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Deezer Favourite Tracks Limit of 2000 too small - please increase it!

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Noam Asulin
Deezer Legend
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  • January 16, 2018
Rafael. wrote:
Hi @MusicIsLife1122 , @Rob Igo , you are right! There are a lot of music aficionados like us who need more space for the albums! Hopefully Deezer will be able to increase this space before we reach the 1000 albums limite! We will keep our devs posted! ;)


  • Lover
  • 80 replies
  • January 16, 2018
Rafael. wrote:
We will keep our devs posted! ;)

Thanks a lot!

  • 1 reply
  • January 22, 2018

I am a Deezer user and I’m having problem adding songs to my “ my favorites “ playlist. When I press the heart for “ add” it tells me that the song was added to my playlist, but when I look for it, it wasn’t.
I would appreciate if Deezer team could take a look for me. It has been like that for a week. I look forward to hearing from you.

Maria Thereza

Alien SuperStar
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  • January 24, 2018
Hi @teca , you've reached the limite 🙂 Please see above 😉

  • Lover
  • 52 replies
  • January 26, 2018
Rafael. wrote:
Hi @MusicIsLife1122 , @Rob Igo , you are right! There are a lot of music aficionados like us who need more space for the albums! Hopefully Deezer will be able to increase this space before we reach the 1000 albums limite! We will keep our devs posted! ;)

I hate to be "that developer", but I'm a pretty experienced programmer. Is there any way I could get an explanation of the constraint and maybe I could help out with a suggestion!

I can just hear your developers now... "Ooooh. Yooou think you can solve this (obviously) really hard problem..."


Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
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  • January 26, 2018
Hi @JustinL , every suggestion is welcome!!!! Please feel free to send us an email here and we can forward it to our devs! 😉

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  • 52 replies
  • January 26, 2018
Rafael. wrote:
Hi @JustinL , every suggestion is welcome!!!! Please feel free to send us an email here and we can forward it to our devs! ;)

Done! Thanks for the info.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 6 replies
  • January 27, 2018
I'm closing in to the 2000 milestone in my favs, flow is the best and most reliable tool I have to discover new music, the proposed solution of migrating songs from that playlist to a new one and start from scratch is counterproductive considering that flow is doing an awesome job.

Also the 1000 song limit on mobile devices is frustrating when you want to recall the name of that awesome song you heard home and added it to your favs but your list is already above 1000.


  • Lover
  • 39 replies
  • January 27, 2018
Yumie wrote:
I agree, it will be better to see all of its favorites track.
I'm trying Deezer because of this limit on Spotify.
But the support tell me that even if we reach the 2k limit, the new favorite track are taken in account by Flow and other mix, whereas on Spotify you have to remove your song from your library.
On Deezer they remain on your library but you can't see them.

I hope I'm right

Just discovered this whole issue - although for me it's more about favourite albums.

Anyway, aside from the points made above - what on earth is the point/how do they 'remain in your library' if you can't see them???

Just madness. You'd think after all these years services like Spotify and Deezer would have got a better grip on the real user experience and needs. (Another of my pet peeves is how 'new releases' often doesn't seem able to filter real albums from singles - albeit worse on Spotify.)

PS I was another Spotify user that moved to Deezer when I hit the incomprehensible limit - I mean, there only like bookmarks, not actual content taking up more than a byte or so?! 😫


In Android app for Premium+ subscriber:

- Can I have multiple playlists with 1000 songs?
- So, added to the songs of all the playlists, can they be over 1000, because they are in separate playlists?
- Can I download all playlists to listen offline, as long as each playlist does not exceed 1000?

Example: If I have 5 playlists, one with 900 songs, one with 500 songs, one with 700 songs, one with 1000 songs and one with 800 songs, can I download all of them to listen offline? In the example, there are 3900 different songs. Other than that, 1000 more songs in the Dearest ones / favorite. Total: 4900 songs. Can they be downloaded?

When will the crossfade arrive for the Android app?

Thank you!


I have over 1200 songs in a playlist. Deezer always allows me to include a new song and download to listen offline, without deleting. Is that so or am I feeling lucky?


Rob Igo
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  • January 29, 2018
Hi @joaopaulosoueu

you can have up to 2000 songs in a playlist I think (and favourites) but can only see 1000 on some mobile devices.

As far as I'm aware there is no offline / download limit - so you could have 100 playlists with a 1000 songs in each and download them to your device (if you've got enough storage). I believe you have to let the app connect to Deezer every 15 days to keep them working offline. (I might be wrong on this but I think I read it somewhere).

Hi Rob Igo,

Great. If so, it is much better than Spotify, which has the total limit of 3333 for download.

Have you ever been prevented from downloading a song? Do you have all the ones you wanted to download?

The Flow is very good.


This limit is the only thing keeping me from becoming a premium member, very disappointing.

Rob Igo
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  • January 30, 2018
Hi @joaopaulosoueu

never tried to download/have offline a large amount I'm afraid - let us know how you get on! 🙂

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • February 6, 2018
Hi, I use the favorites song as the only playlist, but I has risen the limit of songs so I can´t put more songs. I think would be a good idea to (when this happens) to override the oldest song of the list with the new.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 6 replies
  • February 8, 2018
I'm 40 songs from filling my favourites songs, it's a shame that I won't be able to add more favourite tracks to my flow, I'm afraid that removing songs from the favourite list will have an impact on the flow system.

Alien SuperStar
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  • February 8, 2018
Hi @HatefulPanda , if you create a new playlist with these songs it will not impact your Flow at all 🙂

Rob Igo
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  • February 8, 2018
Hi @Rafael.

will it have a positive impact on flow (does flow learn from other playlists you create?)

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
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  • February 8, 2018
Yes, it's also based on playlists, favourited and downloaded songs... basically everything! 🙂

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 6 replies
  • February 8, 2018
@Rafael. I'm having issues creating a playlist with my existing favourites, I now have 1942 songs removing a couple of duplicates. When I select all those songs from the favourites, it only takes the first 1001 songs, the reaming 941 are just left behind,

I don't seem to find a way to select let's say 1000 songs so I can create 2 playlist and then remove my favourites, because if I understood correctly I have to delete my actual favourites.
Hope you can help me out.

Deezer Legend
Rafael. wrote:
Yes, it's also based on playlists, favourited and downloaded songs... basically everything! :)

Can you tell us a bit more details about that behaviour, e.g. is there a different weight on favorite songs or playlists or added albums or artists in terms of counting towards Flow and its content, especially with recommendations in Flow? Or put it this way: what is the best = most effective method to teach Flow about out musical taste and about songs or artists we don't know yet?

  • 1 reply
  • February 27, 2018
Rob Igo wrote:
I love hearing new music and when flow suggests a track I love I add "heart" it to my favourites. Having been with you a number of years I'm already over the 1000 number in my favourites and not all of these show on my mobile - please increase this limit :)

Although I really like Deezer Im planning to switch my family subscription to other services next few months(Apple Music probably) because 1000-2000 'hearted' songs is too low if you want to discover new music as well as your favorites and have them in one place. More like 10, 000 would be reasonable or as far as your phone storage allows (in case of offline listening).

EN: (translated by google)
Hello, I am 43 years old and since my youth self-confessed music lover. A limit of 2000 titles for the favorites is just laughable. After all, we are talking about simple database entries and not tons of upload data per user. I was a premium customer and I would like to be it again, but the list of favorites would have to be considerably larger. Even Spottify can do 15,000 tracks per playlist. You can do it better, right? Deezer is cool, but in times of AI and BIG DATA, this restriction is just stupid. Change it, and you have another paying customer. But this way that will not work!

Hallo, ich bin 43 Jahre alt und seit meiner Jugend bekennender Musikliebhaber. Ein Limit von 2000 Titeln für die Favoriten ist einfach lachhaft. Schließlich reden wir hier von einfachen Datenbankeinträgen und nicht von Unmengen an Upload-Daten pro Benutzer. Ich war Premium-Kunde und würde es auch gerne wieder werden, aber dafür müsste die Favoritenliste erheblich größer werden. Selbst Spottify kann 15.000 Titel pro Playlist. Das könnt ihr doch besser, oder?! Deezer ist cool, aber in Zeiten von AI und BIG DATA ist diese Einschränkung einfach nur schwachsinnig. Ändert es, und ihr habt wieder einen zahlenden Kunden mehr. Aber so wird das nichts!

Rob Igo
Alien SuperStar
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  • February 28, 2018
Hi @AndreasWegermann

Spotify allow you to add 10k of songs to "My Music" section but this also includes albums. There limit is 10k songs per playlist.

I suspect with Deezer it's a little more complicated because when you hit "Flow" it uses your Favourites to suggest the next track so I guess when they increase the limit maybe some algorithms will need changing etc.

FYI - Deezer allows 1000 tracks per playlist but you're allowed a 1000 playlist :)

I know the 2000 limit for favourites is being looked at by Deezer and I'm sure it's something they'll increase in the future! 🙂
