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Logitech is closing mysqueezebox servers

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I can also confirm that a solution has been found and works, thanks to Philippe44 and Michael Herger. It allows squeezebox and squeezelite users to access Deezer without the need of servers. They developed a new Deezer Plugin for LMS, all this running without the servers.

Please note that a Deezer paid account is required.

For the moment it seems that the easiest way to install the new LMS plugin is as follow:

  1. Install / Upgrade to LMS 8.5.0
  2. Use the standard LMS web interface; go to the ‘Plugins’ section / tab (“Plugins” / “Manage Plugins”)
  3. At the very end of the plugin list, you will find an “Additional Repositories” section → add the following repository URL:
  4. Click on the “Save Settings” button located in the bottom left
  5. Refresh the page and you should see the new Deezer plugin listed at the very end of the plugin list
  6. Tick the box and Click on the “Save Settings” button located in the bottom left
  7. The new Deezer Plugin will then appear in the “Active Plugins” section at the very beginning of the Plugin list
  8. Click on the “Settings” link following the Deezer plugin description & Author column
  9. On the “Deezer Plugin” configuration page, add your Deezer Account and ARL token and click on “Save Settings”
  10. I don’t remember if it’s necessary to restart LMS, but normally, now all should be Ok!

If necessary you can follow the dedicated thread on the slimdevices forum:


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • March 1, 2024

This is fantastic news. Thanks to Philippe44, Michael Herger and to Deezer that listened to its clients. I have been trying it today and it just works great! 👏👏👏

  • Lover
  • 70 replies
  • March 2, 2024

Hi Cedzerosept,

Thanks for the great instructions for installing the new Deezer plugin. When I submit the URL in the Additional Repositories the new Deezer plugin does not appear at the very end of the plugin list after a refresh of the page.

I updated LMS but it only updates to Version: 8.4.0 - 1707213032 I think this may be the problem, I think LMS has to be running 8.5.0 to install the new Deezer plugin.

I’m running picoreplayer on a Raspberry pi 5 with LMS installed, when I try to update LMS it informs me that i have the latest version which is 8.4.0. (I have done a manual update)

I wonder if you have any ideas how to upgrade LMS TO 8.5.0?






On the LMS tab of the piCorePlayer web interface, you need to select the development branch and then click on update and do the manual update.


LMS 8.5.0 is the release that no longer includes links to servers.

  • Lover
  • 70 replies
  • March 2, 2024

Hi Cedzerosept,

Thanks for all your guidance on new Deezer plugin, I finally got everything working all ok.

After submitting your URL as per instruction several times with no joy I noticed there was an L missing at the end of the file extension .xm it should read .xml. I don't know if any other Deezer members noticed the typo.

But all is well in the Deezer camp. 

  A BIG Thanks to Philippe44, Michael Herger and to Deezer and yourself for the in-structural post that you put up for the Deezer community.





Thank you to have found the error.

Unfortunately it's not possible to modify a message (unless I'm mistaken). I wish I could change the URL and indicate the correct one...

  • Lover
  • 70 replies
  • March 2, 2024

The URL that Cedzerosept Kindly put on his post RE: new Deezer plugin reads;

It should read:

Hope this helps.



  • Lover
  • 70 replies
  • March 2, 2024

Hi All,

I am now running the new Deezer plugin with thanks to Cedzerosept for his post on how to do this.

The one thing I have noticed is that Deezer is streaming MP3 at 128kbps CBR although I put CD FLAC quality on the setup page with my Deezer acount. I have set up Deezer to stream High Fidelity on the Deezer settings page so in theory it should stream at the same bit rate in the Deezer app on LMS.





It's apparently an identified bug. But even if MP3 128k CBR is indicated it seems that FLAC is used (so just a problem of information displayed).

  • Lover
  • 70 replies
  • March 2, 2024
Cedzerosept wrote:


It's apparently an identified bug. But even if MP3 128k CBR is indicated it seems that FLAC is used (so just a problem of information displayed).

Thanks for the info Cedzerosept much appreciated. 

  • Lover
  • 70 replies
  • March 3, 2024

Hi All,

Yesterday Deezer was running great with the all new Deezer plugin, but today Deezer refuses to play and when it does for a few seconds it sounds very stuttery and glitchy. I have changed nothing in the settings from yesterday, I wonder if any one else is experiencing this problem.

LMS plays radio stations no problem.



  • Tiny Dancer
  • 6 replies
  • March 4, 2024

I had a similar experience. It turns out that the plugin now has to decipher the audio stream. In my case i'm running LMS on a Raspbrry Pi 2B which couldn't keep up deciphering the audio stream with a perl implementation.

installing the crypto lib solved the issue:

sudo apt-get install libcrypt-blowfish-perl

I hope this helps for you as well.

All the best,



  • Lover
  • 70 replies
  • March 4, 2024

Deezer now running smooth as it should with LMS after plugin upgrade to 2.3.2 yesterday.

I have a raspberry pi 4 with 2GB memory and a HIFIBerry Digi + Pro Hat  running picoreplayer it’s more  than efficient to run LMS.

Might be worth  an upgrade Manuel…...but you have seemed to have solved your problem with the advice of philippe_44.



  • Lover
  • 70 replies
  • March 5, 2024

We have all been enjoying Deezer playing through Logitech Media Server for the last few days thanks to the GREAT efforts of Philippe_44 and Michael Herger from the Logitech Community. I must say that I had my doubts if this would ever happen but alas it has. 

I have noticed that updates to the new Deezer plugin are coming fast and furious, which means the team are developing the software as needs.

I know Deezer would had to have cooperated with all this and contributed to the new LMS plugin and we all thank them, but I feel they should at least make an announcement using the UPDATES LINK at the top of this page to thank  Philippe_44 and Michael Herger from the Logitech Communityd and to inform all the Deezer subscribers that use LMS to access their Deezer accounts that there is now a new plugin and to update their LMS software accordingly.

All the info in how to update LMS for the new updated plugin has been kindly posted by Cedzerosept on this page.



Alien SuperStar

Hi @coypu, thank you so much for providing such detailed information about your experience with Deezer, especially regarding the issue with Logitech Media Server.

It's great to see users like you actively troubleshooting and sharing their findings with the community.

  • Lover
  • 70 replies
  • March 7, 2024
Leonídia.Deezer wrote:

Hi @coypu, thank you so much for providing such detailed information about your experience with Deezer, especially regarding the issue with Logitech Media Server.

It's great to see users like you actively troubleshooting and sharing their findings with the community.

Thank you for your kind words Leonidia. It’s good to be a part of the Deezer community on this forum.

This is the place where you can vent your frustrations and knowledge of all things to do with Deezer, I personally have learned many technical things and past on my experiences with using Deezer and associated software connected to Deezer. 




Alien SuperStar

Thank you, @coypu! we're thrilled to have you as part of our Deezer community.

Your contributions and insights are truly valued here.

It's wonderful to hear that you've found this forum to be a helpful space for sharing knowledge and experiences related to Deezer.

We look forward to continuing to learn from each other and supporting one another on our Deezer journey.


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • March 29, 2024
Cedzerosept wrote:

I can also confirm that a solution has been found and works, thanks to Philippe44 and Michael Herger. It allows squeezebox and squeezelite

Thank you for posting. Thanks to the developers. You've made my day now I've got this working.

  • Lover
  • 15 replies
  • April 8, 2024

I also have to greatly thank the developers! Everything is working like before. 

Alien SuperStar

Hi @Kvetoslav Jansík, I deleted your posts because is against our Community Guidelines, please consider this a warning: 

We ask that all members of the Deezer community behave in a civil manner and treat other members with respect and courtesy at all times.

Our community managers and moderators have full discretion to address any behaviour they feel is inappropriate and can remove any content that they feel is unacceptable. This includes (but is not limited to): please consider this a warning

  • Discrimination of any kind
  • Threatening posts/behaviour
  • Behaviour likely to offend...”

This discussion it could have been a constructive conversation and a chance to educate ourselves, but I do not see any of this in this exchange. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • April 23, 2024

so , Thanks to Philippe44, Michael Herge, that even when deezer developers ignore everything that community asks for or companies asks for improvements and cooperation, they have been able to fix and deliver the solution, otherwise we would not been a part of this application anymore

