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- [FEEDBACK] What do you think of "Flow"?
[FEEDBACK] What do you think of "Flow"?
- January 16, 2019
- 347 replies
- Alien SuperStar
- 473 replies
We wish to collect some of your feedback on Flow, that's why we are opening a new dedicated thread for you to share your feelings on this feature.
Do you like it? Why? What do you think we are missing?
Please be as detailed as you can in your comments, cheers!
I was also at first disappointed with the recommendations, but you need to learn Flow. Play play play, everything you love and give hearts to your favorite songs and playlists and albums, add as many of your favorite artists and play play play and ban artists you don't like and Flow will soon catch your note. I am very satisfied. But you have to make friends and devote time to it.
Yes, indeed. Let it learn.
On first day lame, now it is much better than Google’s Feeling lucky which was okay, but always played same favourites over and over and over again. On Deezer I hear new tracks, new favorites, old classics over and over and over again. Today I paid ONE YEAR in advance for this great service.
Pay 10 months and get 12 months is their annual discount. I paid years for Spottily and then GPM receiving no discounts for loyalty. This is my new home for hard dance music since 29.06.20.
They gave me option to keep 2 months I already had trial. They suggested next time I need to cancel with them, go free, and buy annual again with discounted prices unless they give better ways.
I like flow, I like mixes, this service is good bargain at 99,90 a year for this amazing quality.
It works like a charm when something is great.
This is great, worth to pay.
- Rafael.
- Noam Asulin
- Rob Igo
- Tomek
- ymns3321
- slavakraynov
- solstice_outcry
- KingPrince
- pius2804
- Qchmqs
- Kodiak
- LeonLaci
- Mark Percy
- King
- Lorenzo
- jpb
- markec600
- Daniel Körner
- DenalB
- Tony Smith
- AlexKornitzer
- Mihi
- Renne
- walker
- CoCay
- aahlborg
- zerospace
- 981
- SkipperSnail
- inSided-sso
- poluz
- abovebeyond
- Stessull
- seslash
- michal.wiatr
- EEAlexHay
- Norwind
- Samuel_Silva
- mikeltm
- varshik
- J.R.Arndt
- marinescucandrei
- RobSnob
- SwedishViking
- gbentley
- Nossus
- iljafranken
- Anders
- vbtop
- adyjayex
- Dreamweaver08
- ahmeterenodaci
- ndrs
- Anthony.Morgan
- itoledo
- leomou
- Dersteppen
- AudioRob
- lmacovei
- taliandr
- TicTacTime
- UGatDeezer
- FelixV
- Lucasp
- sbewers
- hockdudu
- matt0509
- I-NOZex
- defafa
- Lovre
- Alper.SIMSEK
- FriskyProdigy
- Sebastian Geymonat
- Barmad
- elektroinside
- TedGrassman
- Sakhumzi N.
- melonella
- brk
- HermoHelmet
- hafgrimmar
- G. Mowdep
- kimdh08
- zork
- Rudua
- mrwebs
- Charles.Oliveira
- marvinlenard
- teddy_pardo
- thewildman
- squeakyhammer
- JeJ
- Kåre
- cdrw1024
- svartpelz
- David.Rippon
- jwalsh99
- krosdk
- Carlos.Martinez
- 4min
- Toujkou6936
- Joesix
- ChrisX01
- cybernoetics
- Fazs
- Luis Fernando Marques
- ydumais
- Fr33Fun
- shamanbo
- nzuzee
- celediw
- Louisbenhammond
- Vicente Gomis Seglers
- sebu0815
- Shadow V.
- Andreas.Ahlqvist
- Wild Penguin
- dreatern
- Buckie
- Olly Green
- cornelis
- TOMillr
- losnad
- mtk
- PandoraFalke
- cjp1959
- Hafiy.Sufri
- Ron Yona
- Dr. Jefferson
- NautillusSs
- KierC
- Gnopps
- Klaus Wohl
- Timo.Heinrichs
- casaralph
- Chiron1969
- wunderhund
- Varun.Asthana
- Jason Vaz
- Notsoldyet
- n1r
- jaysoncerbas
- aaaantoniaaaa
- dzusikar
- Afiq NO Sawan
- Nick_001
- darkdevil1988
- Danial
- jozhaa
- viktor-235
- bema52
- just a tech
- lonm
- Douglas Busacker
- Maksim.Dan'ko
- Henry James Cinco
- Caio Everton
- moerger
- 9s1q2uvji9cf
- Jessica.Deezer
- picharras
- nemterest
- nicoleb_
- yenrios
- Alex2b
- Fernando.GM
- Sebastian.Buitrago.Vergara
- ASoto
- meso
- Wardeneo
- Stun
- cowudders14
- jojosousaafr
- WuWup
- jsour
- Gautier
- Kenny Johnson
- T-bond
- Gaa1009
- Vladimir Georgiev
- rvdplas
- José.Saraiva
- Jesus.Alonso.Pacheco.Cruz
- AdvanTech
- Gabriel.Carvalho
- hazielhage
- LuisM
- Jaroslav Tuma
- Unitra
- Dominik_Egert
- stryba
- Polo48
- GeorgeThomas
- gree
- MadRebel
- raph-stabil
- Thibault Ketterer
- bincho
- Clement13730
- dannilundgren
- Ruud.
- eejay65
- Kolawole.Temitope
- Shiftyllama
- kzg
- vmarci21
- Laurent-B
- GregP
- Julien H.
- Wessel.Verheijen
- HyperX
- factoroften
- sbuzzo
- olixilo
- Daniel.Guernieri
- ZSkiraly
- Liam_Bridge
- tristanewing
- Bert4Breakfast
- Merlin71
- Nike.Tufjo
- Petya Kohts
- skirem
- Deezerjdev
- brbi
- iblindi
- gimmie.5
- Milena Dimitrova
- Roman M
- Grimrian
- Jarek.Z
- soisearach
- Scorsi
- Gints Grinbergs
- serak1
- stepal
- Bakyt
- border
- kdkd
- AidaAbas
- Saleh.Ahmed.Otten
- Stepan Trnka
- Rudi
- neuromask
- hal41
- magweg
- isaac.cabello.97
- Dakyne
- altean
- Mr_morgue
- hben050
- StephenB
- Andrew.Allen
- bounzle
- Fabio Janson Angelini
- daniel-d
- christianlambert
- Arthyxe
- rbt2008
- josenicomaia
- Laurentiu.Stamate
- Andrey.Nikanorov
- mdrzaic
- Glenh
- Kedrigerncz
- Guillaume Comte
- Tom Muster
- mammoth
- Gianluca Cangemi
- benj0c
- Uloga
- Eliezer.Reyes.Cabrera
- PetroLviv
- boria
- dombomb17
- salad
- Jhomkarlo
- nir19
- Dojiyi
- liviu
- DennisN
- Stefan-cz
- Alonso_05
- arthur.keesen
- ListenInAwe
- Milikitaun
- Snir.Turgeman
- carlos.winter
- Pizzaman
- Marcelo.Marcotullio
- Vinicius Oliveira
- Anna-Louis
- Megingelos
- falkboehm
- rattlehead245
- udy
- boutschneck
- Igor Santander Angelini
- BilliAlpha
- windrose48
- Daniele Genito
- shockalit.mousse
- bogdangrosu2000
- Adel.Krashenninnikov
- gwharrington
- cirilobeto
- pepr
- nemanja.zdravkovic5
- Smthng
- pmcerqueira
- liorbi
- theGic
- unclnis
- Reynalda Marsetya
- GardenLegs
- abo_galstyan
- Menny
- Shen.Nguyen
- Michel Baratella
- HelpfulRapha
- Jonas156
- Cnek
- LazySounds
- David.Zaberca
- andrewvroom
- victorxdeath
- Eduardo Peredo
- Redster
- TimTim32
- nobody
- Rodrigo Tavares
- VivienH
- João Eudes Lima
- seballero
- siyib56
- meuvoy
- tehaloy234
- defoz343
- triplexone
- Deezel
- marcus.kueppers
- burnallatonce
- MarcoG
- mateushonorato
- Timoty.Moor
- DeeFoC
- mushsup
- deabo
- ZaYp3r
- Ivers
- joho
- Kaktus0506
- rz942306348932
- Willian Almeida
- adoparsons
- indirrana
- Tim Johnson
- V2ivii3nHiFi
- Arahizzz
- Marcin.Bartnik
- daniloff
- Chubolicious
- Demar2k19
- Cristopher
- lowbig
- Jordan Jones
- dzzd
- pichiel6
- injatimi
- MusicLover750
- RoobyDoobie
- Shawmut
- Petr Hank
- dave_it
- jeremiahlee
- Ludoa12
- thegut
- piotrek.znowu
- vrbanekbranko
- Solaris07
- Reuben Botha
- Ma.St
- xenergie
- markandre2106
- cogscides
- Mohamed_Yonko_Talaat
- claus59
- kacgal
- willyvaldezz
- ppkrf
- Zobie
- chuanito
- Sytze Schalk
- Alexis LAMART
- Isogi Maru
- sebtix
- dlchamp
- ostapski
- Raif Coonjah
- PeSchroe
- Ivan Brajkovic
- Imsure87
- Jader Dalmas
- Mikhail.Sobol
- milo88
- perkoxcar
- Paul Bridgland
- E.Balázs
- KwiinParas
- NoiceLOPO
- nikvst
- osayamen omigie
- Omar Montaser
- eric885522
- RenanBul
- Vent1narc
- aeltab
- Stephan1827
- mathevsouza
- Sonicbliss1208
- Hizium
- Niv Behar
- omri
- alfalco
- Anftsv
- Riza Fahmi
- Samuel Tremonti
- shadowseeker27
- Steven Kelly
- izhidkov
- Timo.Volkenrath.
- Shidairyu X
- Krzysztof.Gruszko
- Ender1988
- FlyingPeeWee
- Doud-bx3
- tounin
- Lyle Vincent
- Weeez
- rmtmckenzie
- Alexey Prusov
- kimjonas
- Rick-Anthony
- Rolanddekok
- elstupid
- Csacs
- Natalio
- toonarmytel
- swinxnl
- tessa.
- Marwan.Tohamy
- szymekjablo
- JesperK
- Sailor.G
- doubouil
- Alchymoto
- franksj_deezer2
- skrnavi
- scastrillo
- stevenomes
- Alchymotome
- htkblazer
- dizzy
- hrnndzian
- JanT
- ta2744_2
- Ido Moshe
- davanaton
- nommy
- Eledzdo
- Inad74
- alex84
- Megan Firth
- Teun.Buter
- ongakufi
- Eihab Abdel-Rahim
- oof_101
- montetrebol
- olaf5235
- sergio-74
- Timur Yarosh
- Octavio Huerta Carrillo
- Rodrigo.Laisequilla.Ramos
- Holly.C
- James_Hackett
- Seeje
- Marc999
- lilado
- yumoose
- kamikadzem22
- Gerd Ceder
- korg250
- Estéfano Vechietti
- Clem25
- ron_damon
- Ivelin
- Moej90
- Coksi
- dennox
- Axouuu
- eknoes
- jeremysprite
- leok
- Dangles91
- karollo
- teqteq
- Tecko
- Felipe Saraiva
- Laurent Meliot
- Johan.Devondel
- Horstorm
- Andrew.Snejovski
- MattNicholas
- deezerama
- magnus4ever
- antoniodtv
- Oskko
- Arnaud Thévenet
- WiMank
- Harlly.Dela.Cruz
- Arla0
- Padlex
- Devrus
- krzyp
- ThoricIntegral6
- FONTAINE Frederic
- Netto
- Rháfaga Barros
- Servos
- user1589
- Ovidiu Moraru
- Rickard Sundberg
- Darkblue87
- Tim Dutton
- Damir89
- Fyutins
- adizo
- Enik
- TimNBG
- Jeremy5150
- siroderap
- Nessan
- Ioana Morarescu
- SS's Deezer
- Daniel DS
- Mark Phillipson
- Ralf van der Enden
- arsen123
- Eonwe
- Xavier Pantin
- Matthew Plotas
- sahar kroglen
- timmken
- Tobiias
- Latz
- homam_gamer
- Anton.Shopin
- Lukas161
- p3p
- Florian.Scherl
- dude101
- rambe
- Emartas
- theclaretfloyd
- Henri2h
- Odrahcyr
- woobilicious
- TravelingLight
- Edward Stevens
- Mycrow
- ariel.levin.733
- lukaafx.
- iact0
- katro
- Sonda
- MatevzFa
- MusicIsLife
- ocustomer
- Tokadon
- Sean.Brugge
- Dennis Ameling
- ZanzibaRrr
- Lina B.
- Andrewarc
- amit vij
- OzGlobal
- DamionGans
- Giulio Terracciano
- raccoonsarecool
- Skriand
- Andre Osokin
- Totobal
- bloemenprinses2
- f_oste
- Rebel
- ghz
- cloy3
- Tahoebear
- robkarot
- Sergey Dudin
- patellia
- Markus_no
- Mi imamo Se fajn
- Jluvian23
- MaliBratDzordz
- Xenevis
- LukasSpielt
- Martijn.Keymis
- Steel Samurai
- Stingraynl
- dockland_hh
- Shanksta
- rafmoles
- Santiago Andres Del Zotto
- simoninderkummen
- Vedran
- vlb047
- yxa
- mnkdk
- hybridstasis
- mat9
- periklis
- Vogelfrei
- Michael.Wolfshtein
- johan-sson
- norby
- miiaow
- musiks4mmler
- Dracor22
- stijn cabuy
- haykgalstyan
- AvivOK
- uygardilek
- PullUpSelecta
- Diaconescu Florin
- elka
- blendkrasniqi
- Cesar Augusto García López
- Silvestrus
- GrgurPajalic
- yurakgn
- timontimon
- fjz222
- MauriGuzman
- kaze.hi
- Boni
- pfb201
- TheEnds
- Nagard
- schaade-music
- Eduardo Luiz Caixeta
- Sergio Moreno V
- tremiand
- Hockney
- Mladjoni
- patrikkesic
- Farhanito
- Gabriel.Eugenio.Dvoranen
- Placido09
- Xander
- alohabobo
- Reiscracker
- dablais
- Spiriq
- Jon Paul
- Gilad.Garon
- Francois.Hill
- Yossi Kozay
- Snozzlebert
- Specd
- eitam1
- Jannes
- bfritsch
- Lukas Lu
- hpguru
- amoshi
- count
- Hexagon
- chavezdaniel
- bullon
- frgabriel
- Renato Ribeiro
- paulryan
- Cloink
- DeenOub
- arivas
- dams.alex
- donutnotnut
- Masa
- blumack
- Nir Parisian
- philooo
- Valakin
- Ivan Jokanovic
- fatih-akbulut
- Minimoon
- Piotr T. Zubrzycki
- flightsim9192
- Allen Graves
- Patrick_314
- strixaluco
- Oberon
- andrewjk
- Fajea
- atvking
- Sammael
- SeaOfGreen
- ukku
- AnTom
- Fahmi B Mukbil
- BerndO
- dylanaver
- uahummer
- Anatolio0320
- Freezer
- p3te_hill
- kalendar
- bulatovicm
- ifeher
- OneFineDay
- Tanto4
- McZab
- Vytautas Krutulis
- DJ-Deezerlinchen
- vikmind
- raoulK
- Julio.Rangel
- Sevete
- querta
- Pembroke
- tiro0815
- jvanderheide
- odav99
- Yossi
- john_mayer_1
- Evil_Acid
- R-jac
- henkeslasher
- tmunzer
- Giorgos Pappas
- JelStIy
- popkorn95
- алексей.мельник
- avguytx
- DaBlanco
- Gwenddoleu
- Papa.Lazarou
- yves dm
- Jul
- hkohl7273
- Sashgeahkovv
- Cpt.Slow
- remip
- Paul W75
- Kael
- Celianlemaignen
- PocketD
- Mumma
- MoneyintheD
- taravasya2
- Антон Илларионов
- DrWongKC
- fdmerle
- bdnsz
- Mikelite
- Vojtěch Hořánek
- groomon
- equi
- jplmail
- stumpsaway@icloud.com
- Dawg
- Momir Stanišić
- Martin van Stek
- legalax
- deezertrentetrois
- Tobias Rauer
- romiletto
- Phil Grenfell
- Qinz
- JakobG
- Fritz@meesters.us
- Samuel Smolenski
- Vadim S. Barkovsky
- Eisbaer50
- egauthier
- martynonline
- zakketto
- cazzzac
- pashmak
- Rhys Green
- Grabthar
- Gotgi
- SoylentWhite
- LN102
- William Reed
- ingowerner
- kepolo
- elcontador
- barthou12
- htpc23
- Math
- normonline
- drkoetter
- Happyjack 1
- Banana Baboon
- nikin
- zupodaniel
- Deezgi
- Emmanuel69
- darrenthompson84
- Steviemidnight
- welttronauten
- Listener3000
- 9MZ@
- Bartvm
- ChristopherVMT
- Gabriel Felippe Mateus
- Mettalicat
- ipmusic
- Welby18
- Swythan
- KasperD
- Knochensalat
- Ramiro Blacha
- mattanja
- ShieldsUpRedAlert
- Felipe Ripardo
- Mr. Dreamfold
- joetheschmoh
- Manu Joye
- barinov200000
- chris88
- besbos
- Atscha
- artistro08
- Francisco.Bombella
- myheartisoffline
- Ricardo Mass
- Asyrani Lin
- sthome
- donatom3
- francisg
- Aldrick3598
- Jan Slováček
- yur
- y.u.kio
- Roy_c
- MikeyV
- stephane.bauer
- mrosq
- Hoppo
- lovelogo
- Tarık Alp Onar
- nyredlaner
- ianhyzy
- scoddy
- André de Souza Genaro
- Arafat Hossain
- nibbler311
- Peccaa
- Harmonie
- bpedman
- maximiliend
- Niek
- pkeoghan
- FridoDasBrot
- Fullmetalvanity
- Armics
- iAmFinn
- Bendik Vignes
- Josh.Griffin
- agent4126
- charlbur@gmail.com
- David Artus
- Kurosagi93
- Oleksii S.
- emat
- Tom.williams134
- Ramkury
- ronuh
- RobertoWMS
- Alejandrososa
- WilZA
- markhankins
- Catalin Marin
- Nikla3
- Master_Jedi_
- femetal
- Tropis Life
- tech.stuff
- Yordan
- Christer Heen Skotland
- JM008
- yauhen
- Eran Itzhacki
- gb2500
- squire23
- Ni_Ko
- babythunder7
- aceofdaves
- Hotery
- The Resolute
- Kevin Morrison
- neechee
- adam.winschberg
- Steve Meadow
- Aymen
- Roman.Mzh
- Sarancha Evgeniy
- DP4
- __dsssadre__
- Viacheslav Mrykh
- Mr_Ieskela
- FalconFour
- uglyjustin
- Deoradh
- VedArt
- Ярослав Шаталин
- DDD1
- Jeferson Rodrigues
- Stijnl
- adiasarahma
- zedprotect
- Олег К
- Tiago Donoso
- aoliver
- Pablo Mucciolo
- Hamilton.Júnior
- Trzema
- mkgl
- Eugenio.Realini
- Jéremy Monpull
- kübra şanlıer
- matulicana
- przemnet
- xavier_wharton
- DiscoDrum
- Ilya Blentsov
- dairan
- bramazzotti
- braun4p
- liayetienne
- lm41
- holgerwacker
- Dahaniel
- mournfulpigeon
- Voyd
- RoelieRules
- danielmain
- Chris Hoy Poy
- Rantanplan81
- John Candido
- 23shortstop
- Haju
- Sergio.Jungers
- Vincent Revenboer
- Nathan Steeves
- roderickvd
- wvannus
- morgan.johnston
- Krzysztof K
- FlyingChipmunk
- adrianpmurphy
- NickAM1025
- Ubi
- philjames
- contralateral
- mccannr1
- Vx76
- JeroenV
- Andreas Holzapfel
- ToniToni
- Uxorious
- Rodrigo Campo Dall'Orto
- Bluetopia
- Slibbo
- Daniel.Madão
- why123321
- Siplex
- vdata
- cj.allen321
- pascoa341
- Mike Roedema
- p341
- jammi
- Pavel.Kokoshnikov
- nikolas
- baronb
- Mordie
- matt.kintsugi
- Saturn8x
- renni
- lahue
- Jingah
- nearfaraway
- Andreas Stoltz
- MariuszC
- dead2thewind
- Anne Honime
- aymeric3086
- sschnick
- nolag
- aeromir
- cbnz
- ArtemUa
- Tuliol
- peterhartmanuk
- yustme
- zark
- SupermanBatman
- Andrés Felipe Sánchez
- M.Bilalll
- Andre Berzins De Negreiros
- sino
- Mike Cordingley
- rbdl
- Adam Ogiliev
- odnari
- andivogi
- Geomy
- pink yellow blue
- moot
- dhane german
- Florian.Ackermann
- Nathan.Pearce
- Beorn
- Vlekkie
- mitsiklas13
- Snain
- DaveTrev
- Sterf
- Cervajz
- h_brennhaeuser
- Victor Bombella
- TheJanzap
- ZomboBrain
- musicfanatic815
- craigus195
- captainborracho
- ShishKebabsMin
- Animatron
- klappspaten
- lolfloppydisc
- oliblob
- Temak
- wittao
- Dishit
- Funk
- p1lgrim
- Akun Jitu
- TurnItUp
- kunahk
- Ondpe
- Mantas Dapkus
- rauschfrey
- Gr00ty
- JerSev971
- Xavier Raynaud
- Rayke
- Matti De Bruyne
- Nikosleov_2
- ericpbutcher
- aceman404
- Jiri.Vanek
- edwinas2
- aosh
- Wooky
- AsdfQwertz
- jacob1122
- Matt07
- adam.vickers
- ragguts
- Henri Beijer
- Luis Eric
- Kuba
- Valdemar Landberg
- bild
- Maksym Yashchenko
- Fukhan04
- imaginasis
- Matthew Rand
- bratman
- Bg.goran
- Tobias.Kuhrke
- Solidmighty
- Unr3aL
- frki16
- Jarod
- Gnawer
- lordgoomy
- Nicolay Eckhoff
- Miroslaw wojciechowski
- Gondes
- ursobrian
- Lukasz124
- Elipsus
- psionic
- Sjoerd
- greensteru
- Emphyrio
- cr57
- frusc
- reimicahann
- Georgekg
- Karol Ruszala
- Jobj
- Stephen McNeill
- Laurie Bermond
- ViniSouza
- Jonas Berggren
- Alex_is_a_friend
- Matt Hilliard
- Molleton
- marcocapo79
- yan_kos
- yann.
- Sebideluxe
- paul_rwhite
- kujojotaro
- tino.l
- Thaq
- Przemek
- Uka Sz
- swave
- nonsubscriber
- Damian.Kos
- jrad
- falseShepherd
- Nicorng
- Vizion-HUN
- duvnell
- Jens_Crazy
- Jemuel Marengo
- P-Kay
- Bdouble0
- Guizp31
- Vincent51
- Biloot
- Terence Haddock
- Kyrunx
- clembes
- joshu42
- matches
- Leonardo Yepez
- Willard
- imaxverem94
- Alex073
- stoat42_
- Emil Jung
- Thomas.Klug
- maxarasta
- nilID
- gantor
- M M
- Rugni7
- strahinjas
- Bebouz
- Karel Vrancken
- Deep Doshi
- Pleuvinz
347 replies
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- March 4, 2020
Thanks for the detailed feedback
Have you checked your Discovery card on the homepage, close to Flow? It's changing every Monday and it might offer you some cool stuff you haven't listened to yet
Update: Our developers confirmed that we generally take the 3 most recommended tracks per album. Your feedback was very welcome
- Lover
- 6 replies
- March 6, 2020
I, like many others, love many genres of music. And I have likes/playlists reflecting that. But Flow just mindlessly plays all genres I like - and THAT DOESN’T WORK, as any DJ will tell you. Even YT know better and serves up similar tracks in genre/feel.
Give us an option to select genre of flow music please.
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- March 10, 2020
That option already exists
- Tiny Dancer
- 10 replies
- May 3, 2020
That option already exists
Hello! The fact that you have hidden the function of changing your mood under an angry face is misleading. This should be an independent icon, as the action is quite neutral and not colored by negative emotion.
And especially thanks for adding the ability to completely block individual artists.
- Tiny Dancer
- 10 replies
- May 3, 2020
I read almost all reviews about flow before writing my own.
It seems to me that many questions will be removed if there is an opportunity to indicate what percentage of new tracks will be offered.
The second wish is to exclude duplicate tracks from the sentences that are already marked as favorite. Many artists have the same song repeated in different albums, and I can mark it again as my favorite one and get several identical songs on my list, but it is limited.
And the question is - what is the reason for limiting 2000 favorite tracks? Can this amount be increased?
And in conclusion, I really want to thank you for the service itself, I really like it. And especially the fact that he lives and is constantly improving thanks to such feedback. Thank!
- Lover
- 37 replies
- May 3, 2020
Flow is working great but that damn 2000likes limit is a big... No.... a very big bummer. That makes flow on a later point useless because the recommendations that flow give I can't like anymore and add it to a playlist isn't a good fix. Please. When get this limit chanced? I see this argument already for years. But the only reaction we get is. Maybe in future it chanced.
How long can you say that before the team make a step in the right direction and turn that limit up.
Deezer is a good service flow is fantastic. But that limit is outdated.
- Tiny Dancer
- 10 replies
- May 3, 2020
Another situation arises when listening to the flow in the car, when there is no way to mark the track like or dislike. In this case, I suggest using the self-learning function. To do this, you will need to make another list - candidates for exclusion from the recommendations. The order is as follows: if a track is fast-forwarded without listening to the end, it is placed on the list of candidates for exclusion. If the next time he was listened to the end, then he disappears from this list, and if he was not listened again, he goes to the list of tracks excluded from the recommendations.
Of course, apply this approach only to new tracks that are not yet in the user's playlists.
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- May 5, 2020
Thank you for all your feedback and kind comments! We genuinely work entirely to make your experience better, and these comments are what we need.
The favourites' limit...wow...it's a big discussion, and we haven't let that go. We need to find a solution, so please bear with us.
About Flow in the car, are you referring to Android Auto? Please give us some more details, Flow is generally the best feature we have, and I've been replying to other users about the like/dislike button in cars recently.
- Tiny Dancer
- 10 replies
- June 20, 2020
Thank you for all your feedback and kind comments! We genuinely work entirely to make your experience better, and these comments are what we need.
The favourites' limit...wow...it's a big discussion, and we haven't let that go. We need to find a solution, so please bear with us.
About Flow in the car, are you referring to Android Auto? Please give us some more details, Flow is generally the best feature we have, and I've been replying to other users about the like/dislike button in cars recently.
In the car, I run Dizer on a smartphone with Android and listen through the bluetooth adapter. The only controls available are track rewind and pause. Those. while I’m driving, I can’t pick up a smartphone and mark a track (like it or not offer it), I can only skip a track that I don’t like. Sometimes this track is offered quite aggressively - once every few days.
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- June 22, 2020
Thanks for reporting this
- Chart topper
- 2597 replies
- July 8, 2020
The flow is great but you should show all coming tracks when on radio. It is frustrating not to see them all, especially if you could want to skip one. I would also like if flow was more to my music taste. Heard some commercial songs on it. Skipped for few good tracks etc.
Prefer listening to mix. But this is second option.
- Chart topper
- 2597 replies
- July 8, 2020
I gave it a try again. Flow lately on first day, on my several days on Deezer now.
It learned my music taste as a pro. So much new tracks, old music, my favourites. Very rarely plays anything commercial. Just my hard dance music, also outside lists and listens, unheard tunes etc.
Today I heard Dubstep music which I now like from hard dance music.
I will correct my previous opinion. Not that bad, play more and he’ll learn!
- Lucky Star
- 279 replies
- July 9, 2020
I was also at first disappointed with the recommendations, but you need to learn Flow. Play play play, everything you love and give hearts to your favorite songs and playlists and albums, add as many of your favorite artists and play play play and ban artists you don't like and Flow will soon catch your note. I am very satisfied. But you have to make friends and devote time to it.
- Chart topper
- 2597 replies
- July 9, 2020
I was also at first disappointed with the recommendations, but you need to learn Flow. Play play play, everything you love and give hearts to your favorite songs and playlists and albums, add as many of your favorite artists and play play play and ban artists you don't like and Flow will soon catch your note. I am very satisfied. But you have to make friends and devote time to it.
Yes, indeed. Let it learn.
On first day lame, now it is much better than Google’s Feeling lucky which was okay, but always played same favourites over and over and over again. On Deezer I hear new tracks, new favorites, old classics over and over and over again. Today I paid ONE YEAR in advance for this great service.
Pay 10 months and get 12 months is their annual discount. I paid years for Spottily and then GPM receiving no discounts for loyalty. This is my new home for hard dance music since 29.06.20.
They gave me option to keep 2 months I already had trial. They suggested next time I need to cancel with them, go free, and buy annual again with discounted prices unless they give better ways.
I like flow, I like mixes, this service is good bargain at 99,90 a year for this amazing quality.
It works like a charm when something is great.
This is great, worth to pay.
- Tiny Dancer
- 2 replies
- July 16, 2020
I’ve been listening to Flow for about 1.5 years. I used to love it. Starting over the past day or so, every other song (seriously...every other one!!!) is one that I’ve never heard and don’t like. I’ve spent a large part of the day hitting the dislike button. Did the algorithm change or something? It would be nice to set how often suggestions get inserted, have max per day, etc.? If this keeps up, I’m cancelling.
- Lucky Star
- 1595 replies
- July 17, 2020
- Lover
- 34 replies
- September 8, 2020
What problems does Flow have?
1. Track-based Flow is not working correctly
For example, I choose a track in genre house, but already on track 4 Deezer can offer me a ballad or jazz, I think a genre-based Flow should keep the axis of the main genre and only slightly deviate from the given reference. It can be done, by creating blocks and matching styles that sound close to each other
For example Ibiza House is:
- Groove house
- Funky house
- Jackin House
- Tech House
- Tribal House
These genres usually sound close, and if user choose Tech House, Deezer offer genres near whith him
2. Flow constantly changes mood
Pop -> House -> Techno -> Drum & Bass
Now Flow, look like a circus performance, when each track is a new genre, different energy, different sound, maybe this kind of Flow sounds exciting, I agree, but there are situations when we need a smoother Flow
My suggestion: In the current Flow, you can add a function:
"Follow this mood", if I liked an Indie track, then if I click to "Follow this mood", all next 100 tracks will be Indie or close subgenres
3. Also be done so that users can make their own flows.
Imagine a user can create
Pop Flow
Tech House Flow
Trance Progressive Flow
Trance Flow
I also think that Flow should work with subgenres.
For example, we have Trance Flow, and this is such a Flow where the listener will listen to all subgenres
Trance Progressive
Trance Uplifting
Vocal trance
Tech trance
But the user can create more accurate Flow, for example:
I only want Flow
- Deep house
- Future house
and nothing else, for it we need deep inegration to subgenres and connections between them
- I also do not like that Flow plays tracks from my library, if I want to listen my library, I have a separate favorites playlist for this, so I would remove this feature or make it possible to disable this behavior
- I also think that your genre and subgenre maps are not very well configured, I think they require more detailed tuning, if you want I can help you with this, it is noticeable how Flow offers tracks does not understand how to keep the sound. He often confuses House Progressive with Trance Progressive, and so on, or after the sound of Ibiza house, he may suggest Disco House, which is not at all true.
Think of Flow as a DJ playing a mix, a DJ would not play tracks that don't fit together in sound, energy, or genre compatibility.
- Chart topper
- 2597 replies
- September 8, 2020
You nailed it big time!!!
In the middle of my hard dance session on FLOW it can go from dancecore to soft dance and from soft dance to industrial rough hardcore and from that it can go to raw hardstyle. I mean all music is decent, but it plays with no thinking. It’s like not related, not flawless. I wish they make it more professional flow, like it could play at least in themes, and change from that to genres.
5 tracks in this genre, 10 tracks in that, and 6 tracks in another based on taste.
Flow should be with options prefer this genre, exclude that. Instant skipping should make it less available on Flow. More options to make flow yours, not theirs. Much appreciated.
Some tracks I skip on FLOW in seconds and Deezer still plays them.
Ban option I do not use, because it may suggest still this track as different version etc.
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- September 10, 2020
Hi there Pavel
Thanks a lot for the feedback, as
- Lover
- 34 replies
- September 10, 2020
Hi there Pavel
Thanks a lot for the feedback, as
I do not quite understand the meaning of why I need to change the mood on my own, if the flow is now working in a mode when each new track has different moods, it would be more logical to make the function “hold the mood” or to make the current flow smoother, then the function to change mood would be more logical 🙌
- Runaway Baby
- 7 replies
- September 11, 2020
Sometimes I listen to Flow and get in an awkward situation when your favorite song plays… but it doesn’t have that red heart.
So I tap the heart and now I have two similar songs in my favorites - One from a clean version of an album and the other one is from an explicit one. So I think it would be cool if Deezer could track if I already liked a certain song and do not recommend me the same song from a different album.
Similar situation. I liked some disco song (let’s say Donna Summer’s song). But then Flow gives me the same song but from “best of 70s” compilation. Don’t like that.
- Alien SuperStar
- 14342 replies
- September 12, 2020
Thanks a lot for the recommendations there
You also have a very good point there
- Bezi since 2017
- 2433 replies
- September 15, 2020
Thanks Martin for suggestion. You mean "Shuffle My Music"? I cannot find "Mix my music" button anywhere.
Yes this is the one
- Bezi since 2017
- 2433 replies
- September 15, 2020
4 years into Deezer nd after a year with the improved FLOW I’m in love with that feature . For me it is super good . I do get some weird stuff once in a while but nothing I should be bothered about .
- Chart topper
- 2597 replies
- September 15, 2020
4 years into Deezer nd after a year with the improved FLOW I’m in love with that feature . For me it is super good . I do get some weird stuff once in a while but nothing I should be bothered about .
This FLOW is MUCH better than Google Music feeling lucky option.
It is professionally made feature. Plays almost 99% to my taste and suggestions to my taste.
I was forced to move on, since Google Music is closing in next weeks, but I did change. First FLOW never impressed me too much, but in days it improved as I listened more.
Like I said one feature I used a lot, was Feeling lucky.
Now when Deezer played songs, FLOW is even better than that.
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