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To all independent artists! 

The playlist on our home page is dedicated to you, 

add it to your favourites and share your music with the rest of the community 🤘🏽


If you’re an artist, podcaster or simply call yourself a creator, or even if you’re just an avid fan, and have spotted something unusual or inaccurate within our catalogue, this is the place to reach out.

With our dedicated metadata teams, we always aim to deliver you the most precise content in the streaming industry, but let’s be honest: we’ve got a massive catalogue! :sunglasses::relieved: improvements are always on the pipeline, but there’s only so much we can do...

So nothing better than counting on you, to let us know where we can improve!

Don’t forget: to make things easier, always paste here the links for the content you’d like to be fixed on Deezer. We’ll try our best and take care of the rest :thumbsup_tone2:


P:S: If you are an artist based in the UK, France and Germany  we have a great opportunity for debuting artists of all genres  to reach new listeners and build fans!! Check this article 👈🏼



I noticed a bunch of my songs on an incorrect profile.

My artist name is “DJ Prophet”.

This is the incorrect profile:

I need a separate page of my own with the following tracks/albums on it:

Thank you very much!

Hello Deezer team I need your help, @Alfredo. 


My artist name is “Game Over” and there are many songs which does not belong to me which is causing a confusion to my listeners/fans.


the only songs/albums which belong to me is the following:


game over - the way


game over - big facts


game over - revelation


game over - risen


could you kindly remove the other albums that are the ones above ^^^?

thank you.

Hey Deezer, 

Someone else's music is incorrectly on my page. I would like them to be removed from my artist profile ( ) 


My Artist Profile - 


These are the link to the tracks which doesn't belong to me and be removed as soon as possible

Hey Deezer, 

Someone else's music is incorrectly on my page. I would like them to be removed from my artist profile ( ) 


My Artist Profile - 


These are the link to the track which doesn't belong to me and be removed* as soon as possible


Band Name - Keel

Genre - American Heavy Metal

Multiple artist under same band profile

Eg: Keel - Japanese Metal band 

      Keel - Electronic / Techno Band


Keel (Heavy Metal) albums Include :

1984 - Lay Down the Law

1985 - The Right to Rock

1986 - The Final Frontier

1987 - Keel (Self titled)

1989 - Larger Than Live

1998 - Keel VI: Back in Action

2010 - Streets of Rock & Roll



There’s a lot of albums from different artists listed in one artist profile. The vast majority of the fans of Lamb ( are the fans of the well known Lamb and not some  other obscure artists. I was not able to find the right info to separate them or merge with other profiles (instead of last two) so I think this releases listed below should be moved to a new Lamb artist profile.

Songs featured on this releases are not the songs from the most known Lamb so should also be moved from “Featuring” from album: is a song of this artist: from this album: is a song from this artist -

All 7 singles, 2 EPs, and songs:

should be removed from from the band Nevermore profile ( because that’s not the music from the band.

@Lak Musical the problem has been fixed.
If you have any further requests please let us know :)

Hey @Kip Chapman the team has created a new page for you here:
You can also claim your profile here:
Thanks :)

my new album : 

has been released  on this profile :

instead of my profile :



I have recently been appointed the manager for an artist, Wyse.


She has tracks on Deezer.


We have today tried to Request Access to Backstage as Artist and as Manager.


However - we cannot locate her artist page or profile.


Indeed her tracks seem to be listed under a a male artist (who may be Japanese) called ‘wyse’ (lower case ‘w’) with artist profile r ]


So we can’t request access or do anything to access her artist profile or her songs, not that will be much by way of plays or data!


As Wyse has concentrated on writing she has paid no attention to streaming but things will be changing soon.


So we’d like to get this resolved.


(N.B. A similar, but not the same, problem exists on Amazon music - though not on Spotify or Apple Music)


What do we have to do to get HER songs detached from the artist profile for HIM ‘wyse’?

HER songs are from an 

EP ‘Wyse’ Released 23/11/2018 by RoseColoured Records

Comprising four tracks

Switch Of My Controller Released 23/11/2018

5 Foot Power House (Run) Released 27/10/2017

Human Released 13/04/2018

Rhythm She Knows Released 14/09/2018


The ‘logo’ on the EP is the artwork for my Wyse and would be fine for the moment as her ‘logo’


Also a track by Rahmel Lee features Wyse called 



I’d be grateful if you could advise how the tracks can be separated under a new profile for Wyse using the EP sleeve/logo.





Were you able to resolve this? I’m currently facing a similar issue



Hi there,

I’m trying to claim my artist page but I can’t because my music is published under a different artist with the same name, and when i search for my artist name, it doesn’t show up because I guess there are way too many Alinas. How can I resolve this issue so I can claim my artist account and have all my music on there?


Here are the links to my music that is currently under an incorrect artist - 


Thanks in advance,


Hello, This song: 


is NOT mine.

My profile is this:


Is it able to remove please ? Thank you !

My name is Eric King, and I recently released my EP “EKTA (Eric King The Album)” which has been added to a different wrong account,,, I really need your help to correct this it’s gonna affect my streams

Here’s the link to the EP;



If you’re an artist, podcaster or simply call yourself a creator, or even if you’re just an avid fan, and have spotted something unusual or inaccurate within our catalogue, this is the place to reach out.

With our dedicated metadata teams, we always aim to deliver you the most precise content in the streaming industry, but let’s be honest: we’ve got a massive catalogue! :sunglasses::relieved: improvements are always on the pipeline, but there’s only so much we can do...

So nothing better than counting on you, to let us know where we can improve!

Don’t forget: to make things easier, always paste here the links for the content you’d like to be fixed on Deezer. We’ll try our best and take care of the rest :thumbsup_tone2:



Hello my artist profile is  merged with a different artist with similar name and  my song( are added to their profile. is it possible move it to my profile?


Hello my artist profile is  merged with a different artist with similar name and  my song( are added to their profile. is it possible move it to my profile? 



Hello @alinaft 

Your petition is being checked by our Deezer Customer care team; once it’s ready, they will let you know via email.

Enjoy Deezer! :flashlight:

Hello @Klein 

Your album has been already move to your Deezer artist profile.

Let us know if you need anything else, please.

Enjoy Deezer! :bulb:

Hello @Zomero 

The wrong release has been already removed from your artist profile.

Enjoy Deezer! :satellite:



My band’s song was recently published under the wrong artist profile.  


Here is the song: 


The distributor did not create a new profile, so an artist profile will need to be created I believe.  


Thank you for your time.  


Hi there!

There are like 3 or 4 different artists on this page


One is french Indie band, the other one is maybe polish (idk looks like single name is polish), also russian one, and the other one is hip-hop. Maybe even more I don't know. Can you please fix it. 

Also because there's one russian artist on that page, the whole artist's name changes to russian translation "Звёзды" for me, because I live in Russia and my default system language is russian. And because of that when I listen to french indie band Stars it doesn't scrobble correctly. 



I have been unable to claim my artist page as there are too many artists with the same/similar names and my first song has been published under a different artist with the same name.  I understand from a previously answered question on the same topic that I need to provide you with the URL link on Deezer for my song and confirm my artist name for you to create a profile for you and move the new release there:

Song link:

Artist name: SONIDO

To verify you can refer to our website ( and social media profiles (Facebook:, Instagram:, YouTube:



Stephen Aguilera-Mendoza



I released a song under the name of “Antonio Forte” in collaboration of Pio Palumbo (me)

Artist Profile Link:

However I noticed that on the Antonio Forte’s profile there are songs that are not related to him (screenshot) (the one with the red x “venice for a day” should be removed Link: )


Best Regards 



Hello @stephenaguileramendoza 

Thank you for reporting this to us.

This is your new artist profile on Deezer, SONIDO

Enjoy Deezer! :flashlight:

Hello Deezer team,

An artist with identical name appeared on my artist page - but the track has nothing to do with me. Can you please remove this track from my page?
Thank you very much!

My artist profile is:



Here’s the link to the wrong track:

