Deezer not showing library: search for tracks, and playlists, favourite artists and favourite albums.
The Logitech Server went down yesterday for a couple of hours, when it back on again it did not sync with Deezer.
Anybody else have this problem?
Hello @coypu thanks for your message. Do you still reproduce the same issue?
We didn’t go any other case in these previous weeks.
Have you tried any troubleshooting?
Hi Leonidia,
I managed to get The Logitech Server working again with Deezer. I had to delete my squeezebox account and renew it. Once I had done that everything worked again. I’m sure this was caused by the LMS going off line for a brief time, I’m sure this was nothing to do with Deezer. I’m now a happy bunny. 
I am having the exact same issue. My music player runs on lms. And it won’t be able to play deezer in 2 weeks. Will force me to switch to spotify, which I do not prefer.
Same problem for me. I will never return to Spotify since the Neil Young affair. I will go Qobuz, but it’s more expensive and I will lose the podcasts.
I would really prefer to stay with Deezer and continue to use LMs ;)
Im now a happy bunny. 😃
Unfortunately, this will be over next week... Logitech shuts down the server for Without, we are not able to login to Deezer, even if you run a local server. As I heard, Deezer does not provide login credentials. This mean all happy Squeezebox users have to leave Deezer.
I will have the same problem and we are hundreds of users. Let's meet here to demonstrate the community Deezer is going to loose, if they will not work together with us. Please give a shout:
@Andrewj27 @tsrautia @dakotaro @deschman @frorqf13 @bratman @spike589715 @gdchillnew @Baerengraben @jankei @alex31876 @jelbear @tschu @Lluisrf @zikzak @cedzero @davidscrat @Beatboxx @freshlink @Helge Reimer @Kochotto @weisberg @MK654 @vhenninot @phaerx @IsaacChew @Alessandro Ciuchi @verbose @Grober.Unfug @Xenakis @richgray83 @bluezzbastardzz @akeidel @elektrohansen83 @Mister Musiker @bombadil79 @Midnight.Rouge.84 @StreamMe @Dr. Alexander Ceccucci-Völker @ThomasUndSilke @GoJoe @dakotaro @diakh
This is the perfect opportunity to finally integrate deezer properly into the Logitech Media Server, without having to go through! Please Deezer, make the integration together with the community possible! I want to continue using deezer :)
@Deezer please support Squeezebox
I will also be losing Deezer via LMS soon as well, which is a pain as I recently signed up for another 12 months. I’m not sure what is preventing a plugin being developed for LMS, but it would be great if Deezer could support a resolution to this.
I hope Deezer are actually reading this but I doubt it
but I’m in the same position as many of you, family Deezer subscription only really accessed via our LMS system
So if Deezer don’t provide a solution to accessing their service without using it’s a simple decision for us, Deezer goes to be replaced by another service that will work how we need it to be
Same here,
family account, LMS via max2play, former Spotify user, Deezer since about two years.
We are using Deezer on at least four Squeezebox touch respectively RaspberryPi.
Deezer subscription will be canceled if the LMS plugin will not work any longer.
Same here, family one year paid. And would like to continue with Deezer and Squeezebox.
I sent a message to their support asking for a fix and got a message back which makes it pretty clear they don’t care if all Squeezebox users move to Spotify… I really want to stay with Deezer and its great sound, but they don’t treat their customers with respect, this is just like the last time we had a problem
I wrote:
Just learned that Logitech is ending and so I will no longer be able to listen to deezer on my squeezebox players (raspberry pi) in less than a month. Please can you work to make it possible to use these players? This is how I listen to deezer. If not possible I will - reluctantly-move to Spotify which offers this option.
They replied:
Thank you so much for reaching out to us! 
I'm sorry to inform you that we don't have any plans for the future just yet. However, I'll make sure to pass your suggestion along to the appropriate department. They'll definitely take it into consideration!
Dear Deezer.
Please give the community the chance to continue using deezer. Otherwise, many will switch to another service. I have already created an Quobuz account - there is a plug-in that runs without
Logitech has decided to discontinue the service. This was announced here:
and here:
The service is currently required for all users of the Squeezebox ecosystem to access Deezer. When Logitech turns off the server we will not be able to use Deezer any more on our music players. This is affecting many (thousands?) of customers.
I have been a Deezer Hifi and Premium customer since 2015 and i have enjoyed your service, but if I cannot access it anymore on my music players at home I will be forced to move to a competitor that is still supported on Squeezebox.
I hope Deezer can work with the community that maintains and supports the LMS for squeezebox to find a solution to this problem. The issue is discussed here:
This is also where you can get in contact with the community.
I hope a solution can be found so that i can keep enjoying Deezer on my Squeezeboxes.
Thanks and all the best,
Manuel Innocent
I am another Deezer Premium subscriber who listens on Squeezebox Touch via my LMS server. With Logitech closing their MySqueezebox servers I too will have to cancel my Deezer sub and switch to Spotify or Qobuz in the coming weeks.
My preferred solution would be for Deezer to develop a plug-in for LMS that does not require for authentication.
Same here…
I have been a long time Deezer user and would love to stay with Deezer…. if i can play the music on my squeezeboxes.
Please Deezer work with the community that maintains the logitech media server to develop a Deezer plugin that can work without
The community can be reached here:
All the best,
Dear Deezer,
I’m in the same boat - family subscription, LMS with a Squeezebox in every room. If I cannot stream to the Squeezeboxes anymore, I’ll need to switch to another service.
After a more than ten year journey, as of February 2024, will be and servers discontinued. This will heavily impact Deezer
users. It means I would probably switch to Spotty after 11 y. by Deezer!!
After a more than ten year journey, as of February 2024, will the servers be discontinued. This will heavily impact Deezer users. For me personally it means I would probably switch to Spotty after 11 y. by Deezer!!
Deezer, please fix this issue!!!
Hey Deezer,
please help fixing this issue. In my house I have at least 15 players on LMS. We have a family account and I would not like to switch to Spotify, but would reluctantly do it, as it is no option to replace all my hardware. We are the ones who ask before Deezer stops working on LMS, there will be many more, who silently migrate to Spotify, once Deezer goes silent.
Yup, I think many of us have to switch to another service, because of our existing hardware. I really really want to stay with Deezer, it just sounds better than Spotify.
So deezer please help the lms community to develop a plugin that is capable of streaming to our devices without
Hi buttyradio,
This is very sad news for Squeezebox users. I can’t see myself leaving Deezer at the moment as I have signed up for a year a couple of months ago.
Have you got any info on the reasons why Logitech are shutting down the server for, I imagine they must have thousands of users round the globe.
I hope the LMS software will still work OK as I use this with picoreplayer on my raspberry pi 4.
I may give Spotify a go and see how it integrates with LMS.
They run the server for ten years after selling the last Squeezebox. They do not earn any money with that server so it was just a matter of time when to switch it off...