
Resume playback on albums and playlists

Related products: Android

Hi, I’ve got a 3 months Hi-Fi promo from Sony and I really like the Deezer Android app, I’m thinking of ditching Spotify and stay with Deezer. The mobile app is MUCH cleaner, streamlined and snappier than Spotify. I love the quick audio settings shortcut in the lower left corner and the Lyrics integration.


I’d like to propose a feature that was long discussed in Spotify community too and finally implemented in “some” form. I think this is an essential feature that is missing from all streaming platforms that I know. Back in the day when we had tape cassettes or even CDs, when you popped out a cassette to listen to something else and then returned to it, it was at the exact location where you left it (the music I mean) because it was physical tape. Likewise it makes sense that if I listen to an album or playlist with streaming services, and then leave it after 4 songs and play something else, to be able to go back and RESUME where I left with what I was listening earlier.


Like I said, Spotify finally made this happen with that “history” of “timeline” button next to the bell in top right corner. When you tap there you see all that you played before, BUT it is implemented wrong because when you click on a song it that history it should go to that song position within the album or playlist where you played it, instead it generates some reverse queue from that song back… which is stupid.


Anyways… I would love to see a “RESUME” button for every album that I played and left after 3-4 songs, and for every playlist where I have 100 songs and would like to resume from the 66th where I left, without struggling to remember where that was.

Or at least implement this for the “Recently Played” items at the top, instead of the “play” button on the cover, put a “resume” button, or both.

I get it, we live in the “Shuffle” era but still… some folks like to stay organized ;)




Umm… I just discovered the “Just Heard” system playlist that acts like a “history” and can serve my purpose well enough for albums. It would be better if it would show the playlist or album you played the song from.

Hi Eddie, it's a nice suggestion! I passed it on to the right team!

Updated idea statusNewIn discussion

Yes, please! Totally agree. When i open anything on a computer it should be possible to pick up exactly where i left off. Anything else should be a possibility but not the default mode. I absolutely despise getting suggestions everywhere all the time. It is annoying and patronizing. Please let us old dudes use deezer like we used cassettes and vinyl! Thank you


For every Video streaming service ist is a basic and a very simple function they have w/o problem.

This must be a basic function also for music and especially for audio-books, however Deezer does not have it.

I have created an issue on this for Deezer on issue 6 months ago, however, they said they don’t need this, and the chance is very small they would implement this.