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Got an idea? Request a feature 🚀

Got an idea? Request a feature 🚀
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Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 129 replies
  • August 6, 2022

I would love to have the ability to set “no repeats” while shuffling my be able to define the period of time, 1 week vs 1 month for example, would be stellar!


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • October 20, 2022

Hello! This is a feature request regarding app navigation.

When navigating back to the previous view, the scroll position is not recalled. It would be great to go back and be in the same position in a list of albums, tracks, etc. I would be great if navigating back would go directly to the previous item I clicked on. It makes drilling down musical rabbit holes more fun, and something I miss after migrating from Tidal.



  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • October 20, 2022

Hi all,

This is another feature request, but I thought it best to keep each topic separate. It’s in regard to keyboard shortcuts.

I would love to see shortcuts added for backward and forward view navigation. I can click on the < > buttons in the upper-left to do the same thing, but having shortcuts would be much appreciated by us wireless keyboard / couch listeners.



It would be great if you were able to play any Deezer playlist and you would be able to play it on multiple Alexa devices. If I would open up Amazon music I can have it set up to play the music from there on however many Alexis speakers I have it set up to. I would love to be able to do that with Deezer and Alexa together. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • December 10, 2022

Referring to your deezer playlists with classical music - can you either label if they’re only music or if they contain opera, as well? I never, ever want to hear opera. I hit the mad face every single time an opera (or choir) plays yet deezer continues to come up in your playlist suggestions. One never knows if there is opera lurking in your playlists. So please figure out a way to segregate classical music from classical opera. It shouldn’t be difficult! 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • February 7, 2023

Let me get in. with the remix. Gatis here. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • March 19, 2023

Adding a reason for removing albums or song from every music streaming platform.

I don't know how music licensing works, but it will be great for users to have a reason for why a song or album has been removed on the platform, the fact that a person likes a song, puts it on a library, (and then some year passes) and *POOF* it's not available anymore in any music platform. What happened?

I have an example of an album that is not available anymore without any reason, but it's only available on a single country and that's China (I actually listened in 2018 but then 2-year passes, and it's gone): (It doesn't matter that it's on Spotify) everywhere it's blocked, but not in China.

Same with this album: (it's saying 404, not even saying "Not available", but Google has it on search) (same as above, this album is available on Spotify, it would be great if we know the reason why it got blocked or maybe erased here)


Thank you for it @Th3_Z! I sent it to our catalogue team too, but that usually happen, because the artist decided that and we can’t change it. đŸ˜”


Hello. Just like apple music does, we should be able to see which songs from an album are popular. That makes discovering music much easier. En example is below. The popular ones have a star near them.



do not know if suggested before, sounds nice to me:


if deezer website & apps can monitor volume level changes, maybe flow list creation mentality can get use of it.


increase songs listed in flow by time if user turns the volume up.





Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 129 replies
  • June 17, 2023
muraterdonmez wrote:

do not know if suggested before, sounds nice to me:


if deezer website & apps can monitor volume level changes, maybe flow list creation mentality can get use of it.


increase songs listed in flow by time if user turns the volume up.





Not sure if this is a the best way to approach the issue? For example, I love “Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy” but the album seems to be mixed at a very low volume, I always turn it up when the song plays, but that does not mean I want to hear it more often. I do not use the volume regulator function as I want to keep the signal path as unadulterated as possible. There are other instances when I might turn the volume up but again that does not mean I want that particular track to appear more often in my mix. I do see a use for “Like” and “Really Like”, but where would that end?

No one has mentioned it here yet, but what about a desktop client for linux?

There is already an open idea topic:

It’s from November 2017, 5 years and a half old, and haves over 1100 likes. Why is it taking so long? What hinders this milestone?

The last official interaction was over 1 year ago, there were 2 updates where @Jaime. and @Yula informing the topic had merged with another thread, but the links returns a 404 and the other says I’m not authorized to access that page:

The replies:



The links (that appear to be the same): (not authorized) (404)

The most recent “real” update was you, @Rudi , bumping the topic from “In discussion” to “Replied by Deezer” in January 2021, 2 years and a half ago.

This comment have enough age to go to school in France. The topic/idea can almost go to École Élémentaire. This discussion is older than this very topic.

If Deezer is not going to release, could you at least give us a reason, an update, a minimal status report?  A “Yep, still working on it, just wait a little more”? Anything?

Kind regards,

  • Moderator
  • 3225 replies
  • July 5, 2023

Hello @gimplucas! those links are not accessible anymore because they have been merged to the other and the original posts have been archived. 

Unfortunately there have been no updates because we don’t have any updates to give, we don’t have a Linux native app in our near future projects yet…. sorry!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • July 25, 2023

Idea: sort playlists in descending order (Z-A).

It would be very helpful to have an ability to sort my playlists (by its names) in descending order (Z-A).
F. e. I want to move my old music playlists to Deezer with such naming format: “year mm” (f.e.“2021 12”). With this ability after opening Playlists page I will see the playlists from newest dates to oldest despite the creation date of playlists.

Best regards.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • September 5, 2023

Hi all! Love this idea-box! 


My idea: a shuffle priority.

I like to listen to playlists on shuffle, but some songs I want to hear more often. I would like an option to either add a song to a playlist multiple times, or ‘upvote’ a song so that it plays twice as many times as the other songs in the list.


Greetings from Amsterdam! 


Nina Nebo
Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 4654 replies
  • September 6, 2023
riske wrote:

Hi all! Love this idea-box! 


My idea: a shuffle priority.

I like to listen to playlists on shuffle, but some songs I want to hear more often. I would like an option to either add a song to a playlist multiple times, or ‘upvote’ a song so that it plays twice as many times as the other songs in the list.


Greetings from Amsterdam! 


Hi @riske !

 I suggest you to look link  below . When you add playlist to queue then you can also add one song multiple times in queue . 

In queue you have possibility to turn on shuffle , or manage songs moving up or down how you want.


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • September 6, 2023
Nina Nebo wrote:
riske wrote:

Hi all! Love this idea-box! 


My idea: a shuffle priority.

I like to listen to playlists on shuffle, but some songs I want to hear more often. I would like an option to either add a song to a playlist multiple times, or ‘upvote’ a song so that it plays twice as many times as the other songs in the list.


Greetings from Amsterdam! 


Hi @riske !

 I suggest you to look link  below . When you add playlist to queue then you can also add one song multiple times in queue . 

In queue you have possibility to turn on shuffle , or manage songs moving up or down how you want.


Thanx Nina, that is a great solution! 

Make the “Queue next” option available even when playing Flow, play the queued song next and resume Flow.

When using Flow, sometimes a song comes to mind, you can’t listen to it without

  • stopping Flow
  • listening to the song
  • then relaunching Flow.

  • Lover
  • 8 replies
  • October 24, 2023

Please, add option or just make Deezer taskbar with name of songs name currently playing! I really can’t understand why it’s not done already - it’s a music player!! Every existing music player shows that except deezer! Is that so hard to make!?!? We dont need no popups, we need taskbar with songs name!!! I was asking that many  years ago and you said that the platform is still developing, but it's been several years, but you still can't add such a simple thing! đŸ˜¤

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • November 11, 2023

Hey! Why Deezer is not available in catalan? Plus I have troubles since I have the app: my phone is in Catalan with French as second language, and so the app put everything in english. I guess Deezer has a catalan option (with everything in English) that blocks the app to be available in French. It's very annoying, i would orefer have Deezer in catalan, or at least in French, not at all in English, it's very annoying!! Didn't had this kind if troubles in Spotify plus they now have all the app in catalan... Please do something, or delete catalan to let me have Deezer in my language or just allow people to simply be able to choose the languague they prefer... It's very unconfortable. May have been a priority prior to do the rebranding... Just have access to the basics feature (and avoid bugs, almost every 30mn of listening music, it cuts the music without any reason...)

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • December 30, 2023

There is no way to see all songs by an artist and search that list, is there? I go to the artist‘s page, go to Discography, and when I search for a name that is a song‘s name on one of the available albums, but not the title of an Album or Single, the search gives no result. That is pretty useless as I would be searching for a song more often than for the album, which I might not even remember. Going to general search is also less useful when I already know in whose artist‘s Discography I am looking for it. If the functionality exists then this is a suggestion to hide it less, or provide the option to toggle on a set of tips / tutorial for the app‘s functionalities. tl;dr searching a specific song in an artist‘s page is tedious.

  • Lover
  • 15 replies
  • January 3, 2024

Here’s an idea - start answering questions that people post!!!

Alien SuperStar

Hi @cjp1959, thanks for your message.

In the past weeks, the response time on the post was delayed due to the festive season.

You can check our article Period from December 22-January 2.

Nevertheless, could you please share the link where you posted your question?

It will be happy to help you.

  • Lover
  • 15 replies
  • January 4, 2024
LeonĂ­dia.Deezer wrote:

Hi @cjp1959, thanks for your message.

In the past weeks, the response time on the post was delayed due to the festive season.

You can check our article Period from December 22-January 2.

Nevertheless, could you please share the link where you posted your question?

It will be happy to help you.


Hi Leonídia - I should direct you to this thread…

This idea - still “live” was first posted six years ago!

Despite this, there are still no answers or progress from Deezer at all.

There have been multiple other suggestions which have been merged into this one, but all seem to disappear down a black hole with no reports on development, and not even a statement making it clear whether Deezer do or do not have any intention of introducing this feature.

It’s such a shame - Deezer is my provider of choice, but the minute Spotify introduce HiFi quality I’ll be out of here - unless that is you provide some meaningful updates to the software/apps instead of pointless rebranding.

Spotify has everything you could want except for HiFi quality, Deezer has everying you’d want except for a proper “connect” facility. Why not be innovative and get yours sorted before Spotify launch theirs? - that way you’ll avoid losing a heap of subscribers.

I know there are many other users who also feel this way.

At the end of the day all people want is answers!

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 93 replies
  • January 5, 2024

Here’s an idea: fix this 2018 issue before implementing new ideas?

