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Replied by Deezer

Private (from FLOW) session - Deezer Incognito Mode

Noam Asulin
Rob Igo
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It would be good to have the ability to browse and listen without having an effect on FLOW.

Since the Flow algorithm is said to "work in real time" and is affected by every track played, I would like to be able to listen without Flow listening too. So I can go on a discovery binge, or look up an unknown artist, or perhaps play music outside my normal selection for a party, etc etc.

Google music's "I'm Feeling lucky" function became unusable once contaminated with my son's nursery ryhmes and wiggles playlists. Having made the move to Deezer I'm playing it safe by searching via youtube and Spotify - Spotify having "Private session" already in place.

41 replies

  • 1 reply
  • November 24, 2017
To have a option to set a "Jukebox mode" for those times when you have friends over and everyone wants to play their song, people never stick to the playlist, they'll play the song they want which will result in deezer automatically playing everything by that artist until prompted then when you return to a playlist you have to reset it and hear the same songs again.
What if you could lock the app into a "Jukebox mode" where whatever song is started any next song selected would automatically go into a queue without prompting. This working for pre made playlists held on an account too, all controlled by the account holder via a password block hidden in the settings menu. For example if I played my "party playlist" then enabled "Jukebox mode" the playlist would be fixed and any other song selections would be automatically added to the playlist queue temporarily for that session, without effecting the original playlist.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • December 8, 2017
TL;DR: add an incognito mode that ignores all searches and plays while in that mode
Last week my nephew wanted to play a few songs in the car. "Sure, go for it" I thought.
Big mistake of course, as soon I had to invent rules to keep my sanity and not cause any accidents because of some auto-tune-puppet-of-the-week blaring nonsense in my ear.
With the holidays around, I've put on some matching playlists when I had the family over. Childrens songs about Saint Nicholas mostly.

So now when I visit my Deezer page, I see all that music listed, ready to be played again. And that hurts, because between Dire Straits, Nine Inch Nails, Dream Theater and Elbow, now I also see Justin Bieber.

These are not songs I want to hear regularly (or indeed, at all), but I fear that Deezer will now start recommending this and putting it into the Flow mode. A horrid thought that sometimes wakes me up at night.

So my idea is this: add an incognito mode where everything searched for and played is ignored. This way the recommendations will not be distorted and everyone gets to enjoy the music without fears for the next song. 🙂

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • December 8, 2017
Oh god, I just read the title again. It looks bad. I can't change it. 😐

  • Deezer Staff
  • 6123 replies
  • January 16, 2018
Hi there, Thanks a lot for your idea. We'll pass it on to the team and I'll let you know should there be an update 🙂

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 3824 replies
  • March 9, 2018
Nico.Kempe wrote:
Oh god, I just read the title again. It looks bad. I can't change it. 😐

Hey, no worries, we merged your topic into this existing one so we can count all votes for this all together ;)

So sorry for the late reply, we are slowly making our way through this forum 🙂

  • Runaway Baby
  • 2 replies
  • April 26, 2018
It would be nice to have a switch in Deezer that prevents anything being listened to from influencing Flow.

Sometimes a friend will say "Check out artist X, they are the greatest thing since sliced bread". So, you play a few albums/songs. Then it turns out that artist X is in fact rubbish, but because you have played just a little too much of it, Flow thinks its your new most favourite thing ever and drops the music in for you all the time.

Or you unwisely let your friend/child/dog choose the music in the car, and then a week later Flow thinks it's a good idea to switch between My Little Pony music and Slayer.

I just came to suggest this.

When I'm with other people, they have different tastes, so being able to play their music and have it not influence my music/suggestions would be great.

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 3824 replies
  • May 7, 2018
Hi @Diz and @Jedi.Burrell thanks for your suggestion. I have moved your topic to this one as i it the same.

Please vote above 😉


Would it be possible to add an incognito mode when listening to music? For instance, I listen to mostly rock n roll, punk rock, metal etc. but every now and then when hosting guests at home and they want to listen to a completely different genre, I don't want my Flow to be affected when a different type of genre has been playing for a few hours.

Would be rad to either click on your profile image and select "Incognito", and whatever gets listened to won't show up on your listening history or affect your Flow.

Hope it makes sense.


YES!!! For the most part I despise close to all songs that get played on the radio (pop, rap, punk, American metal, etc) but every now and then I want to research such music.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • August 14, 2018
I'd like to have this feature too. Recently I gave me phone / deezer to a nephew for some workout music when he was exercising. Suddenly my flow proposes me music I am not interested in (tuc tuc tuc...)

@tomas.holly Exactly! Sometimes people come over to my place as well and they don't listen to the same music as I do but they insist on using Deezer. Before I know it, things can go wrong. That and when entertaining a lady friend I want to get more of the romantic stuff going but I don't want it showing up on my Flow.

I can only hope the devs at Deezer are listening 🙂

Rob Igo
Alien SuperStar
  • The OG
  • 2978 replies
  • August 14, 2018
Hi @heinrich.laubscher

I think is only added by what you've added to your section "My Music" e.g. Favourites, Albums, Artists and playlists.

If you search for a "romantic evening" playlist and play it I don't think it will affect your Flow (though I'm not a moderator only going off what I think!)

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • August 14, 2018
@Rob Igo Hi Rob. I deliberately told my nephew not to "like" any of his workout music. After checking I can tell he really did not do so. So he has not added anything to "my music". Still the flow proposes me the workout music. (and I keep "disliking" it manually, one-by-one)

Rob Igo
Alien SuperStar
  • The OG
  • 2978 replies
  • August 14, 2018
ah I see....

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • September 13, 2018
Please implement "incognito" mode to temporarily prevent played music to affect my recommendations in Flow playlist.

Because when having friends visiting we may play all kind of music and often music that I do not like.much.
Problem is flow will remember all played music and basically corrupt itself as what comes to my music taste.

  • Deezer Staff
  • 6123 replies
  • September 17, 2018
@heinrich.laubscher @RyanMcCoskrie @tomas.holly I've merged your conversation with an existing one so that we can keep track of this suggestion :)

We've passed it on and I hope that this can be implemented in the future 🙂

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • June 3, 2019
Hey @RoobyDoobie

That's a very good suggestion. Listening without influencing your Flow - like when you want to listen to Classical as well.
I've voted for the idea and passed it on. Hopefully other users will come here to vote for it as well 😉

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 4 replies
  • July 6, 2019
Maybe you can help me. When I play songs via 'Flow', for example during work, I don't want to hear all kids music which is played often at home, when I'm with my kids. So, because this kids music is often played, just for my kids, Deezer thinks that I also want to hear this (often) via 'Flow', but it isn't. Is there some kind of button available (or can this be made) to leave out specific songs or genres when I want to use 'Flow'? Or a possibility to choose from specific genres to be played (or not be played) only?

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 7, 2019
Hi there @stephenvdm

Thank you for your input. I've moved your comment here so that you can support one of our Flow improvement ideas. In the meantime you can also have a look at this topic for some tips 😉

Definitely needing this, for same reasons!


This is something that Spotify has that I wish Deezer had. I hope Deezer would one-up them too and also let you control it the way you can control WiFi in Windows 10. When you enable private listening it should default to automatically disable after 6 hours of inactivity (that’s what Spotify does) and there should be a dropdown to have 15 mins, 30 mins, 1 hour, and so on, as well as until manually turned off. Turn WiFi off in Windows 10 and you’ll get what I’m saying.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • March 21, 2020

Thanks for giving us a detailed feedback @raccoonsarecool like a spy! :sweat_smile:

This is something our teams reported interest in developing. I'll give them a nudge about it and we'll take it from there! :thumbsup_tone2:

  • Runaway Baby
  • 12 replies
  • August 11, 2020

Hi all.

It might sounds weird, but…

Usually When I’m using Deezer, I listen to the main genre I like, because most of the time, that’s what I want to listen too.

But sometimes when I want to try somthing different, or something that someone send me and told me “hey, check it out” or even someting Deezer recommended me, I dont want it to be tracked, so it wont affect “FLOW” and other recommendation I get from Deezer.

Giving a song a thumb down or an angry face, wont do it, because it may still affect my Deezer experience (please correct me if I’m wrong)

My other option, is using youtube and other apps, but I got Deezer, I dont need or want to use other apps to enjoy my music.

Is something like that possible?


What do you think?

Maybe sort of “incognito” listening, or an “ignore next tracks” or somthing like that?


Hope I explained what I’m looking for


Thanks in advanced,



  • Chart topper
  • 2597 replies
  • August 11, 2020

You know what? Private mode could answer this.

Maybe they could do? Today, I don’t know how, Deezer started to play 90’s in Flow and I honestly skipped all. Yesterday it played METAL music because I listened METALstep which is hard dance in the style of metal. There really should be an option to ban certain genres from FLOW.

RAW metal I do not like at all. If I like metalstep, doesn’t mean I like metal.

I am coming from soon to be ended Google Music All Access paid and paid Deezer is amazing, but FLOW… I think they should add an option to RESET flow, just like I was able to reset Google Music recommendations (especially after playing 90’s at friend’s party). Or whatever.