the thing about Deezer I like best. And I am angry. And I want to play what I want to play, not what your algorithm chooses to play.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • September 16, 2019
Hi there @orfeo

Thank you for your honest and detailed feedback. I'll be passing it on to our iOS and search teams here at Deezer 👍🏼

  • Author
  • Runaway Baby
  • 7 replies
  • September 16, 2019
Thanks Rudi.

I note that I wouldn't be mad about this if an option had been added to the context menu on each search result (something like "Create a mix from this track") instead of it being automatic. But a mix should never, ever be automatic in my opinion. The computer algorithm should only have control of what is playing when I, the user, have chosen to give it control.

I did figure a way to play a search result the way that I used to, but it's a painful procedure. I have to go into the context menu, choose to go to the Album page for the track, choose the track again and add it to the queue, then I can go to the end of the queue and play that one track I wanted to play.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • September 20, 2019
I completely get your point @orfeo. It gives you less options if you have to follow preset playback. Thank you for the added explanation, as this makes it easier to explain the impact this has to our product managers.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • October 28, 2019

Hi there@orfeo 

Thank you for your support once more. We've got an update about the Track Mix option - we'll reintroduce several options to make this better for you. Our product managers disclosed that you'll have player options (repeat, shuffle, etc) and that you'll be able to see the tracks and control the queue properly (play next will be added, for example). These changes should come to the iOS app very soon, hopefully within the next couple of months 👍🏼

Mr. Jahrami
  • Lover
  • 98 replies
  • November 30, 2019

Next couple of months!!!!!

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • December 2, 2019

Hey @Mr. Jahrami 

What version of our app have you got? This is now available on Beta :wink:

  • Lucky Star
  • 260 replies
  • March 20, 2020

Haha :grin:  I was actually looking for an idea that was the total opposite of this. I don’t EVER want Deezer to play the search results in sequence. Often the search results contain the same song many times, and otherwise likely is a whole lot of songs I know nothing about and don’t wan to hear, just because they have the phrase I searched for in the name.

I would have a strong preference for playing a search-result track to only have 2 outcomes. Either it just plays the track and nothing else (logical), or if I have “Automated recommendations” enabled it will also continue with recommendations.

Take an example - “The Daily Mail”. Search for it. I want to hear “The Daily Mail” by Radiohead. Fine, I’ll take Staircase too if I have to. But I really don’t want to hear “The Man From the Daily Mail” by “The Dingle Bay Folk Group”.  NOT SAME! :grin: And the not only that, but I’m also going to get another version of this folk song from “Charlie and the Bhoys”, then 2 copies of the same song again, only live, by “The Irish Brigade”.

It really makes no sense at all to play all search results in sequence. Just play the one track you choose to play, and then either stop or play Automated recommendations based on the user’s preference.

  • Lucky Star
  • 260 replies
  • March 20, 2020

It would also be good to start having parity in behavior across platforms. I don’t feel like the product managers are looking at this broadly enough. It’s bad form to have each platform-client behave differently in cases like this.

  • Lucky Star
  • 260 replies
  • March 20, 2020

This would be a candidate for an Idea wouldn’t it @Rudi ? Let the Deezer democratic process take its course :-)

  • Lucky Star
  • 260 replies
  • April 20, 2020

Maaaan I hate the way this is implemented. I want to play “Cocaine” by “J.J. Cale”. How does it then make any sense at all to just play the next search result, “Black Cocaine” by “Spec X”? If you don’t want to give users a surprise at least just play the one song.

Likewise, if I chose to play “Cocaine” by “Eric Clapton”, I’d get the pleasure of hearing the exact same song twice. :face_palm: Why? Do people actually use these things before they implement them?

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • April 20, 2020

Thanks for reporting this feedback @teqteq, I also picked up your previous replies and amended this thread to an idea.

It seems that we need more work done on this one :v_tone2:

  • Lover
  • 5 replies
  • September 2, 2021

A year has passed, nothing has changed. How do I turn off these damn mixes?

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • September 4, 2021

We haven't developed that option yet @e2t but thank you for your feedback, we'll add your comments to the discussion here at Deezer.

PLease STOP with playing musi=c I dont want to hear !!!!!

MIXES are the most stupid feature I have ever seen.

If I open Google maps and I search directions to a city, I dont expect to be send to another city 

Horrible UX

I am going back to spotify

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 279 replies
  • October 17, 2021

I do not understand when this feature can be turned off on the desktop version why it does not work on mobile?

  • Chart topper
  • 2597 replies
  • October 17, 2021
Placido09 wrote:

I do not understand when this feature can be turned off on the desktop version why it does not work on mobile?

It seems you’ll wait like forever.

I did what other poster before you mentioned and I no more hear more unless I want.

I dislike auto play because you planned to hear one album, and you end up listen to music hours.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • June 12, 2022

Is there ANY way of deactivating this`horrible mix ANYWHERE?  I find absolutelly NO settings for just ANYTHING except playing quality in DEEZER.  Trully!  Not on Android, not on Windows app, not on Website.  WTH?  And the “Mix” is just the WORSE because is absolutelly unrelated to whatever I am playing. 

Deezer Legend

Recently I created a new related idea which was already set to “Not for now” by Deezer staff, so I guess they really love this new feature:

You can still vote for it though, and I also described a workaround there at least for searched tracks that you want to play as found and not a random mix of them.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • September 20, 2022

Stupid feature

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • December 20, 2022

they recently added this stupid feature on the web player haven’t they ?

i think it is finally time to switch platform

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • January 10, 2023

Just signed up to Deezer and tried to play a song, i.e. ONE song. Somehow impossible with Deezer! Also, the sleep timer doesn't have 'end of track' as an option, which would be a workaround.


Apple music has something similar, you can turn it off, but it turns itself back on after a while. I cancelled the free trial after 3 days. Deezer hasn't lasted 3 hours!


Lossless doesn't matter if basic controls/features are missing or don't work correctly. I've never felt held back by the Spotify UI in the same way. It's not perfect but it has just enough so I don't notice.


I'll try Amazon Music next, fingers crossed!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • May 12, 2024

just give me a damn button to turn off MIXES!!!!! It’s not that bloody hard considering ya’ll are in the app daily. Just want my desktop player to stop playing MIXES and the only option needed is a button to turn it off!!!

C’mon I’ve been here for years as a customer and I don’t care about automation in the app. I just want to keep it simple and that has got to include the on/off for all all these options.

