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- [FEEDBACK] What do you think of "Flow"?
[FEEDBACK] What do you think of "Flow"?
- January 16, 2019
- 347 replies
- Alien SuperStar
- 473 replies
We wish to collect some of your feedback on Flow, that's why we are opening a new dedicated thread for you to share your feelings on this feature.
Do you like it? Why? What do you think we are missing?
Please be as detailed as you can in your comments, cheers!
I was also at first disappointed with the recommendations, but you need to learn Flow. Play play play, everything you love and give hearts to your favorite songs and playlists and albums, add as many of your favorite artists and play play play and ban artists you don't like and Flow will soon catch your note. I am very satisfied. But you have to make friends and devote time to it.
Yes, indeed. Let it learn.
On first day lame, now it is much better than Google’s Feeling lucky which was okay, but always played same favourites over and over and over again. On Deezer I hear new tracks, new favorites, old classics over and over and over again. Today I paid ONE YEAR in advance for this great service.
Pay 10 months and get 12 months is their annual discount. I paid years for Spottily and then GPM receiving no discounts for loyalty. This is my new home for hard dance music since 29.06.20.
They gave me option to keep 2 months I already had trial. They suggested next time I need to cancel with them, go free, and buy annual again with discounted prices unless they give better ways.
I like flow, I like mixes, this service is good bargain at 99,90 a year for this amazing quality.
It works like a charm when something is great.
This is great, worth to pay.
347 replies
- Chart topper
- 2597 replies
- September 21, 2021
I think it's shit. It plays liked tracks too often, instead of playing new ones that I might like. I thought "FLOW" was about discovering new tracks..
Don't know why many praise such a useless feature.
Too often. I can’t discover with it.
I want to hear new music as much as possible. By new I mean new and old unheard music.
FLOW does not provide with that, nor it even helps with that.
The way FLOW is getting improved, it will not fix the way I want FLOW to work.
I think flow is their selling point and it feels hilarious it doesn’t work for discovery. Discovering what you already like is not discovery. It’s more of a local FM radio playing your own hit list daily.
- Chart topper
- 2597 replies
- September 22, 2021
FLOW is getting updated. Now it is safe to say what I knew for month now.
There is a wheel now to let Deezer play music based on emotions like Party, Melancholy etc.
This is not exactly for discovery, but for categorizing music you listen with few recommendations. I’ve seen on forums people asking a tool to let FLOW do 10% only your library and 90% discovery with ability to change exact %. It’s not clear when or if FLOW will come with a wheel on web apps.
Does it work for you people, let’s comment.
It seems for now no real progress at Deezer helping us discover new or old unheard music.
For me like I said before, it does not help with discovery. It’s basically mood flow.
- Lover
- 59 replies
- September 22, 2021
Haven’t tried it yet, but this is certainly very welcome. I rarely want to listen to something completely random from my music library, in random combinations - and yet that’s the result when you listen to different genres. It remains to be seen how well they separate the songs into groups.
- The OG
- 2978 replies
- September 22, 2021
You know quite well how much Deezer are putting into the progress of their product yet you continue to be negative on a personal level because you lost your Legend status.
Just go and enjoy your dance music on Spotify - have fun on their forums because if you’ve nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all.
- Chart topper
- 2597 replies
- September 22, 2021
Haven’t tried it yet, but this is certainly very welcome. I rarely want to listen to something completely random from my music library, in random combinations - and yet that’s the result when you listen to different genres. It remains to be seen how well they separate the songs into groups.
I recommend to try it out what it plays.
You only need beta app for now.
- Lover
- 59 replies
- September 22, 2021
Haven’t tried it yet, but this is certainly very welcome. I rarely want to listen to something completely random from my music library, in random combinations - and yet that’s the result when you listen to different genres. It remains to be seen how well they separate the songs into groups.
I recommend to try it out what it plays.
You only need beta app for now.
I normally use Deezer on PC. And this feature in particular is useful for me on PC. So I’d rather wait until it’s available on all platforms.
- Chart topper
- 2597 replies
- September 22, 2021
You know quite well how much Deezer are putting into the progress of their product yet you continue to be negative on a personal level because you lost your Legend status.
Just go and enjoy your dance music on Spotify - have fun on their forums because if you’ve nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all.
Abused Legends Program?
Do you mean one can not have opinion? You yourself use Spotify Premium daily, so what’s the problem? I just tell it now publicly, and you are with Rudi (no more works for Deezer) against me. Well. Keep entertaining me. I still do lots of spa, and listen Spotify here, just like you do daily. You’ve listened Spotify based on Discord each day when we talked on Discord with managers and legends. So you mean you can listen Spotify as much as you want all the time and for me it’s a crime?
Well, I only need ONE app to listen music.
I have no need to have Deezer, and I can say you this, my Deezer is canceled and Family will end at the end of this year. I can’t delete my account just yet, as my family wants to use it to the end from my free Hifi pool. Obviously no one will renew it me for free, as Ryudi even removed me from Legends, because “I had bad mouth”. I mean it’s f****** hilarious, one can not have opinion about dissatisfaction. I was for a year looking if it gets better, and it didn’t for my needs.
So I decided do you and stream my music on Spotify mainly. Because I only need one. It’s sad that you and Deezer left manager was unhappy with that. I just used my freedom.
Just because you are Legends? You have no opinion?
Also I was glad in the end to end this program, it’s just too much free work for Deezer, I don’t have time to spend hours and hours chatting about it or sending Feedback to managers who do nothing about it. Or at least the development takes time. When let’s say FLOW update is nice, it does not solve my problem, that I want to discover music on Deezer. It plays my hit list instead.

This way I have right to discover it on Spotify if that works better :)
- The OG
- 2978 replies
- September 22, 2021
I may use Spotify but I don’t come on here being negative about Deezer as I’m aware (as you were) the efforts they are making to make the product better on a weekly/monthly basis.
Enjoy your Dance music (whatever platform you’re listening on).
- Bezi since 2017
- 2432 replies
- September 22, 2021
- Chart topper
- 2597 replies
- September 22, 2021
Person I am not allowed to mention said to me I can mention receiving Deezer for free.
I asked him directly. And he allowed it.
He just said that I also mention I do something for it, like social media posting. Which you do here for free to get your Deezer free of your decision. I didn’t do anything else, if complaints are not counted. Like you said you complained too about bugs, and the funny thing is no one did a thing to fix them fast enough. This is why I decided for me that was enough and I left.
I said it on forums straight because I had enough. After that they removed legends, because of bad mouth. They can do that, they had a right, and many other canceled as well in queue.
Then when I actually said it, it was not okay. Perhaps people joined the train.
I do not care anymore. LIke I said wouldn't use Deezer as my main player even for free.
It is too buggy and does not work if you listen underground music, it plays charts on mixes.
“as a Legend your were given a privilaged status which means your opinions need to be considered before being expressed - it’s about being professional.”
Basically work life. We do what they say to us. Do not be a part of a problem. Too many lambs here pretending they enjoy their work, when in reality they’d do anything but work any time of a day.
Enjoy Deezer!!
- 41 replies
- September 22, 2021
That’s great news about the improvements to FLOW and I hope it’ll turn out to be something special and a unique selling point for Deezer.
I see Deezer as occupying the middle ground between Spotify and Apple Music for algorithm discovery. Spotify is great initially for quite some time, but becomes repetitive and lacking excitement in it’s suggestions. Apple Music is like (showing my age here) a record shop, the discovery needs a little more work to find what you like but AM partly helps you to find new favourites. Deezer (so far) occupies the middle ground for me in that the Daily Mixes are usually good and hopefully FLOW will continue to improve.
In the future I hope there will be improvements such as adding a track to artist mixes/flow for listening next, more time given to editors to update the Deezer playlists more etc, but that’s a whole different topic.
- Anonymous
- 0 replies
- September 22, 2021
“as a Legend your were given a privilaged status which means your opinions need to be considered before being expressed - it’s about being professional.”
We do what they say to us.
That's NOT true. You are telling absolute falsehoods and dragging everything into the mud that you were recently enthusiastic about. You can't be serious!
- Bezi since 2017
- 2432 replies
- September 22, 2021
Person I am not allowed to mention said to me I can mention receiving Deezer for free.
I asked him directly. And he allowed it.
He just said that I also mention I do something for it, like social media posting. Which you do here for free to get your Deezer free of your decision. I didn’t do anything else, if complaints are not counted. Like you said you complained too about bugs, and the funny thing is no one did a thing to fix them fast enough. This is why I decided for me that was enough and I left.
I said it on forums straight because I had enough. After that they removed legends, because of bad mouth. They can do that, they had a right, and many other canceled as well in queue.
Then when I actually said it, it was not okay. Perhaps people joined the train.
I do not care anymore. LIke I said wouldn't use Deezer as my main player even for free.
It is too buggy and does not work if you listen underground music, it plays charts on mixes.
“as a Legend your were given a privilaged status which means your opinions need to be considered before being expressed - it’s about being professional.”
Basically work life. We do what they say to us. Do not be a part of a problem. Too many lambs here pretending they enjoy their work, when in reality they’d do anything but work any time of a day.
Enjoy Deezer!!
Not true !
Deezer never ever told me how to act , feel , or what to say . That’s total nonsense . I’m not pretending I enjoy Deezer , I really do enjoy deezer . I’m a customer since 2016 and back than I didn’t get any perks . Dude , it’s a waste of energy . Just continue with your life .
- Lucky Star
- 1595 replies
- September 22, 2021
We are well aware by now of your dissatisfaction with our service and the Legend programme.
Regarding that programme, we would like to remind you that this never was a contractual job that required a specific amount of your time. As any other superuser, you chose to spend your own time on the Community, and we are grateful you did.
We understand that you don’t want to spend any more time sharing your feedback on the Community as you stopped using our service. However, since you are still using our Community and sharing your thoughts with us, the rules of the Community Guidelines do apply, including but not limited to:
Always behave in a friendly and respectful manner
No swearing
I’m also tagging
I have removed any abusive language you both used. Please be aware that community managers and moderators have full discretion to address any behaviour they feel is inappropriate, including deleting comments and deactivating Community accounts.
Feel free to have another read at our Community Guidelines here:
- Lover
- 265 replies
- September 22, 2021
Wow, so now I'm being threatened with deactivating my account. Very unprofessional behavior
But you do know that using Deezer apps, and the forum are two seperate things?
You basically have no right to deactivate my Deezer account.
But continue to anger customers with this threatening attitude, and you will keep loosing them.
Instead of censoring my and
Regarding the Deezer Legends program. Here is what I think about Legends users:
[Image deleted]
- Bezi since 2017
- 2432 replies
- September 22, 2021
Wow, so now I'm being threatened with deactivating my account. Very unprofessional behavior, gotta give it to you.
But you do know that using Deezer apps, and the forum are two seperate things?
You basically have no right to deactivate my Deezer account.
But continue to anger customers with this threatening attitude, and you will keep loosing them.
Instead of censoring my and
Regarding the Deezer Legends program. Here is what I think about Legends users:
[Image deleted]
It’s funny you know .
Deezer can deactivate your COMMUNITY account if you are not following the community rules . It’s not something that deezer invented and they should do it if it happens as we all want a respectful and nice place to spend our time in . Moreover please do not assume things you don’t know are true.
- Chart topper
- 2597 replies
- September 22, 2021
“as a Legend your were given a privilaged status which means your opinions need to be considered before being expressed - it’s about being professional.”
We do what they say to us.
That's NOT true. You are telling absolute falsehoods and dragging everything into the mud that you were recently enthusiastic about. You can't be serious!
How it’s not true.
That was Quote from Rob Igo. How that’s not true? Are you not trusting him? I do.
I just answered to that, told that yes, that’s work. You do what they ask you to do.
If Deezer tells community super users to shut the mouth, you work for them. You do not have opinion.
In the end I am glad I canceled.
- Chart topper
- 2597 replies
- September 22, 2021
Wow, so now I'm being threatened with deactivating my account. Very unprofessional behavior, gotta give it to you.
But you do know that using Deezer apps, and the forum are two seperate things?
You basically have no right to deactivate my Deezer account.
But continue to anger customers with this threatening attitude, and you will keep loosing them.
Instead of censoring my and
Regarding the Deezer Legends program. Here is what I think about Legends users:
[Image deleted]
It’s funny you know .
Deezer can deactivate your COMMUNITY account if you are not following the community rules . It’s not something that deezer invented and they should do it if it happens as we all want a respectful and nice place to spend our time in . Moreover please do not assume things you don’t know are true.
They have a right to do whatever they want.
They can cancel the bad mouth or they can get their hands on fixing the issues we are talking about.
The app is simply not ready to be app customers want.
They know it, that their app is broken, and people like me or Harmonie, LoganA etc. They all are left or leaving because you all are too keen into making ex Legend problem when the real problem is that no one is as keen into fixing an issue and fishing customers. Instead you let other firms fish it.
I am not absolutely happy with Spotify, I think they need Hi Fi very soon, but I am willing to wait.
I was a Legend and I know how limited you are to tell the opinion. Now when I am out of that mess, I can finally express myself.
For example the Godfather, I was not allowed to post by you, asked me to post every bug report on Discord when Community users wouldn’t see. And believe me I posted many bugs on Discord. The now left community manager, the other one, can tell me it’s not work. But it was. I was posting content errors, bug reports etc. on Discord as Godfather asked It’s not work, then what it is? Pastime? Just 4 fun? To replace a need 4 one worker? Asking it was an awesome point as the problem could be hidden, and here just happy talking like “Enjoy Deezer!!”. Like there is no bugs. I can’t be Legends when I need to express myself in closed box. Everyone should see how buggy Deezer is and instead of canceling closing mouth, perhaps the closing mouth should cancel himself from this app. I did, and happy about it. You use too much of your time on wiping problems under the sight.
Fix it and everyone will be happy.
- Lover
- 265 replies
- September 22, 2021
I guess if they would cancel us, and everybody that publicly criticizes Deezer, then Deezer would stagnate for ever, and stop improving. They need us, even if they might never see it that way. Not only me criticizing them, but also all my great ideas that I posted in this forum. Unfortunately none of which are recognized and implemented by Deezer...
Deezer Legends aren't doing any work anyways. They are only doing free advertising for Deezer, in exchange for free of charge Deezer premium. They sold their souls basically. Shilling for Deezer all day in return for perks. I would never trust a Deezer Legend.
- Chart topper
- 2597 replies
- September 22, 2021
I guess if they would cancel us, and everybody that publicly criticizes Deezer, than Deezer would stagnate for ever, and stop improving. They need us, even if they might never see it that way.
Deezer Legends aren't doing any work anyways. They are only doing free advertising for Deezer, in exchange for free of charge Deezer premium. They sold their souls basically. Shilling for Deezer all day in return for perks. I would never trust a Deezer Legend.
Sure, they need feedback. What to do next. How to improve.
It’s out of our radar if our contribution here is seen useless. Instead they could ask how they can do better. Which features needed work. For me it’s not even sound Hi Fi enough if the customer gets treated like glass of wine. Consumed. I am shocked one can get this treatment. Unfortunately they do seem find meaningful to correct bad words which are already hidden with for example replacing U with V. Maybe they can next replace all explicit content on Deezer with edits and flowers :D
Or people make another campaign for BLM if they have absolutely little else to do.
- The OG
- 2978 replies
- September 22, 2021
I guess if they would cancel us, and everybody that publicly criticizes Deezer, then Deezer would stagnate for ever, and stop improving. They need us, even if they might never see it that way. Not only me criticizing them, but also all my great ideas that I posted in this forum. Unfortunately none of which are recognized and implemented by Deezer...
Deezer Legends aren't doing any work anyways. They are only doing free advertising for Deezer, in exchange for free of charge Deezer premium. They sold their souls basically. Shilling for Deezer all day in return for perks. I would never trust a Deezer Legend.
LOL - you don’t even know me, my life, who I am and what I do for job? A very naive comment.
- Lucky Star
- 1595 replies
- September 22, 2021
- Chart topper
- 2597 replies
- September 22, 2021

Well done Deezer You’ve lost him forever.
Bad decision too.
I hope he cancels and finds better server when he can be himself and be free again.
When my 6 mo Hifi ends, I will delete my account and never look back.
A company which is closing the mouth of customers just because they keep reminding about bugs which are not fixed, instead of actually fixing them, does not deserve any support.
- Tiny Dancer
- 3 replies
- September 30, 2021
I would like the ability to add songs to the queue/play next while listening to Flow. For example I come across a new artist I like, and I want to listen to a couple more of their songs without leaving Flow.
- Tiny Dancer
- 2 replies
- October 2, 2021
Flow is ok, although it still puts in too many tracks (primarily country) that don’t fit in any way into the music that I like. The daily playlists are much worse, recommending lots of music that I consider just plain garbage. I find myself hitting the “don’t recommend this track” often with them.
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