
Downloaded Music List in Android Auto

Related products: Car modes

I have to scroll through dozens of my albums to find the ones I’ve downloaded (noted in subtext under the album name) - this is a safety hazard. Please add this page to Android Auto. Thanks.

Hey @Peteskies!

It's better to have less ideas but with more votes so do you think it's a good idea to merge it to this other idea here?

Let me know and I will transfer your votes and your idea to this one. 😊

Yes you may thank you.

Well, sorry, on second thought I want to point out that my idea is totally different from the link you posted.

I believe there should be a downloaded-only content page on the Android Auto screen while the OP in your link is discussing a queue list page in Android Auto, but I do think their suggestion is necessary as well.

NewNot for now

Perfect @Peteskies!

Let’s try to receive more votes now! 💪🏽

Good luck!