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My deezer desktop on a Macbook won't start nor open. This started when i updated the app. What can I do?

Hey @Artemis62 please try what our Deezer Legend @dee_dirk suggested in a previous reply: 

Completely uninstall the desktop app
Restart the Macbook completely

Perform a new installation, here direct link:

Thanks :)

Newest version is

<img class=" src="" width="18" />

Great news! @dee_dirk 

Thanks for sharing the link with us! :nerd:


Thanks for sharing this link. I’ve tried what you suggested above but it still does not work: the app does not even start on macOS 12.1. It seems version 5.30.150 does not solve the issue. Again, do you have an ETA for this fix?



Hello @Alex_A @Artemis62 

There is a new version of the Deezer desktop app for Mac on the website, please check it out.

I would also suggest you to update your MacOS to the latest one if possible,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused,

Thanks :)

There is a new version of the Deezer desktop app for Mac on the website, please check it out.

v5.30.160 - Yay! :wink:

WIN ->
MAC ->

​​​​​​.. today 24th Nov 2022.. still Deezer Crashes at least for me.. firt time user.. download iphone APP.. perfect.. then download desaktop app an open and instantly closes.. no errors on the screen.. or threads about it… SO, i had to go for digging:


  1. Open TERMINAL app
  2. if you install deezer to you Applications folder.. you have to type on the terminal screen this line and hit enter: /Applications/
  3. This will execute the Deezer app and you will receive messages that helkp you understand!


  1. MY POROBLEM WAS: Permissons on .config folder on my home folder. As you can see.. after ruuning step 1.. I got these messages… 

19:37:39.972 › Init App

19:37:40.746 (main/debug) ›  App is ready

19:37:40.761 (main/info) ›  I18n: The ressources for the language "es" have been loaded.

(node:2244) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/Users/srios/.config/deezer-desktop'

    at Object.mkdirSync (fs.js:987:3)


bla bla bla…. long error codes…  so IN RED you see the problem.. when I went to my .config folder...the owner of the folder was ROOT.. so I just change owner to myself ‘srios’.. you can do this also in command line:   sudo chown srios ./config 

(off course you need root password so you can assign new ownership)

Of course you can also use finder to change owner … just look on internet.. 


  1. Test the app.. just click on the Deezer App icon you just installed if it opens..or better..  again in Terminal open the app running the always useful line: /Applications/

which magically in my case open correctly the app… if not.. you will receive other error message..!


Cheers hope it helps!








This error keeps happening even if you reinstall the app, and it's not a Deezer error, it's a macOS error, and any other app could have the same problem.

The simplest way to resolve this issue with any application giving this malicious software message on macOS is to perform the following steps:

1. Open the Applications folder
2. Right click on the icon of the application giving the error message (in this case the Deezer icon)
3. Click on "open" option
4. Confirm that you want to open it by clicking on "open" in the window that will appear

That's it, your application will be opened, and in the next few times, when opening it through the launchpad or spotlight, it will work normally.


Applications folder showing deezer app context menu, with "open"option focused


Hi @ipetinate 

Yay! That’s very helpful! 😎

Thanks for sharing the amazing news with all of us 😄

While you mentioned that the issue started after updating the app, it's possible that there might be a subsequent update that addresses the problem. Check the App Store or Deezer's official website for any available updates for the Deezer app. 

This does not fix the problem on my end.
Tried downloading different versions of deezer.
Still says that the mac cannot detect malaware

Apple M2 Max
Sequoia 15

Paying 20$+ per month and not being able to listen to music offline on the computer is not right, lol.

Did you try this? It worked for me:



the “workround” to open in via finder to trust it doesn’t work anymore since Sequoia 15.x 

It always shows this massage, no matter how you open it. Even if you register it manually as a dev tool, it doesn’t work anymore.



There is a new procedure to circumvent Gatekeeper protection. You need to go to Apple menu > System Settings, then click Privacy & Security in the sidebar.

However, the issue is definitely on Deezer’s side and should have been dealt with since then.

In addition, auto-updating has been broken for a few months now on macOS.

For Mac M1 with OS Sequoia 15.0.1 

> Download older version

> Login 

> Update app to latest version

I can now close and open the app without any issues. 

I still had the issue with 6.0.250. Since autoupdating has not been working for months, I had to download it myself and I had to open other manually since it did not meet gatekeeper requirements and the new procedure on Sequoia is more cumbersome.


6.0.270 out now seems to fix the notarisation bug. Finally! Deezer will open “naturally”.

Let’s see if it also fixes autoupdating…

Despite being a more minor issue, the macOS icon has been made too small for Finder since 6.0.260…

Now let’s hope that Deezer moved away from the older Electron framework (v12 vs. current stable being v31-v33), that it becomes Apple Silicon native, and that AirPlay 2 instant streaming is included. 

Hi ​@jeremybonan thanks for sharing the good news.

Indeed, we have introduced some improvements in the recent updates, but more is to come in the coming months as your electron team is working for a long time, on delivering to our users a better UX when using the Desktop app.

So just stay tuned for the upcoming updates.

Dear ​@Leonídia.Deezer,

Thanks for the good news.

Do you plan a beta period before the new Desktop app?

Auto update has been broken again recently. 

Hi ​@jeremybonan! Thank you for the update.

This is a known issue, and our developers are already working on a fix.

I'll keep you updated as soon as I have more information.

Version 7.0.1 is out. No autoupdate from 6.0.290 (still broken).

Nothing new after first sight (yet?), but app is now universal on macOS and Electron is up to v33

Hi ​@jeremybonan! I’ve passed along your feedback about the auto-update issue from 6.0.290 to our team.

As for the updates, we've now made the app Universal for macOS, meaning it works smoothly on both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs (just one DMG).

We've also resolved the title bar issue on Windows and improved the handling of downloaded content.

Hi ​@jeremybonan the auto-update should be fixed since the release of the version 7.0.1. If you have a version older than 7.0.0, after you close and reopen the app, it will run a check-up in the background and automatically will update.



For the record:

  • I never had 7.0.0
  • My first version in the 7 branch was 7.0.1, manual download only
  • Out of 4 computers (macs and pcs) none was offered autoupdate from 7.0.1 to 7.0.10. 

