Hey @raphael_cohen
That's because Deezer isn't available for Google Home devices in Israel yet. I know it isn't good news, and trust me, we'd like to be one of Google's partners and have Deezer available worldwide. However, Google hasn't been on the same page about this and that's why we need to work on a country-by-country basis.
We're currently trying to bring Deezer Free for Google Home users in the countries we've already got. Once that's completed, we'll be pushing for more countries to be added. Your feedback here plays a big part on which one is next!
Thank you for your understanding and support 
Hey @Rudi . Thank you so much for your answer. I’m really happy to hear that Deezer for Google Home devices will be rolled out to Israel, and really impatient to try it. If you guys need a beta-tester when it will come, I would be glad to participate 
Hey @Rudi , do you know if the same is true for Ireland? Just bought a smart speaker, and the main reason was to use Deezer. Speaker manufacture said Deezer was supported, shop said Deezer was supported. Just tried to set it up and no Deezer in list of music services. If not available any idea when?
Kind regards,
Same thing for Ireland @John Brackin in fact, before we put this on pause, Ireland and The Netherlands were top priority.
Once we're able to get close to Google on this again, I'm confident Deezer will keep this priority list.
It might take quite some time @raphael_cohen but if we need testers, I'll let you know 
Hi @Rudi, appreciate the response.
I was reviewing old comments, and it looks like this has been going on for years now. From your response, it sounds like there is no plan in place to add this service to additional countries. There appears to be a desire, but that has not yet turned into a plan.
I ended up on Deezer because of a free trial years ago. I liked it, and thought it was a good idea to support a competitor in this space. If this is Google actively blocking the service, I hope action has been taken to raise this to the European Commission. If it is Deezer that is not interested in offering the service in Ireland and in other countries, then I would like to know that this is the position.
As it stands, I’m considering getting a subscription with Spotify for use with our home speaker. I know I can connect another device and stream Deezer to the home speaker, but we got the speaker to remove this step.
I’ll be patient for a little while longer, because I do like Deezer.
Kind regards,
Hey John @John Brackin
Thank you for your honest feedback.
We worked with Google to get Deezer in more and more countries for about 2 years, yes. The plans were there. And then they were paused, for reasons we're unable to discuss in detail due to confidentiality - I personally don't know the ins and outs.
What we can say is that we haven't given up on expanding. So the plans are still there. We just accepted that the process is long and that we have to respect Google's way of dealing with everything because it's their device.
At the same time, we take the risk of losing wonderful and loyal users like you, which is priceless. So the best I can say, while we work on this in the background (Deezer Free first, then more countries, The Netherlands and Ireland first), is that we encourage you to communicate your need to Google as well. As far as I know, they have their own streaming service and another famous one as part of their options.
Let's be in touch 
I also enthusiastically subscribed to Deezer in the knowledge that it was supported by Google Home. To my disappointment I found out here that as a resident of the Netherlands i am also excluded from this service.
Using a vpn on my phone i could make Deezer available as a music service but i suppose you will have to reroute all traffic to make it work.
Please raise the priority on solving this issue.
Best regards,
Sure thing @Ronnie_ trust me, we also want to expand our Google Home countries!
Feedback forwarded 
Well in Denmark we are having the same problem as in Irland and Netherlands. But I can stream from deezer app to my Google mest so for now its okay. But please tell the EU if Google starts to Block deezer 🤨.
Thank u for a great music service.
Thank you for enjoying this journey with us @PederSne your feedback is what we need to get there. Let's hope 2021 brings more exciting news on our integration to Google Home 
Also Romania would be nice to add on the list. Trying to link to google home but it's not supported so we are using Spotify instead. Shame..
Such a shame for us too @Gabriel.S we'd love to have joined, stay tuned in 2021! 
Looking forward to have this feature in Denmark
I'd like to use Deezer on my smart speaker but its unavailable
I don't want to switch to Spotify because of this... Maybe you have some estimations when it will be available?
Hey @Andrey.Dotsenko
We don't want you to change from us either. But because it depends on Google, we're unable to give you an estimate. If I could, I'd ask you to wait and see the beginning of 2021 because a big focus for the next year is connectivity 
I am totally new to Deezer and I register for a Deezer Family account. I indeed follow the tutorial on how to associate Deezer and Google Home but since I live in Belgium.it doesn't appear in the Google Home Music service.
I was trying Ok Google play Madonna on Deezer and it say ok I will ask Deezer to play Madonna which results in a frustrating error message asking me.to open up Deezer. I finally found this thread.
Then I try basic functions like play next track, pause, play and they all work with Deezer.
So for me the only things that is not working is asking for a particular song or artist or playlist. In fact all actions related to searching.
It is upsetting that it is Google which is the blocking factor here.
If you have no reaction from them I think that you should go to the European court of justice because it is abnormal that they propose YouTube music but not Deezer (They also propose Spotify).
All those geographical artificial locking are really stupid, especially in the European Union.
You definitely get our pain @PSca thank you for your support.
The problem is that these giants all do the same, and they all point fingers at each other for not being fair.
We want to make a difference in the industry (see UCPS: UCPS - Deezer wants artists to be paid fairly) but our way.
I'll pass on your comments, verbatim, to the teams in Partnerships 
Hi @Rudi
I have done much more test, and even if it is not officially integrated in Belgium many vocal featured are working, I can even ask what is the currently played title and it returns me the name of the band and title, after the answer I can ask it to resume the playback,...
I think that you should have a look at the API that Google assistant is using when we ask to play a particular artist and/or song. I thinks that the problem is there, the API call is wrong, but if you silently fix it, the Google Home and Deezer integration will work. So with a bit of debugging I am sure that you will make it working properly too. Because many vocals command are working ( and I ask them in French my mother tongue). And officially in my Google Home Music link I have no service associated but hiddenly it knows that it is Deezer.
Kind regards
That's very interesting to know @PSca thank you for sharing with us!
I'll pass it on, I'm also hoping that the integration itself improves this year 
Same issue here in Sweden, where a company with Green logotype has most part of the market...But i dont want to spend money on a service with music at max 320kbps.....when flac is available.…
But without Google Assistant...I am stuck...
Same issue here in Sweden, where a company with Green logotype has most part of the market...But i dont want to spend money on a service with music at max 320kbps.....when flac is available.…
But without Google Assistant...I am stuck...
Your opinion is really valued. Thank you.
I hope you can stay for a while when Deezer is getting better.
Hey @Rudi . Thank you so much for your answer. I’m really happy to hear that Deezer for Google Home devices will be rolled out to Israel, and really impatient to try it. If you guys need a beta-tester when it will come, I would be glad to participate 
@raphael_cohen is it practical to use something like Tunnelbear? Apologies if I've been a bad boy by mentioning it as a solution.
Same in Lithuania - no Deezer in google home music services. Ask google assistant for a song, just to get the annoying “Deezer is not available in your country”. I guess my relatively small country will not be in Deezer priority list, so it seems that I will have to subscribe with another music provider as well. Honestly, voice control is really convenient and worth it - when you try, there is no way back. Not sure, will I keep both subscriptions for long. It’s such a shame, after being a loyal Deezer subscriber (currently family) for over 6 years.
Such a shame @MariusA we'd hate to see you go!
I'll be forwarding your comments right-away.
But we have no control over the expansion into their devices. We're trying to get there one day, so I'd invite you to stay tuned to our community for developments 
The same thing in Sweden that Deezer does not appear as a music service in Google Home.
I switched from Spotify to Deezer and I love it. 
So try to get it resolved and I will recommend Deezer even more. 
// Stefan Sandberg Sweden
Thanks a lot for this, Stefan @Stefan Sandberg we actually need more and more of these comments to push for the expansion