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Logitech is closing mysqueezebox servers

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  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • January 27, 2024

Dears Deezer and Access Industries CEO and CFO,

as explained hereabove with stopping of service by Logitech sooner in Feb.24, whole high values Premium Deezer users enjoying Deezer via access to for Hifi Squeezebox devices and Premium High End Audio devices (Innuos, Musical Fidelity, Daphile embedded in high end streamer...) could not anymore use Deezer.

Are you able to accept a immediate revenue lost of about 5 M (EUR)/y starting on Feb.24 when we will be obliged to switch to Qobuz or Spotify ?? Qobuz and Spotify are supported natively into LMS w/o need of

You could easily avoid this lost and raise up easily your revenue by growing up Premium Deezer users by simply helping Community Developer (they are ready to help) to allow access to Deezer service via a new LMS plugin.




  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • January 27, 2024

Dears Deezer and Access Industries CEO and CFO,

as explained hereabove with stopping of service by Logitech sooner in Feb.24, whole high values Premium Deezer users enjoying Deezer via access to for Hifi Squeezebox devices and Premium High End Audio devices (Innuos, Musical Fidelity, Daphile embedded in high end streamer...) could not anymore use Deezer.

Are you able to accept a immediate revenue lost of about 5 M (EUR)/y starting on Feb.24 when we will be obliged to switch to Qobuz or Spotify ?? Qobuz and Spotify are supported natively into LMS w/o need of

You could easily avoid this lost and raise up easily your revenue by growing up Premium Deezer users by simply helping Community Developer (they are ready to help) to allow access to Deezer service via a new LMS plugin.


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • January 28, 2024

Chiming in as well, long time Premium subscriber, but I rely on LMS and to be able to stream Deezer to my home audio system. I really hope Deezer can step up and help support the LMS community towards creating a Deezer plugin for LMS as I don’t want to switch streaming service.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • January 28, 2024

Could Deezer be interested in taking over the mySqueezebox service or just parts of it?
We must be several Deezer users who are happy to be able to stream Deezer through Squeezebox devices. Maybe it will give me an opportunity to podcast through Deezer. Something I don't use today, but will if the opportunity presents itself.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • January 28, 2024

Don’t like the idea leaving Deezer but without our beloved Squeezebox integration there is no reason to stay with Deezer, sorry.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • January 28, 2024
John.Hogg wrote:

Logitech is closing mysqueezebox servers in 2 weeks…..

Deezer plugin uses the mysqueezebox server to login to Deezer to make the service work on squeezebox devices via LMS.

this means the Deezer plugin will stop working in under 2 weeks.

please Deezer work with the community now developing Logitech media server to allow a plugin not requiring mysqueezebox to work so we can continue to enjoy the service.

Deezer is the only streaming service effected by this closure so being quick/first to solve the issue could mean grabbing some subscribers from the other streaming services that will also be cut off from LMS squeezebox users because of this closure.

If Deezer isn’t able to come up with a solution or help community with info to help create a plugin it will force me to switch to a service who have a plugin that works without mysqueezebox.

Sorry Deezer, already closed my paid account.  Will use my families Spotify account for streaming, other than my Logitech Squeeze.  Not your (Deezer)  fault i know

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • January 28, 2024

Innocent wrote:


Please Deezer work with the community that maintains the logitech media server to develop a Deezer plugin that can work without 
The community can be reached here:

With the Help of the Logitech Community IT will be a easy way to Develop a Plugin.

PLEASE contact them

  • Runaway Baby
  • 1 reply
  • January 28, 2024

just filed a request. help to vote it up!

have a good start into the new week everyone😊

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 4 replies
  • January 29, 2024

Greetings Deezer!

I am sad to say that unless I can stream Deezer through my Squeezebox devices, I will have to transition to another service, a prospect I'm not fond of. Therefore, I kindly request Deezer's assistance in resolving this matter, enabling us to continue streaming Deezer without

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • January 29, 2024

Dear Deezer, same here, please add native support for LMS, otherwise we also need to move to another streaming service. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • January 29, 2024

Hi deezer, family hi-fi subscriber here, listening to deezer every day from my raspberry pi with LMS. What shall we do in two weeks? Move to another service? 

  • Lover
  • 70 replies
  • January 30, 2024

Hi All,

I’m going to sound  a bit pessimistic and I don’t want to come across too negative, but I just can’t see Deezer getting to grips with this technical situation. Lets face it took them years to sort out ‘Gapless Playback’

The technical support team never get to involved in these forums, there is never much participation or updates to report back to us. The only time they got a wee bit involved is when they came up with the crappy Logo and colour scheme.

I have a raspberry pi 4 with a hifiberry digi pro + hat running picoreplayer with LMS and it works great with Deezer, every thing is integrated with my NAS and runs through a FiiO K7 DAC…..sounds great

I’m beginning to think the solution for me is to buy a WiiM Pro as this has the Deezer APP installed on it, and I believe API has been updated in a recent firmware update. I will see how things go over the next few weeks to see if Deezer can come up with a solution. I have been with Deezer for many years and despite a few niggles I enjoy using their service and therefor I am reluctant to move to another Streaming service.

Let’s hope that this technical issue can be resolved soon for the sake of all of the Squeezebox punters that use Deezer. 



  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • February 1, 2024

I am migrating to Spotify. Within the month I will unsubscribe from Deezer. When I put, for the same song,  a deezer flac and a spotify 320k file in picoreplayer and compare them, I can’t tell them apart on blind AB comparison, though I think I run quite a good system. A bit shocking. I find it hard to believe a spotify 320k sounds the same as a deezer lossless file. But it is that. Anyway, I am unwilling to migrate out of deezer. But it has all come to this. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • February 2, 2024


It was great to listen to artists via my squeezebox multiroom system and to be able to add the song directly to a playlist on my Deezer account.

This way, I could easily create and listen to my playlist via squeezebox.

Is it possible to do the same with SPOTIFY or QOBUZ ?

Which is the best alternative ?
I had to decide on a 1 year DEEZER subscription, fortunately I didn't.

In any case, DEEZER is far from perfect. Especially when it comes to the TAGs for tracks in terms of genres and the ability to browse music genres. That's why I use squeezeebox with my tracks that I've tagged in genre myself. I find it unbelievable that a professional service wouldn't tag their tracks correctly.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • February 2, 2024
IsaacChew wrote:

I am migrating to Spotify. Within the month I will unsubscribe from Deezer. When I put, for the same song,  a deezer flac and a spotify 320k file in picoreplayer and compare them, I can’t tell them apart on blind AB comparison, though I think I run quite a good system. A bit shocking. I find it hard to believe a spotify 320k sounds the same as a deezer lossless file. But it is that. Anyway, I am unwilling to migrate out of deezer. But it has all come to this. 

I agree, I make a similar test 20 years ago listening to original Compact disc and Mp3 320kps… with my hi-fi system after synchronised and switching from one to the other, impossible to say which one is the CD and listening the difference. Quite imperceptible. It depends of your hi-fi system, the music you listen, your ears. Some time the master to create the CD is worse than another CD…Some artits like Chris Rea take a lot of attention to the recording while others no. A lot of remastered CD are completely bad because the master they have are already bad. There are a lot to say, but to summarise, first a good master and then mp3 320 is fine for me

  • Lover
  • 70 replies
  • February 3, 2024

Deezer has now become unplayable, it is stuttering and stopping continuously. I can only assume this is the beginning of the closure of the mysqueezebox server. Logitech said it would close down in February… was working fine last night Friday the 2nd Feb. So I guess this is the sad end of Deezer playing through LMS.

Lets hope we can campaign and get Deezer to eventually come up with a solution to this problem. It has been suggested on the Logitech forum that for a small monthly fee Deezer could take over the running of the mysqueezebox server. But I think that’s just not going to happen.

I think the ultimate solution is for Deeezer/Logitech to develop an API that will work with LMS.

If Deezer wants to keep a vast amount of loyal subscribers they have to implement this sooner rather than later!



  • Lover
  • 70 replies
  • February 4, 2024

Can Logitech please remove the hideous QR Code from LMS when playing Deezer content, I find it highly irritating. I think by now most Deezer punters have got the message that the mysqueezebox server is closing down.

Talk about rubbing it in!!!


coypu…...a very grumpy and irritated Deezer subscriber. 😠

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 9 replies
  • February 11, 2024

I chose Deezer because of its integration with Logitech Media Server. I really enjoy being able to have what I listen to on LMS help Deezer playlist generation algorithms work better for when I am on the train listening on Android.

To Deezer product managers - there is a technical solution available and key developers on a dedicated forum ready and able to implement a standalone Deezer plugin if Deezer supports this effort. Let the community solve the issue by partnering with a community who loves music and many who love and appreciate the service you provide

So far tech support say this is a Logitech problem. I feel it is a Deezer problem given there are many people looking for alternative solutions to play music across devices which are supported (Tidal work is underway from Tidal, Qobuz and Spotify already work, enterprising people have Pandora working on LMS….)

The key is the ability to authenticate each user from their own instance of their local LMS server - rather than having user authentication completed by the central server. Help the community devolve authentication to local running servers in people’s houses rather than on The developer community will help if you respond to their many queries.

Please support the community and you will be rewarded. My annual subscription comes up in May so I sincerely hope you can advance your support to LMS community developers by this date.

  • Author
  • Runaway Baby
  • 4 replies
  • February 11, 2024

Deezer…., it is not a Logitech problem as the LMS (Logitech media server) software has been community developed for many years now….  Logitech are only shutting down a server which allowed the login to Deezer to work on LMS.

For Deezer to continue to work on LMS it requires a new plugin that doesn’t require the Logitech mysqueezebox server.  To achieve this the community needs some help with the api to develop the plugin,

being there are plenty of other media streamers that have ability to use Deezer I assume you do work with companies to allow them to integrate with your service.


be aware although Logitech stopped making devices there are a number of 3rd party devices available for LMS playback and ways to use Rpi and other small computers in place of squeezebox devices,  this and fact the server software is community developed (and underpins distros like Daphile and vortexbox) means it’s a popular and current platform rather than some forgotten dead thing.

as you can see from number of people who have seen this thread that it effects I imagine real number will be quite high.


it has to be in your interests to allow us to keep using your system on LMS and if you do go out your way to make it work you could easily grab subscribers who will loose access to Pandora and a few other platforms.  Spotify has a plugin that works on LMS without need to 


please don’t abandon many many users just because maybe you don’t realise it had moved in to a popular vibrant community developed system and just assumed it was dead and going nowhere

  • Lover
  • 70 replies
  • February 11, 2024

Hi John,

Great Post! I 100% agree with everything you said…...If Deezer don’t get on top of this issue it’s going to be to late to do anything. Deezer has to give the LMS Community who use Deezer a detailed breakdown of what’s happening and how it can be solved (good or bad)

As usual Deezer tech support have kept a very low profile concerning this issue from the start. I honestly think they couldn’t give a flying Monkeys about their paying subscribers who use LMS as a way of accessing Deezer.

There is some interesting debate on the on this very issue.


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • February 11, 2024

I remember the CEO of former Numericable (internet cable operator) telling me: We got killed by Free (adsl operator) because we didn’t understand at the time that the few hardcore users (on which they couldn’t be profitable because they were using too much bandwidth) were also huge prescribers to their communities. By setting max download volume per month, they lost them (no big deal), but also 100’000s of users (big deal).

The issue here is that Deezer is making exactly the same mistake: of course it’s not economically viable to take care of LMS, Roon or other users. But they should remember that we are hardcore users, audiophiles, with huge prescribing power: loosing us won’t be a big deal, loosing eventually all our communities will.

Please deezer, stop sticking to your internal policy to prevent external software editors to access your APIs. It won’t cost you anything, but the indirect benefits on the long run will be huge.

  • Lover
  • 70 replies
  • February 11, 2024

This is the response that I got this morning from Deezer Support. 

(09:07:58) *** coypu joined the chat ***
(09:07:58) coypu: Logitech are shutting down the servers that are required to integrate my hifi system with the Deezer service (via I am inquiring if there is any chance Deezer would invest some time in helping with a new integration solution to allow authentication?

David Tutberidze (Deezer Support)

11 Feb 2024, 09:52 GMT

Hello coypu, 
thanks for reaching out to us. 

We do not intend to make any changes in this matter.
Best regards
Customer Care Agent

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • February 11, 2024

I’ve already subscribed to Qobuz!
It works fine with LMS

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • February 12, 2024

Thanks Deezer for 8years of music. 

I closed my family membership subscription for Spotify. Works perfectly on LMS and it's cheaper.


