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When will Deezer add ASIO or WASAPI so we can have bitperfect like Tidal?


When will Deezer add ASIO or WASAPI so we can have bitperfect like Tidal?


I’m paying for the hifi tier but the Windows desktop app does not have bitperfect. What’s hifi if the windows audio stack is involved?

13 replies

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • January 4, 2021

Hey again @tubeaudio 

Thanks for your support. I believe you should also vote for this idea here:

Fingers crossed :fingers_crossed_tone2:

Turns out folks have been asking for this for years, but Deezer is hiding something about their “FLAC” and won’t say what.  They just keep saying “we need more votes or we won’t offer true HiFi, just Windows Browser based audio, but pay us more and we will call it “premium”.  Then they go on about the file format being FLAC and the catalogue growing, like that has anything to do with the issue of advertising hifi without the means to connect your DAC without extra noise and sound going through the OS just because Deezer is lazy.  I wanted to like this service, I really did.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 7, 2021

Thanks for the honest feedback @Kelimartinez I’m sorry we were unable to live up to your expectation so far.

It takes a lot more than what you may think to bring this to reality. Like in any other tech company of the same size, we need to decide where to put our resources on, and the prioritisation exercise has to be made according to demand and time/costs to develop anything further. I hope you understand there’s nothing lazy about it, we would offer the world to our users if we could develop everything at the same time, including what you’ve been wishing for all this time. I’ll forward your comments on and wish you a nice rest of the week :pray_tone2:

Ok Rudi, would you like to go the route of false advertising then?  I get what you are saying.  Don’t pretend to cater to a certain demo when you don’t.  This service is for mobile users, or those that don’t care about HiFi, and don’t need lossless audio.  So why would you claim to offer this when your app is a web based chrome wrap with no ASIO or WASAPI?  Your responses are still just about how your hands are tied because of your size and requests.  Don’t advertise things you don’t fully support.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 12, 2021

That's your deserved interpretation of our HiFi offer @Kelimartinez but I completely respect your feedback and your points. I'll be forwarding everything to our teams, thank you :pray_tone2:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • January 23, 2022

Hi guys :)

+1 vote to this thread.

Please set a higher priority for this feature request. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • January 30, 2022

Then Deezer HiFi is partly a scam. Call it false advertising, whatever.


What kind of company is this, where uses have to vote for something, some kind of majority vote.

Only then if a certain mass of users reaches a critical point, the owners and highers-ups of Deezer wake up and focus their attention on it.

The only the majority is popular now? Bribery comes next?

What a stupid way of managing users feedback and needs.


This has been asked for years and is an essential party of what true HiFi actually means.

If higher-ups do not giving a thing about this (focus their attention to it) for years, I have no clue what they care about then.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • January 30, 2022
tubeaudio wrote:

When will Deezer add ASIO or WASAPI so we can have bitperfect like Tidal?


I’m paying for the hifi tier but the Windows desktop app does not have bitperfect. What’s hifi if the windows audio stack is involved?

Agree / I'm guessing that ASIO / WASAPI / MQA Decoder etc aren't cheap (TiDAL is like 40$ a month right??) I'm so psyched at the quality jump BUT if Apple, Amazon Music & YouTube Music (Premium) added HiFi/HD/Lossless & Spatial Audio(??) with no price increase!


Spotify was caught off guard as they were gonna do a HiFi tier; planning to gouge all prices & all the competition was like "Here & No $$$ increase" (YT Music aight as it comes with my Premium so have it if I use it or not…

Amazon hasn't wowed me but Spotify has done nada…


If Deezer is gonna be laden with issues: 1000% why I signed up! Audiophile / Sound Engineer: I thought that would come with a quality app to boot? Isn't there another HiFi service? Starts with a Q?? I think... And theres always bandcamp (download lossless to SDXC card: root I guess & use USB Audio Player Pro (paid app) or musicolet? (Maybe grab DragonFly Cobalt Amp/DAC, Mojo or iFi's Portable DAC w/ iFi USB C Dongle


LG G8 ThinQ (Factory Unlocked but the Sprint one & T Mobile nor LG aren't sending security's patches, eventually applications will nit work because you need Andriod 23 Key Lime [Hyperbole) to use them or anything!


I'm stuck on Andriod 9 - April 1st, 2019 so frustrating....and a april fools burn ontop thats just fowl, come.on now!! 


 All other carries, even consumer wireless (no hate) has Andriod 10 for this phone (tho can do more many.mire updates no issue EXCEPT  planned obsolescence 😑 & all that BS *Kill Me*


PS Yeah on my endthe fantastic Wavelet app doesn't work with Deezer (not even in Legacy Mode) I WANT TO LIKE YALL but some of this just *sigh* SMH





  • 0 replies
  • January 30, 2022
L2alwww02 wrote:

Then Deezer HiFi is partly a scam. Call it false advertising, whatever.

Harsh words I can't agree with.


L2alwww02 wrote:

What kind of company is this, where uses have to vote for something, some kind of majority vote.

A company that pools resources.


L2alwww02 wrote:

Only then if a certain mass of users reaches a critical point, the owners and highers-ups of Deezer wake up and focus their attention on it.

I personally find that very good. This ensures that something is developed that the masses want.


L2alwww02 wrote:

The only the majority is popular now? Bribery comes next?

You work with assumptions. I would be very careful with that.


L2alwww02 wrote:

What a stupid way of managing users feedback and needs.

I think what you dismiss as stupid makes perfect sense. (Opinions can vary so much...)


L2alwww02 wrote:

This has been asked for years and is an essential party of what true HiFi actually means.

Some things just take time. Deezer is a very small company in comparison and has to use and plan developer capacity sensibly.


L2alwww02 wrote:

If higher-ups do not giving a thing about this (focus their attention to it) for years, I have no clue what they care about then.

Is someone forcing you to use Deezer? You almost act like your life depends on it. :wink:

  • Author
  • Lover
  • 29 replies
  • February 24, 2022

For a hifi plan, yeah, it’s essential to have a bitperfect desktop app. So, it’s only hifi if you play Deezer through Bluesound or other streamer that supports it.


Fellas, it’s way past due. There is no good reason why we don’t have a bitperfect desktop app. I pay more for Deezer hifi than Tidal hifi plus here, and when Qobuz becomes available (if ever) I will add Qobuz and cancel Deezer, if we don’t have a bitperfect desktop app by then.



  • Tiny Dancer
  • 8 replies
  • January 6, 2023

Deezer is lame. It's certainly valid to me to question if we're actually getting hifi quality if there's no way of independently verifying it. My external dac when using the deezer windows app says it's coming in at 24 bit 48k which it obviously isn't, and tidal windows app via wasapi exclusive mode says it's 16 bit 44k for the same content and it clearly sounds better

  • Runaway Baby
  • 14 replies
  • February 19, 2023

I will be adding that I will also cancel Deezer and go Qobuz due to the lack of exclusive mode to get bit perfect. No point to go uncompressed only to half-@ss it with windows mixer resampling the audio. 

Seriously Deezer, you have to think about your audience. If you cant offer hi-fi properly, then you’re not much better than spotify which has way more songs and a better UI anyway. If you do want to keep supposed hi-fi customers, then you’d need to offer some bitperfect player. Amazon has it, Tidal has it, Qobuz has it.  You’re the only one that doesnt have it. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • August 13, 2023

Man, tough crowd! I'm new to Deezer. I've tried all streamers, starting 20 plus years ago with Rhapsody. I spent 5 years with Tidal (pre MQA mostly) thankfully MQA went belly up, this was NOT lossless. I spent i think 2 years with Qobuz, which is amazing. Still with my LG v60 I'm not getting bit perfect with Qobuz unless I use UAPP. Which is only 8 bucks and well worth it. I consider myself an audiophile, and can take apart musical things even with my Marshall driven tinnitus with ease. 

Tidal was great until they polluted their library with MQA and are now stuck with the artifacts of MQA even on hifi  so they are out of the hi res end until they fix what they messed up 

Qobuz is absolutely amazing even paired with my quad dac and UAPP. Q with out UAPP is still great, but android is limited, and a quick AB you will pick this up. 

Now for Deezer. Regardless of specs, wet dreams, and everything else of everything to  do with hype and

Pee nus envy, while music takes a back seat. I STILL go by my tinnitus ears and Deezer (mobile app) has a supreme rich deep organic sound that is so impressive. I split Qobuz only because there were too many bugs with downloads and using the Q player especially. I'll be back tho as. Q is a gem. The hiRes sound is the bomb. No hype

I've read so many posts here, and I cringed when I read "but Amazon does this why doesn't Deezer" First, Amazon does something. They have an excellent library, but AMAZON SOUND US HORRENDOUS! That's in their HiRes area too. Listen to it. It's scratchy , it's halrsh, and only a tad better than Tidals MQA. Not much, as MQA with the proper equipment is very harsh also. 

Deezers sound is so much better than Tidal and Amazon, flac vs HiRes to boot. Test it yourselves. Deezers Flac might be as great as Qobuz Flac although I didn't AB the 2 yet.  I'm Soo impressed with Deezers music discovery. Amazons music discovery is Aerosmith dream on Zep Whole lotta love it's all crap I burned out on radio years ago. Tidal had improved so much, years ago they'd toss in Jay Zee and Biance when listening to Pantera. 

I've only used Deezer for 3 months, and I have a wide range of genres I love from mudvayne to piano sonatas. Deezer has the algorithms down, but even more so they have put in blood sweat and tears with very hard work done that goes far beyond algorithms and is organic just like the sound. Discovery is better than Spotify. IMHO everyday and all day

Sorry for the Tone, but give these guys (deezer) a break and give credit for areas that they do better than anyone including Spotify. I like that player. Not a lot of flash, but I don't listen to music to see how pretty an app is. I hadn't had any skips (I think) I came to Ds defense when I read a couple of peeps ripping them to shreds about being stupid and not caring. 

As the man said. Nobody is twisting your arm to stay. Go elsewhere, I guarantee you will miss what this gem is offering. Go to Amazon and turn it way down cuz it's harsh. Go to tidal. Musicians have pulled their music out of Tidal for them messing with the recordings. MQA is gone, but those artifacts show up on low volume passages like the old cassette tapes hiss using dolby

Lastly, if I have to keep asking over and over is it Flac, is it bit perfect or is it lossy lame. When I do this, I'm analyzing the musical sound, and I'm not listening to music anymore. I'm giving myself a headache rather than enjoying the masterpieces. And I've been through this myself. Playing, recording music, and listening to music. I've worked hard to keep my most favorite thing in the world real and that's music. 


Go give Amazon a hard time about how they somehow find a way to bring top 40 music discovery into every genre. whine to them, they'll give you a 5 dollar credit for a new pair of jeans. 


I want to thank Deezer and the workers, for creating the best of the best music streamers. Keep up the good work. If you someday decide to go to hiRes, it will be done with class. Not slapped together like Amazon, as if they're selling clothes. 

