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More Deezer Jazz Editors

Related products:Music
  • December 5, 2023
  • 1 reply
  • Jorge.Flores
  • Ziggi
  • piercam


Can we, please, get some more “Jazz Editors” than sole Yannick?

I do not want to complain, but first - you dumped jazz into common “Jazz & Blues” umbrella, what is not very funny (it’s like “Rock & Pop” - too broad and confusing), and second - Yannick’s selection is really disappointing: it is mainly a collection of jazz standards mixed with poppy soft-jazz and “jazzy” hip-hop.

Please - we need some more deep investigation into contemporary jazz scene, some more ambitious approach!

Why cannot I simply ask Deezer for something more jazzy than Norah Jones, “Jazz Coffe”, “Feel Good” or “Jazzy Romance”?

Please - let Yannick focus on his “easy listening” preferences but give us something more than his plain vanilla mumbo-jumbo!

1 reply

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • January 18, 2024

+10000 ,

To add my 2 cents:

  1. Jazz is not limited to Standard from the 50s, there is a very active Jazz scene
  2. Jazz is not limited to US, when I’m checking New Realise I’ve the choice between
    1. Reedition of old album (back to point 1)
    2. American artists (mainly)
    3. “Soft Jazz” (which is more pop than Jazz)

Thanks Deezer to take car of Jazz lover please
