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Hi everyone 

When I listen to some podcast sometimes it skip to the next episode before the end 

I am using the app on Android

And it's the same problem : 

But it was put answered but the answer don't resolve the problem ( it was to delete cookies) 

Thanks in advance 

Hello @AlexD

Can you send me the link to the podcast and where it skips so we can check please? 
Thanks a lot at 2min21

But it's working on my computer

And I have already try to delete the cookies of the app 

May be i miss something ^^'

Thanks in advance ! 








Hey @AlexD, if it only skip on mobile and not on web, it might be an issue with the app. 

Please reinstall and try again!

I have reinstall the app and it solved the problem

Thanks !

I have reinstall the app and it solved the problem

Thanks !


Hi ! I also have this extremely annoying problem. I tried to clear all caches, and reinstall the app many times, still have this randomly skipping podcast issue. On Android and mac app. 

I've search french and english forums about that. Every time it's the same answer : cache & reboot. And it does'nt work. And it makes me really crazy. I'm forced to use Youtube music with ads to listen to my podcasts.

Reading the forums, It's been two years and no clear answer, no fix. Please. Help us. 
