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To all independent artists! 

The playlist on our home page is dedicated to you,  add it to your favourites and share your music with the rest of the community 🤘🏽


If you’re an artist, podcaster or simply call yourself a creator, or even if you’re just an avid fan, and have spotted something unusual or inaccurate within our catalogue, this is the place to reach out.

With our dedicated metadata teams, we always aim to deliver you the most precise content in the streaming industry, but let’s be honest: we’ve got a massive catalogue! :sunglasses::relieved: improvements are always on the pipeline, but there’s only so much we can do...

So nothing better than counting on you, to let us know where we can improve!

Don’t forget: to make things easier, always paste here the links for the content you’d like to be fixed on Deezer. We’ll try our best and take care of the rest :thumbsup_tone2:


P:S: If you are an artist based in the UK, France and Germany  we have a great opportunity for debuting artists of all genres  to reach new listeners and build fans!! Check this article 👈🏼


@thealexbrewer I have created a new profile with your music here:
If you have any further questions please let us know

Hello, i need some help here, im a new artist and i released my first song but is on the wrong artist, seems like deezer didnt create a new profile, here’s the link to the release:

And heres the link to the wrong artist profile:

Can I get an update on this please as my album is still credited to the wong Paul Andrews. Thanks

From 15 days ago…

Hi, I am Paul Andrews. My new album, Slasher (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) has just been uploaded to Deezer via my Route Note account. I am trying to create a new artist account but my album is linked to another artist of the same name. Here is the link to his page with my album:

Can you please link this album to me so I can claim it. My UPC code is:



Paul Andrews


Hello, I have 9 songs that have been incorrectly uploaded to this artist:


Anything from 7/26/2024 until today’s date is music for my music group, which is also called Dystonic. if you’d be able to make a new profile I could use, I would appreciate it, thank you. Here’s my youtube channel as another verification:

Hey all, our bands music is mixed with another bands. This is the case on Last.FM and on most, if not all, social media platforms, but less concerned with those as I am with streaming platforms.


Artist name: Skylines

Albums: Hunting Season

Songs: The Huntress, Urge, Echo, Dreamweaver

Singles: Become Numb


The rest are not our songs.


To all independent artists! 

The playlist on our home page is dedicated to you, 

add it to your favourites and share your music with the rest of the community 🤘🏽


If you’re an artist, podcaster or simply call yourself a creator, or even if you’re just an avid fan, and have spotted something unusual or inaccurate within our catalogue, this is the place to reach out.

With our dedicated metadata teams, we always aim to deliver you the most precise content in the streaming industry, but let’s be honest: we’ve got a massive catalogue! :sunglasses::relieved: improvements are always on the pipeline, but there’s only so much we can do...

So nothing better than counting on you, to let us know where we can improve!

Don’t forget: to make things easier, always paste here the links for the content you’d like to be fixed on Deezer. We’ll try our best and take care of the rest :thumbsup_tone2:


P:S: If you are an artist based in the UK, France and Germany  we have a great opportunity for debuting artists of all genres  to reach new listeners and build fans!! Check this article 👈🏼


My song Been A Minute

got posted under someone with same rap name Kanobi here’s there Deezer account

I changed my artist name to bacdoor Kanobi so it wouldn’t be posted onto another account so can you make me a new artist profile named bacdoor Kanobi and move my song to the new account my UPC code is 7503042586219 so you guys can confirm it’s my song

and the ISRC is QZDFP2145786 so can you please do that for me thank you 


I perform under the artist name Midnight Prophet and have ben releasing music for some time. Recently, I have noticed another artist has created the same name and his music has appeared under my profile. 

I have been able to have them removed on other platforms, but it remains on Deezer despite using the ‘report a problem’ button more than once. 

This is my profile:

These are the two songs that I would like to be removed

Hello, my artist name is GAGO. I have songs and collaborations in my page that are not mine! I want to remove them all.

here is my artist profile :

Only the following are my songs and albums:

I claimed the artist profile in deezer for creators, but i couldn’t do anything with the songs that not belongs to me.

Please remove any songs other than these in my profile. 


Thank you for your cooperation.


Hi  @Jaime.Deezer 

Wondering if you can help

I have released my single Supernova today. however it is under the wrong artist Profile ‘Bianca White’

Please can a new Artist Profile be created for Bianca White and the following songs linked to the new profile

  1. Supernova
  2. Incredible

Thank you in Advance



The band Streetlight has their own page, but there are songs that aren’t from this Streetlight.

This is the correct Streetlight:



As you can see at the name there are others that shouldn’t be there:

This single isn’t this Streetlight.


The one on the left is Streetlight, the others aren’t this Streetlight.

Here there are 3 Streetlight singles (as you can tell by it’s “Logo name΅ (Endless, Chutes And Ladders and Hit The Ground). The others are something else.

Could this be fixed? Thank you.


Last request:

Band Nestor:

The song “On The Radio (Piano Version)” doesn’t belong on this page:

It should belong here:


For artist Streetlight:

Again there are songs on their artist page that shouldn’t be there.


 This is my artist profile :


Please delete this content from my artist profile  , are in the wrong artist profile , i’m not part of this.

1 -9th Gutta (new album) - Premeditated: lyrics and songs | Deezer

2-  Insidious (An Introduction) - 9th Gutta - Deezer

3-  BACK2BACK-NARYO,MARCOPOLO - Marcopolo - Deezer

4-  Aint Getting It (feat. P.A. On The Track & J.A.) - Will M, P.A. On The Track, J.A. - Deezer

5-  The Rumble (feat. Yall Street) - 9th Gutta, Yall Street - Deezer


There is some artists with the same name “Lexay” releasing on my artist page

Song to remove from my artist page:


Multiple songs attributed, but it is meant to be

Hi, there is an artist who goes by xaev

All of their older music has been moved under a different profile, schnozz

It would be nice if it could be moved back.

Hello I was relistening a favorite album from Candy, and was completely surprised because it’s not the same version I had on favourites, seems like a rework of the album, or a different production/remix, not the one I originally liked.

On top of that, the artist’s bio has been rewritten and shows a bio from another artist with the same name, I guess. There are also plenty of other groups mixed in. The one I’m mentioning is Candy and it’s from Mexico, and it was formed around 2009. The picture is correct though. This is the actual page: Trying to understand the errors, I found that you have their albums duplicated.

Can you split/sort them up please? (I’m listing the albums/EP that should appear on their profile below)

So they should have 3 albums and one EP.

Atlas (2016) This is the original… (album/15557480) it had/has 65 fans, this is the one that disappeared or was replaced from my favourites. (the volume is kind of low in comparison with other albums) Don’t delete this one please, unless is for replacing it with an improved volume one.


And this is the “new remix or production” that you put as if it was the old one… (album/97239432) it has 16 fans same songs by name but they are all “reworked” and sound different.It has a new production, that I don’t like at all, even the songs are sung differently.


Control was released in 2012 not 2017 as it says on your page, unless it is also a remix… which I don’t know.


Stranger (2009) - You don’t have it on your catalog, or I can’t find it. but they have it on Spoti**


They also have an EP but you have it duplicated too album/15557458 and album/98195382 😵


Thank you for taking care of this.

Hello, I have a few songs released already with my artist name JANKA, but they are all displayed under a different artist, called Janka as well. Can you please create a new artist profile for JANKA and link the following songs to it:

Thank you!


There hasn’t been a reply for these messages above. Can you (or someone else) take a look at this? Thx.

@George Gil you can find your new profile here:

@Paul Andrews your new artist page with your music here:
Now you can claim your artist page on Deezer for Creators

Hey @Zane Bartlett I have created a new profile with your music as requested.
You can find it here:

@SkylinesBand the profile has been updated now: 
Is there any missing song/album still? If so, could you please provide the URL on Deezer in order to fix it?

@Andrew Vaz it should be fixed now.

@Jaime.Deezer  Unfortunately those 2 tracks (“Everything I’m Made For” and  “Keep It Moving”) remain on my artist page. I have attached a screenshot below. Is the fix something that takes effect immediately or does it take time to process?


Just in case, here are the links again to those tracks

This is my artist page, from where I would like those tracks removed.


I will keep an eye out and update if anything changes. Thanks.

@SkylinesBand the profile has been updated now: 
Is there any missing song/album still? If so, could you please provide the URL on Deezer in order to fix it?

All looks good, thank you!

@ja809 the problem should be fixed now.
