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Replied by Deezer

Play music on Sonos from Deezer App

  • Thimoclesse
  • gfranco

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also i cant find anywhere the "discovery" and "chill" mix in the "daily picked for you" on sonos app that is in deezer app located in the


Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • January 13, 2020

Hi there @SS's Deezer 

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, those are exclusive features of our app at the moment. But I'll let the teams know you'd like the feature on Sonos too :wink:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • January 18, 2020

First off thanks to @Rudi for replying. It makes the waiting much easier (still hard though, don’t get me wrong).

My reason for Sonos integration is this use case: somebody says “play Lords of the Boards”. If you play it on the Deezer app, the app just continues playing afterward with new songs, that are “similar” in some way to the first one. It’s like you had a DJ that understood you. The party can continue, this is awesome.

On Sonos, you say “play Lords of the Boards from Deezer”, it just plays one song! Then it stops. Everyone goes home. Sad times.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • January 22, 2020

Hi there @duality_ 

Thanks for your feedback - much appreciated. We've been told that our Sonos integration will get a revamp at some point this year. So we can expect an update on this. I'll let you know more once I get more info too.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • January 23, 2020

I have recently bought a Sonos speaker, but I've been an old time user and Deezer fan (till now just free, but of course for Sonos I've subscribed for 1 year). 
I really need the feature to cast from native Deezer app to my Sonos speaker, as soon is possible.

I'm a software developer so I know how this world works, but to ask your final users to wait 2 years (or more) for a requested and voted new feature (that your competitor has) well, is no such a good idea :sweat:

However, wish a good work and happy coding! :nerd:

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • January 26, 2020

Thank you for your honest and detailed feedback @Reekoz we've been developing a new cast integration for over 9 months. I'll be passing your comments to our team :thumbsup_tone2:

  • Lover
  • 15 replies
  • January 31, 2020

Patience is wearing thin, solutions for this and Chromecast have long been coming, and I am starting to explore other options. My yearly renewal is coming up soon, and I'm not sure I can justify the price with the limitations, which include the above plus Family with HiFi. I love Deezer, but coming soon for months and months is not something I want to put up with any more.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • February 3, 2020

You're right @Redster, it's been taking quite some time. But we still need a bit more time now at the beginning of the year to get things right. Thank you for your utmost patience.

Perhaps cancel the annual sub, and maybe subscribe to pay monthly - that way you can test the new version of the integration when it's out, without losing your favourites :thumbsup_tone2:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • February 7, 2020
Rudi wrote:

Hi there @SS's Deezer 

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, those are exclusive features of our app at the moment. But I'll let the teams know you'd like the feature on Sonos too :wink:

Why??? Just fix the issue of playing direct from Deezer app, it'll save a bunch of time and stop you being distracted from the main task

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • February 10, 2020

Yep @jlhunter70. That's the idea and we're developing the feature. But we need more time before it's done like I've mentioned to you in the other thread.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • April 21, 2020

I’m nearing the end of my trial period and, sadly, will not be signing up for the annual plan due to the inability to control Sonos via the Deezer app. Seems this ability has been requested by many and Deezer can’t seem to get the integration done. It’s a bit difficult to understand why the engineers at Spotify, Amazon Music, Tidal, Pandora, etc., etc. have been able to provide direct control on Sonos but Deezer’s group can’t.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • April 22, 2020

Hi there @mhowie22 

Thanks for sharing your experience with us, and for your support.

We're currently developing a new experience for the Sonos app (this has been under wraps but I've decided to share given your comments).

Casting directly to the Sonos speaker from our app would only be possible if the device had Chromecast built-in. In the future, we expect this not to be necessary as we hope to develop more integrations.

And answering why other services offer this, Deezer simply doesn't have the same resources in terms of development at this time :v_tone2:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • April 22, 2020
Rudi wrote:

Hi there @mhowie22 

Thanks for sharing your experience with us, and for your support.

We're currently developing a new experience for the Sonos app (this has been under wraps but I've decided to share given your comments).

Casting directly to the Sonos speaker from our app would only be possible if the device had Chromecast built-in. In the future, we expect this not to be necessary as we hope to develop more integrations.

And answering why other services offer this, Deezer simply doesn't have the same resources in terms of development at this time :v_tone2:


Thanks for the insight. Please let us know when proper Sonos integration becomes a priority and you could compete favorably with the numerous other providers. I’d be interested in taking another look at that point.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • April 23, 2020

Sure thing, subscribe to this thread so that you can get email notifications @mhowie22 :thumbsup_tone2:

Hi, I’m very sad to find this topic, topic which was open 3 years ago..., I just tried Deezer for few days, the HiFi mode is very cool, the app too compared to Spotify, but not being able to use Deezer app to control my Sonos system is just a no-go, the Sonos app is just awful. I understand your capacity limitation and the fact a small part of your customers had Sonos system, but personally, I don’t see the point to have a HiFi mode if the Sonos integration is not there.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • June 6, 2020

Hi @Eric Giovannetti 

Thank you for your feedback and understanding. This has been a recurrent topic in the past couple of years, yes. We're actually in the middle of pushing these not so young suggestions, still very popular ideas. We've moved up with several of them (Dark Mode, Gapless, new Chromecast, Family profiles with own login - last few bits), so it's just a matter of time :v_tone2:

Please prioritize the integration of the Deezer app with Sonos. The current Sonos interface is very limited. 

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • June 9, 2020

It's currently being developed @Bruce Morris - more info to come to the community in due course - thank you for your support :wink:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • June 11, 2020


 I’m also a long time subscriber to Deezer (since 2013) and the three main reason of that at that time was:

1- You were the first supporting Chromecast at time where even Spotify was not supporting it

2- Music Catalog was superior

3- Sound Quality was also superior

Over the years things changed and conpetitors catches up.  But I’m also an extensive user of SONOS for a many years.  When I saw Spotify Connect for the first time in 2014 I was blown away and I almost switched to Spotify just because of that. I wished Deezer had it and at that specific moment user experience become my top priority and not the music catalog nor the sound quality (even thought they still are today).  Being a such major improvement and such a competitive differentiator, I always felt that we will see that coming one day but I must admit we are 6 years later and the gap is not yet filled. :(

I still loved Deezer in that ferocious competition that exist but if user experience if not at the top of the list (I’m not saying not) it won’t matter how fancy are the newest functionalities.  I was able to convince at least 15 of my friends to join Deezer over the years.  Now, I’m the sole survivor and they all switched to Spotify.  😕 Unfortunately the erosion of user will continue, if major feature like this one never see the day.    Without a doubt not having that functionality  created a lot of insatisfaction from the Sonos users. 😟

I still hope and wish you’ll able to deliver it so the Integration will: 

1- Provide a much improved user experience 

2- Finally solved the issue of the family account within the Sonos app where only the main account is supported


Honestly, I don’t want to give up my Deezer account but I’m at a crossroad where I also decided to re-evalute my decision specifically because of that missing functionality.





Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • June 13, 2020

Hi @dablais 

Thanks a lot for your honest and detailed feedback. We live for users like you, honestly.

The good news is that we want to develop a way to connect to different devices similar or even better than the one you mentioned. It'll take quite some time but this is something we're gonna put our hands-on very soon, I hope :fingers_crossed_tone2:

The other good news is that we're preparing a Sonos revamp as I mentioned, and UX is the matter we're looking to improve the most. So please bear with us a bit longer, it's planned for this year and as soon as I have more details, I'll be sharing in our community :pray_tone2:

And finally, the best news is that we're almost ready to launch the new Family system where the main account can add other accounts to the Family subscriptions and so that gives everyone their own log in details. Nevertheless, you can already choose your own profile on Sonos if you've got everything updated :wink:

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • June 15, 2020

Hi Rudi!


 I`m very happy with your answer!  I`ll be patient but I must admit that integration is really something I wished for years!  I`ll be more than happy to see that in real life.





  • 1 reply
  • June 20, 2020

Seeing loyal community members being feed with “tomorrows” for more than two years is very disturbing to say the least. Current way of listening to deezer on sonos is… well… lets say its cumbersome and VERY inconvenient. There is Deezer Labs, beta programm - show us something so we can stretch our patience a little bit further.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • June 22, 2020

Thanks for the honest feedback, I get where you're coming from @AMironov - we're partners with Sonos for quite a while, so we've been working on a revamped experience through the integration. We were due to have it completed at some point in the next couple of months but other projects took a bit more time off this, we're now waiting for more updates. Don't worry, as soon as the community team gets more info, we'll be eager to share with you :v_tone2:

Anja wrote:

Ah ok, I understand. It's not possible to control Sonos from the Deezerapp. But I'm happy to pass your feedback on to the team 🙂

Hi Anja. It has now been teo years. since your answer. I have been a Deezer premium user for many years and just recently tried Spotify. It’s so cool and userfriendly that you directly on the Spotify app can choose to play the music from the Spotify app directly on any Sonos unit!! Howcome Deezer cannot add that feature to their app? It is extremely cumbersome to play music on a Sonos environment if you have a Deezer subscription. I’m seriously considering to change to Spotify if this easy play feature is not added to the deezer iOS app.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 2 replies
  • August 1, 2020

Also a multi-year Deezer subscriber. The lack of this ability very nearly drove me to finally cancel my subscription and just pick up Spotify. I don’t want to do this because I love Deezer, but the Sonos app is awful. Deezer, please please please listen to your customers. 
